Running SQL queries through web interface on Heroku - heroku

I'm having trouble finding a web interface in Heroku to write SQL queries that can be created by app collaborators. I want to be able to query from a computer that doesn't have the heroku toolbelt installed as a collaborator.
Currently, I've been using the dataclips feature to do such a task, however it only allows the query to be modified by the app owner.
I'm not sure if I'm just misunderstanding how Heroku Dataclips works or just can't find a feature that allows collaborators to do such a task?

Collaborators in your application can also modify dataclips. However data clips are intended to be a 'data clip' and not a webUI onto your database. Giving anyone the ability to update your application/data requires them to be a collaborator. Heroku provides no other security role than that.


How do I access Heroku Postgres DB from an external application using latest credentials?

I am building an ETL Application that needs to fetch data from Heroku Postgres DB a few times a day but the application is not running on Heroku, I am already able to do this, but using the current credentials, but heroku states that the credentials are not permanent and will be rotated from time to time.
What is the best way to do this, building a REST API on top of my app is not viable an option. I have seen that Heroku provides a config vars API which I could potentially use to fetch the DB credentials, but is there a simpler/cleaner way for implementing this, is enforcing permanent credentials an option?
There is no way to enforce it. And it's not a question of credentials, but a question of a database hostname. It's ec2.
Your safest bet is to always fetch current DATABASE_URL from your Heroku app. If you only need to do it 'a few times a day' this is not a problem.

Pros/Cons of Parse Dashboard local installation vs deployment

I wasn't able to find solid information on this and I wanted to ask developers who use Parse Dashboard:
What are the pros/cons of Parse Dashboard local installation vs deployment?
I currently run the Parse Dashboard on local installation, but I know that deployment to Heroku is also an option (my app is deployed on Heroku). I wanted to gather some information before deploying/not deploying.
Thank you!
I also have it running locally and I think for security reasons it's best to do so. If you setup the dashboard on the same server on which Parse is running, then you will have to take security measure to protect access to the dashboard and the config file which includes your masterkey and all that. This definitely outweighs the arguments to host it locally, which in my opinion only is that it's easier to access the dashboard.
If you really want to setup a dashboard on a server at least do it on a separate server.

How to query heroku database from salesforce (eg. via vf page)

can anyone help me on this? How can I achieve the following:
I need to set up a prototype integration with heroku from salesforce application. The need is to store a huge volume of data in a single heroku table and accessble from salesforce - eg: have a vf page in salesforce which queries the data in realtime
We're doing this. We use Heroku connect. We created a salesforce custom object and bidirectionally synched it using Heroku connect. You can then update the data on either side (in salesforce or in Heroku:PG).
But Heroku connect is expensive & priced on a # of synchs per month.
Firstly, heroku is not a database. It is a PAAS.
My approach would have been :
- Create a heroku app(this is a link to create a node.js app) link
- After you create the app choose one of the datastore addons -> link if you want a SQL/Column oriented Database choose heroku postgres or ClearDB Mysql
- Secondly you actually need a webserver that exposes this database to you. I am thinking you would make this a webservice of some sort. You can build that in node.js. Here is something that will get you started or give you an idea - link

Development versus Production in

I want to understand how people are handing an update to a production app on the platform. Here is the scenario that I am not sure about.
Create an called myApp_DEV. The app contains a database as well as associated cloud code.
Once testing is complete and ready for go-live I will clone this app into myApp_PRD (Production version). Cloning it will copy all the database as well as the cloud code.
So far so good.
Now 3 months down the line I want have added some functionality which includes adding some cloud code functions as well as adding some new columns to the tables in the db.
How do I update myApp_PRD with these new database structure. If i try to clone it from my DEV app it tells me the app all ready exists.
If I clone a new app (say myApp_PRD2) from DEV then all the data will be lost since the customer is all ready live.
Any ideas on how to handle this scenario?
Cloud code supports deploying to production and development environments.
You'll first need to link your production app to your existing cloud code. this can be done in the command line:
parse add production
When you're ready to release, it's a simple matter of:
parse deploy production
See the Parse Documentation for all the details.
As for the schema changes, I guess we just have to manually add all the new columns.

Create new user in sonar

Is it possible to create a new user in sonar without using the web interface?
I need to write a script that inserts the same users for some tools, including sonar.
There are three ways you can do this:
Write directly to the database (there is a simple table called users).
Use the LDAP plugin, if you specify sonar.authenticator.createUsers: true in, it will create the users in the sonar database automatically the first time they authenticate.
Write a java application that depends on the sonar plugin API, you can then use constructor injection to get a Sonar hibernate session and persist the user you want. See Here.
Since SonarQube version 3.6, there is support for user management in webservice API:
The web service API does not seem to support user management. Anything's possible, but it doesn't look like this is offered directly via Sonar.
You could probably use some web automation library (webbrowser, webunit, watir, twill) to do it through the running server; it might even be possible to just use something like 'curl' by looking carefully at the page source for the users/create form.
Or, if you want to go straight to the database, you could try to pull out the user creation functionality from the code and mess with the sonar.users table directly.
There is the LDAP Plugin, which would take care of authentication, but it still requires you to create the users in Sonar, so that wouldn't solve your problem.
