using Typesafe Activator on Windows - typesafe

I tried to run the hello-slick template from inside Typesafe Activator.
When it recompiled it produced:
Refreshing list of source files to watch for changes...
[info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\Edward G Prentice\.sbt\plugins\project
[info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\Edward G Prentice\.sbt\plugins
[info] Loading project definition from C:\Users\Edward G Prentice\hello-slick\project
[info] Set current project to hello-slick (in build file:/C:/Users/Edward%20G%20Prentice/hello-slick/)
[error] Expected '"'
[error] apply -cp "C:/Users/Edward
[error] ^
Failed to reload source file list: sbt process never got in touch, so unable to handle request WatchTransitiveSourcesRequest(true)
so clearly it is not expecting spaces in that portion of the classpath. I understand what's failing but not how to fix it.
...and what is the best channel to resolve problems with Typesafe Activator?


Scala Play openapi generator project has missing imports

I want to create a simple "news api" in scala-play where the server stub is generated with the openapi scala-play-server generator. (Therefore i use this openapi file)
The following command is used to generate the project:
openapi-generator generate -g scala-play-server --additional-properties=basePackage=de.hwrBerlin.lehre.effort.newsapi,apiPackage=de.hwrBerlin.lehre.effort.newsapi.generated.api,modelPackage=de.hwrBerlin.lehre.effort.newsapi.generated.model -o api -i openapi.yaml
But when i start to run the project with sbt run and then open localhost:9000 i get several errors:
[info] Compiling 14 Scala sources and 2 Java sources to D:\Programmieren\Effort\newsapi\api\target\scala-2.12\classes ...
[error] D:\Programmieren\Effort\newsapi\api\app\de\hwrBerlin\lehre\effort\newsapi\ErrorHandler.scala:3:28: not found: type DefaultHttpErrorHandler
[error] class ErrorHandler extends DefaultHttpErrorHandler {
[error] ^
[error] D:\Programmieren\Effort\newsapi\api\app\de\hwrBerlin\lehre\effort\newsapi\ErrorHandler.scala:5:47: not found: type Future
[error] e: Throwable): Future[Result] = e match {
[error] D:\Programmieren\Effort\newsapi\api\app\de\hwrBerlin\lehre\effort\newsapi\generated\model\News.scala:21:54: not found: value Json
[error] implicit lazy val newsJsonFormat: Format[News] = Json.format[News]
[error] ^
[error] 49 errors found
[error] (Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] application -
(for full stack trace look here
It seems like a many issues are missing but i have no idea how to fix the issue except doing it manually.
I use windows 10 and the AdoptOpenJDK version "11.0.8"
This issue is a bug in the current openapi-generator version (4.y.z).
I opened an issue on github:
and wing328(Core team and founding member of OpenAPI Generator) suggested using the 5.0.0-beta2 of the openapi-generator. This fixed all import and dependency issues.

Gradle Incremental Java build fails with “cannot find Symbol error”

Build is failing when I did a change in Java file
Android Gradle Plugin: 3.2.1
Gradle Version: 4.6
Please find the snapshot of error below:
17:58:31.131 [ERROR] [system.err] symbol: class FragmentNavigationManager
17:58:31.132 [ERROR] [system.err] location: package
17:58:31.138 [ERROR] [system.err] D:\Office\dev\officemobile\android\Java\src\com\microsoft\office\officemobile\ActionsTab\ error: cannot find symbol
17:58:31.138 [ERROR] [system.err] import;
I checked the undefined symbols are present inside file file inside the sources.
Using debug logs, I found the class file FragmentNavigationManager.class is getting deleted before doing java build
gradle: 17:58:28.630 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.file.delete.Deleter] Deleting d:\office\build\droidarm\ship\officemobile\android\java\intermediates\javac\release\compileReleaseJavaWithJavac\classes\com\microsoft\office\officemobile\FragmentManagerInfra\FragmentNavigationManager.class
After deletion of above class, while doing Java incremental build, should be passed as an input for javac, but it is not happening, which is causing undefined symbol issue. Clean build working fine
I found the issue
The source file path is: src\com\microsoft\office\officemobilefragmentmanagerinfra\
Generated Class file: intermediates\javac\release\compileReleaseJavaWithJavac\classes\com\microsoft\office\officemobileFragmentManagerInfra\FragmentNavigationManager.class
There is a case mismatch in directory name at source path and generated class path, which is causing the issue. Source path has fragmentnavigationmanager instead of FragmentNavigationManager
I found that the package name is: Changing directory name to match the package name at the source path resolves the issue
Is this expected, as full build is working fine and incremental Gradle build is only failing?
Working on Windows 10

Cannot initialize module TreeWalker - Unable to instantiate SuppressWarningsHolder

I have maven-checkstyle-plugin(v2.5) and maven-eclipse-plugin(v2.8) configured.
Everything worked as expected but as soon as I introduced,
module name="SuppressWarningsHolder" AND/OR module name="SuppressWarningsFilter" to my checkstyle-config.xml, I started to have problems building the project.
Here is what I get:
1> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1> [INFO] Failed during checkstyle configuration
1>EXEC : Embedded error : cannot initialize module TreeWalker - Unable to instantiate SuppressWarningsHolder
1> Unable to instantiate SuppressWarningsHolderCheck
If I remove SuppressWarningsHolderCheck, I get the same error for SuppressWarningsFilter.
Any ideas?
It appears you have two problems:
You are using maven-checkstyle-plugin v2.5, which is based on Checkstyle 5.0. In Checkstyle 5.0, the SuppressWarningsHolderCheck and the SuppressWarningsFilter did not exist yet, as they were introduced in 5.7. So you must first upgrade your maven-checkstyle-plugin.
The SuppressWarningsFilter must be configured directly under Checker, not under TreeWalker. The documentation does not make that part very explicit, although it is there. Note that the SuppressWarningsHolder does go under TreeWalker.
If you do both things, stuff should hopefully start working.

Where did the 2nd level of maven java compiler error information go when I updated to java7?

When using java6 I saw two levels of error information
The error: file:[line,char] error: cannot find symbol
Details: symbol: method .... location: class com.....
Now, that I updated to java7 I no longer have this information. If I compile manually using "-Xlint:all" I see the details. For some reason maven isn't displaying the details.
Please let me know if you have any ideas how to fix this.
Good using Java 6
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] warntest/src/main/java/com/attivio/foo/[9,1] cannot find symbol
symbol : class DoesNotExistType
location: class
Less Information using Java 7
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] warntest/src/main/java/com/attivio/foo/[9,1] error: cannot find symbol
[INFO] 1 error
This is a known issue:

Error Compiling Netty latest (Master) version

I would like to test some of the latest features locate in netty Master branch at github.
I'm doing the following steps:
Open new empty directory on my local machine
Type git init
Type git pull git://
Compile pom.xml using maven as follow: mvn clean package
I now get the following compliation error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 13.855s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Jan 08 12:14:21 IST 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/176M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project netty: Compilation failure: Compilation
[ERROR] \tradair\tools\netty\src\main\java\io\netty\util\internal\[655,61] type parameters of <E>E cannot be determined; no uniqu
e maximal instance exists for type variable E with upper bounds E,java.lang.Object
[ERROR] \tradair\tools\netty\src\main\java\io\netty\util\internal\[739,53] type parameters of <E>E cannot be determined; no uniqu
e maximal instance exists for type variable E with upper bounds E,java.lang.Object
[ERROR] \tradair\tools\netty\src\main\java\io\netty\util\internal\[827,57] type parameters of <E>E cannot be determined; no uniqu
e maximal instance exists for type variable E with upper bounds E,java.lang.Object
[ERROR] \tradair\tools\netty\src\main\java\io\netty\util\internal\[880,65] type parameters of <E>E cannot be determined; no uniqu
e maximal instance exists for type variable E with upper bounds E,java.lang.Object
Can you please advise what I'm doing wrong.
LinkedTransferQueue back-porting was done recently in master, so you better try with latest version of JDK 6, (>= 1.6.0_25, a compiler bug?)
That's a java bug (I hit it before also). Upgrade to latest jdk and it will work. I don't recall what exactly version of java was giving the problems
