Application Deployment will not deploy to my Windows 7.8 Phone - windows-phone-7

I have a lumia 800 Windows 7.8 phone.
I am trying to deploy some apps through "XapDeploy.exe" but it won't work. I tried a demo project from the internet as well as a project I made.
I try to deploy the .xap file and it just fails.
I tried different usb ports, disabling windows firewall but nothing works.
I am on windows 7 64bit.
Error - A connection attempt faile because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Zune see's my phone and can sync between the 2.

I think this is the same problem or similiar to one I had.
The solution for my problem was really easy, I just had to disable WLAN and connect the phone again.
If this doens't help, try putting it into airplane mode and/or restarting the phone and/or zune.
Using WPConnect.exe instead of Zune might also help
Hope this helps


Delphi - Checklist for PAServer Connection (Mac OSX)

I have spent the better part of a day trying to connect to PAServer on MAC OSX from my Windows PC with no luck. I am not sure what I am missing.
I am using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo on Windows. Trying to connect to PAServer 19.0 on a Mac Mini running macOS Sierra (10.12.4) on which I already have XCode (v8.3.2) installed along with Command Line Tools.
Both the dev machine as well as the Mac Mini are connected to the same Wifi network. I even tried connecting both machines to a different network but with the same issue.
I get the same error message every time that the connection failed. I suspect that it has something to do with the network - where the 2 machines cannot see each other, but I don't know how I can confirm this or resolve it. I have tried to search on SO as well as online but have not found anything that has helped.
Has anyone seen this issue and overcome it? Is there a set of steps I can go thru to troubleshoot this? Any help or guidance would be most appreciated!
OK - I kept trying out different things and was able to solve this issue (one way to solve it I guess).
Because it seemed like it was network related, I tried first to create a hotspot with my phone and connected the dev machine and the Mac Mini to it. The PAServer connection worked.
So I looked for a way to do this via Windows. Here are the steps I followed:
Open Settings > Network & Internet (on Windows 10)
Go into Mobile Hotspot and select Wi-Fi in the Share my
Connection From dropdown
Set a Network name and Network password
Turn on Share my Internet connection with other devices
Now on the Mac, connect to the network name we set up in step 3 and enter the password that was set. Then start PAServer on the Mac. That's it!
Now when you connect from Delphi to PAServer, the connection succeeds.
Note: Interestingly, when I was not using the mobile hotspot method on Windows, the IP address on PAServer (and on Windows) was 10.xx.xx.xx. With the mobile hotspot, the IP address is 192.xx.xx.xx.
I just configured (today) a new macos sierra with paserver. yes it's painfull :(
don't use virtualbox (it's buggy and slow), but use instead VMware, it's work like a charm. it's much more easy to have only one computer to develop than 2. also you can copy/past the log or anythink else from macosx to windows (or vice-versa) in just one click. and you will not have any internet problem or anything else ...

Can deploy to Windows phone on one machine but not another?

I have been developing a Windows phone app on my lunch breaks at work and spare time at home. The project is stored in my Dropbox so it's the same on both pcs. At work when I debug/deploy to the device everything is fine and dandy. At home however I get the following.
Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Connecting to the device':
SmartDeviceException - Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on.
Error : DEP6200 : Boostrapping 'Device' failed. Device cannot be found. Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on.
Now in both cases I'm using the same version of the SDK and of VS on the same Microsoft account on the same phone on the same project. But it doesn't work.
I have reinstall the SDK twice now to no avail.
When I run the device registration I get the following message.
Unable to connect to a phone. Make sure the Windows Phone IP over USB transport service is running
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, has anyone run into this before? Any ideas of a fix for the issue?
I have uninstalled 2013 r4 and installed 2015. I have done a hard reset on my phone. I have run Windows Update and I'm up to date. I have tried making brand new projects as some of the posts suggest, to no avail. Same issue occurs, except now my emulators get:
The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device '184901A8-DC44-4CED-869E-DC7733D048D6'
I'm guessing the next step is reinstalling Windows, I think I'll just wait till Windows 10 comes out.
Possible Fixes:
1.Try reconnecting your phone.
2. try re registering your phone as developer device
3. try this fix
Testing apps on windows phones can be frustrating. One common problem I get is the need to reinstall drivers for the phone. I think this may be your problem.
The other problem similar to this I've encountered, was when registering for windows phone not using the correct version on that pc for 8.0 or 8.1.
Aside from this, there is a list with links provided that may help you. Let us know how you get on.
This link Problems and fixes when registering a Windows Phone 8 device to deploy/debug applications covers the major issues, some mentioned by Akash.
The following is a summary of the points discussed in the above link:
Windows Phone IP Over USB Transport(IpOverUsbSvc) service is running
Phone name is already in use by this account
Too many phones have already been registered with your account
Device lockscreen has to be unlocked (and it is unlocked)
Can’t find any devices
Point 5 is also addressed in this answer
Update after comment
The other thing that you may need to do is:
1. make sure you have all your updates in Windows.
2. Make sure you have all VS updates.
3. reinstall VS.
4. Reinstall any .net framework packages for VS.
The first two are the most likely things.
If worse comes to worse, to reinstall windows.
I have needed to do all of the above at one time or another to fix various issues. Painful, yes.
And don't forget to reboot your machine.
Let me know if this works. There MUST be a solution.
I know what you mean about the phone appearing in explorer, update anyway, won't hurt to reinstall them.

Deploy to Windows Phone 7

New to Windows Phone 7 development.
I am using Windows 7 32 bit pro
I am using VS2010.
I connect my WP7 mobile.
I can see the files in Windows Explorer.
I create a New W7 project. I select deploy to device.
I get this error:
"Zune software is not launched. Retry after making sure that Zune software is launched"
Zune is installed.
It seems to be running?
It still does not deploy.
I Google around.
All the answers are to select the Emulator instead.
I don't want the emulator. I want to use the device.
What else can I check?
I found that on Google:
Αt some point says:
" Now build the project, if everything goes right you will get an error. “Zune software is not launched. Retry after making sure that Zune software is launched.”, and please do so. Also make sure, you don’t have any keypad lock on your phone device. Also make sure the phone is not pin locked."
So in my opinion the problem is that your phone is locked and Zune can't access your device.

WP7 SDK tools can't find device

Just went through hell today reformatting my laptop and redownloading Visual Studio for Windows Phone and I've been getting this ridiculous error all day. When I try to deploy my project on my HTC Radar 4G, I keep getting Error
Failed to connect to the device. Ensure that the device is completely booted and is connected to the PC.
I registered my device from work about a week ago and was able to deploy a little sample app I made shortly after that, but now none of the SDK tools seem to know what my phone even is.
It started 2 nights ago when I was at work and plugged the phone in and was unable to deploy anything to it, figured it was my work pc or some of the bum USB cables we have so I went home and tried on my personal laptop and still no go.
I've seen a lot of people on forums having this problem and a million snake oil solutions like rebooting the phone, rebooting the computer, unplugging, replugging, reinstalling, and deleting certificates, but nothing is working.
Anyone have any ideas why this phone won't deploy anymore? I haven't tried a hard reset yet because I have a lot of contacts and stuff to backup and it would be a huge hassle for something that probably won't work.
I don't recommend using Zune to connect to the phone for development purposes. It has worked on and off for me in the past.
You should use The Windows Phone Developer Tool Windows Phone 7 Connect Tool. Then turn off the Zune option that tells it to open automatically when you connect the device. It should work good after that.

cannot connect to Windows phone 7 device "Access denied"

Has anyone try to debug their app to wp7 device througn vs2010pro?
The phone is registered.. I already reinstall my vs2010pro and windows developer tool, but still the error persists. Windows 7 Ent 64bit.
Here are some points to check (to summarize):
Device should be dev-unlocked
Device should have the screen unlocked at the time of debugging
Device should not have apps installed over the limit (applied to VS-installed apps)
Zune should be in full-sync relationship with the device (not guest)
If Zune is not running, you need to run the WP Connect Tool
If the problem persists, try restarting the device and connecting it again.
Also, is the phone officially registered?
Are you able to deploy your project to the device? (assuming only live debugging is failing)
I have faced this problem at work, and when I de-register the device, and register again, it usually works for me.
Double check that the device is definelty reported as unlocked in the app hub.
Check that the device is on, connected, Zune is running and you hav unlocked the device since connecting to Zune.
