Test Project in Visual Studio 2010 for a Windows Service Project - visual-studio-2010

I am working now in a Windows Service Project and I am having a lot of headaches trying to debug the service, I found a lot of article on how to debug a service but none of them worked for me :(
How to: Debug Windows Service Applications
There is no way after attach the process to enter in my breakpoints (set breakpoints everywhere)
Then I found another creating a windows form inside the project but that Solution is kind of dirty (but a solution).Testing a Windows Service From Within Visual Studio
So the real question is, is there any possible way to create a test project to test the service? (I don't have experience with testing, but I know is a good practice)

Do you want to debug the service or code that service runs?
In the past I would create one project for a service, one project for a library that contains the logic, and one project for a console app that would be used to test and debug the logic locally. That setup covered most of the debugging needs.
Hope this helps!


Debug Multiple Microservices in Visual Studio

I have a solution which contains two microservices and an API gateway. While debugging, the solution requires to run again and again to get insights or fix bugs.
I have tried dotnet watch run but with this I can attach debugger to one project at a time.
Hosting applications on IIS also requires to copy the files to folder every time for small changes as compared to in .NET Framework where it was easier to host applications on localhost and attach to process.
Currently, I have been debugging it using visual studio with multiple startup projects.
Since pressing F5 constantly is repetitive and hectic so is there any other way around to debug multiple projects using dotnet watch or IIS or anything else?
ctrl+F5 can run multiple, but it will not debug. Other solution try run multiple VS studio, but I'm not sure
There is possibly another way. I was also had issues running multiple projects to debug microservices.
I explored a few possibilities:
Docker - didn't help and ate more memory (if our whole stack was .net core this might be the goto)
Auto starting VS projects with a script (better but not quiet the level of control we needed)
Researched all the things that people said (use logging, do tests etc, all of which ignore the fact that we don't all have perfect codebases to work in)
Finally I created something that works well for our team, and maybe it'd work for you?
Dev Launcher is a simple command line utility that you configure with your project information. It's currently aimed at handling .net full framework, runs in (Visual Studio) and .net core runs with (Visual Studio or dotnet run). It is configurable and I'm guessing a person could get it to work with other IDE's such as VS Code, though I haven't tried it.
The main concept is you first choose the projects you'd like to open for debugging. These projects will open in the IDE which is configured (Defaults to Visual Studio). Then you choose the supporting microservices that you'd like to run in the background. If these are written in .net core they will run in a console window, freeing the memory that would normally be consumed by the IDE and debugger.
Curious to see if that'd be helpful for your situation. Also curious what other ideas people have to make debugging multiple microservices better...

Is it possible to use to create Visual Studio solutions from an Azure-hosted web application?

I am writing an application that scaffolds the creation of other Visual Studio solutions. My application is intended to be run on an Azure web app instance and uses C# as the primary middle-tier language.
Previously, I have been able to scaffold or generate VS solutions from a Windows forms app running on my local machine using EnvDte and I know it is possible to do the same via a command line.
Is it possible to accomplish to scaffold/generate a Visual Studio solution from my web app that is itself running on an Azure web instance?
Though out-of-scope for the question, please assume that once generated, the solution will be stored in a folder, zipped and emailed to the user, checked into source control, or some other viable option that is altogether a different issue.

How do I debug my Azure web role in Visual Studio 2012?

I know this is probably something really stupid, but I've been searching google for 2 hours to figure this out.
I have a new test Azure app that I would like to debug in Visual Studio. If I set the startup project to the Web Role (MVC) project, I can hit breakpoints in VS, but it's not running in the emulator so all of my Azure calls fail.
If I set the startup project to the Cloud project, the emulator starts, then Visual Studio ends debugging and my web role is never launched.
What am I missing here? How do I launch my web page and still have access to the emulator?
(Side note.. why isn't there a Visual Studio 2012 tag??)
Although this doesn't answer your question directly, I always make sure that my projects run outside of the emulator. If for nothing else, this just greatly improves the efficiency of your development.
To avoid the issue of the Azure calls failing, one very basic practice you can use is to use a Dependency Injection framework (such as Unity or others) and create a LocalConfigurationManager and a AzureConfigurationManager which both implement some interface like IConfigurationManager, then if your code needs to ask Azure for an instance number, or config setting, etc... the LocalConfigurationManager can just return a hard coded number/setting, and the real AzureConfigurationManager will actually call Azure.
The trick is to use the Web.Debug.Config and Web.Prod.Config files (or perhaps just use the #IF DEBUG C# precompiler statement) to change the implementation depending on the build config.
I have just created a Azure project with an MVC Web Role and I was able to hit a breakpoint in a controller action without any issues. Some things to check:
Do you have a WebRole.cs file in your MVC project containing a class derived from RoleEntryPoint?
Is there a node in the Roles folder of the Azure project representing your MVC project?
When you run the Azure project does the Compute and Storage emulator icon show up in the Notification Area of the taskbar?
Does the ServiceDefinition.csdef file in your Azure project contain a Web Role node with an attribute matching your MVC project name?
WebRole name="MvcWebRole1" vmsize="Small"
As a quick test try creating a new Azure project with a MVC Web Role, add a controller with a single action that returns a view and put a breakpoint in there. Then set your Azure project as the "Startup Project". If everything is working correctly you should hit the breakpoint when you debug the Azure project.
I un-installed and re-installed all my Azure SDK's, to no avail.
This link
Debugging Azure: Error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker proccess
told me where to look for the error that was causing it to fail, which led me to this link:
The ACL on the Windows Azure registry entries were not in "canonical order".
All you have to do is fix that and this error goes away.
These are the steps I took:
1.) regedit, navigate to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Azure
2.) Right-click, choose "Permissions". You will get a warning that the
security information is incorrect and you get a button labelled "Re-Order".
Click this and the security information then shows up as normal.
3.) Follow the same steps for the Windows Azure AppFabric and Windows Azure Emulator
registry entries in the list after the Windows Azure entry.
Problem Solved!
Note that I found the key under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Azure, not under Windows\Windows Azure.

Visual Studio: Unit Testing a web project in the same solution

I have a solution with a WebAPI project and a VS Test project.
My tests make calls to the API using RestSharp via a Url rather than instantiating the controller itself and injecting things (context etc).
My question, is there a way to tell the test project to launch the web project via IIS Express when a test run begins? Currently I just run two instances of VS, one with the web projected with debugging started and the other running the test package
If you are trying to debug both the test and the service, consider doing this
Launch to debug your Web service in Visual Studio.
Click Debug -> Detach All. IIS Express will keep running.
Set a break point and start Debuging your Unit Test.
(Skip this if you don't need to debug the web service) Click Debug -> Attach to Process. Find iisexpress.exe and attach.
However, you lose Edit and Continue on your web service which was detached.
I wouldn't recommend using the network to unit test Web API. You open yourself up to potential flakiness in the test and you end up testing a whole lot more than the service itself.
But if you really must do so, maybe to test that your client can exchange information with the API, then I'd suggest you look into self-hosting the service:
Self-hosting lets you start up a server for Web API with just a few lines of code and you could have your tests start up this server in the right places. In most cases, this should behave the same as having your service hosted in IIS Express. But there are some important distinctions. For example, you won't be able to use some System.Web concepts you may be used to (like HttpContext.Current).
I've written a blog post about testing Web API services that might help -
Hope that helps.
I know this is an old post but I was just faced with this issue. I can provide a more detailed response if / when anyone reads this.
In short.. I created a console app referencing the unit test assembly and via reflection and a simple menu system you can run any one of your tests.
I then set multiple startup projects to be the Web project and the console project.
I can then F5 and debug both the unit test and the Web project from within the same session. No attaching to a process of multiple solutions needed.
Running your web service or site in release non-debug by CTRL-F5 makes it run independent from Visual Studio and you are free to run your Tests from inside VS
I know that this is late but I use this solution:
Start two instances of Visual Studios. Start debugging the API in one VS and then debug the test in another.

Setting up a virtual/local test server in Visual Studio 2008

I am creating a windows service and I would like to be able to debug my code easier. So my plan is to create a web app that will allow me to write and test code and then copy it over to the service.
Is there anyway to set up a virtual or test server similar to XAMPP or WAMP in visual studio?
So far on all of the services I have worked on does a very small ammount of the actual work (usually some sort of timer or file watcher) and the rest of the work is done in seperate classes which allows for easy swapping of .dll files.
a windows form app is very similar to a service and can be used to run code in a way similar to what how the service can.
