Oracle 11g database not connecting - oracle

i installed oracle 11g database express edition on my windows 7 (32 bit) pc . It was successfully installed but now when i try to open it , Firefox gives me following error.
"unable to connect."
So please reply to this post as soon as possible to open Oracle as without this , i can't go ahead in learning it. I m just a beginner.

Check if u can open SQLPLUS
if yes, change the port of ORACLE web server by using
connect / as sysdba

open run SQL command line or in your cmd writes: sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
for both cases:
SQL> conn
Enter user-name:
Enter password:

Default connection for oracle 11g
go to connection>New Connection
Connection Name = HR or Use any name
User name = hr
Password = Your Password (This is the password that you selected during the installation of the of Oracle 11g)
Check the "Save" option
role: default
port 1521
SID : orcl
If you want to create the SYSDBA Account ( Administrator account)
Connection Name = admin ORCL or Use any name
User name = sys
Password = Your Password (This is the password that you selected during the installation of the of Oracle 11g)
role: sysdba( from the drop down)
port 1521
SID : orcl
TEST and Save Connect
Just in case if your HR account is locked because you have connected multiple number of times than you can fix this by logging into your SYS DBA account
In the objects list on your list go to the OTHER USERS and
GO to HR Account > RT Click
Choose the password youlike
and UN CHECK The account locked and Uncheck the Password Expired options if they are checked in

This happens when the you install as a user and not as admin. Even if u have admin privileges, it won't do.
Also, after this error comes then the issue is that the port 8080 is being used by another application.
1.) First of all, stop that app.
2.) Rest Oracle Port
SQL> begin
2 dbms_xdb.sethttpport('9090');
3 end;
4 /
PS: I read one thread it says that don't use # in the password also.
Hope it helps :)


how to connect to local oracle database 19c using sysdba

i have install oracle 19c in my PC, but when i want to connect using SQL Plus i cannot login. i got error like this
the error is like my password wrong or cannot open.
when i install the installer not require password. when i try to use default password as password i got error. so how to fix my problem here ?? i have try search in internet how to fix it but still got error
i use Windows 10 for this Oracle19c
There's no default password any more; was until (I think) 10g.
If you're logged on to Windows 10 as user who installed Oracle software, then - at the operating system command prompt - run
sqlplus / as sysdba
/ means that Oracle trusts your operating system account as it is recognized as the "owner" of installed Oracle software and should let you in. Once you're logged into the database, change any password you want for any user you want, e.g.
alter user sys identified by some_new_password;
The TNS: Protocol adapter error usually means you don't have your envirnoment set correctly
Try defining the ORACLE_SID variable with your database name and then connect again /as sysdba
Also, i'd advise you to set your ORACLE_HOME too, if it's not already
set ORACLE_HOME=<YourOracleHomePAth>
set ORACLE_SID=<YourDBName>
There's no default password, the installer should've asked you to set a password for your SYS and SYSTEM users - if you don't remember them, you can always change them, once connected to the Database, by issuing the command
alter user sys identified by <NewPassword>;
alter user system identified by <NewPassword>;

Oracle on Docker :: Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. SP2-0640: Not connected

In the screenshot below you can see how I can successfully connect to the database but the command is rejected because... I'm not connected to the database...
I login into SQL*Plus and I receive the confirmation I'm connected: Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version
Just to be sure I re-enter the connection: connect SYSTEM/SYSTEM#localhost:1521/ORCLCDB and I receive as a response Connected.
I follow the official instruction of Oracle Database Sample Schemas and I run #/home/oracle/db-sample-schemas-master/mksample.sql systempw syspw hrpw oepw pmpw ixpw shpw bipw users temp /var/opt/oracle/log/ localhost:1521/ORCLCDB and here is when things start to get nasty.
First I receive an ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied.
Then a Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. SP2-0640: Not connected
How can it be, that is the Administrator password.
Should I grant anything else to this user?
The "no longer connected" warning is simply because the script issued its own connect that failed with ORA-01017. A connect attempt necessarily disconnects the current session first, so when the new connection fails there is no active connection at all. You have to reconnect successfully to be able to do anything useful.
The documentation you linked to says:
Start SQL*Plus and run the top level installation script as discussed in README.txt:
sqlplus system/systempw#connect_string
#mksample systempw syspw hrpw oepw pmpw ixpw shpw bipw users temp /your/path/to/log/ connect_string
Note: Use an absolute path and also append a trailing slash to the log directory name.
Use your current SYSTEM and SYS passwords, and also your actual default and temporary tablespace names. The passwords for the new HR, OE, PM, IX, SH and BI users will be set to the values you specify.
You have to supply your actual current password for the SYSTEM and SYS accounts, not the examples in that command; and sensible password for the new sample-schema accounts that will be created. For example, from your successful connect, the first argument to #mksample should be SYSTEM rather than the example systempw.
I was trying to load the sample schemas inside oracle database inside the docker container using the guide. What worked for me was to use localhost:1521/ORCLPDB1 as connection string in place of the SID. After this all of the tables got loaded.

What is the default login password for Oracle 12c?

I just installed Oracle 12C on my home machine and didn't remember it asking to create any credentials during installation. Now, when I'm trying to connect to sample ORCL database, it's prompting one and not letting me in without!
Log on to the Oracle DB server machine as a user who installed it, so that you can access the db as SYS using:
sqlplus / as sysdba
When you get connected, you will be able to reset password for all the other users, including SYSTEM and the other “built-in” users as bellow:
ALTER USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY new_password;

Sqlplus login without password

I installed Oracle 11gR2 on my linux server. When I want to login via sys user on my db, I enter "sys as sysdba" and when system give password , I push enter and I can login on my db with sqlplus.
But, when I try to connect on Windows with PL-SQL tool, system wants to password. If I didn't write password (I defined password, password is "sys"), I cannot login on my db.
When you connect on the same server you're being authenticated by the operating system; you can give any password you like, or it's more common to use / as sysdba.
When you connect from PL/SQL it'a a remote connection; operating system authentication isn't possible, so you're using password authentication.
When you install oracle, it creates OSDBA and OSOPER groups. Any members of this groups will have OS authentication and can logon without a password.
When you connect from another machine, it's a remote connection and you must enter the password.
More info in the documentation.
I had such a problem and even with Oracle 12c on my linux server and what i did was that each time I open a new terminal I first type
"export TWO_TASK="
(without the the quotations) followed by pressing
Next I could then go ahead to type sqlplus "/as sysdba" (now as it is with the quotations)
to connect and continue.

Oracle installation and login errors

I installed oracle 11g on my laptop and I am having two problems, I can not login to sqlplus it wants a password and login which I do not have. Is there any default user name and password I can use?
The other problem is that I can not connect to my localhost its saying
Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database instance. The state of the components are listed below
Database Instance
Oracle Home
How can I overcome this?
To log in as sysdba, make sure you are connected as the Oracle user (whichever one you chose), and type:
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
No password required, as long as you're the right user.
To be able to connect to the database, it must be started, and the listener service must also be started. To check listener status:
$ lsnrctl status
To start/stop it, replace status by start or stop. If you installed named listeners, append the listener name to the lsnrctl commands above (i.e. put the listener name after the status/start/stop command).
I'm assuming you installed oracle on Windows:
If you have been able to connect to the database using sqlplus / as sysdba then your listener is up and you are connecting on the box where oracle is installed. If you installed oracle on windows, a user group called ora_dba will be created and your windows account willl be in that group. This grants you the sysdba role and allows you to log on to the database using sqlplus / as sysdba.
During istallation of the database you must have been prompted to enter a password for at least SYS and SYSTEM unlocked accounts.
To start enterprise manager try the command line:
emctl start dbconsole
or start the windows services snap in and check to see if the service OracleDBConsoleSID (SID is the ORACLE_SID for your database) is running. If not start it. When the service starts successfully, try running EM again.
