Running Chef cookbooks on ExaData - ruby

I am trying to run a Chef Cookbook on an ExaData server and I'm running into issues. I was able to bootstrap my ExaData servers. However when I run chef-client on the target nodes, I get an error like this. Then I went back and did a verbose output of the error, and still don't have any idea of what the issue is. I am able to ping, traceroute, and nc to and from the ExaData server to the Chef Server. None of the files transfer from the cookbook, or none of the files download from the remote Zabbix repository. The Chef run completes the role, and recipes but nothing is installed. Is there something different about ExaData from regular RHEL distributions that would cause issues?
--EDIT - 2013-07-15--
From looking at a "successful" chef-client run on a regular RHEL 6.2 OS, where as ExaData runs RHEL 5.8, I saw fewer errors. There does seem to be a lot of libraries missing from ExaData in order to run chef-client. From what I have heard, and read in other posts, was that ExaData is a stripped version of RHEL 5.8, using only what is needed to run databases.

According to a comment on the Chef IRC Logs the 404 message is because the client is attempting to use a feature that your server version doesn't support.
If you add the setting enable_reporting false to your client.rb file it should disable the request to the /reports URL.


Can a Chef Server have multiple workstations?

We have a predefined configuration of the infrastructure where the nodes have a particular runlist of recipes controlled using a central Chef server and workstation.
I want to implement a knife command to force a deploy recipe to be run on all the nodes. Is it possible just to run the knife -o recipe command from a new workstation and let the server sync all the recipes from the central workstation itself?
Yes, you can use multiple workstations, but not quite the way you describe. When you push a cookbook (or policy) it gets uploaded into the Chef Server. All client nodes only talk to your Chef Server, not the workstation. That includes cookbooks and run lists (unless overridden with -o as you noted). So you can run knife ssh somequery sudo chef-client from any workstation any have it function the same.

MariaDB clashing with MySQL on Travis-CI

I have a test suite that runs on Travis-CI and requires MariaDB (but it breaks on MySQL). The pre-test scripts call the mysql command, but run commands against MariaDB, as the command is the same for both.
echo "CREATE DATABASE test1" | mysql -u travis
The tests on worker v2.5.0 were passing just fine ( However, the tests started running on a later version of the worker v2.9.3 and failing without any changes to the code ( According to the system build information, this new version seems to be installing MySQL in addition to MariaDB. Now when I run my mysql command, it's running against MySQL instead of MariaDB and breaking the build.
I need either:
to go back to a previous version of the worker (can't find any info on how to do this in the Travis docs.
to specify that I want to run commands and connect to MariaDB, NOT MySQL.
to tell Travis to not install MySQL to avoid the clashing
Any of these solutions would be appreciated.
Fixed it by switching the Ubuntu version back to 12 rather than 14, which had become the new default.
In the .travis.yml
dist: precise

Using a Windows VM from Jenkins through vsphere

I'm trying to reset-and-launch a Windows VM (in vsphere) during a Jenkins job. I successfully installed the vSphere Cloud Plugin. I've followed instructions to setup the Windows machine as a jenkins-mvn-slave, and have it setup to run as a service.
If I click on the button in Jenkins for Launch Slave Agent, I can see (in vsphere) that the VM does a revert snapshot, and then it does a power on virtual machine. If I attach to the machine, I can see that the Jenkins service starts automatically. However, back in Jenkins, it tells me that the Slave did not come online in allowed time.
Some key settings for my slave:
Force VM launch: Checked
Wait for VMTools: Not checked
Delay between launch and boot complete: 120
Secondary launch method: Launch slave agents view Java Web Start
Jenkins: 1.596.2
vSphere: 5.5.0
Windows: Server 2012 R2 Standard, Build 9600
vSphere plugin: 2.7
What am I missing?
I've done a lot of messing around since I posted, but I think the following is what I was doing wrong. I first got the VM working as a normal slave agent. Once I had that working, then I tried to setup the same as a vsphere-cloud-slave-agent. I wasn't realizing that setting up a host as a slave agent is "agent-name specific".
So, I uninstalled the Jenkins service, launched the "vsphere cloud slave agent", logged into the machine, and ran javaws (as specified in the previously mentioned instructions.
A couple of other gotchas that I encountered (not relevant to the initial post, but maybe relevant to someone who reads this):
I originally installed git with a password manager. Unfortunately, since jenkins jobs aren't interactive, it was hanging on the git clone command. I tried uninstalling and re-installing git, but it didn't fix the problem for whatever user the jenkins slave was running as. I ended up having to revert to a previous slave image and install git from there. (I probably could have also figured out what user was running the jenkins slave, and entered the desired password there.)
I wanted to run a clean VM for each job. I never figured out this one. If I set Availability to Take this slave on-line when in demand and off-line when idle, that was a good start. However, if I set the times to 0 and 0, then the machine was constantly rebooting. If I set the times to 1 and 1, then the machine does mostly what I want, unless there are back-to-back jobs queued to run.

Opscode Chef Server / Workstation force commands from server

Background : Chef Server Version 12 and a Windows workstation SDK 0.10 targeting windows nodes
I've created recipes and bootstrapped local windows servers into the Chef manager and applied recipes so the very basics are all working.
Question : when running the bootstrap commands for a hosted server (e.g azure / aws) I need the command to come from the Chef Server not the workstation.
I had hoped that the knife.rb with the Chef_server_url would force all commands to come from there.
WireShark shows the WinRM connections trying to come from my workstation.
Is there any setting I can implement that forces this in the knife.rb or elsewhere?
I had tried to add the following from searches but they've not been successful :
chef_zero.enabled false
local_mode false
Is this resolved through Chef Provisioning rather than Chef knife commands?
many thanks in advance for any assistance you can give.
"when running the bootstrap commands for a hosted server (e.g azure / aws) I need the command to come from the Chef Server not the workstation." is not correct. Knife commands that manipulate servers go directly from your workstation, and this is how it is supposed to work. The way the bootstrap functions is it starts the cloud machine using the relevant provider API, then connects to the new VM via SSH or WinRM and installs Chef, and then launches chef-client using a configuration file based on your knife settings (this is where chef_server_url comes in).

CentOS 6.4 Minimal + how to configure jenkins jobs via xml?

I need to create a Build Server in CentOS 6.4 Minimal I sucessfully installed:
Java compiler (OpenJDK 1.7.0)
Git or Mercurial
Now I need to to the following:
At given intervals (eg daily at midnight) is the latest revision in the version control system (tip, HEAD, ...) compiled with Maven. In addition, Java Docs and packages (jar, war) need to be created.
Then Jenkins with all tests conducted and reported.
Make sure there is a report of previous builds
Ensure that the Java Docs and packages can be downloaded (jars, wars, ...) of the latest build
I can't use a GUI on CentOS Minimal so I need to configure the job in xml files? Could please someone show me the way... I'm not a linux server guru.
It's a bit impractical to configure Jenkins via XML by hand, because Jenkins' configuration is spread over multiple files, and the format of the configuration files changes between releases.
Given that Jenkins is a web application, you should be able to visit port 8080 (Jenkins' default port, assuming you didn't change it) on the server where you installed Jenkins (e.g., and configure it via the web interface.
If you're unable to access the web interface because of a firewall or similar, but you are able to SSH to the server (presumably you can, given that you were able to install stuff on it), you could set up an SSH tunnel to forward a port on your local machine to port 8080 on the server. For example, from your local machine, run the following command. You will then be able to access Jenkins on your local machine at http://localhost:28080 . If you're on Windows, you can use Putty to do the same thing.
ssh -L 28080:
If you can't access the web app directly, and you can't SSH tunnel, I'd recommend setting up Jenkins on a server where you can access the web app, configuring it, and copying the XML config files from /var/lib/jenkins on that server across to your Centos server.
