Why do I need geany_run_script.sh in every project directory? - geany

I develop web applications (in PHP, JavaScript, CSS) using Geany, so I'm in no need for compile, run, make... functions of Geany. Yet Geany is spamming my project directories by creating geany_run_script.sh file in every one of them.
The question is: What can I do to make it stop doing this?

You don't need it. You can configure it via Preferences->Terminal->Execute programs in VTE + Don't use run script. This will need you to have libvte installed and will not work at Windows.
These scripts are generated once you hit F5 e.g. for previewing it inside a browser.


How do I make a GitHub repository into an exe?

I am new into software developing. I have found this GitHub repository which I plan to modify. Let's just say I fork this repository and modify it. How would I then be able to export it from there. By export it I meant turn all of those files into one windows executable file. Thanks.
In general, building a project is a project-specific task unless the project is written in a language (such as Rust) that has a built-in build tool. If you're unclear about the steps to build a project, you should look in the documentation or the wiki for steps about how to do so, and failing that open an issue asking them to document the procedure for building the project.
Just looking at the project, it does not seem obvious that it should produce a binary executable of any sort since it's written mostly in JavaScript.
Usually you use a compiler to turn source code into machine code (exe files).
As bk2204 mentioned, this project is based on Javascript and Node.js.
Javascript is interpreted instead of compiled, so another program (Node.js) reads the source code and executes it directly every time instead of first compiling it into an exe file. That other program itself may be in an exe file.
The project you have linked is a fork of this project, and that one seems to have a Windows launcher/installer exe file (that probably installs or contains Node.js, but I haven't checked).
That installer is available here in both exe and source code form. So you could modify the launcher and rebuild it, but the main app is not in the launcher, instead it's in all the JS files. You may be able to edit the JS files and just use the same launcher without modifying it. There may be a packaging step required after editing the JS files, to package them into a form that the launcher expects. You would need to run this build step after every time you modify the JS files, to provide the new code to the launcher.
You would have to explore the project's structure and build process to find out the exact steps.
If you're very new that may be exceedingly difficult.
You may want to practice by learning Javascript and Node.js.
You could after that try Java which is compiled, and possibly more powerful than Javascript. Just for fun.
Maybe you could do 30 of these practice projects, then you'll have a chance of being able to modify this project successfully.

Golang web app automatically build and run

I'm currently developing a simple web application.
But I find it tedious to rebuild my app whenever I update my source files.
Is there any way to automatically build and run my web app whenever i update my source files?
There is a very handy tool called pilu/fresh you might wanna check it out. We are personally using it on our project to automatically rebuild our code.
It's a very nice tool because it allows you to customize the file types to watch, and ignore files inside specified directories.
Hope this is what you're looking for.

Passing parameters/values from Emacs to external application

I'm working on a plugin for a very niche CAD application that our company uses. The development environment is entirely based on Emacs and everything should be done through it.
In this case, code should be edited, navigated, compiled and debugged using Emacs. There is no separation from Emacs and the actual language compiler (from what we know so far - there is no compiler.exe).
Since my team is not a fan of Emacs we are trying to get rid of this dependency so we can use whatever editor we want an compile/interact with the application without Emacs, but looks like this is very hard because everything is built inside it, even go-to definition, find all references all and sorts of commands.
These are all defined in hundreds of .el files (LISP) that are called using custom commands from Emacs.
However, when calling "Run this file" for example, said file is ran inside the application and correctly executed so my question is: what mechanisms could be used used for this to happen? I don't expect precise answers as I can't share the name of the actual CAD application or anything else, but it would be really helpful to understand what options are possible so I can investigate them.
In summary, whenever I "Run this file" the actual application is started by Emacs by calling the command line and the actual file gets executed inside the application. Looks like the contents of the Emacs buffer are passed to the application somehow. This "how" is what I'm trying to find.
Thanks for any help.

Running various make targets from sublime text 2

I'm doing mostly webdevelopment and recently decided to give sublime 2 a try.
For my typical projects I have a Makefile with multiple targets. (E.g.: javascript --> compress javascript, deploy --> upload to server, style --> build css from less, coffee --> compile coffeescript to javascript, etc.)
Sublime recognizes the make file and run the 'all' target works perfectly fine. But for large projects running all the stuff takes far to long so I would like to configure sublime, so it build only a specific make target.
Is there any way to configure Sublime to run only the make targets I want. Is there any possibility to do this with file in the project root (and tracked via git), so the build would even work on another computer?
I'm not sure if this is what your looking for but check out this forum, may give you a bit of an insight into multiple builds:-
Sublime Forum: multiple commands in build system?
if not then you could look and ask on the forums there, it will be more specialized for these sorts of features :)
This is from there and may be what your looking for?
:- "Unfortunately, there is no support for multiple commands in a build system. I ran into this issue when working with java. Your best option is to make a bash file with the commands and have a build system that runs the bash file. I'm not a expert when it comes to build systems, so that's as far as I can help.
Hope that points you in the right direction."
so maybe you can point at the specific "make" commands that you want to use...
With the current state of Sublime it is not possible.

Compile haml, sass & coffeescript on xcode build with PhoneGap

I am using PhoneGap to build an html 5 backed app and I would like to use haml, sass and coffee-script. Is there a way to build in a hook to the build process in xcode 4.2 so that the files are compiled to HTML, CSS and Javascript?
I am new to xcode and still trying to figure out these complicated build settings. Thanks for your help.
Yes, what you're describing is part of whats called the build phase (ref docs here).
After selecting a target in your project you can add a "Run script" target that compiles all your custom content types at build time. Since you can specify a "shell" (it's actually any interpreter) you can write it in (almost) whatever language you want.
Some tips:
There's an environment variable called $PROJECT_DIR containing the absolute path to your XCode project. You'll want to use it (e.g. $PROJECT_DIR/www points to your www folder).
Put your run script as early in the build phase as possible, since other phases may depend on generated content.
I strongly advice to have your "Run script" build phase as an executable in your VC, and only use the paste-in script to load the script in your VC.
rsync is the best (and fastest) way of mirroring another directory without knowing details of it's contents. Especially useful for this task is it's --delete flag to prune removed files. If you can run XCode 4.2, it's already present on your system.
In the end an external watcher script (e.g. guard, coffee --watch, compass --watch) that outputs their results may be just as effective as a run script build phase.
I recently wrote a blog post about this. My recommendation would be to use sprockets with a rack server. Sprockets is the best way to manage assets, and rack server facilitates rapid development through your desktop browser.
