maven - mirror depending on project - maven

I have a mirror for maven central setup like this in settings.xml:
But this server is accessible only from the internal network. When I'm at home and tinker with some side projects I need to access the real repositories. For now I just comment this mirror out, but it's cumbersome.
How can I make it automatic? Is it possible to define a profile with separate mirrors and automatically activated based on project path? Is there some simple solution?

Unfortunately there is not an out-of-the-box solution with Maven. Usual i check in my settings.xml via git and having different branches for different networks like at work, home etc. The result is reduced to a simple
git checkout HOME
git checkout WORK

The solution is not using mirror-any, but using specific repository declarations with dependencies pom cleanups.
This way you'll be as protected from going to unauthorized repos as with mirror-any and you'll be able to declare profiles (work and home) with different servers in each of them.

With new maven (3.3.1+), use the project-settings-extension to load the project settings, and put project specific mirrors into ${basedir}/.mvn/settings.xml in each project.
in ${basedir}/.mvn/extensions.xml
<extensions xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
in ${basedir}/.mvn/settings.xml
Then the project will be built out-of-box in the internal network with mvn test, and not pollute your personal .m2/settings.xml


How to disable maven blocking external HTTP repositories?

Maven blocks external HTTP repositories by default since version 3.8.1 (see
Is there a way to disable that or to exempt a repository from this rule?
I found a solution to do this by inspecting the commit in the Maven git repository that is responsible for the default HTTP blocking:
My solution is as follows:
In the Maven settings (located in ${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml or ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml), the following entry must be removed:
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
If you work in a project and cannot make sure the Maven settings are always like that, e.g. because you share code with other people or want to use CI/CD with automated testing, you may do the following: Add a directory named .mvn in the project. In the .mvn directory, add a file named maven.config with the content --settings ./.mvn/local-settings.xml. In the .mvn directory, add a file named local-settings.xml. This file should look like this:
<settings xmlns=""
Where inside the <mirrorOf> tag, you need to specify the id of the blocked repository, and in the <url> tag, you specify the original url of the repository again. You need to create this unblocker mirror for every repository you have that is blocked.
If you have the following HTTP repositories defined in the pom.xml:
Then you need in the .mvn/local-settings.xml:
I hope my work can help other people who stumble upon this. However, if you have a more elegant or better solution, please share!
In my case, I just added a dummy mirror with the id maven-default-http-blocker to override the existing one. This disable HTTP blocking for all repositories.
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Dummy mirror to override default blocking mirror that blocks http</name>
Another possible solution/workaround is to override the new default http-blocking behavior by commenting out the maven-default-http-blocker mirror in the <mirrors> section of the maven's 'main' settings.xml file (under /opt/maven/conf in my case);
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
P.S. Whether unblocking all the insucure http repositories is a good idea is a whole other story.
You should just add a mirror to your http repository that allows http in your maven settings. You shouldn't eliminate the default maven behavior for all repositories. Then tell your devops team to use https!
in .m2/settings.xml:
<name>My Repo HTTP Mirror</name>
In macOS Monterey, and using Intellij Ultimate 2021.3 (and up), with maven NOT INSTALLED in the system and using maven as a plugin inside Intellij, i found the "settings.xml" file in the path:
${user.home}/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/213.5744.223/IntelliJ
Note: the above path is when the Intellij is installed using the Jetbrains Toolbox App, and the version number indicated (213.5744.223) can defer if you have another version, verify when travelling the path to the file.
Open the "settings.xml" file with your favourite editor, and comment the next lines:
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
Hope it helped.
I solved the issue by simply replacing "http" with "https" in .xml file (in my case pom.xml).
This solved my error.
Unblock a Specific HTTP Repository
To unblock a specific repository, you may define a dummy mirror of it in your settings by adding a <mirror> with the same url, and its <mirrorOf> value matching your repository's id. Nothing else needs to change for this to work.
For example:
If your repo id is team-internal-repo, then a mirror added to your ~/.m2/settings.xml might look like this:
<!-- Add a mirror. -->
<mirrorOf>team-internal-repo</mirrorOf> <!-- Must match repository id. -->
<name>Dummy mirror to unblock the team repo server</name>
<!-- <blocked>false</blocked> --> <!-- This is not needed, the mirror is unblocked by default. -->
<!-- Existing profile does not need to change. -->
<name>Dev Team Internal Artifacts</name>
The <blocked> tag is not needed here. Other users have commented that the tag breaks older versions of maven. I tested an http repo with and without this tag and it worked both ways. (Tested using maven 3.8.2.)
Unblocking one or more explicit repos is better than universally unblocking all http repositories. Doing that may be a bad idea:
It presents a greater security risk. There's a reason apache made this change, and it is discussed in the release notes referenced by OP:
Modifying the internal configuration of your Maven installation (i.e. the settings file in /opt/apache-maven-3.8.1 instead of your own in ~/.m2) could create a headache when updating or reinstalling future releases of maven. If that file gets overridden, your repo might suddenly be blocked again.
Same problem with macOS Monterey 12.3.1 and IntelliJ 2022.1 using bundled maven (3.8.1). The solution is similar to the one proposed by MrBitwise but the settings file has a different path (it is the one embedded inside the app contents folder):
/Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\
Then I commented the following code:
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
You could follow the official recommendation from the Maven documentation, it is explained in the same link that you shared:
Options to fix are:
upgrade the dependency version to a newer version that replaced the
obsolete HTTP repository URL with a HTTPS one,
keep the dependency version but define a mirror in your settings.
It includes a link to Maven - Guide to Mirror Settings
As others mentioned, you should not override the default security settings.
Sometimes, when your local version of settings.xml is low and your maven version is higher than that, then removing this configuration cannot solve the problem:
Maybe see if adding <blocked>false</blocked> will solve the problem:
<url>http://your blocked url</url>
Use the latest versions of your dependencies and plugins. I had the same issue with libraries from '', but changing their versions from 3.8.3 to 4.0.0 fixed it.
If you are using maven version 3.8 or greater HTTP is not supported. Try to use a lower version or upgrade the repo to HTTPS For more information please refer,of%20the%20obsolete%20HTTP%20one.&text=Define%20a%20mirror%20in%20your%20settings.&text=Define%20an%20exception%20for%20a%20specific%20repository.&text=The%20false%3C%2F,be%20used%20as%20an%20exception.
A bit different solution that has helped me, is more related to our corporate environment and involves the fact that we are slowly moving out of maven to another dep/build tool, but there is still a 'corporate' settings.xml file defined.
So just rename it to a different file (instead of deleting), like mv settings.xml settings-backup.xml, and returning maven again would help you to check if it's the issue.
I encountered this issue when I installed a new version of maven. Fixed this by renaming .m2 directory to whatever or like .m2-old then run maven again. it will recreate the directory, the drawback is it will redownload all jar since the new .m2 is empty. Then just transfer your settings.xml to that new .m2 directory.
I've yet to test if copy the repository directory from the old .m2 to the new one will just work fine.
Update : copying the repository directory from ~/.m2-old to the new ~/.m2 didnt cause any errors when running maven afterwards
For your local environment, the quickest way is to set the blocked value from true to false in your .m2\settings.xml
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
I was able to compile by commenting the code:
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
Pude compilar comentando el codigo dentro de la ruta
Unblock a password protected HTTP repository
I didn't like to modify the global settings.xml of IntelliJ (probably requires fix again after every update), and the method unblocking all http-repos didn't work for me - I guess because our HTTP-repo is password protected.
What worked for me finally was a mirror entry that exactly fits the original repo:
Same ID as the repo.
Same URL as the repo (it's just a fake mirror)
mirrorOf also has that same ID.
blocked set to false of course.
Thus the mirror mirrors exactly the HTTP repo and nothing else - you need a mirror for each HTTP repo. But since the mirror has the same ID as the Repo, the authentication settings in the "server" section that refers to that repo also fits to the mirror and allows access.
<id>repoId</id><!-- Must fit to serverID!!! (can be same as repoID) -->
<name>My Mirror</name>
<!-- URL of the mirror - in our case just the same as the repo itself. -->
<mirrorOf>repoId</mirrorOf><!-- Mirrors exactly the repo itself -->
<blocked>false</blocked><!-- Unblock http access - only works in mirrors, and that's why we need a mirror. -->
The key to all this is that the mirror needs a server entry if it is protected.
You can use a Maven wrapper to help you with the problem, the version below 3.8.1 work well with it.
To create a Maven wrapper do
mvn -N io.takari:maven:0.7.7:wrapper -Dmaven=3.6.1
After this settings --> build, Execution, Deployment --> build tools --> Maven
Select the Maven Home Path to *Use Maven Wrapper*
Go back to your project and from the Maven Settings
This solved my issue, hope it will help you too.

Maven - How to use two mirrors

I have to use two mirrors.
In .m2/settings I have
Then in the pom.xml of my project I don't know how to say to download something from the first mirror and something from the second mirror. Thanks
The bad news: You cannot determine for different dependencies where they should be downloaded from.
But the good news: You don't need such a thing. Mirroring usually makes only sense if you want to send (nearly) every request to the same repository. You usually do this if you have a company Nexus/Artifactory and use it to proxy all external repositories you need. If you don't have a company Nexus/Artifactory, you should list the repositories you need unter the <repositories> tag in the settings.xml. In this case, you don't define a mirror, or you only mirror all requests that you do not handle otherwise (by setting <mirrorOf> to something like *,!rep1,!rep2). Maven will then go through all the defined repositories until it finds the required artifact.
If the package isn't in the first mirror, it should fallback to the second one.
In Maven, it's not possible to tell it "download this dependency from this mirror, or repository".

Understand the use of mirror and repositories

I have a Nexus OSS server configured as my Repository. I'm trying to configure the settings.xml to this server and central:
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
In my Nexus Repo (http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/) i just have the following files (i uploaded the mylib.jar in thirdparty repo):
archetype-catalog.xml Fri May 27 12:17:45 BRT 2016 25
But when i tried to mvn:install the maven don't find my JAR in Thrid Part repository, i got the error:
The POM for is missing, no dependency information available
Your mirror settings will work. I almost said they were "fine" but that's an overstatement. They should work for the situation you have presented.
You succesfully loaded into the thirdparty repo (are you sure? It should probably be, but what do I know...)
You can find it in the thirdparty repo within the nexus browser
You should be able to resolve it without specifying any additional repositories.
Sounds like your config of Nexus doesn't have your third-party library in the groups/public group, which is what you're using as your mirror source for central.
Make sure that public includes thirdparty
I use Nexus 3 which, by default, doesn't include any such repository.

setting different maven mirror per project

I am participating in two projects, both of which are using private maven repository (using nexus).
Since both of them are using their own 3rd party libraries, I want to set corresponding mirror for each project. Fortunately, I can freely edit project1's pom.xml.
Is there any way that I can inject some variables or settings so that my ~/.m2/settings.xml use mirror1 for project1, and mirror2 as default (for project2)?
Well.. I looked up many stackoverflow questions and answers, but I am a newbie in maven and I could not understand and adopt those answers in my project..
Unfortunately there is no way to support multiple mirror definitions within a single settings file.
You will need to create two maven settings files and then parameterize the maven build, e.g. mvn <cmd> -s <path/to/settings.xml>.
After maven 3.3.1, use the project-settings-extension to load the project settings, and put project specific mirrors into ${basedir}/.mvn/settings.xml in each project.
in ${basedir}/.mvn/extensions.xml
<extensions xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
in ${basedir}/.mvn/settings.xml

How should I point to different repository mirrors in maven settings.xml

We have 2 separate products used by different teams and we would like to point to mirrorA for projectA and mirrorB for projectB. How can I achieve this in settings.xml and should I do this away from settings.xml and somehow reference in my project specific POM file.
<name>Internal Release Repository</name>
Note: This scenario happens when a developer contributes to both of these projects.
I think you might be confusing "mirrors" with "repositories". You should very probably not have a mirror configuration like that in your settings.xml. If different projects should deploy to or get their dependencies from different repositories, you just specify those repositories in the respective projects' poms. Setting up mirrors solves an entirely different problem than setting up repositories does.
