The "getnodevalue" of HTMLUNIT not working on domattr - htmlunit

every time i want to get the Value of my DomAttr i get an TypeError:
My Code:
Wanted = page.getByXPath("//span[contains(.,'Some')]/parent::a/#href");
return this
[DomAttr[name=href value=URLSTRING]]
Now i want to geht the value (=URLSTRING) with Wanted.getNodeName();
but every Time i get the Error
Cannot find function getNodeValue in object [DomAttr[name=href value=
same when i use getValue
please help me

There are some things that make no sense in the code (particularly, because it is not complete). However, I think I can guess what the issue is.
getByXPath is actually returning a List (funny thing you missed the part of the code in which you specify it as a list and replaced it with a Wanted).
Note you should probably also have type warnings in the code too.
Now, you can see that the returned value is in square brackets. That means it is a List (confirming first assumption).
Finally, although you happened to miss that part of the code too, I guess you are directly applying the getValue to the list instead of the DomAttr elements in the list.
How to solve it: If you need more than 1 result iterate over the elements of the list (that Wanted word over there). If you need 1 result then user the getFirstByXPath method.
Were my guesses right?


Jquery ajax, $.each wait to finish

I've been looking for the last couples days for a good solution for this problem. but can't seem to find one.
I have a Jquery script that has to loop through each element get a value and then do an Ajax call, however this is thousands of elements so i would like for the script to go element by element and only move to the next one once the previous action has finished, i tried asyc but that does not seem to wait properly and causes the page to freeze and miss a lot of elements and cause errors.
what advise/script would you suggest i try or look into?
I found a solution to my problem, but it's probably very specific, since i have unique ID's for each element what i did was:
first i defined an empty array and a variable for counting
on the initial click for each loop placing each SKU in an array, once done execute the ajax function
ajax function get's the index of current count then executes function
then i +1 the count and if it is less than the length of the array call ajax function again
i tried to explain it as open as possible in case someone has the same sort of situation, but you can always find a way to assign a random value to your element to somehow identify it

Return the count of courses using satisfies contains XQuery

I have been struggling to return the count of courses from this XML file that contain "Cross-listed" as their description. The problem I encounter is because I am using for, it iterates and gives me "1 1" instead of "2". When I try using let instead I get 13 which means it counts all without condition even when I point return count($c["Cross-listed"]. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it? Thanks in advance
for $c in doc("courses.xml")//Department/Course
where some $desc in $c/Description
satisfies contains($desc, "Cross-listed")
return count($c)
The problem I encounter is because I am using for
You are quite correct. You don't need to process items individually in order to count them.
You've made things much too difficult. You want
count(doc("courses.xml")//Department/Course[Description[contains(., "Cross-listed"]])
The key thing here is: you want a count, so call the count() function, and give it an argument which selects the set of things you want to include in the count.

Type mismatch error while reading lotus notes document in vb6

Am trying to read the lotus notes document using VB6.I can able to read the values of the but suddenly type mismatch error is throwed.When i reintialise the vb6 variable it works but stops after certain point.
ex; address field in lotus notes
private function ImsField(pValue)
end function
Like this I am reading the remaining fields but at certain point the runtime error "13" type mismatch error throwed.
I have to manually reintialize by
set doc=view.getdocumentbykey(doclist)
The type mismatch error occurs for a certain field. The issue should be a data type incompatibility. Try to figure out which field causes the error.
Use GetItemValue() instead of short notation for accessing fields and don't use ImsField():
The type mismatch is occurring because you are encountering a case where pValue is not an array. That will occur when you attempt to reference a NotesItem that does not exist. I.e., doc.MissingItem.
You should not use the shorthand notation doc.itemName. It is convenient, but it leads to sloppy coding. You should use getItemValue as everyone else is suggesting, and also you should check to see if the NotesItem exists. I.e.,
if doc.hasItem("myItem") then
end if
Notes and Domino are schema-less. There are no data integrity checks other than what you write yourself. You may think that the item always has to be there, but the truth is that there is nothing that will ever guarantee that, so it is always up to you to write your code so that it doesn't assume anything.
BTW: There are other checks that you might want to perform besides just whether or not the field exists. You might want to check the field's type as well, but to do that requires going one more level up the object chain and using getFirstItem instead of getItemValue, which I'm not going to get into here. And the reason, once again, is that Notes and Domino are schema-less. You might think that a given item must always be a text list, but all it takes is someone writing sloppy code in an one-time fix-it agent and you could end up having a document in which that item is numeric!
Checking your fields is actually a good reason (sometimes) to encapsulate your field access in a function, much like the way you have attempted to do. The reason I added "sometimes" above is that your code's behavior for a missing field isn't necessarily always going to be the same, but for cases where you just want to return a default value when the field doesn't exist you can use something like this:
lsaddress ImsField("address","")
private function ImsField(fieldName,defaultValue)
if doc.hasItem(fieldName) then
end if
end function
Type mismatch comes,
When you try to set values from one kind of datatype variable to different datatype of another variable.
dim x as String
Dim z as variant
z= Split("Test:XXX",":")
The above will through the error what you mentioned.
So check the below code...
lsaddress = ImsField(doc.address)
What is the datatype of lsaddress?
What is the return type of ImsField(doc.address)?
If the above function parameter is a string, then you should pass the parameter like (doc.address(0))

Prototype $$ returns array, should return one element like $

When using the dollar-dollar-function in prototype I alway get an array of elements back, instead of just one element with the dollar-function. How can I combine the power of CSS-selectors of $$ but still get only one element back?
Changing the structure of the source is not possible, so I can't just select it with the id. It needs to get selected with CSS, but should just return one element.
You can also do
It looks cleaner than $$('.foo')[0] for my taste :)
It does not make sense to return a single element when selecting by class name because potentially there could be many elements in the DOM that have this class. So you could always use the first element of the returned array if you are sure that it will be unique.

Linq - OfType<> not working as expected

I have the following code which detects all the elements in a Silverlight application beneath a certain point
then filters them to be only those of a particular type - CardButton
IEnumerable<UIElement> elementsBeneathCursor =
VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(new Point(xPosn, yPosn), Application.Current.RootVisual);
IEnumerable<CardButton> cardsBeneathCursor = elementsBeneathCursor.OfType<CardButton>();
Even though when I inspect elementsBeneathCursor in the debugger, I can see there are 2 elements of type CardButton
Yet when I apply the OfType<> filter the resultant list is null
what's going wrong?
The resulting list won't actually be null... but the sequence will be empty, if neither of those elements is actually a CardButton. Note that OfType doesn't perform any custom conversions, so if you were expecting those to happen, that may explain it.
Try going through the unfiltered list and printing out the result of calling GetType on each element to see what it really is.
