How to display a view in Joomla controller? - joomla

I have a script that uploads to a folder and I want to display a view after the upload is done, successful or not.
modal.php // I want to load and output this file from controller.php
I would like to do something like this, in my controller
$view = $this->getView(/* params for modal.php to load*/); //get the view
thank you

Try using:
$view = $this->getView( 'components', 'html' );
JRequest::setVar('view', 'components');
JRequest::setVar('layout', 'modal');


Why Codeigniter3.0's url can't be blank after doamin name?

I'm corrently develop webs application for selling products online by using Codeigniter and upgrade from Ci2.2.1 to CI3.0.
However I've meet an errors 404 Page Not Found when I enter domain name on url not yet called any controller by hoped default_controller will load instead of type my main controller.
Notes: It is working on Ci2.2.1 and it stop work when upgrade to CI3.0.
It is working if I type any characters or any Controller after domain name(http://localhost/Ecom3/sometroller) But it is coudn't call default_controller and keep empty or blank after domain (http://localhost/Ecom3/).
Errors log: ERROR - 2015-04-24 03:48:57 --> 404 Page Not Found: /index
Please check my webs structure below:
My purpose to make it easy to controller the templates.
In MY_controller I've use __autoload() function
function __autoload($class){
if (strpos($class, 'CI_') !== 0)
if (file_exists($file = APPPATH . 'libraries/' . $class .'.php'))
include_once $file;
And I have confige route as below
$route['default_controller'] = "main/Main";
$route['(:any)'] = 'main/main/index/$1';
$route['c'] = 'cat/cat/index/$1';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
The problem:
My url can't be blank after I type domain or after forword slash as below image
Please help
I try your code and get 404 when Main.php in your controller place inside controller/main folder. but when im move Main.php into controller folder, default controller to Main has working. then im try to debuging and see:
// Is the method being specified?
if (sscanf($this->default_controller, '%[^/]/%s', $class, $method) !== 2)
$method = 'index';
in core/Router.php
thats mean codeigniter3 are not allowed you to set default_controller in sub folder. you must put default_controller in app/controller/ to make it works.
in config/router.php
change this:
$route['default_controller'] = "main/Main";
$route['default_controller'] = "Main";
then move your controller file :

JToolbar::save() redirection

I'm going through the Joomla 2.5 tutorial to build a custom component. Now I'm facing an issue on the redirection after using JToolbar::save() or JToolBarHelper::cancel for that matter. By default Joomla wants to redirect to the default layout (from the edit layout). However I don't want it to do that. I want it to redirect back to another view. In Joomla 1.5 I would have done this through adding the function into the controller - something like
function cancel()
//redirects user back to blog homepage with Cancellation Message
$msg = JText::_( 'COM_BLOG_POST_CANCELLED' );
$this->setRedirect( 'index.php?option=com_jjblog&view=jjblog', $msg );
Now that works beautifully for the cancel function, however for save this is a much more complex thing. If I want to overwrite the url do I have to redirect the controller to the model and then write in all the code for the model interaction? Because that seems slightly excessive just for a url redirection like you would in Joomla 1.5?
Hope you have added the save toolbar code with the proper controller name like this
Create a save function in appropriate controller.
Add the task in the form
Finnally make sure you have added form action withthe corresponding component name.
You can try this-
In the controller firstly you call the parent save function than redirect to url.
function save(){
OK it didn't need to $this->setRedirect at all. Just needed me to change the value to
protected $view_list = 'jjBlog';
which then sets the redirects of everything back to that list view.
Source link for this is here.
Thanks for all the responses though!!
protected function addToolbar ()
JRequest::setVar ('hidemainmenu', false);
JToolBarHelper::title (JText::_ ('Configuration'), 'configuration.gif');
JToolBarHelper::save($task = 'save', $alt = 'JTOOLBAR_SAVE');
public function save()
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$mainframe->enqueueMessage (JText::_ ('COM_SOCIALLOGIN_SETTING_SAVED'));
$this->setRedirect (JRoute::_ ('index.php', false));
I think you can use
global $mainframe;
If you are overriding joomla's default save function in your custom component like
function save( $task = 'CustomSave', $alt = 'Save' ) // or even same name Save
Inside your controller you can use the CustomSave as the task and use $mainframe for redirect.
$mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication();
Hope this may help you..

How to load different view in joomla controller?

I have simple line, but it doesn't work.
$this->getView($input->get('my_wiew', 'Sites', 'CMD'), 'HTML');
//some code
If i simple go to the url index.php?option=com_my_component&view=sites i get my view, but by default it doesn't want to load.
$view = $this->getView('view_name', 'html'); //get the view
$view->assignRef('data', $data_from_model); // assign data from the model
$view->display(); // display the view
Read more

how to load view into another view codeigniter 2.1?

Ive been working with CI and I saw on the website of CI you can load a view as a variable part of the data you send to the "main" view, so, according the site (that says a lot of things, and many are not like they say ...ej pagination and others) i did something like this
$data['menu'] = $this->load->view('menu');
$this->load->view ('home',data);
the result of this is that I get an echo of the menu in the top of the site (before starts my body and all) and where should be its nothing, like if were printed before everything... I have no idea honestly of this problem, did anybody had the same problem before?
Two ways of doing this:
Load it in advance (like you're doing) and pass to the other view
// the "TRUE" argument tells it to return the content, rather than display it immediately
$data['menu'] = $this->load->view('menu', NULL, TRUE);
$this->load->view ('home', $data);
Load a view "from within" a view:
// put this in the controller
// put this in /application/views/home.php
echo 'Other home content';
Create a helper function
function loadView($view,$data = null){
$CI = get_instance();
return $CI->load->view($view,$data);
Load the helper in the controller, then use the function in your view to load another one.
echo loadView('secondView',$data); // $data array

How to call the controller variable in view file using joomla?

I am new in joomla, My code is like this
//on controller
function listing()
JRequest::setVar( 'view', 'hello' );
JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', 0);
//on view.html.php
i want to fetch this 'hidemainmenu'
How can i fetch can anyone help??
If the code above is that of your view.html.php file then you can pass the variable through to your template file by using a line like so:
$this->assignRef( 'hidemainmenu', $hidemainmenu);
Then in your tmpl/default.php file for example you can access this variable like so:
If the code is in the Controller :
get the Variable in the view.html.php
$hidemainmenu = JRequest::getVar('hidemainmenu');
Try this in the view.html.php or default.php
