Sending tracking http requests - vast

I am trying to take advantage of the tracking features supplied by vast. On each quartile I am sending an AJAX request (I have tried get, head, and post) to the url provided within VAST XML but every time I get 405'd.
Thank you!

Can you provide one of the quartile URLs so we can trace it?
What happens when you call that quartile directly in the browser, does it work outside of your Ajax call?
Are your other events working fine? such as impression, start play, click, etc..
From the HTTP methods you tried GET should work, but POST should not be used with the VAST trackers. Hopefully the server you are hitting is not giving you an incorrect error code, masking an internal error.


Kaspersky Internet Security blocks AJAX requests

For about two weeks, customers complain that our site is broken. After debugging and asking customers for screenshots of the error, we found out that Kaspersky Internet Security blocks AJAX requests, necessary for the site to work.
Console writes this error:
TypeError: ns.GetCommandSrc is not a function
What makes Kaspersky block certain requests?
Our site is on www.mysite.example and makes requests to api.mysite.example. access-allow-origin headers are set and work for us and most of the other customers.
I found that in KAV Settings/Additional/Network, there is an "Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages" option.
Try turning that off to see if stops the problem.
I have the same issue. The block is intermittent. It looks to me that KAV tries to get some info from its servers to deal with the request, and if that fails, it breaks the AJAX call.
Luckily for me, I have a fallback action, providing default information to the app when the AJAX fails.
In another thread someone suggested that the issue is with the URL or parameters of the call. If it has keywords that can indicate a sensitive operation (banking and such), KAV gives it some extra attention. In my case the call has "license" in the URL, so it may be a correct guess. I'm planning to change the URL to something unremarkable, but it will take some time.

Is a HTTP GET the same thing as an AJAX call?

This is something I was wondering, but could not get a definitive answer elsewhere.
Is a http get request asynchronous?
If they're different, are there any major differences?
Not looking for opinions, just definitive answers.
Googling has just repeatedly led me to examples of one or the other.
HTTP is the most common protocol used to transfer data on the web. It's what the browser users on port 80 for all websites. Pages, AJAX, etc.
GET is a particular "verb" used in an HTTP request. A GET request is usually distinct in that it doesn't have a request body and it doesn't expect to modify anything on the server, simply "get" data.
AJAX requests are essentially HTTP requests made from JavaScript code, rather than from navigation in the browser. They may be GET requests, or they may be other kinds of HTTP requests. Structurally they're no different from any other HTTP request made by the browser, they're just made from code instead of the browser's UI.
There is overlap between these three terms, because they're not mutually exclusive versions of the same thing. They're apples and oranges, really. HTTP isn't different from the other two, it would be different from something like FTP. GET isn't different from the other two, it would be different from something like POST.
You can see a lot of this in action by taking a look at your browser's debugging tools. Visiting any reasonably active page (such as Stack Overflow, for example) will show you a number of requests being made and the server's responses to those requests. As you interact with a page which uses AJAX, watch those requests in the debugging tools and see how they're structured. Load a page or two by navigation and see how those requests are structured.
There's not much to it, really. It's all requests and responses, each of which is simply headers and content.
Ajax used so web applications can send data to and retrieve from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page.
HTTP GET or HTTP POST are method in the HTTP Protocol, which are a way to send and receive the data.
While Ajax is the Car, HTTP Protocol is the Driving laws.
Few examples of everyday surfing using Ajax:
Facebook Feed - When scrolling to the bottom of Facebook a Loader circle appears that loads a more prior updates on your wall, this is happening without surfing to another page, but rather retrieving it while still on the same page.
Google Omnibox Prediction - When typing part of the text in the Omnibox, google will suggest you the completion of your text while you're still typing.
First try to get through : GET vs POST.
An ajax call can be GET or POST or PUT or any other.
To differentiate between ajax GET & normal HTTP GET.
Ajax GET seems asynchronous by as the request is sent using another thread by the browser.
Ajax GET request has additional X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest.
GET Request is captured by browser history, whilw Ajax GET does not get captured.

AJAX Methods for Dyanmically Updating Webpage

I have a requirement to issue a continuous ping from a webserver, and send/display each result (success/fail) to the webbrowser.
However this raised the questions :
What is the best method for sending multiple responses back to the
client after a single (AJAX) request ?
How would you send a "stop sequence" back to the server to stop the ping.
Ive seen some articles around comment, long polling AJAX etc but would just like some clarification on the correct path to choose.

How does ajax form submission work?

I know how to use ajax for submitting a form and all. What I am concerned about is, what is actually happening in the background when a form is submitted via ajax.
How are the values transferred? Encrypted or not? And what is the
need of specifying submission type, I mean get or post, if the URL is
not showing the form fields?
Edit: Found this on w3schools:
GET requests can be cached
GET requests remain in the browser history
GET requests can be bookmarked
GET requests should never be used when dealing with sensitive data
GET requests have length restrictions
GET requests should be used only to retrieve data
POST requests are never cached
POST requests do not remain in the browser history
POST requests cannot be bookmarked
POST requests have no restrictions on data length
How do these apply to ajax form submission?
Basically, when you Ajax-submit a form, it is doing exact same thing as what would happen when you as a user GET or POST submit a form - except that it is done in an asynchronous thread by the browser - i.e. called XMLHttpRequest.
If you submit form as a GET request, all of the form values are stitched together as parameter strings and appended to the URL (form's ACTION URL) - prefixed by a ?. This means anyone who can intercept that communication can read the submitted form data even if request is sent to a HTTPS URL. The POST method sends form data as a separate block (from the URL) and if URL is HTTPS then form data gets encrypted.
It looks like you are just starting out in the world of web development - welcome to the world of programming. I would recommend reading up on some good web development/programming books (I don't want to promote any particular book here). Amazon may help suggest few good ones under "Web Development" kind of search terms.
Also, I suggest that you read up a little on GET vs. POST by googling for it (I can only include one or two links - google will show you hundreds).
For the clear understanding & behind the scene things please refer the links given below.
How does AJAX work?
Actually ajax request is same as the normal requests at the server end.
GET or POST has their own use cases. for example: GET has a limit of data transfer depending on the browsers from 1KB to 10 KB. where POST has no such limits.
For a server both AJAX & normal request both are same. so it depends on server code which method you wish to support.
ajax requests are NOT encrypted.
It looks like you want a very detailed answer so you can find it yourself:
Google it and read thoroughly the pages (wikipedia for example)
Inspect the packets between your browser and the server

Do I understand Ajax correctly?

I'm been reading up on Ajax and would like to see from the stackoverflow community if I'm understanding everything correctly.
So the normal client server interaction is a user pulls up a web browser types in a url and a HTTP request is sent to the server requesting the page and resources( css, pics ) from the web server. The web server responds to the client via HTTP the page/resources requested and the browser renders the html/JavaScript for the user to view the page.
1) So would it be safe to say that XMLHttpRequest( XHR ) object is doing the same process as the browser except your not requesting html from the server, your requesting text in some type of format?
2) Is it true that a XHR object is much like a regular object that can be manipulated by the program creating the object( like a normal object ), but also sends and receives data with another program( web server ) via HTTP?
3) So in my mind when a XHR is created it is loaded into memory and we setup some of the objects arguments when we do the“GET”, url, true). Once we do a request.send(null) the object basically attempts to “GET” the url via HTTP and once we get the data back from the server it is put in the responseText argument. Am I understanding this correctly?
4) Also synchronous vs asynchronous. When I think of synchronous I think of steps having to be followed in order. For example, I push a button, data gets sent to server, and I have to wait for data to come back before I can do anything else. With asynchronous connections I would push button, data gets sent to server, I do what ever I want while data gets sent back. Is this a good analogy?
1) Nope. The XMLHttpRequest object does exactly what its name implies -- it initiates an HTTP request. This request can be in XML, or HTML, or PHP. At the end of the day, the browser doesn't care, because in an AJAX request, it doesn't parse the request -- you have to do it yourself. So it doesn't automatically render the HTML from an AJAX request.
2) I'm not sure about manipulation (the XHR object may be immutable) but possibly. Would you ever need to extend it or manipulate it?
Yes, you can change properties of the object and so on. I apologize. I didn't understand you at first :)
3) Yep.
4) That's a great analogy. It's exactly what happens. Another analogy is a 4 lane highway is to asynchronous as a one-way street is to synchronous. If one car breaks down on the 4 lane highway, the rest can keep moving at their normal speed -- but if one breaks down on the one-way road, everything freezes. :)
Here I leave you a good graphic to see clearly the behavior differences between the synchronous and asynchronous application models:
It would appear that you have a job grasp of how AJAX works. I can't see much to disagree with in your summary of the plumbing of an AJAX application.
I would say however that with the XMLHttpRequest object you aren't restricted to GET. You can also use POST and other HTTP verbs.
With async calls you register a callback function, the XMLHttpRequest object calls your method when the async request completes.
Seems ok to me.
Your first point though is not entirely correct, you can request html from the server using ajax is doesn't have to text, json or xml like most examples show.
