using multiple property sheets in VStudio - visual-studio-2010

How do you correctly use multiple property sheets in VStudio?
Assuming I want to have two separate propsheets for two libraries A and B then what I do is create sheet 1 for library A where I enter all the required directory paths and stuff. This alone works fine. If I then create sheet 2 for library B and inherit all settings from the parent sheet (in this case sheet 1) then in VStudio the paths of lib A are shown and the propsheet file of lib B only contains empty XML nodes - so far so good. But as soon as I add a new library path in sheet 2, it not only saves it in it's according propsheet file but also the inherited values from sheet 1. Hence, everytime I add sheet 2 to a new project, it also includes the paths of lib A. How do I prevent this?


How find a AutoCAD drawing with a specific layer name?

Looking for a solution.
I am looking for a AutoCAD .lsp (lisp) routine to search various folders drawings (.dwg files) to a specific layer name. The result in an excel list of the found dwg files where the specific layer is located. For example select folder and even subdirs. Look for given layer name: .... Seach and result, only the drawings that contains layer name ..... I have a lisp routine that will scan in a folder of drawings for all layer names. I want to specify it. It must be in a atnother solution. To specify to search various folders drawings (.dwg files) for a specific layer name. The result in an excel list of the found dwg files where the specific layer is located. You can read the current code in the topic. And that code works. I would like an extension to the existing module with function as described in the topic.
Open File Explorer.
Go to File --> Change Folder and search options
From the Search tab choose: Always search file and contents.
Since when can Windows read in AutoCAD files for a specific layer name?
It's not working.
AutoLISP is a popular high-level language used for programming in CAD Packages such as AutoCAD, BricsCAD or ZWCAD. Using AutoLISP, you can create customised CAD commands to perform actions in order to generate the desired output. AutoLISP comes already loaded with a full version of AutoCAD.
With lisp you can use getstring to specify a layer name, acet-ui-pickdir to select a folder, ObjectDBX/vla-get-layer to go within a drawing database, and then return the search results to a csv file to write.

Lazarus localization / multiple projects

I've got some Delphi experience and I'm trying to build a project with Lazarus, which is completely new for me.
I think, I've read all information available about Lazarus,Translating/Internationalization/Localization, but I was unable to find what I really want.
I've been working in a project with 3 or 4 EXEcutables, that share between them, the same database the same Interface (form inheritance), common utils, settings, and common and related strings.
I don't want to have 3 or 4 .po files with different names (one for each EXE) , with the same common strings shared between them.
Is there a solution for that?
probably force ONE "gobal.po" for all Apps? how?
do I have to create my own system to localize \ centralize all strings in ONE file?
any suggestions?
thanks for any help.
Use a shared language unit into which you put all the strings of all projects. Create a package into which you add this shared strings unit. Turn i18n on for this package. Compile the package and you'll get the shared po file in the languages folder.
For every project needing the resource strings, you must add this package as a requirement - the easiest way to do this is in the package editor and to select "Use" / "Add to project".
Don't turn on i18n for the projects because this would add the project po files to the languages folder.
In order to use translated strings in each project, add the unit "Translations" to uses and call
Format('languages\%s.%s.po', [StringsUnit, ALang])
Here StringsUnit is the name of the shared unit with all the collected resource strings. ALang is the language symbol to be used, e.g. 'de' for German, 'fr' for French etc.
And now the hard part... Since i18n is off, the strings assigned to captions of components are not automatically put into the po file. So, you leave the component captions alone, create a resource string for each one (in the 'stringsunit', of course), and then, at runtime, assign the captions to the resourcestring. Maybe something like this:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.SetCaptions;
Caption := RSTitleOfForm1; // resource string for form title
Label1.Caption := RSYDateLabel; // label caption showing "Date:"
// etc.
If the user selects a new language, for example from a combobox with all the available translations, you must call TranslateUnitResourceStrings and then SetCaptions for each existing form (in case of dynamically created forms, SetCaptions will be called automatically since it is in the FormCreate event).

Xcode NSManagedObject subclass auto-generation to overwrite existing files in separate groups

I am using CoreData and the xcdatamodeld editor with great happiness, but when I go to create NSManagedObject subclasses automatically for my entity types, the file placement options seem horribly inflexible.
I have to choose a single folder to place all new files
New files get re-added to the project at the top level (not in any logical groups)
I have my groups & folders set up to mirror each other, additionally I keep separate groups within my "models" folder for each NSManagedObject subclass (because CoreData creates 2 files for each and it just gets cluttered otherwise).
Problem 1 means that in this situation, I have to generate the files 1 at a time, choosing each subfolder manually. Problem 2 is just an added layer of convenience that I feel like should be avoidable.
It seems like it would be sensible for an option to "overwrite any such existing files in place, wherever they are located & whatever groups they may be in" -- so sensible, in fact, I may just be overlooking the command. Any thoughts?
No, you're not overlooking any command. Xcode has a different idea of how to organize things than you do. For problem 1, that's just how it is. Xcode won't attempt to locate existing files in your project when re-generating them. Maybe it should, but that's not how it's designed right now.

Creating Multiple TOC for my ROBOHELP

I am creating a robo help for my project and want to create a role based robo help i.e some pages will be hidden for some roles. For that I created multiple Table Of Contents. My question is how to call multiple TOC from my Java project depending on the roles.
You can create multiple TOCs in RoboHelp, but you can only output one at a time. In other words, each compiled Help can only contain one TOC. But you can create multiple Helps, each with different TOCs and then you just have to tell your Java code which Help you want to open.
Create one Single Source Layout for each TOC you want to produce.
Specify which TOC you want to use in each Single Source Layout (Single Source Layout >> Content settings).
Generate each Single Source Layout to different folders (Single Source Layout >> General >> Output Location settings).
Tell Java which Help to launch based on your own critera.

Reference custom table in WiX fragment file

I want to create a fragment file that will only contain a CustomTable in the file. This is easy enough, but I do not know how to link/include it back into the main product.wxs file.
The fragment file is in the same project as the product file, and I have also tried adding an include tag for the file without success, and even putting the custom table into a WiX include file.
Is there a way to do this? Or is it going to have to live in the product file?
The WiX toolset compiles and links in a similar manner to the C/C++ compiler. The linker starts at the "main" entry point (Product element, in your case) then follows the references from there, which in turn follows references from there until all are resolved.
Part of your question is missing but based on the title I'm going to guess that you want a CustomTable element. Typically that CustomTable is processed by a CustomAction. There are a couple good ways to reference a CustomAction.
I would not use an include file.
You could try using EnsureTable if you'd like to make sure the table is created whether or not there is data in it. If you'd like to separate the custom table's schema definition from the data I believe you can just define them in separate fragments and reference the schema definition from the data definition fragment by opening with <CustomTable Id="your table name"> and defining the rows of data within it.
In general Wix won't pull fragments into the main authoring unless they contain elements that are referred to somewhere and since there is currently no such thing as CustomTableRef you may opt to use other elements such as an empty PayloadGroup or ComponentGroup that you can refer to (using a PayloadGroupRef or ComponentGroupRef respectively) from your main Bundle, Product or Module element as the case may be.
