Check OSX system - macos

Im development an app for OSX that will check the status of a MAC. I would like check:
Memory in Hard Drive
Memory Ram
OS System...
Does anyone know how I can access these parameters?
Thanks for all!
Best Regards.

Apple's already written that app. It's called System Information.
There is a command-line version of the app, called system_profiler. You can make it print out the information in XML for easy parsing.
The simplest way to get lots of information about the Mac programmatically is by running system_profiler as a child process and parsing its output. You will want to look at using NSTask and NSXMLParser.


Chef-InSpec: Resources for windows OS

I'm just starting to learn Inspec. I'm wondering to know is there any resources for check installed the driver(e.x virtio-win) or kernel in windows?
or is that possible to looking in one directory and say that test.sys exists?
Check the docs. What you see is what you get. I have no idea how to query a running a Windows kernel for which modules are loaded but if you know how to do that you can probably use a command resource. Otherwise just check for files like normal.
I found that there are no resources for windows kernel. So, I just used driverquery to check the drivers.

Is there a WinAPI way to detect remote applications like LogMeIn?

Years ago, there were functions in Win32 whereby the app could check to see if a user was running the app via Terminal Services/Remote Desktop. I thnk it was something like:
Is there a system call one can make to check to see if a Win32 or Win64 app is being run remotely via a program like GotoMyPC or LogMeIn?
No, there is not. Those are third party apps doing their own video/input capturing and network streaming. They are plain ordinary apps as far as Windows is concerned. Terminal Services is built into Windows, which is why there are APIs to query TS status.
The only way I can (currently) think of, other than using the aforementioned API call, is also seeing if any particular processes you can identify are running (e.g. GotoMyPC or LogMeIn... they will have some process running). Without doing too much research, they may be running without actually having someone using them. If, however, they launch something to do the streaming, you could check for that.
Just to make sure that this isn't an XY problem, what is it that you're trying to do - and perhaps there is another way?

Get crash and log information easily from the user on MacOS

I'm developing an application on MacOSX (using Qt) and my users starts to use it.
It writes a log to ~/Library/Logs/MyOrganization/MyProgram.log
I would like to be able to get the log and the crash information from the user in the easiest way possible for him.
Is there a way to handle application crash default dialog from Macos?
I found the killer module to perform what I want to do:

Applescript "mixed credentials" error

I asked this question over on the Apple Communities and got a grand total of ZERO responses. You guys seem a whole lot smarter, so thought I would ask here to see what you think.
An error has started occuring when I attempt to trigger an Applescript via an external process. The console error is as follows:
12/09/2012 11:01:39.205 osascript[269]: Scripting addition loading restricted to system domains because this process has mixed credentials (issetugid=0 r/e uid=501/0 gid=20/20)
When I run the script locally on the Mac(Mini - Mountain Lion 10.8.1) it works perfectly.
What is happening is as follows.
I have a MacMini as a music server in a home automation environment powered by a Crestron processor. The MacMini is connected to two zones, one via the Optical output and another to a DAC from one of the USB ports. When I selected "Listen to iTunes" in one of the two zones the controller sends a command via UDP to a program running on the MacMini which triggers the scripts to change to the appropriate audio out.
All was working well until yesterday when all of a sudden the program triggering the script, whilst reporting that it has executed the correct script correctly, isn't switching the output and the above message is appearing on the console.
I have read what I can on here and as such have reset the PRAM and SMC (all three dongs...) and deleted the script triggering program, run Clean My Mac and rebooted, all to no avail.
Can anyone help me with this, it has to be something simple given that it was working...surely? I haven't run an update or changed anything else that I can think of.....
Any and all thoughts and input would be greatly appreciated.
From the error it seems that you have an add-on to applescript called a "Scripting addition" installed, and that's causing the error. Most likely you do not need this add-on to perform your applescript code. So I would remove all scripting additions from my system and see if the applescript still works.
Search your system for scripting additions... ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions and /Library/ScriptingAdditions.
If you do need to do something that the scripting addition is doing for you, then there's probably other ways to perform the same task without the add-on.

What is a "Symbolication warning"?

I've got a user reporting crashes in my Mac OS X application, and their console logs report the following:
Symbolication warning: error parsing FDE at 0x100052649 in:\n
Does anyone have any insight into what this might be? I assume that somehow the symbols have been stripped from my app in a way that gets in the way of Mac OS X's crash reporter, but I've not seen it before.
I can honestly say that I have never seen this one before. I have seen a number of other dynamic linking problems just not this one. If the user is amenable to helping you with this defect, you might want to write a shell script to enable some dynamic linking environment variables and then launch your application.
#! /bin/bash
open -a > /tmp/link-log 2>&1
The output log might provide some hint as to what is going on. You could also capture the output of otool and other command line utilities to check for unexpected libraries and what not.
You might want to google Symbolication to get a better handle of what is going on here. I came across an interesting chunk of code from Darwin that points this to a dynamic symbol lookup warning. There is also a utility called Shark that may be of interest as well.
Good luck...
I just found this topic via Google because I'm having the same problem. The StarCraft installer crashes immediately. It points to /usr/libexec/oah/translate, which seems to work perfectly well. My guess is this has something to do with the fact the computer it doesn't work on runs iDeneb 1.3 (aka Mac OS X 86 for use on non-Apple hardware), whereas the computer that can run the application just fine has a genuine version of Leopard.
