When to use a Local EJB Interface - ejb-3.0

As per Oracle docs here
Local Clients A local client has these characteristics.
It must run in the same application as the enterprise bean it
It can be a web component or another enterprise bean.
To the local client, the location of the enterprise bean it accesses
is not transparent.
As for :It must run in the same application as the enterprise bean it
When it says 'same application, it means the EJb client and the EJB bean must be part of the same jar file? Or same EAR file? If it is part of the same jar file, why even use an EJB in the first place? We can just import the EJB bean in the client and use it like a utility class.

It means the same EAR.
Regardless, the only reason to ever use EJB is because you want to delegate responsibility to the container (transactions, security, interceptors, resource injection, asynchronous methods, timers, etc.). There's nothing to stop you from implementing all the qualities of service yourself (e.g., Spring did it), but by using EJB, you don't have to worry about getting all the details right, and (in theory) you make it easier for many people to develop an application because they share a common understanding.


It Is possible to get different instances of ejb when using lookup?

the tittle kinda says it all, I have a JNDI lookup in some wildfly web server wich looks for ejb in another wildfly web server (remote ejb) I have stateless ejbs in this server, I kinda need to get "a new" ejb everytime I lookup for it, I know it sounds crazy and probably this is the worst aproach possible but this is how the system is: 1 web server holding spring's Bean those lookup for an ejb, this spring beans are session scoped because this is an web application, so every user that log in has a bean to work with, the problem is when they need to lookup for 1 ejb, they lookup for the exact same ejb and I think this could be an issue because this ejb returns some data and this data could be for one user but not the other and both can see the same (I did a test to check this and yes, I got this problem)
is there any way to do this? thanks

OSGI service vs. Singleton?

I am a beginner to OSGI and I am wondering if someone can enlighten me about the difference between creating OSGI service vs singleton pattern. For example, suppose I have a bundle core which provides IService, and multiple bundles that needs to access this. I can:
register a service in the core-bundle, in which the plugins can access
provide a singleton class, which provides the service
Using OSGI service seems to be quite cumbersome; and since the plugins have to depend on Core anyways (to get the interface), what's the advantage of using OSGI service?
Services are the connections between independent modules. Having modules depend on services (with their specification packages) can significantly reduce coupling between modules and thus provide much of the benefits of modularity.
I think the singleton pattern is used in two different ways: you just want a single object be shared between a set of users (e.g. a Log Service) or you can really only have one instance (e.g. there is only one piece of hardware). In general, I see that most people in the enterprise software world talk about the former. However, experience shows that when projects grow, singletons become less singleton but more a shared object, or at least an appearing to be shared object.
The nice thing in OSGi is that you can model both and the clients of the "singleton" are oblivious of it, nor does it require some central configuration. The reason is that OSGi relies on modules in charge, registering a service is a local decision as is listening to a service.
The power of services are not in its dynamics (they are cool though, especially during development), the essence of service is that they provide full local control inside the module without central configuration. Once you understand how powerful this is, there is no way back :-)
Last, OSGi services are not cumbersome, not since we have DS with annotations. Registering a service is now much simpler than creating a Spring bean, no xml, no central configuration:
// A component registered as a ISingleton service
public class MyImpl implements ISingleton {
void doSingle() { ... }
// A component that uses the ISingleton component
public class MyConsumer {
void setISingleton(ISingleton is) { ... }
... And the dynamics come largely for free ...
Short answer: if you don't -- and won't -- need the benefit of an OSGi service (e.g., dynamically-managed service implementations and service searches), then you don't need an OSGi service.
But there is more to consider here than whether or not the service would be cumbersome. Heck, OSGi itself can be considered cumbersome. Will another bundle need to provide an implementation of that class? Maybe not. Will the Core bundle ever shut down or otherwise be unable to provide an implementation on demand? Maybe.
To determine if a service is right for the class in question, read the run-down of the specific benefits of a service on the OSGi Alliance's What Is OSGi page. They have a very good explanation of how your singleton class may become more cumbersome than a service.
Good luck.
My OSGi Threading Model 's poc is resulted into believing me that, every service is a singleton for a service consumer. As the only one service object get registered into the osgi service registry. (but you can override this behavior also). So as far as programming is considered, the behavior of a singleton class and an OSGi service is the same. Your class level variables are shared among the various service consumer calls.
I will say OSGI Service is Singleton++
But there are also differences.
OSGi gives you a separate class-loader for each service which is not possible in a singleton. All {singleton} classes are loaded by a single classloader. We can't have two classes with the same name (fully qualified name) in a singleton but this is possible in OSGi.
In certain situations we must be confirmed that a class should be loaded only once (making hibernate session factory, hdfc service initialization, POJO creations which are heavy initializations required only once). Now if you are living in a Java EE scenario some times your singleton class gets loaded twice by two different classloaders. So this results into two times the execution of a static block; an unnecessary job.
Such classloader problems are easily handled by OSGi (as you are a beginner I feel classloading itself is a problem for you in the next few days).
Another great feature provided by OSGi is updating a bundle.
Consider you changed the code in your singleton class. Now you need to deploy this updated class in your running application. You essentially need to restart the system, so that every singleton class loader updates the new instance of the singleton. This is not required in OSGi, just update the bundle.
I will say if you're going to design for larger applications (enterprise scale), or if you need to design code for a limited hardware capacity (low memory constraints, low computing power) then go for OSGi, it is best for the extreme ends. For all others your normal java coding will work perfectly.
You can manage the life cycle (deploy new version of the service, concurrently run multiple versions etc) of a service but you can't manage the life cycle of singleton without restarting the JVM (even with restart you can just have 1 version available at any point of time).

Is it bad practice for a spring-based jar project to provide a bean configuration file?

If you have a library containing Spring beans that need to be wired together before an application can use them, does it make sense to include any sort of bean configuration file in the JAR (such as the /META-INF directory)? The idea is to give the application the option of importing this into its master Spring context configuration.
There may be more than one way to wire these beans, so I could provide a bean configuration file for each of the standard ways in which you'd typically wire them together.
Or, do I force the application to wire these up explicitly?
If it helps, the specifics of my problem involve a library I created to encapsulate our product's persistence layer. It contains Service, DAO and model beans. The DAO implementations currently use Hibernate (this probably won't change). Some of the DAO implementations need different kinds of Strategy beans injected into them (database encryption logic), depending on the type of database we are deploying on (MySQL vs SQL Server, etc). So we have potentially a few different configuration scenarios. I could also provide datasource bean configurations, relying on property substitution at the app level to inject all the particulars needed by the datasource.
Thanks for your input!
In this case, it's a good idea to provide some beans files, either as examples for documentation purposes, or as fully-fledged files ready for including into a wider context.
If your beans' wiring can get complex, then you shouldn't really leave it entirely up to the library client to figure it out.
This is more of a documentation and education task, really.

Different EARs using common services. Should I use remote calls, or package them as local?

I have multiple EJB3 ears deployed on jboss server. One of them is an application containing common services exposed as remote. Now all other ears use those services via remote and it seems to be realy painful for performance.
What can i do to overcome this? Can I make those services #Local and package this jar to every single application to allow them to be used via #Local not #Remote?
According to the JavaEE tutorial, the client of a #Local bean "must run in the same JVM as the enterprise bean it accesses."
So you should have no problem using local calls between different deployed applications on the same server.
Are you sure this is the cause of your performance problems, though?
I agree with you, you cannot inject an ejb session bean from another ear and in the same jvm using local interface.
if you have two ear you must use the remote interface, and using:
#EJB(lookup ="JNDI_BEAN_NAME")
I disagree. See this thread as it provides an excellent description of why you shouldn't: http://www.coderanch.com/t/79249/Websphere/Local-EJB-calls-separate-ear
The only way, normally, to make local calls between ears is to make cross-classloader calls. Not pretty.
You can get around this by having a single classloader per server (versus scoped by ear). Also a bad idea for security/isolation reasons.
You should use remote calls between ears. Some Java EE implementations optimize these calls to be more efficient when calling within the same jvm.

Can remote stateless session bean references be cached in EJB3?

I am calling a remote stateless session bean from a J2SE application and would like to cache the reference to the session bean in order to reduce the cost of the lookup. Is this ok?
In EJB2 the ServiceLocator pattern was commonly used to cache lookups to remote resources, but EJB3 doesn't have separate EJB Home (which were usually cached) and Remote objects.
Googling around, a common answer to this is to use EJB3 injection, but since I am doing a call to a remote EJB server from a J2SE client, I can't use injection.
Yes, they can be cached. But I don't know if the behavior is defined what will happen should you have a cached reference and the server is rebooted underneath it. You can test that scenario, but the behavior may vary with the container.
If the server goes away, your references become invalid.
As for caching during the normal lifecycle, this should be fine. I've done this for years, both in EJB2 and EJB3, and never had an issue. Generally I just have a static 'LookupServices' class that just looks up the home, or returns the existing one if it's already there - and stores it in a map.
