Where is Profiling configured in a Windows Azure cloud project? - windows

This page shows how to enable profiling from the Publish Windows Azure Application dialog.
How can I configure profiling without using that dialog?
I looked through my service configuration and service definition files, and I can't find any settings related to profiling. The checkbox and radio buttons in the Publish dialog has to be configuring some setting file somewhere; I just can't find it.

I found it. Profiling is indeed configured in a settings file somewhere.
In case anyone has this same question, here's the answer:
Inside the Azure project directory, there's a folder called "Profiles". Inside that folder are some .azurePubxml files that (it looks like) correspond one-to-one with your service configurations.
Inside those files is a setting <AzureEnableProfiling>True</AzureEnableProfiling> that can be set to True or False.
So that's how you can turn Profiling on and off, without needing to use the gui tool for publishing to Azure.


Sharing AppSettings and ConnectionStrings between a console and a web app

I have a multi-tiered ASP.Net MVC 3 application in which different layers need to share some settings, and I am wondering how to best achieve this.
For now, all my AppSettings are in the Web.config file, but I just added a new project to my solution to create a console application that will be called every night buy the Windows Task Scheduler to perform routine maintenance tasks. This console application will be using the same database, repository layer, service layer, etc. as the web application, and both applications should share the same settings for the most part. I would like to avoid duplicating the settings in two files (app.config and web.config).
Also, I want these settings to be available to the service layer, which is in a separate project in the same solution.
I have read the following post, but I don't fully understand the solution, and I am not sure it is the best way to do this.
Sharing Config settings between Web App and Console App
I also read the article linked to by that post, and I don't find the solution very elegant.
I am using VS 2010 and EF 4.3.1.
If you're simply interested in accessing the AppSettings of your web.config file from a console app, that's simple enough. The only real annoyance is that since your console app won't be running in a web context, you will have to know in advance what your site is called in IIS. This being your own application shouldn't be a challenge.
Just use System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager to open and access the web.config of the specified site.
The idea is that you could put the settings into a common .config shared between all your projects as a link instead of putting it in all projects. The solution is outlined in this answer. Also checkout the configSource property on MSDN if you are not aware about the possibility of externalizing configuration elements into a separate file.

Windows Azure - The current service model is out of sync

When I run a Windows Azure web role on my local developer fabric, I get the following error:
The current service model is out of sync. Make sure both the service configuration and definition files are valid.
One of my colleagues hit this issue and after a bit of playing about, the problem was that the two service configuration files (cloud and local) had a different number of Settings.
When he updated the configuration files so that they were in sync it all worked.
A tip would be to use the GUI in Visual Studio to add new settings to both at the same time. The GUI can be accessed by right clicking the web role and selection properties. This should open up a window. Click the Settings tab on the left.
For me, this was caused by my azure project having been copied from one PC to another (going from Win 7 to Win 8.1 in the process). I am using VS 2013 Community edition on both, but I had upgraded from Azure 2.4 on Win7 to Azure 2.5 on the Win 8.1 machine.
If you unload the azure project and edit the csproj file, you just need to make a small edit (e.g. adding a comment) and save it, so it re-writes itself. This fixed it in my case (where I'd spent ages checking for errors in the CSDEF and CSCFG files). Once I re-saved the csproj file, it worked fine.
This happened to me because one of my cloud configuration files (.cscfg) was missing some key-value pairs that were defined in ServiceDefinition.csdef.
Going over the files manually was a pain. There's an easy way to discover the descrepancies:
In the Solution Explorer, right-click one of the Roles that make up
your Cloud Service and click 'Properties' in the context menu.
The Role properties window will open up grey with an error message saying:
"Invalid Service Definition or service configuration. Please see the
Error List for more details".
Open the Error List window and in some cases you
should be able to see a list of the specific discrepancies, complete with file
and property names.
I followed all the answers here and it still didn't work
eventually I restarted Visual Studio and it worked.
I believe the solution was the combination of one or more of the answers here + restarting VS.
What worked for me was to:
Make sure the Cloud Services .cscfg and .Local.cscfg files were identical (unless you need your Local.cscfg to have some differences for debugging purposes),
Make sure the .csdef file had definitions that matched the .cscfg files, and then
Close the project and delete its Cloud Services .ccproj.user file.
After reloading the project, all was well.
The error can occour when there is no actual fault in the service configurations.
If it occours and everything seems to be correct, instead of restarting visual studio, simply unload the azurecloud project (rightclick: unload proecjt
Please cross check your ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg and ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg files. My problem was, I added a configuration to Local.cscfg but forgot to add the same to Cloud.cscfg
Had this issue - no errors though. I have found that for some bizarre reason the if the setting:
<Setting name="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />
was commented out, then the workerrole would not launch.
For me, the issue turned out to be an inconsistency between the vmName value I had assigned to one of my roles in my various environments. I have a *.cscfg files for my development, test, and production environments. Each of these had a role definition that was supposed to be along the lines of
<Role name="HardWorker" vmName="SomeName">...</Role>
but one had an entry like
<Role name="HardWorker" vmName="SomeOtherName">...</Role>
and that, apparently, was enough to trigger the error.
My problem was incorrect certificate definition in csdef file.
For me the problem was that the Wifi I was using blocked the PORT Azure is using, changing Wifi solved that problem.

Visual Studio: Pre-Build add contents of directory to project

I have the following setup:
Main Website - MVC 3 project, to be hosted on www.domain.com
Intranet Web App - MVC 3 project, windows authentication, hosted on admin.domain.com, which is only accessible from within the local subnet.
CDN Website - A simple web app that merely serves images to both of the above. It will be hosted (publically) on cdn.domain.com, when we go live. I have set up a local project to mock the CDN during development.
I've written a business layer that allows users in the admin panel to upload images, which are then physically saved to the CDN path that's configured (currently on the local machine i.e. C:\Code\SolutionName\CDNProject\images). The main website then uses the same business layer to find and distribute the images via http://cdn.domain.com/images/. http://cdn.domain.com is currently set to http://localhost:55555, while we develop.
Whenever an image is created via the admin panel, it is physically created on disk. Each developer works on his own machine, we we want to be able to check these files in to TFS, for the time being. As you might have guessed, adding files to the file system does not automatically reference them in the project:
I thought there may be some way to reference these images as resources, or set a directory to a "content" directory of sorts... but I can't find anything.
Some developers work remotely via VPN, and do not have access to the local network (only TFS), so a network path is not an acceptable solution.
I thought I might be able to set a pre-build event up, to add all files in a directory to the project?
There is no very easy way to do that. There are a few ways to think about:
1) Write VS adding which adds new files to project (via DTE - starting point). Find out how to automatically run this VS addin on Pre-Build step. Install this addin to your developers machines.
2) Extend your admin logic to automatically check-in the uploaded files to TFS via TFS API
3) try to apply more sofisticated techonologies like this one: T4 Tutorial: Integrating Generated Files in Visual Studio Projects
Hope that helps,
Visual Studio project files have an XML syntax. Project file properties can be modified in a simple text editor (files added/removed, etc.).
You can create a script to open your solution, and before actually opening the solution, you can scan that directory and "inject" the files (with the appropriate XML tags) in the project files.
I don't think you can add this as a pre-build event because the project files are already loaded at that point, and you cannot modify them while they're used.

What is the path to an installed ClickOnce application?

I wrote a "Hallo world" type Windows Forms application in C# to test authentication issues. I'm going to be running the eventual application from a server periodically, so I want to be sure I can get to the resources, and fix that before committing to the whole application.
So, in Visual Studio 2010, I choose Publish....
It says "Where?", and I specify a folder on a shared file system.
It says "How will your users install", and I say, "URL" or something like that.
It says "Where", and I give it a URL in the same shared file system, different folder.
All is right with the world....
Now, I install it on my server by double-clicking "setup" on the shared file system where I published the application.
Now, I find a shortcut in my start menu, all good.
Now, I want to set it up so SQL Server Agent executes it periodically (and tests authentication...) so, what is the URL I give it to execute? I've been trying everything, but not going so well. I don't understand the publish method much at all....
How can I fix this problem?
Look at the Start menu shortcut for your installed application and you'll see that it points to a "ClickOnce Application Reference" (.appref-ms) file buried deep within your user folder. You can start the application by executing that file.
Process.Start(#"C:\Users\Igby\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft\MyClickOnceApp.appref-ms");
I don't know anything about SQL Server Agent, but try giving it this path.

Debug single role instance with Azure Compute emulator

I'm building an application which will be run on Azure. My Visual Studio solution contains multiple Azure role projects. When debugging locally, I use the Azure compute emulator.
To start debugging, I follow these steps:
I right-click on my Azure project and click Set as start up project.
I press F5 to start the debugger.
What happens now is that the emulator/vs2010 launches both my web roles and worker roles, even if I'm only interested in debugging a single worker role at the moment. Often when writing some background-processing code in my worker role, I'm interested to step through that code without starting the web role, launch Internet Explorer and so on as well.
Is there a convinient way to make the debugger only launch one of the role instances and not all of them?
I'm thinking of creating a separate project in my solution of type Console Application, where I load the same assemblies as in my worker role and execute the same code.
The emulator (similar to Azure itself) works just on the concept of a "Cloud Service". So when you launch w/ debug, its going to launch whatever is defined in your Cloud Service (.ccproj) project. This mimics Azure 100% which is why it occur, but I can definitely see where your scenario would be helpful.
Few options, based on your needs.
If you need to test azure-specifics (aka it has to run in the emulator)
Create a second solution file, create a new Cloud service in here, add your project. I like this option because the projects/roles themselves remain untouched.
What Stuart suggested before me, create a second Cloud Project, set as startup, run that.
Similar to above, create a second project, but don't worry about startup. You can right click on any project, go to Debug and select start w/ debugging and achieve what F5 does without binding F5 to this solution
If you dont need to test azure-specifics (ie you are just testing the role)
Right click on the role's project, Debug, Start with Debugging This way the whole solution remains intact and you are just testing the logic
I think you can do this by:
create a new Azure Cloud Project within your solution
add just the one worker role to that cloud project
set that cloud project as your startup project
This will single out just the worker you are interested in
An easier solution would be to open the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file, and set the "Instances > Count" property to "0", for all the roles that you don't want running (this only works in the compute-emulator, and NOT on the azure cloud).
That way, you keep your solution intact and your configurations safe, while just omitting them from the compute-emulator during run-time.
