Randomly choosing from a list with weighted probabilities - algorithm

I have an array of N elements (representing the N letters of a given alphabet), and each cell of the array holds an integer value, that integer value meaning the number of occurrences in a given text of that letter. Now I want to randomly choose a letter from all of the letters in the alphabet, based on his number of appearances with the given constraints:
If the letter has a positive (nonzero) value, then it can be always chosen by the algorithm (with a bigger or smaller probability, of course).
If a letter A has a higher value than a letter B, then it has to be more likely to be chosen by the algorithm.
Now, taking that into account, I've come up with a simple algorithm that might do the job, but I was just wondering if there was a better thing to do. This seems to be quite fundamental, and I think there might be more clever things to do in order to accomplish this more efficiently. This is the algorithm i thought:
Add up all the frequencies in the array. Store it in SUM
Choosing up a random value from 0 to SUM. Store it in RAN
[While] RAN > 0, Starting from the first, visit each cell in the array (in order), and subtract the value of that cell from RAN
The last visited cell is the chosen one
So, is there a better thing to do than this? Am I missing something?
I'm aware most modern computers can compute this so fast I won't even notice if my algorithm is inefficient, so this is more of a theoretical question rather than a practical one.
I prefer an explained algorithm rather than just code for an answer, but If you're more comfortable providing your answer in code, I have no problem with that.

The idea:
Iterate through all the elements and set the value of each element as the cumulative frequency thus far.
Generate a random number between 1 and the sum of all frequencies
Do a binary search on the values for this number (finding the first value greater than or equal to the number).
Element A B C D
Frequency 1 4 3 2
Cumulative 1 5 8 10
Generate a random number in the range 1-10 (1+4+3+2 = 10, the same as the last value in the cumulative list), do a binary search, which will return values as follows:
Number Element returned
1 A
2 B
3 B
4 B
5 B
6 C
7 C
8 C
9 D
10 D

The Alias Method has amortized O(1) time per value generated, but requires two uniforms per lookup. Basically, you create a table where each column contains one of the values to be generated, a second value called an alias, and a conditional probability of choosing between the value and its alias. Use your first uniform to pick any of the columns with equal likelihood. Then choose between the primary value and the alias based on your second uniform. It takes a O(n log n) work to initially set up a valid table for n values, but after the table's built generating values is constant time. You can download this Ruby gem to see an actual implementation.
Two other very fast methods by Marsaglia et al. are described here. They have provided C implementations.


Searching in vector of pairs

I have a vector of pairs (datatype=double), where each pair is (a,b) and a less than b.For a number x, I want to find out number of pair in vector, where a<=x<=b.
Consider the vector size about 10^6.
My Approach
Sort the vector pair and perform a lower_bound operation for x over "a" in pair then iterate from start till my lower bound value and check for values of "b" which satisfies condition of x<=b.
Time Complexity
N(LogN) where N is vector size.
I have to perform this over large queries where this approach becomes inefficient.So is there any better solution to decrease the time complexity.
Sorry for my poor English and question formatting.
In addition to the previous answer, here's a suggestion how to prepare the ranges to optimize the subsequent lookup. The idea boils down to precomputing the result for all significantly different input values, but being smart about when values don't differ significantly.
To illustrate what I mean, let's consider this sequence of ranges:
1, 3
1, 8
2, 4
2, 6
The prepared output structure then looks like this:
1, 2 -> 2
2, 3 -> 4
3, 4 -> 3
4, 6 -> 2
6, 8 -> 1
For any number in the range 1, 2, there are two matching ranges in the initial sequence. For any number in the range 2, 3, there are four matches, etc. Note that there are five ranges here now, because some of the input ranges partially overlapped. Since for every range here the end value is also the start value of the next range, the end value can be optimized out. The result then looks like a simple map:
1 -> 2
2 -> 4
3 -> 3
4 -> 2
6 -> 1
8 -> 0
Note here that the last range didn't have one following, so the explicit zero becomes necessary. For the values before the first, that is implied. In order to find the result for a value, just find the key that is less than or equal to that value. This is a simple O(log n) lookup.
Firstly, if you just did a simple scan over the pairs, you would have O(n) complexity! The O(n log n) comes from sorting and for a one-off operation this is just overhead. This might even be the best way to do it, if you don't reuse the results and even if you just perform a few queries, it might still be better than sorting. Make sure you allow yourself to switch out the algorithm.
Anyhow, let's consider that you need to make many queries. Then, one relatively obvious step to improve things is to not iterate step-by-step after sorting. Instead, you can do a binary search for the lower bound. Simply partition the sequence into halves. The lower bound can be found in either half, which you can determine by looking at the middle element between the partitions. Recurse until you found the first element that can not possibly contain the value you search, because its start value is already greater.
Concerning the other direction, things are not that easy. Just because you sorted the ranges by the start value doesn't imply that the end values are sorted, too. Also, ranges that match and ranges that don't can be mixed in the sequence, so here you will have to perform a linear scan.
Lastly, some notes:
You could parallelize this algorithm using multithreading.
Depending on your number of searches M in your outer loop, you could also switch the outer loop with the inner one. That means that for every pair of the input vector, you check each of the M search values whether they fall within the range. This might be better, in particular when the M searches fit into the CPU cache.
This is a very typical style problem in for segment trees, binary indexed trees, interval trees.
There are two operations that you have to carry out on an array arr.
You have two operations on an array arr:
1. Range update: Add(a, b): for(int i = a; i <= b; ++i) arr[i]++
2. Point query : Query(x): return arr[x]
Alternately, you could formulate your problem slightly cleverly.
1. Point Update: Add(a, b): arr[a]++; arr[b+1]--;
2. Range Query: Query(x): return sum(arr[0], arr[1] ..... arr[x]);
In each of the cases above, you have one O(n) operation and one O(1) operation.
For the second case, the query is essentially a prefix sum calculation. Binary Indexed Trees are especially efficient at this task.
Tutorial for Binary Indexed Trees
You did mention that the vector size is about 10^6, so there is a chance that you may not be able to create an array that big. If you are able to create a set that consists of all the as and bs and xs beforehand, then you can translate them into numbers from 1 to size of set.
This is only allowed if you are allowed to solve the problem offline. What that means is that you can take all the query points x as input, solve them in any order as you like and store the solution, and then print the solution in the correct order.
Please mention if this is your situation, and only then will I elaborate further on this. But Binary Indexed Trees are going to be more efficient than Mo's algorithm.
Because your interval values are of type double, you must convert them to integers before you use my solution. Let me give an example,
Intervals = (1.1 to 1.9), (1.4 to 2.1)
Query Points = 1.5, 2.0
Here all the points that are of interest are not all the possible doubles, but just the above numbers = {1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1}
If we map them into positive integers:
1.1 --> 1
1.4 --> 2
1.5 --> 3
1.9 --> 4
2.0 --> 5
2.1 --> 6
Then you could use segment trees/binary indexed trees.
For each pair a,b you can decompose so that a=+1 and b=-1 for the number of ranges valid for a particular value. Then in becomes a simple O(log n) lookup to see how many ranges encompass the search value.

Heuristics for this (probably) NP-complete puzzle game

I asked whether this problem was NP-complete on the Computer Science forum, but asking for programming heuristics seems better suited for this site. So here it goes.
You are given an NxN grid of unit squares and 2N binary strings of length N. The goal is to fill the grid with 0's and 1's so that each string appears once and only once in the grid, either horizontally (left to right) or vertically (top down). Or determine that no such solution exists. If N is not fixed I suspect this is an NP-complete problem. However are there any heuristics that can hopefully speed up the search to faster than brute force trying all ways to fill in the grid with N vertical strings?
I remember programming this for my friend that had the 5x5 physical version of this game, but I used brute force back then. I can only think of this heuristic:
Consider a 4x4 map with these 8 strings (read each from left to right):
1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0
(Note that this is already solved, since the second 4 is the first 4 transposed)
First attempt:
We will choose columns from left to right. Since 7 of 8 strings start with 1, we will try to put the one with most 1s to the first column (so that we can lay rows more easily when columns are done).
In the second column, most string have 0, so you can also try putting a string with most zeros to the second row, and so on.
This i would call a wide-1 prediction, since it only looks at one column at a time
(Possible) Improvement:
You can look at 2 columns at a time (a wide-2 prediction, if i may call it like that). In this case, from the 8 strings, the most common combination of first two bits is 10 (5/8), so you would like to choose first two columns so the the combination 10 occurring as much as possible (in this case, 1111 followed by 1000 has 3 of 4 10 at start).
(Of course you don't have to stop at 2)
I don't know if this would work. I just made it up and thought it might work.
If you choose to he wide-X prediction, the number of possibilities is exponential with X
This can absolutely fail if the distribution of combinations if even.
What you can do:
As i said, this game has physical 5x5 adaptation, only there you can also lay the string from right-to-left and bottom-to-top, if you found that name, you could google further. I unfortunately don't remember it.
Sounds like you want the crossword grid filling algorithm:
First, build 2N subsets of your 2N strings -- each subset has all the strings with a particular bit at a particular postion. So subset(0,3) is all the strings that have a 0 in the 3rd position and subset(1,5) is all the strings that have a 1 in the 5th position.
The algorithm is a basic brute-force depth fist search trying all possible mappings of strings to slots in the grid, with severe pruning of impossible branches
Your search state is a set of assignments of strings to slots and a set of sets of possible assignments to the remaining slots. The initial state has 0 assignments and 2N sets, all of which contain all 2N strings.
At each step of the search, pick the most constrained set (the set with the fewest elements) from the set of possible sets. Try each element of the set in turn in that slot (adding it to the assigments and removing it from the set of sets), and constrain all the remaining sets of sets by removing the chosen string and intersecting the crossing sets with subset(X,N) (computed in step 1) where X is the bit from the chosen string and N is the row/column number of the chosen string
If you find an empty set when picking above, there is no solution with the choices so far, so backtrack up the tree to a different choice
This is still EXPTIME, but it is about as fast as you can get it. Since the main time consuming step is the set intersections, using 2N bit binary strings for your set representation is very fast -- for N=32, the sets fit in a 64-bit word and can be intersected with a single AND instruction. It also helps to have a POPCOUNT instruction, since you also need set sizes.
This can be solved as a 0/1 integer linear program with O(N^2) variables and constraints. First there are variables Xij which are 1 if string i is assigned to line j (where j=1 to N are rows and j = (N+1) to 2N are columns). Then there is a variable for each square in the grid, which indicates if the entry is 0 or 1. If the position of the square is (i,j) with variable Yij then the sum of all X variables for line j that correspond to strings that have a 1 in position i is equal to Yij, and the sum of all X variables for line j that correspond to strings that have a 0 in position i is equal to (1 - Yij). And similarly for line i and position j. Finally, the sum of all X variables Xij for each string i (summed over all lines j) is equal to 1.
There has been a lot of research in speeding up solvers for 0/1 integer programming so this may be able to often handle fairly large N (like N=100) for many examples. Also, in some cases, solving the relaxed non-integer linear program and rounding the solution off to 0/1 may produce a valid solution, in polynomial time.
We could choose the first lg 2N rows out of the 2N strings, and then since 2^(lg 2N) = 2N, in a lot of cases there shouldn't be very many ways to assign the N columns so that the prefixes of length lg 2N are respected. Then all the rows are filled in so they can be checked to see if a solution has been found. We can also try assigning more rows in the beginning, and fill in different combinations of rows besides the initial rows. (e.g. we can try filling in contiguous rows starting anywhere in the grid).
Running time for assigning lg 2N rows out of 2N strings is O((2N)^(lg 2N)) = O(2^((lg 2N)^2)), which grows slower than 2^N. Assigning columns to match the prefixes is the part that's the hardest to predict run time. If a prefix occurs K times among the assigned rows, and there are M remaining strings that have the prefix, then the number of assignments for this prefix is M*(M-1)...(M-K+1). The total number of possible column assignments is the product of these terms over all prefixes that occur among the rows. If this gets to be too large, the number of rows initially assigned can be increased. But it's hard to predict the worst-case run time unless an assumption is made like the NxN grid is filled in randomly.

Maximum number of equal elements in array

I was solving the problems from codeforces practice problem achieve.
I am not able to find efficient solution.
How to solve the following problem?
I can only think of a brute force solution
Polycarpus has an array, consisting of n integers a1, a2, ..., an. Polycarpus likes it when numbers in an array match. That's why he wants the array to have as many equal numbers as possible. For that Polycarpus performs the following operation multiple times:
he chooses two elements of the array ai, aj (i ≠ j);
he simultaneously increases number ai by 1 and decreases number aj by 1, that is, executes ai = ai + 1 and aj = aj - 1.
The given operation changes exactly two distinct array elements. Polycarpus can apply the described operation an infinite number of times.
Now he wants to know what maximum number of equal array elements he can get if he performs an arbitrary number of such operation. Help Polycarpus.
The first line contains integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — the array size. The second line contains space-separated integers a1, a2, ..., an (|ai| ≤ 104) — the original array.
Print a single integer — the maximum number of equal array elements he can get if he performs an arbitrary number of the given operation.
Sample test(s)
2 1
1 4 1
find the sum of all the elements.
If the sum%n==0 then n else n-1
EDIT: Explanations :
First of all it is very easy to spot that the answer is minimum n-1.It cannot be lesser .
Proof: Choose any number that you wish to make as your target.And suppose the last index n.Now you make a1=target by applying operation on a1 and an.Similarly on a2 and an and so on.So all numbers except the last one are equal to target.
Now we need to see that if sum%n==0 then all numbers are possible.Clearly you can choose your target as the mean of all the numbers here.You can apply operation by choosing a index with value less than mean and other with value greater than mean and make one of them (possibly both) equal to mean.

Returning i-th combination of a bit array

Given a bit array of fixed length and the number of 0s and 1s it contains, how can I arrange all possible combinations such that returning the i-th combinations takes the least possible time?
It is not important the order in which they are returned.
Here is an example:
array length = 6
number of 0s = 4
number of 1s = 2
possible combinations (6! / 4! / 2!)
000011 000101 000110 001001 001010
001100 010001 010010 010100 011000
100001 100010 100100 101000 110000
1st combination = 000011
5th combination = 001010
9th combination = 010100
With a different arrangement such as
100001 100010 100100 101000 110000
001100 010001 010010 010100 011000
000011 000101 000110 001001 001010
it shall return
1st combination = 100001
5th combination = 110000
9th combination = 010100
Currently I am using a O(n) algorithm which tests for each bit whether it is a 1 or 0. The problem is I need to handle lots of very long arrays (in the order of 10000 bits), and so it is still very slow (and caching is out of the question). I would like to know if you think a faster algorithm may exist.
Thank you
I'm not sure I understand the problem, but if you only want the i-th combination without generating the others, here is a possible algorithm:
There are C(M,N)=M!/(N!(M-N)!) combinations of N bits set to 1 having at most highest bit at position M.
You want the i-th: you iteratively increment M until C(M,N)>=i
while( C(M,N) < i ) M = M + 1
That will tell you the highest bit that is set.
Of course, you compute the combination iteratively with
C(M+1,N) = C(M,N)*(M+1)/(M+1-N)
Once found, you have a problem of finding (i-C(M-1,N))th combination of N-1 bits, so you can apply a recursion in N...
Here is a possible variant with D=C(M+1,N)-C(M,N), and I=I-1 to make it start at zero
This will require large integer arithmetic if you have that many bits...
If the ordering doesn't matter (it just needs to remain consistent), I think the fastest thing to do would be to have combination(i) return anything you want that has the desired density the first time combination() is called with argument i. Then store that value in a member variable (say, a hashmap that has the value i as key and the combination you returned as its value). The second time combination(i) is called, you just look up i in the hashmap, figure out what you returned before and return it again.
Of course, when you're returning the combination for argument(i), you'll need to make sure it's not something you have returned before for some other argument.
If the number you will ever be asked to return is significantly smaller than the total number of combinations, an easy implementation for the first call to combination(i) would be to make a value of the right length with all 0s, randomly set num_ones of the bits to 1, and then make sure it's not one you've already returned for a different value of i.
Your problem appears to be constrained by the binomial coefficient. In the example you give, the problem can be translated as follows:
there are 6 items that can be chosen 2 at a time. By using the binomial coefficient, the total number of unique combinations can be calculated as N! / (K! (N - K)!, which for the case of K = 2 simplifies to N(N-1)/2. Plugging 6 in for N, we get 15, which is the same number of combinations that you calculated with 6! / 4! / 2! - which appears to be another way to calculate the binomial coefficient that I have never seen before. I have tried other combinations as well and both formulas generate the same number of combinations. So, it looks like your problem can be translated to a binomial coefficient problem.
Given this, it looks like you might be able to take advantage of a class that I wrote to handle common functions for working with the binomial coefficient:
Outputs all the K-indexes in a nice format for any N choose K to a file. The K-indexes can be substituted with more descriptive strings or letters. This method makes solving this type of problem quite trivial.
Converts the K-indexes to the proper index of an entry in the sorted binomial coefficient table. This technique is much faster than older published techniques that rely on iteration. It does this by using a mathematical property inherent in Pascal's Triangle. My paper talks about this. I believe I am the first to discover and publish this technique, but I could be wrong.
Converts the index in a sorted binomial coefficient table to the corresponding K-indexes.
Uses Mark Dominus method to calculate the binomial coefficient, which is much less likely to overflow and works with larger numbers.
The class is written in .NET C# and provides a way to manage the objects related to the problem (if any) by using a generic list. The constructor of this class takes a bool value called InitTable that when true will create a generic list to hold the objects to be managed. If this value is false, then it will not create the table. The table does not need to be created in order to perform the 4 above methods. Accessor methods are provided to access the table.
There is an associated test class which shows how to use the class and its methods. It has been extensively tested with 2 cases and there are no known bugs.
To read about this class and download the code, see Tablizing The Binomial Coeffieicent.
It should not be hard to convert this class to the language of your choice.
There may be some limitations since you are using a very large N that could end up creating larger numbers than the program can handle. This is especially true if K can be large as well. Right now, the class is limited to the size of an int. But, it should not be hard to update it to use longs.

Generating Random Matrix With Pairwise Distinct Rows and Columns

I need to randomly generate an NxN matrix of integers in the range 1 to K inclusive such that all rows and columns individually have the property that their elements are pairwise distinct.
For example for N=2 and K=3
This is ok:
1 2
2 1
This is not:
1 3
1 2
(Notice that if K < N this is impossible)
When K is sufficiently larger than N an efficient enough algorithm is just to generate a random matrix of 1..K integers, check that each row and each column is pairwise distinct, and if it isn't try again.
But what about the case where K is not much larger than N?
This is not a full answer, but a warning about an intuitive solution that does not work.
I am assuming that by "randomly generate" you mean with uniform probability on all existing such matrices.
For N=2 and K=3, here are the possible matrices, up to permutations of the set [1..K]:
1 2 1 2 1 2
2 1 2 3 3 1
(since we are ignoring permutations of the set [1..K], we can assume wlog that the first line is 1 2).
Now, an intuitive (but incorrect) strategy would be to draw the matrix entries one by one, ensuring for each entry that it is distinct from the other entries on the same line or column.
To see why it's incorrect, consider that we have drawn this:
1 2
x .
and we are now drawing x. x can be 2 or 3, but if we gave each possibility the probability 1/2, then the matrix
1 2
3 1
would get probability 1/2 of being drawn at the end, while it should have only probability 1/3.
Here is a (textual) solution. I don't think it provides good randomness, but nevertherless it could be ok for your application.
Let's generate a matrix in the range [0;K-1] (you will do +1 for all elements if you want to) with the following algorithm:
Generate the first line with any random method you want.
Each number will be the first element of a random sequence calculated in such a manner that you are guarranteed to have no duplicate in subsequent rows, that is for any distinct column x and y, you will have x[i]!=y[i] for all i in [0;N-1].
Compute each row for the previous one.
All the algorithm is based on the random generator with the property I mentioned. With a quick search, I found that the Inversive congruential generator meets this requirement. It seems to be easy to implement. It works if K is prime; if K is not prime, see on the same page 'Compound Inversive Generators'. Maybe it will be a little tricky to handle with perfect squares or cubic numbers (your problem sound like sudoku :-) ), but I think it is possible by creating compound generators with prime factors of K and different parametrization. For all generators, the first element of each column is the seed.
Whatever the value of K, the complexity is only depending on N and is O(N^2).
Deterministically generate a matrix having the desired property for rows and columns. Provided K > N, this can easily be done by starting the ith row with i, and filling in the rest of the row with i+1, i+2, etc., wrapping back to 1 after K. Other algorithms are possible.
Randomly permute columns, then randomly permute rows.
Let's show that permuting rows (i.e. picking up entire rows and assembling a new matrix from them in some order, with each row possibly in a different vertical position) leaves the desired properties intact for both rows and columns, assuming they were true before. The same reasoning then holds for column permutations, and for any sequence of permutations of either kind.
Trivially, permuting rows cannot change the property that, within each row, no element appears more than once.
The effect of permuting rows on a particular column is to reorder the elements within that column. This holds for any column, and since reordering elements cannot produce duplicate elements where there were none before, permuting rows cannot change the property that, within each column, no element appears more than once.
I'm not certain whether this algorithm is capable of generating all possible satisfying matrices, or if it does, whether it will generate all possible satisfying matrices with equal probability. Another interesting question that I don't have an answer for is: How many rounds of row-permutation-then-column-permutation are needed? More precisely, is any finite sequence of row-perm-then-column-perm rounds equivalent to a bounded number of (or in particular, one) row-perm-then-column-perm round? If so then nothing is gained by further permutations after the first row and column permutations. Perhaps someone with a stronger mathematics background can comment. But it may be good enough in any case.
