Orchard CMS: Updating a driver for a table with payload - asp.net-mvc-3

I am new to Orchard and have gone through the advanced pluralsight course (which I thought was great). I have built the movie module, which can also be downloaded from the Orchard gallery, but I wanted to add a field for the actor's character name in a given movie. I decided this would fit on the MovieActorRecord so it becomes
public class MovieActorRecord {
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual MoviePartRecord MoviePartRecord { get; set; }
public virtual ActorRecord ActorRecord { get; set; }
public virtual string CharacterName { get; set; } }
I also added "CharacterName" to the MovieEditViewModel file. I'm unsure how to wire it all together in the MoviePartDriver when I'm building that viewmodel.
Can anyone help me through this?

Just add a migration step that alters the table to add the new column.


Accessing DataAnnotations AdditionalMetadata in code

I am struggling to find a simple answer to this question, hopefully someone out there can help?
I have a system using MVC3 code first and EF4.1.
I have a number of models and I am trying to override DbContext.SaveChanges to provide an audit facility.
There are certain high volume columns that should be excluded from the Audit.
I had hoped that I could use the AdditionalMetadata tag like so...
public class User : IAuditable
public int UserID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
[AdditionalMetadata("IgnoreAudit", true)]
public DateTime? LastActive { get; set; }
and then in my audit code use something like...
bool AuditThis = ModelMetadata
.FromLambdaExpression(dbEntry.Property(propertyName), null)
to determine whether to log the change or not.
Obviously this code fails as it was taken (and changed!) from a view.
My question is. Can the ModelMetaData be read outside of a ViewContext or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Thanks for taking the time to read.
I found the pointer on stackoverflow here but I needed the slightly different
var metaData = ModelMetadataProviders
.Current.GetMetadataForProperty(null, objType, propertyName);

ASP.NET MVC3 Validation error

If you go to this website, http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/getting-started-with-aspnet-mvc3/cs/intro-to-aspnet-mvc-3, you can see a tutorial where users create a movie database. I completed this tutorial with no problems, and attempted to create a new MVC application with some small changes that make the project more similar to what I want to do eventually.
Rather that create a model named Movie, I created one named Issue. Like movie, it has a few fields, but they are all different names and types. I went through the process exactly as is done in the tutorial, but whenever I try to add an issue to the database via the web UI, I get a DBEntityValidationException. I have not set any validation rules at this point in the process, so I am unsure of what the problem is.
Can someone give me some advice on fixing this so that I can add Issues to my database (as is done with movies on the online tutorial)?
Let me know if more information is needed; I am very new to this and may be lacking in details.
Here is the model code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data.Entity;
namespace MvcApplication200.Models
public class Issue
public String id { get; set; }
public DateTime created { get; set; }
public DateTime closed { get; set; }
public String summary { get; set; }
public bool? importToTFS { get; set; }
public class IssueDBContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Issue> Issues { get; set; }
Update:I just redid the whole process, but rather than have different fields and different types, I made it so that my Issue model had the same number and same types of fields (with only different names). The error went away, so the problem must be with db format or something. I hope this makes the problem more clear.
I just ended up adding this class, which removes everything from the database when fields are changed. Then, I refresh the database, which is easy to do in my situation. One could add some items to the Seed method in order to ensure that some things remain in the updated database after it is cleared.
public class IssueInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<IssueDBContext>
protected override void Seed(IssueDBContext context)
//add things here

ASP.NET 4.3 Scaffolding: Add Controller vs Add View - different behavior?

I am trying to dig into ASP.NET MVC 3, using the standard tutorials in the web, and I encounter a strage problem.
Currently, I am following the samples in a book, using a "Movie" class with movie genres stored in a separate entity, connected with a foreign key (okay, I am from Germany, so my class is named in German). I show only the relevant properties here. It's a database first approach using DbContext, my model was created from the edmx by using the EF 4.x DbContext Generator and the edmx was automatically created from the data base.
public partial class Film
public Film() { }
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Titel { get; set; }
public int GenreID { get; set; }
public virtual Genre Genre { get; set; }
public partial class Genre
public Genre() { }
public int GenreID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
When I create a new Controller with CRUD Views for the Film class, using a DBContext that provides a DBSet, I get an Edit view that uses a DropdownList to edit GenreID, labelled "Genre". Fine. That's what I want.
But then, I tried to create another edit view, separately. So I right-clicked into my Edit Action-Method, selected "Add View", called it "Edit2", used Film as model and "Edit" as scaffold template. In this view, I got a simple "EditorFor(m->m.GenreID)", labelled GenreID. That's not what I want.
Of course, I can change that manually. Of course, I can download a slew of scaffolding tools that claim to do better.
But I want to understand if this is a bug in the EF templates, or if my model is built wrong so that Genre / GenreID gets confused. When I create everything at once, scaffolding creates a DropDown, so there must be "just" some detail that's missing.
You will need to call your Action in your controller "Edit2".

MVC 3 / Entity Framework: Binding Collections

I have 2 models, employee and person:
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public int? PersonId { get; set; }
public virtual Person Person { get; set; }
public class Person
public IList<PhoneNumber> PhoneNumbers { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FName { get; set; }
public string LName { get; set; }
public Person()
PhoneNumbers = new List<PhoneNumber>
new PhoneNumber()
Editor Template for Phone:
#Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Number)
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m, new SelectList(Enum.GetNames(typeof (WebMVC.Core.Common.PhoneType))))
To reduce clutter, I removed the other (non-pertinent) properties.
The difficulty I am having is while in the Employee Create(), I can bind the person FName & LName, I cannot bind the PhoneNumbers collection.
I know about the 2008 Haack blog but I do not think it mirrors this situation.
Does anyone know a solution to bind the person phone numbers collection in the employee's Create()?
I'm not exactly sure if PhoneNumber is a custom class that you created, or one that is built into the framework. But if you're having problems with MVC3 mapping posted data to the Employee class like you specified, you might want to look at creating a custom binding. Keep in mind that if your editor template code is incorrect this wont really matter, so I would take a look at that using fiddler first.
Here are a few good sites to get you started, I found them all on SO at one point.
Creating a custom binder gives you complete control over the way that MVC parses your posted model data and populates the object. There are 2 main functions that most people override, CreateModel and BindModel. BindModel is the function you will most likely want to override if this is the way you would like to go.
I don't know what the html from the editor template looks like, but to bind to a collection of custom types it should look something like this:
<input name="[0].Number">
<input name="[0].PhoneType">
<input name="[1].Number">
<input name="[1].PhoneType">
<input name="[2].Number">
<input name="[2].PhoneType">

MVC3 - Recommended way to create fields for IEnumerables with Editor Templates

I want to create a form for an entity. One of the members is an IEnumerable of a different type (that also has an IEnumerable member), for example:
public class Person
public string Fullname { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Position> Jobs { get; set; }
public class Position
public string Title { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> PhoneNumbers { get; set; }
I'm trying to find a good example of creating multiple fields in the html, how would I allow to enter more than one position? I think I read somewhere about someone who's cloning that part of the form with jQuery - is that the way to go?
This blog post talks about editing a variable length list and may be what you are after.
Possible duplicate of Editing a Variable Length List, ASP.NET MVC 3 Style with Table
I personnally use an improved version of BeginCollectionItem, but I find it still too complicated when used with child views.
This is a great fail of ASP.NET MVC promises (it should be simple, fluid and powerful).
