Joomla 2.5 - edit "| print |" icon label - joomla

I'm updating a Joomla 2.5 template. It's going to have the Print and Email action icons visible. The Email label is fine, but the Print label has a couple of pipe characters ("|") automagically added by the core helpers/icons.php file.
Any thoughts on how to override helpers/icons.php enough to get rid of the pipes?

#Andrew Spartan is right. Just use an override. Two places to do that. Go to administrator.
Extensions -> Language Manager -> Overrides
Add a new override and use the constant JGLOBAL_ICON_SEP. Don't enter anything for the text and save it.
Or on the command line edit /language/overrides/.override.ini
Where is the default language you use. eg. en-GB

Thank you for posting this! It was very helpful for me. I have a client who insisted on using the Print button to duplicate the [File] [Print] menu command, and NOT pull up the default tmpl=component blah blah, printer friendly view. Changing that line in my code worked like a charm. I had to add the word "Print" though to make it look right. This is what I added:
<li class="print-icon"><?php JText::_('JGLOBAL_PRINT') ?>Print</li>
Now the only thing I would "rather" do is NOT alter my core file. Is there a way to add this somewhere else that will override this one?

Yeah, five minutes later I think of a solution. facepalm
<?php echo JHtml::_('icon.print_popup', $this->item, $params); ?>
<?php JText::_('JGLOBAL_PRINT') ?>


Hide title not working in joomla 3.2

Ok all I want is hide the article title, no big deal, right?
So here is what I have:
Here are my settings in the article manager - i disabled pretty much everthing, and yes, i cleared cache:
Guess what, the title does not disappear. I am getting really tired of this bad quality.
I had the same problems with the tags, they wouldn't disappear. But you can just remove all tags you have in an article to make em disappear (great solution right)
Is it joomla or is it me?
I read a weird comment about having to disable author to disable the title here
During our testing, simply setting Show Title will not hide the title. You also need to set the option Show Author to hide as well.
That was in version 3.0
I was debugging, and I saw this as implementation of C:\xampp\apps\joomla\htdocs\components\com_content\views\article\tmpl\default.php:
<?php if ($params->get('show_title') || $params->get('show_author')) : ?>
<div class="page-header">
<?php if ($this->item->state == 0) : ?>
<span class="label label-warning"><?php echo JText::_('JUNPUBLISHED'); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_title')) : ?>
<?php if ($params->get('link_titles') && !empty($this->item->readmore_link)) : ?>
<?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
So a div and h2 is rendered in case author is available, should be empty when title is hidden though.
Show title is always 1, whatever I do, link_titles btw as well. The only way to disable it is going to the global configuration and setting the global configuration to Hide, whatever I am doing in the Article Manager Options tab of an article seems to have no effect (setting it to Hide, Show, Global). It seems to be fixed on 'Global'. At least with what I tested with
What I found is this (Joomla 3.2):
In Menu Manager -> Edit Menu Item -> Options
Set Show Title to Use Article Settings
In Article Manager - Edit Article -> Options
Set Show Title to Hide.
Worked for me.
You can 'control' the display of 'article titles' in three places
1 - Article Manager then 'options' button (top right). This will modify every article in your site, basically changes the default.
2 - Individual article, 'options' tab (center of page just above the editor). This will modify setting for this specific article AND it "overrides" the global article option setting.
3 - Menu item, 'options' tab (center of page just above the editor).This "overrides" the global article option settings and the article option setting.
I have just visited your question and the answers given.
If you just want to hide the titles of the articles you have assigned to the menu items in joomla 3.2, you do not need to hide them globally.
Instead there is a tab named Advanced Options in
Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item.
In which you will find
Article options => Show Title => Hide
By this way you can easily hide the title of the article which are linked to that menu item's link.
I wish this will be helpful to you.
I'm using Joomla 3.3, and to make the títle "Home" dissapear on first page, I found the solution here by toskan:
Go to Menu Manager, edit menu Home, and on tab "Page Display" remove "Show Page Heading"
Why is it like this? So you can have the flexibility to change your display but also the simplicity to set your most commonly used settings in global configuration.
Global configuration sets the default display. You should set your globals to the most common settings that you will use in your site. Then you should only use individual article or menu settings when you want to override those settings. Really, most people never need to override becasue they want to have a consistent look and feel.
However, if you do want to have a mixture of settings the next step is to change individual items. For example on a given article you may have a date show even though by default you never show a date.
Still, what if sometimes you want to show the author but sometimes you don't? Do you have to copy the article completely to set new params? No, that would be ridiculous and a pain to maintain. In that case you create a menu item linking to that article. The menu link options can be used to override the options from the specific article. Again, you should really only be using this in special cases since you have already thoughtfully set your global and item level settings.
So the cascade is menu overrides item overrides global.
Joomla also gives you a lot of other options for this kind of thing such as you can even put an alternate layout. It could be (and is) a criticism that joomla goes too far in letting you customize everything so much and it creates an overwhelming UI, but on the other hand if you are used to it, it is very powerful.
hide website Title :
extension >> template Manager
go to Options and tape a SPACE in TITLE
that will delete your Title and replace it by a space...TRICK that cant harm..
working 100%
maybe same for module or article title..
If you go to The Menu Item, then click on the tab "Link Type" it will ask "Add meny title:" set that to NO.
This worked for me.
edit: Check also the "Page Display" Tab
I may have found another solution. I am working on Joomla 2.5 though but maybe 3.2 may have similar settings. Took a bit to find but here goes. This applies if the Article has been associated as a menu item:
Go to Menu Manager then click the culprit menu item.
Then scroll down to "Page Display Options"
I would have attached an image for clarity, but alas I need 10 reputation.
For some reason though, this overrides the rules for Global Config and Article config to hide the article headings.
I hope this helps someone.
Update :
In Joomla 3.2 you can find this under the Page Display in the Menu Manager once you click into the Menu Item. By default headings are visible
Solution is simple.
If article is also a menu item you have to set it in settings for menu item, otherwise it wont work!
Well I don't understand, but the title is coming from the Menu Item. So there is the article title which you can show / hide / throw into the streets / dowhatever and nothing happens. Then there is the 'Global Configuration' for the articles, when I set the title to 'Hide' there, it will hide the actual thing , but yeah, for all articles.
Then there is the Menu Item manager which imho has no importance for the title displayed in the content. But okay, if you globally enable the article titles and then disable the menu item title for this menu item, it will actually hide the article title. You can still do whatever you want in the article options of the single article.
Probably the same accounts for show hiding tags of the ARTICLE.
It is good I don't have a gun in my place, I would probably have blasted my brains onto the next wall. Time spent for this crap: over 1 hour.
If someone can reasonably explain why it is like that, I will certainly accept or upvote.

I want to add Text below Currency Select Box Magento, how do I do it?

I have a currency select box on my magento install. It is located exactly where I want it and all is good.
However I want to add a piece of text below the drop down select box just telling people that they will be charged in NZD.
Problem is I have edited app\design\frontend\base\default\template\directory\currency.phtml but no changes happen on the front end.
I have even changed __('Select Your Currency') ?> to __('HEY') ?> Just to see would it work and nothing, it didn't change the header of the box at all.
Please help, what am I doing wrong, am I am idiot?
Thanks in advance.
Hii Instead of using base theme try changing in your current working theme it will reflect
For ex:-
Are you modifying base theme for all your template requirement.This is not Magento standard practice.
Switch on Hints and check the block and html involved. Modify that .phtml ot write some code in associated block file and call that block function from your .phtml

How to edit page <title> tag in Joomla 2.5

I am using custom search module in joomla 2.5 and I need to add extra text to the title tag on module. But I cant seem to find where the tag is located in Joomla. Does any of you guys know where it is located and how can I override page title ? Thanks
#George Wilson is close, but the $this will only work depending on what context you are in/
Instead you can do something as simple as the following pretty much anywhere (though this should be something set by either the component or a plugin specifically meant to improve page titles globally in some way).
JFactory::getDocument()->setTitle('Set your title here');
Do note though that if you set this in a module or elsewhere, something else can come along later in the code and override this.
The title tag should NOT be set by a module - but by the component on the page. Having said that you can do it through:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$this->setTitle( 'This is the title that you wish to place' );
Link here for more info
I guess you want this:
Take a look at that on LINE 102. You will be able to control everything... :-)
Add the following line:
JFactory::getDocument()->setTitle('Set your title here');
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
in the following file:

Magento Not Translating Wishlist Product Name and Description

I have a developmental Magento Store I'm setting up with two languages. Everything works perfect except the SideBar Wishlist and the "My Account" Wishlist displays the Spanish option no matter what. Everything switches i.e. the "My Wishlist" title header, even the email to friend box that automatically writes in "Please, enter your comments..." changes correctly. But the product name and discription remians in Spanish. I've tried this suggestion here: Wishlist don´t capture store views lenguage
Has anyone figured out how to fix this or what I might have set incorrectly?
I had this problem as well on Magento 1.6.2CE. - while switching store languages product names remain in default language.
On a file Wishlist\Model\Item.php arround line 319 you need to remove the line of code:
public function getProduct()
$product = $this->_getData('product'); // <-- remove this line
The $product object is reloaded again with the correct store filter.
I don't really understand the scenario, but based on your title I had came up with this.
By any chance, did you manually code the text on a HTML block?
I have came across with this problem, and what I did is find the code snippets where the text is being called. There I changed it with the code below, instead of directly using the text itself. Hope that it makes sense.
<?php $this->__('Customers'); ?>

Getting article create date joomla

I'm trying to get article's created timestamp or date so I can format it with css. I've searched on google and on the forum but, I'm confused on the result.
I've done this:
echo $this->article->created;
echo $this->item->created;
And is giving me a blank result.
What am I doing wrong?
Looking at the page layout
Line 114 you see how the date is rendered in 2.5.
<dd class="create">
<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_CREATED_DATE_ON', JHtml::_('date', $this->item->created, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2'))); ?>
So to style it you can just use the create class or you can make a layout override.
This is assuming you want it in an article. If you want it in a list or something look at the appropriate layout for that. And if you want to override the date format itself do that in a layout override.
The element you want seems to vary by version, so make sure whatever you are cribbing off of, matches your installation.
First of All where you are trying to display the created date.
1) In normal article views like default joomla catgory ,blog or any other view.
You should check the following.
The article options that available on the right side options of articles the created date is show true.
Then Also make sure If it assigned to a menu there also these options available there also
make true.
Then you will get the created date in the articles default view.
2)If you are trying with a custom code section you can find some codes like this.
$useDefList = (($params->get('show_author')) OR ($params->get('show_category')) OR ($params->get('show_parent_category'))
OR ($params->get('show_create_date')) OR ($params->get('show_modify_date')) OR ($params->get('show_publish_date'))
OR ($params->get('show_hits')));
on the article default view of joomla.In any version of joomla these should be based on article options values.
Hope this may help you...
