How to clone a WebSphere 8 profile - websphere

I would like to clone an existing profile, start the server and modify it via the Admin Console.
I already read the IBM documentation about
but the manageprofiles tool does not contain something like:
# would be nice if a clone action exists
manageprofiles.bat -clone -profileName base -targetProfileName base1
This is what I need and I don't see a way to achieve this.
The tool can create, delete, backup and restore a profile.
What I already tried
Copied the profile directory and renamed it
Edited the paths in the bin/setupCmdLine.bat
Added the profile to the AppServer/properties/profileRegistry.xml
Executed manageprofiles -validateAndUpdateRegistry
But the profile is still not recognized by WAS. I can verify this by executing
manageprofiles -listProfiles
How do you clone or copy profiles?
Is there a manual way?
If so, which files in the profile's dir must be edited?

Here are the manual steps that I did to clone an existent profile.
Make shure that the server is shutdown.
Copy the existent profile from Profiles/<oldProfile> to Profiles/<newProfile>
Update Path WAS_USER_SCRIPT in Profiles\<newProfile>\bin\setupCmdLine.bat
Update Path USER_INSTALL_ROOT in Profiles\<newProfile>\bin\setupCmdLine.bat
Update property user.root in Profiles\<newProfile>\properties\ssl.client.props
Replace all occurences of <oldProfile> with <newProfile> in Profiles\<newProfile>\firststeps\firststeps.bat
Edit AppServer\properties\profileRegistry.xml. Make a copy of the <oldProfile> and update the tag values with the <newProfile>. Should look something like this: <profile isAReservationTicket="false" isDefault="false" name="newProfile" path=".....\Profiles\newProfile" template=".......\AppServer\profileTemplates\default"/>
Copy AppServer\properties\fsdb\<oldProfile>.bat to AppServer\properties\fsdb\<newProfile>.bat. This step will make the profile available to "AppServer\bin\manageprofiles.bat -listProfiles"
Edit config/cells/<cell>/nodes/<node>/variables.xml. Update the USER_INSTALL_ROOT path.
Update the path of WAS_USER_SCRIPT in AppServer\properties\fsdb\<newProfile>.bat
This worked for me. Please comment or vote to let me know if it also worked for you.

Here is a build-in WebSphere solution. This works fine on WAS
Run your application server in source profile
Run command line utility by running script <WAS_INSTAL_ROOT>/AppServer/profiles/<YOUR_SOURCE_PROFILE>/bin/ or <WAS_INSTAL_ROOT>/AppServer/profiles/<YOUR_SOURCE_PROFILE>/bin/wsadmin.bat (on Windows machines)
Execute command in this utility:
$AdminTask exportWasprofile {-archive <PATH/TO/PROFILE/EXPORT/ARCHIVE>}
Create new target profile or use existing and run application server on it
Run command line utility for target profile by running script <WAS_INSTAL_ROOT>/AppServer/profiles/<YOUR_TARGET_PROFILE>/bin/ or <WAS_INSTAL_ROOT>/AppServer/profiles/<YOUR_TARGET_PROFILE>/bin/wsadmin.bat (on Windows machines)
Execute command to import profile settings into target profile in this utility:
$AdminTask importWasprofile {-archive <PATH/TO/PROFILE/EXPORT/ARCHIVE> -deleteExistingServers}
Execute command to save new settings into target profile in this utility:
$AdminConfig save

I needed to do this today on WebSphere 8.5 Network Deployment, so I tracked it down and wrote a script. Here's how I do it.
Create a WebSphere profile using the GUI based Profile Management Tool.
Each one you create will write a log file to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\manageprofiles\XXXX_create.log
In the log, look for the -create switch. Clean up and copy that line into a script, modifying or parameterizing the fields as you wish:
SET WAS_BIN=C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin
SET PROFILE_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\%PROFILENAME%
SET WAS_TEMPLATE=C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profileTemplates\default
SET WAS_PORTS_FILE=C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\manageprofiles\was_default_portdef.props
SET A1=-create -serverName %PROFILENAME% -profileName %PROFILENAME% -cellName %WAS_CELL% -nodeName %PROFILENAME% -hostName %HOSTNAME%
SET A2=-profilePath "%PROFILE_PATH%" -templatePath "%WAS_TEMPLATE%"
SET A3=-applyPerfTuningSetting development -enableAdminSecurity false -winserviceCheck false -omitAction defaultAppDeployAndConfig
SET A4=-portsFile "%WAS_PORTS_FILE%"
SET A5=-signingCertDN "cn=\\,ou=Root Certificate\\,ou=%WAS_CELL%\\,ou=%PROFILENAME%\\,o=IBM\\,c=US" -personalCertDN "cn=\\,ou=%WAS_CELL%\\,ou=%PROFILENAME%\\,o=IBM\\,c=US"
SET A6=-personalCertValidityPeriod 10 -signingCertValidityPeriod 15
SET WAS_ARGS=%A1% %A2% %A3% %A4% %A5% %A6%
call "%WAS_BIN%\manageprofiles.bat" %WAS_ARGS%
You will need to look for the "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\manageprofiles*_portdef.props" files and copy one of them for your use as I did.
The output of my script was thus a cloned/tweaked version of a profile I had created before.
I then ran it at the commandline:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\manageprofiles.bat" -create -serverName Unica9103 -profileName Unica9103 -cellName UnicaVMUnica9103Cell -nodeName Unica9103 -hostName UnicaVM -profilePat
h "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Unica9103" -templatePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profileTemplates\default" -a
pplyPerfTuningSetting development -enableAdminSecurity false -winserviceCheck false -omitAction defaultAppDeployAndConfig -portsFile "C:\Program Files (x86)\IB
M\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\manageprofiles\was_default_portdef.props" -signingCertDN "cn=\\,ou=Root Certificate\\,ou=UnicaVMUnica9103Cell\\,ou=Unica9103
\\,o=IBM\\,c=US" -personalCertDN "cn=\\,ou=UnicaVMUnica9103Cell\\,ou=Unica9103\\,o=IBM\\,c=US" -personalCertValidityPeriod 10 -signingCertValidityPeri
od 15
Notice that the commas need to be escaped with double backslashes or you get cryptic errors.
You will get something like the following on success:
INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile Unica9103 now exists. Please consult C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Unica9103\logs\AboutThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

I have not tested the method but wsadmin has the following command:
This script creates a new application server template in your
configuration. A server template is used to define the configuration
settings for a new application server. When you create a new
application server, you either select the default server template or a
template you previously created, that is based on another, already
existing application server. The default template is used if you do
not specify a different template when you create the server.
You could create a template from your initial profile and create a new profile using the template.

I believe that createAppServerTemplate creates e template for the server not the profile. Therefore if you already have configured a profile you can than use the template to create additional servers within this profile.
You would then use createApplicationServer to create new servers based on the above created template.
I guess if you want to copy a profile the best method is to record the configurations and set them in a script file.

Just for information In MyEclipseBlue version 10 we can export server profile configuration & import in new profile; hence retaining all the configuration.
René answer is correct but i faced issues while Running the server in Debug Mode.

\WebSphere8552\AppServer\properties\fsdb\AppSrv01.bat change was_user_script path
\WebSphere8552\AppServer\properties\fsdb_was_profile_defauldefault.bat change was_user_script path with actual
Also change path in : \AppServer\properties\profileRegistry.xml for validating license


I can't export a custom report name from html-reporter-extra

This really should be straightforward but I can't get it to work.
It's a simple setup: I have a locally run Jenkins, exported Postman collections that I'm running using newman. I got html-report-extra installed and it's generating a report but I can't get it to export the html file under a different name!
I have a locally installed Jenkins, I'm using a freestyle project and under Build - Execute Windows batch command I have this:
newman run IDMS4.postman_collection.json -e IDMS4.postman_environment.json --reporters cli,htmlextra --reporter-html-export newman/index.html --disable-unicode
This is how my Jenkins job is setup:
Jenkins job setup
Build completes but there is no index.html anywhere. This is the the part that's puzzling me.
.jenkins\jobs\Newman runner\htmlreports\HTMLReport
i get the default file format name (project name + timestamp).
.jenkins\workspace\Newman runner\newman
I also get project name + timestamp html files.
Why is this outputed to both folders and how can I get this to export just one index.html?
Please try with dot slash. eg: ./newman/index.html.
and also
if you need collection name to be in the report, please use following node module

Deployment with Deployment manager

I am trying to auto-deploy an application to a newly installed Websphere ND with Deployment Manager.
This is what I just did:
Install WebSphere
manageProfiles create, profile name="deployer", template = management, profile type = DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER, cell="ndcell", node="ndnode"
manageProfiles create, profile name="app", template = default, cell = knowncell, node = knownnode
AppServer/profiles/app/bin/ hostname (this all happens on one same host "hostname")
AppServer/bin/wsadmin -c '$AdminConfig modify [$AdminConfig showAttribute [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:ndcell] monitoredDirectoryDeployment] {{enabled true}}' - turn on monitored directory deployment
AppServer/bin/wsadmin -c '$AdminConfig save'
AppServer/profiles/deployer/bin/, then
All right, at this point admin console shows one server "server1" which is not started, and there exists the directory AppServer/profiles/deployer/monitoredDeployableApps, that's the good part. The bad part is the directory is empty! There is no "server1" dir there, as it should be, to put my EAR into.
What am I missing?
You have to do a full synchronize in order to Dmgr deem changes to take effect

Deploying custom resource through DSC PullServer fails to extract the module

I've set up a DSC PullServer on Server 2008 R2 and I've run into an issue deploying a custom module. The module on the PullServer is in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NTFSPermission, I've zipped everything using Windows Explorer (and 7-zip) and placed the zip in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules\, I create a checksum using NEW-DSCChecksum for the zip file and I've got Import-DSCResource NTFSPermission in my node configuration. When I run the Invoke-CimMethod to push the config to a node it errors out with:
Invoke-CimMethod : Failed to extract the module from zip file
C:\Windows\TEMP\\635291179507191263\ downloaded by Download
Manager WebDownloadManager.
The node logs a 4104 error in the event viewer reading:
This event indicates that failure happens when LCM is trying to get the configuration from pull server using download manager WebDownloadManager. ErrorId is 0x1. ErrorDetail is Failed to extract the module from zip file C:\Windows\TEMP\\635291179507191263\ downloaded by Download Manager WebDownloadManager.
Has anyone else run into this? I'm not sure if there's a config file somewhere that is literally piping in an extra backslash and causing an invalid download/extraction path or if there is something wrong with the zipped module. If I move the module over manually the config will be pushed and apply successfully, which leads me to believe it's not the module.
There is a known issue with extracting zip files created using .NET compression class in 4.5. The workaround is to use the shell method of compressing files. That is, send to compressed archive option in right-click context menu or using Shell COM object.
I tested one of the modules from the DSC Resource Kit and it extracted with no problems on the desired node. I tracked the problem down to the psd file that the author created for their DSC-Resource. I updated the CLRVersion to require 4.0 and removed RequiredModules, RequiredAssemblies, ScriptsToProcess, TypesToProcess,FormatsToProcess and NestedModules (all were empty values anyway), pushed the config without the workaround and it downloaded and extracted the resource.

How can I configure Module::Build to NOT install files as read-only?

I've encountered a scenario where I'm building a Perl module as part of another Build system on a Windows machine. I use the --install_base option of Module::Build to specify a temporary directory to put module files until the overall build system can use them. Unfortunately, that other Build system has a problem if any of its files that it depends on are read only - it tries to delete any generated files before rebuilding them, and it can't clean any read-only files (it tries to delete it, and it's read only, which gives an error.) By default, Module::Build installs its libraries with the read-only bit enabled.
One option would be to make a new step in the build process that removes the read-only bit from the installed files, but due to the nature of the build tool that will require a second temporary directory...ugh.
Is it possible to configure a Module::Build based installer to NOT enable that read-only bit when the files are installed to the --install_base directory? If so, how?
No, it's not a configurable option. It's done in the copy_if_modified method in Module::Build::Base:
# mode is read-only + (executable if source is executable)
my $mode = oct(444) | ( $self->is_executable($file) ? oct(111) : 0 );
chmod( $mode, $to_path );
If you controlled the Build.PL, you could subclass Module::Build and override copy_if_modified to call the base class and then chmod the file writable. But I get the impression you're just trying to install someone else's module.
Probably the easiest thing to do would be to install a copy of Module::Build in a private directory, then edit it to use oct(666) (or whatever mode you want). Then invoke perl -I /path/to/customized/Module/Build Build.PL. Or, (as you said) just use the standard Module::Build and add a separate step to mark everything writable afterwards.
Update: ysth is right; it's ExtUtils::Install that actually does the final copy. copy_if_modified is for populating blib. But ExtUtils::Install also hardcodes the mode to read-only. You could use a customized version of ExtUtils::Install, but it's probably easier to just have a separate step.

Override Working Folder with Starteam/CruiseControl

For some reason, I can't seem to get to checkout code to anywhere but the starteam working folder for a specificed view.
I've tried both overrideViewWorkingDir and overrideFolderWorkingDir, and neither seem to work.
Has anyone been able to do this?
Are you looking for the project's workingDirectory element instead of the starteam override?
<sourcecontrol type="starteam">
<executable>C:\Program Files\starbase\StarTeam 5.4\stcmd.exe</executable>
Works fine for me with ccnet 1.4.3 and Startem Cross-Platform Client 2008 R2. Make sure XML is valid. I had overrideViewWorkingDir tag not properly closed and ccnet was ignoring it. Found it by running ccnet.exe from the command line instead of as a service. Also you can use Process Explorer from SysInternals to view command line arguments passed to stcmd.exe
Make sure your working folder properties are set to a relative and not a full path (ex: MyFolder instead of C:\MyProject\MyFolder) or it will override the override. I've seen files checked out to some very odd places in the past when people mistakenly put in full paths when adding a folder to a view.
