Ignore events from children of a ScrollViewer while scrolling - windows-phone-7

Alright here is my issue. I have a Pivot view. Inside that pivot view a scroll viewer containing many stack panels and grids. On some of the grids I have MouseButton Up Events. What is happening is if I flick the scroll it scrolls as expected but when I release my finger most of the time it fires off the event from mousebutton up. Because technically I let up. The problem is these grids completely fill the screen so finding an area without a mousebutton up to scroll is near impossible. What I want to happen is if the user flicked to scroll I would ideally like it to ignore the mousebutton up event. It does this successfully sometimes but pretty rarely and I have noticed I have to flick pretty fast for it to work as expected.
Any ideas on how to prevent this activity. I assume there is as Listboxes work perfect.

i think u should use windows phone toolkit GestureListener to recognize flick event

I ended up setting a bool for when the scrollviewer was scrolling and based on that allowing the mouseup action to run my code. Here is the the site I used to implement the bool based on scrolling status.


Using infinite scrolling UICollectionView with iOS 13 pullable modals

I have a modal window, which is perfect for iOS 13's drag to dismiss gesture, because this way the user remains in the context, so I don't want to use full screen. The controller contains a UICollectionView which displays a month calendar, which is scrollable vertically.
The problem is, that when the user wants to scroll upwards in the collection view, the dismiss gesture is triggered instead. If I scroll down first, then can I only scroll up.
I've tried to disable the internal UIPanGestureRecognizer (it seems somehow there is no presentedView, so it didn't work), tried to set the UICollectionView's pan gesture recognizer delegate to prevent the system recognizer to fire (it turned out you can't do that), and tried to scroll the collection view on appearing a bit (ugly).
How can I elegantly convince the the modal presentation, that my scrollview isn't scrolled to the top?

how to create delete and move animations for listbox item

I'm looking for some animations for my listbox. When i swipe right on a listbox item, it goes to the bottom of the listbox and ideally, all the other listitems should gracefully go up. Similarly when I swipe left, that item gets deleted, and as before, the items needs to reposition.
I have implemented the functionality on swipe right and swipe left. But it is not graceful due to the lack of animations. How do I create those? Could someone share some blogs or msdn articles on how to create them. Or just give me some intro on this. I have never done animations before.
Thank you,
The Windows Phone Toolkit has some transition effects that could help you. I assume you already know it since you implemented the swipe functionality unless you didn't use the provided gestures from it??

handling issue with listbox in a pivot

I'm working on a app in which I used a listbox inside a pivot control just like the outlook app does. The problem is sometimes when I scroll the list, a swipe gesture is triggered and it goes to another pivot item. This is very annoying, and it seems doesn't happen to the outlook app. Am I doing something wrong? How do I fix it? Thanks a lot.
If you're just using the default controls in the default way then you're not doing anything wrong in your code.
You haven't said if you're getting this on the emualtor or on an actual device. I find I sometimes do this on the emulator if holding the mouse at a slight angle or on an actual device if holding that in a funny way (such as when lying down).
Whether you scroll the listbox or the pivot will depend on whether your finger (or mouse-if using the emulator on a non touch-screen PC) first moves vertically or horizontally after first touching the screen. In my experience the scenarios described above can lead to this not always working as expected but I've never seen an issue with this on a real device being held in one hand and scrolled using a thumb.

How does the Outlook app delete checkbox UI xaml code work?

If you tap on the left hand side of the screen in Outlook then an event is triggered (in this case a checkbox appears).
I would like to know the xaml on how this is achieved. It cannot be a simple "MouseLeftButtonUp" event because if you drag your finger more than a few pixels then the event does not trigger.
In my own app I am trying to get an icon appear within a listbox that has a SelectionChanged event. The issue is that if you do not touch the small icon precisely then you are triggering the listbox event rather than the event I want to occur when pressing the image.
I think I need to wrap my image in a Canvas but then am still stuck as to what the event should be.
How do you increase the target size of the area where a user can click on your element?
What event should an image have when within a listbox (which is within a pivot) that has a SelectionChanged event? (MouseLeftButtonUp causes issues if you half drag to the next pivot and lift your finger - it triggers the MouseLeftButtonUp event)
I implemented something very similar to that behavior by making an itemtemplate where the checkbox was pushed offscreen to the left by using a negative margin.
I then created 2 visual states, one for Open and Closed. The open state set the margin to 0, bringing the checkbox back onscreen. Closed state had the negative margin.
With the fluidmove behavior, switching between states on button press was EASY. The only thing you'd have to add would be an invisible button/touch area on the left that would also trigger "opening" the checkbox column (changing state to reset the margins).
Hope that helps...
The outlook app is a native app, so it probably isn't using xaml at all.
If you're worried about the mouse events, then you should look at the gesture stuff in the silverlight toolkit, it contains tap, etc events that make a little more sense on the phone.
Increasing the target size and generally making stuff touchable: wrap it in a Button, then alter the ControlTemplate for the Button to remove the border.
If you look at the ControlTemplate for a Button, (Expression Blend, Edit Template, Edit a copy) you'll see the mechanics of the touch area. It's nothing more than padding/margin.
Thus, you can't bleed your touch region out without altering the layout and affecting other items around the control. I'd do two things:
First, I'd think about whether my whole control should be larger in the first place with good spacing around it. Is my design right?
Second, I'd cheat. I'd float a fixed sized button with no border over the area using the Translate transformation to move it around freely.
Good luck,

How to stop the WP7 pivot control handling the Flick Gesture event in Silverlight Toolkit

I have a Pivot Control in my WP7 app that by nature responds to left and right swipes to move between the pivot items.
I then want to use the Flick Gesture on a UserControl (a small UI segment on my page) for something else.
My user control does handle the event but so does the Pivot control, so it navigates to the next item. I have not figured out how to stop the event when the usercontrol handles it.
Is it possible to use a sub control with the flick gesture within a WP7 Pivot Control?
private void glBlinds_Flick(object sender, FlickGestureEventArgs e)
//do stuff
e.Handled = true;
This solution posted recently seems to be working out for people for dealing with gesture conflicts on pano / pivot. You might like to check it out.
Preventing the Pivot or Panorama controls from scrolling
The short answer is don't put a control which supports a gesture on top of another control which also supports the same gesture.
Please see this answer to a very similar question for a slightly longer response: WP7 Toggle switch in a Pivot control?
I found this works well for incorporating a slider on a pivot item:
[Content goes here, I use another grid]
If I skip the grid and place the slider inside the scrollviewer it doesn't work. I stumbled upon this solution as I wanted to support landscape and still have the slider visible / usable.
You might be able to place your small UI segment for the gesture similar to where I placed my slider.
