Pop alert on sending mail to external domain [closed] - lotus

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Whenever any user is sending mail to external id there should be a Pop up while sending mail to external email IDs.

You have to make some changes to your Notes Mail template on server and update all user mail databases with the template.
How to add requested functionality to Notes mail template?
Open Notes Mail template in Designer and go to form "Memo". Look here for the event Querysend() or Postsend().
Add your code to Querysend() if you want to "warn" the user that he's going to send an email outside company. You could ask user if he wants to send email anyway. In case of YES leave Querysend() with true in case of NO with false.
Add your code to Postsend() if you just want to notice user about sending an email outside company.
The code itself should look at the fields SendTo, CopyTo and BlindCopyTo and decide if it is an external email address included or not. If yes it shows a prompt box with the help of Prompt or MessageBox.
If you use Querysend() event then you have to write your code in LotusScript because there is already code included. Only in case of Postsend() you are able to use Formula language (#Prompt()) or JavaScript (alert()) alternative.
When your changes work for form "Memo" then you have to put same code in forms "Reply" and "Reply With History" and maybe in some other memo forms in own applications too.


How to send a WhatsApp message with buttons using Twilio in Laravel? [closed]

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Closed 14 days ago.
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I am using Twilio with Laravel to build a chatbot.
And I want to attach buttons with each message to like a quick reply.
Message templates are the way forward to add quick reply buttons to messages. Once the template is approved, you can then respond with the body of the template and the buttons get attached automatically.

Is it possible to have discord.py send a message in a specified channel if a certain website goes down (and then another when it's back up)? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new to stack overflow but it seems like a good place to ask.
I want my discord bot to send a message in a channel if a website goes down and then another when it comes back up. I don't want it constantly sending messages, only if it receives an error (like a 404, gateway error or if the connection times out) 3 times in a row (to avoid false messages) then another one when it goes back up. I've tried google but had no luck finding anything
Thanks in advance for any help!
You can use the website isitdownrightnow for this. You can get the html code with BeautifulSoup and check if the site is down. Then you can use tasks for checking the website periodically.

You are not authorized to access SendGrid, please contact Support [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm having trouble configuring the SendGrid add-on for Heroku.
Yesterday, I got the SendGrid addon for a heroku app. In heroku, I clicked on the SendGrid add-on link. This brought be to SendGrid. There, SendGrid sent an authentication email to the default that Heroku gave me (appXXXXXXXXX#heroku.com). I didn't do anything else, I just closed the page.
Today, I logged into Heroku again and clicked on the SendGrid add-on link. A new tab opened and I got a 403. After seeing this SendGrid page, I decided to log in to SendGrid manually with credentials from the Heroku config variables. The username was appXXXXXXXXX#heroku.com, same as above. This gave me the error
"You are not authorized to access SendGrid, please contact Support."
I am currently waiting to hear back from their support team, but thought that asking SO might be quicker. Does anyone know what I did wrong and how to gain access to the SendGrid config?
There are some SendGrid tickets about this, but there is no explanation or resolution: #806, #874
A few days later, they sent me this email:
Hi Joshua,
We'd like to know a little more about the email you'll be sending through SendGrid. Please elaborate on the following:
The nature of your business, the services you provide, and your potential customer base
Your sending frequency and volume
How you collect your recipient addresses (link to opt in page, or sign up process)
How you will allow your recipients to opt out of your emails (whether you plan to use SendGrid's one-click unsubscribe feature, or if you have your own method)
The types of messages you will be sending (transactional or marketing)
Please reply at your earliest convenience in order to continue the activation process. Thanks for your cooperation!
After responding to their questions, they discontinued my account. I had thought that they just want to know that I was a human and not a bot, but it turns out they were looking for something else. Be careful when responding to this email!
To answer my question: I did nothing wrong before receiving the email. After receiving the email, make sure that you tell them that you aren't spamming people with email and you only send people emails when they explicitly ask for them. The quickest way to get access would be to check your email consistently.
This most likely needs to be resolved by Sendgrid support. They may have suspended your account as your account might have just hit one of their automatic triggers for whatever reason. Their security/compliance team should be able to sort you out.

how to do real time notification in codeigniter [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have one requirement form in my application. So whenever user insert details in requirement form, after submit the mail will go to the particular vendor with link. When vendor clicks on that link, the link will redirect to the login page. After login then vendor gets redirected to vendor dashboard.
So what i want to do is, when ever user insert something in the requirement, the notification will go to the particular vendor dashboard after login like "you have one new requirement" like that
I have no idea on how to do this
After insert give call to sendNotification method which will take the inputs and send the notification with specified message and url to be landed.
I have implemented it using onesignal https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs.
Its very easy to use and implement.
1) Create an onesignal account. https://onesignal.com/
2) Create an google project and get the project id. https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/web-push-setup
You can achieve this using concept of transaction on codeigniter.If records are successfully inserted into database then send mail withlink as message which redirects to your login page.
Like this..
this->db->trans_begin();//start your transaction
//write queries to insert records into database
$this->db->query('AN SQL QUERY...');
$this->db->query('ANOTHER QUERY...');
$this->db->query('AND YET ANOTHER QUERY...');
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
$this->db->trans_rollback();//rollback if insertion fails
$this->db->trans_commit();//if insertion successful commit transaction
//write code to send mail
For more see Codeigniter Transaction
Hope it helps.

best approach to implement this email service [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am working on a website in Spring, My website gathers info of jobs positions as well the email to which to send applicant resume to (e.g jobs#microsoft.com)
I want users to be able to send emails thru my website to different jobs positions emails, Sending emails thru the website system will send a designed html email to the job email.
So how would I implement it? Should I find unlimited email hosting and create an account for each user? (does that even exist with combination of spring?)
or is there some other way without asking the user for his email and password (nobody in their right mind will trust that.).
what about spam filters? If I create a new domain and open new email accounts will I be considered as spam?
Almost certainly you'll want a single email account to send the messages, but can use the "reply-to" parameter to have replies go to the user sending the application resume if desired. GMail (or other public mailing service) can be configured for this purpose, see the mailSender object and MailManagerImpl class in my open source project for a working example of using Gmail with Spring’s email support.
