Create directories based on month name - bash

I'm looking for a way to create the following structure. (starting from a set year, until the current year)
eg :
- January
- Feburary
- ...
- December
- January
- Feburary
- ...
- December
I've got some basic bash skills, but have not figured out the part on how to get the full month names and use those to create these structures.
Thank you.

A straightforward answer:
mkdir -p {2008..2013}/{January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December}
If the starting year is user-determined, e.g., in a variable:
current_year=$(date +%Y)
for ((y=starting_year;y<=current_year;++y)); do
mkdir -p "$y"/{January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December}


How to convert this date format

I have wierd date format:
ID, Time, Value 1 [mg/l]
9867, 43788.5946644, 5.266029
9851, 43788.5529745, 5.526279
9835, 43788.5113079, 6.008881
and I would like to convert it, but I can not even recognize this one. an anyone help me? It might be conversion to timestamp, simple date or anything else that is readable.
I know the outputs:
43788.5946644 - 19/11/2019 14:16
43788.5529745 - 19/11/2019 13:16
43788.5113079 - 19/11/2019 12:16
By accident I found an answer, this is a excell date.
can be converted using powershell command:
[DateTime]::FromOADate(43788.5946528) -> Tuesday, November 19 2019 14:16:18

UNIX Shell Calculate hours difference between two timestamps

I have two timestamps in formats :
Timestamp 1 (Variable - RunStartDate): Thu May 3 14:12:54 CDT 2018
Timestamp 2 (Variable - RunEndDate): Thu May 3 18:11:46 CDT 2018
I want the difference of number of hours between these two timestamps in UNIX shell. (I.e. RunEndDate - RunStartDate in hours)
Please help, I am new to UNIX and it is throwing me errors when I just try to subtract the two.
You have a few options here, such as calling out to Perl or Python and using a date/time library to do the math for you. Another option is to use the date program to convert the dates to seconds, subtract the values, and then convert back to hours. Unfortunately, you can't do floating-point math in Bash, so we'll have to call out to a helper program to do that, too.
START=$(date -d "$RunStartDate" +"%s")
END=$(date -d "$RunEndDate" +"%s")
HOURS=$(bc -l <<< "($END - $START) / 3600")
Note that this will only work on GNU systems (e.g. Linux).

In Ansible, how to specify current date plus 2 year in epoch?

I am working on writing a playbook to add a large number of users each semester for my college. I would like to set up these accounts to expire automatically two years after the playbook is run. I know I can specify expiration in epoch...but how do I look up the epoch for a future date in the midst of a playbook run?
Let’s say your target date is two years from tomorrow. Then you can use most any system’s date command to get its epoch value:
date -d '2015-09-22 + 2 years' '+%s'
Then in Ansible, you can register that date you’re targeting with something like (not tested):
- name: register end of semester expiry
command: date -d '2015-09-22 + 2 years' '+%s'
register: expiry_r
- name: create user accts with expiry
user: ... expires={{expiry_r.stdout}}

Text-Message Gateways & Incrementing Bash Variable Daily

I have a bash script that is sending me a text daily, for 100 days.
#! /bin/bash
Using crontab, I can have the static $MESSAGE sent to me every day.
Other than hard-coding 100 days of texts ;)
How could I implement a variable counter such that I can have my texts say:
"Today is Day #1" on the first day, "Today is Day #2" on the second day, etc. ?
Note: The location of the requested text within the $MESSAGE file doesn't matter. Last line, first line, middle, etc.
The only requirement for an answer here is that I know what day it is relative to the first, where the first day is the day the script was started.
Of course, bonus awesome points for the cleanest, simplest, shortest solution :)
For our nightly build systems, I wrote a C program that does the calculation (using local proprietary libraries that store dates as a number of days since a reference date). Basically, given a (non-changing) reference date, it reports the number of days since the reference date. So, the cron script would have a hard-wired first day in it, and the program would report the number of days since then.
The big advantage of this system is that the reference date doesn't change (very often), so the script doesn't change (very often), and there are no external files to store information in.
There probably are ways to achieve the same effect with standard Unix tools, but I've not sat down and worked out the portable solution. I'd probably think it terms of using Perl. (The C program only works up to 2999 CE; I left a note in the code for people to contact me about 50 years before it becomes a problem for the Y3K fix. It is probably trivial.)
You could perhaps work in terms of Unix timestamps...
Create a script 'days_since 1234567890' which treats the number as the reference date, gets the current time stamp (from date with appropriate format specification; on Linux, date '+%s' would do that job, and it works on Mac OS X too), takes the difference and divides by 86,400 (the number of seconds in a day).
bc <<EOF
($(date '+%s') - $refdate) / 86400
An example:
$ timestamp 1234567890
1234567890 = Fri Feb 13 15:31:30 2009
$ timestamp
1330027280 = Thu Feb 23 12:01:20 2012
$ refdate=1234567890
$ bc <<EOF
> scale=0
> ($(date '+%s') - $refdate) / 86400
So, if the reference date was 13th Feb 2009, today is day 1104. (The program bc is the calculator; its name has nothing to do with Anno Domini or Before Christ. The program timestamp is another homebrew of mine that prints timestamps according to a format that can be specified; it is a specialized variant of date originally written in the days before date had the functionality, by which I mean in the early 1980s.)
In a Perl one-liner (assuming you specify the reference date in your script):
perl -e 'printf "%d\n", int((time - 1234567890)/ 86400)'
days=$(perl -e 'printf "%d\n", int((time - 1234567890)/ 86400)')
The only way to accomplish this would be to store the date in a file, and read from that file each day. I would suggest storing the epoch time.
today=$(date +%s)
if [[ -f $time_file ]]; then
f_time=$(< "$time_file")
echo "$f_time" > "$time_file"
printf 'This is day: %s\n' "$((($today - $f_time) / 60 / 60 / 24))"
Considering that your script is running only once a day, something like this should work:
[ -f $STFILE ] && start=$(<$STFILE)
MESSAGE=${MESSAGE}$'\n'"Today is Day #${start}"
echo "$start" > $STFILE
A simple answer would be to export the current value to an external file, and read that back in again later.
So, for example, make a file called "CurrentDay.dat" that has the number 1 in it.
Then, in your bash script, read in the number and increment it.
e.g. your bash script could be:
#Your stuff here.
#Use the value of DayCounter (i.e. $DayCounter) in your message.
DayCounter=$((DayCounter + 1))
echo $DayCounter > CurrentDay.dat
Of course, you may need to implement some additional checks to avoid something going wrong, but that should work as is.

Subtracting time from file creation/modification date in OSX

I am trying to shift the dates of a series of files by 9 hours. I've reached as far as this:
for i in *.MOV; do touch -r "$i" -d "-9 hours" "$i"; done
This should work in recent systems, but the touch command in OSX seems to be a bit outdated and not to support the -d switch.
I'm using Snow Leopard. Any idea on the best option for doing this with a single line command? I don't want to create a script for this.
Ok, sorted it out. OSX comes with a gtouch command, that knows the -d switch. It's part of GNU coreutils. See the comments below for information regarding availability on specific MacOS versions.
For more information on using relative dates with the -d switch see the manual.
Looking at the Wikipedia Page for Touch, it appears you're accustomed to the GNU version of Touch. Which MacOS isn't using.
For what you want to do, look into the "SetFile" command, which gets installed with XCode tools. You have -d and -m options, which reset the Created and Modified dates & times respectively.
Donno OS X, but it should be easy enough to
get curr time stamp on the file
convert it to seconds
subtract 9 hours (9*60*60 secs) from it
convert it back to the format accepted by touch's -t option
run touch command
All this of course can be done in a single for loop on command line.
Here are simple examples from WikiPedia showing back and forth conversion.
# To convert a specific time stamp to Unix epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01):
date +"%s" -d "Fri Apr 24 13:14:39 CDT 2009"
# 1240596879
# To convert Unix epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01) to a human readable format:
date -d "UTC 1970-01-01 1240596879 secs"
# Fri Apr 24 13:14:39 CDT 2009
# Or:
date -ud #1000000000
# Sun Sep 9 01:46:40 UTC 2001
# or: Haven't tested this but should work..
date -d #1000000000 +%y%m%d%%H%M%S
# 010909014640
