What is the correct jmp_buf size? - gcc

I got a library compiled wit GCC for the ARM Cortex-M3 processor compiled as static lib. This library has a jmp_buf at its interface.
struct png_struct_def {
jmp_buf jmpbuf;
png_error_ptr error_fn;
// a lot more members ...
typedef png_struct_def png_struct;
When I pass a png_struct address to the library function it stores the value not to error_fn but the last field of jmpbuf. Obviously it has been compiled with another assumptions of the size of a jmp_buf.
Both compiler versions are arm-none-eabi-gcc. Why is the code incompatible. And what is the "correct" jmp_buf size? I can see in the disassembly that only the first half of the jmp_buf is used. Why does the size changes between the versions of GCC when it is too large anyway?
The library is compiled with another library that I can't recompile because the source code is not available. This other library uses this interface. So I can't change the structure of the interface.

You may simply re-order the data declaration. I would suggest the following,
typedef struct if {
int some_value;
jmp_buf jmpbuf;
char pad[511];
} __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__));
} *ifp;
The issue is that depending on the ARM library, different registers maybe saved. At a maximum, 16 32bit general purpose registers and 32 64bit NEON registers might be saved. This gives around 320 bytes. If you struct is not used many times, then you can over-allocate. This should work no matter which definition of jmp_buf you get.
If you can not recompile the library, you may try to use,
typedef struct if {
char pad[LIB_JMPBUF_SZ];
int some_value;
} *ifp;
where you calculated the jmp_buf size. The libc may have changed the definition of jmp_buf between versions. Also, even though the compiler names match, one may support floating point and another one does not, etc. Even if the versions match, it is conceivable that the compiler configuration can give different jmp_buf sizes.
Both suggestion are non-portable. The 2nd suggestion will not work if your code calls setjmp() or longjmp(). Ie, I assume that the library is using these functions and the caller allocates the space.


Compile-time AVX detection when using multi-versioning

I have quite big function compiled for two different architectures:
__attribute__ ((target ("arch=broadwell"))) void doStuff()
__attribute__ ((target ("arch=nocona"))) void doStuff()
__attribute__((always_inline)) void doStuffImpl()
I know this is old way of doing multi-versioning, but I'm using gcc 4.9.3. Also actually doStuffImpl() is not single function, but bunch of functions with inlining, where doStuff() is last actual function call, but I don't think it changes anything.
Function contains some code that is auto-vectorized by compiler, but also I need to add some hand-crafted intrinsics there. Obviously different in two different flavours.
Question is: how can I recognise in compile-time which SIMD extensions are available?
I was trying something like:
#ifdef __AVX2__
#elif defined __SSE4.2__
But it seems that defines comes from "global" -march flag, not the one from multiversioning override.
Godbolt (intrinsics are garbage, but shows my point)
I could extract this part and do separate multiversioned function, but that would add cost of dispatching and function call.
Is there any way to do compile time differentiation of two multiversioning variants of function?
As answered in the comments:
I'd recommend moving each of the CPU targets to a separate translation unit, which is compiled with the corresponding compiler flags. The common doStuffImpl function can be implemented in a header, included in each of the TUs. In that header, you can use predefined macros like __AVX__ to test for available ISA extensions. The __attribute__((target)) attributes are no longer needed and can be removed in this case.

Storing pairs in a GCC rope with c++11

I'm using a GCC extension rope to store pairs of objects in my program and am running into some C++11 related trouble. The following compiles under C++98
#include <ext/rope>
typedef std::pair<int, int> std_pair;
int main()
__gnu_cxx::rope<std_pair> r;
but not with C++11 under G++ 4.8.2 or 4.8.3.
What happens is that the uninitialised_copy_n algorithm is pulled in from two places, the ext/memory and the C++11 version of the memory header. The gnu_cxx namespace is pulled in by rope and the std namespace is pulled in by pair and there are now two identically defined methods in scope leading to a compile error.
I assume this is a bug in a weird use case for a rarely used library but what would be the correct fix? You can't remove the function from ext/memory to avoid breaking existing code and it now required to be in std. I've worked around it using my own pair class but how should this be fixed properly?
If changing the libstdc++ headers is an option (and I asked in the comments whether you were looking for a way to fix it in libstdc++, or work around it in your program), then the simple solution, to me, seems to be to make sure there is only one uninitialized_copy_n function. ext/memory already includes <memory>, which provides std::uninitialized_copy_n. So instead of defining __gnu_cxx::uninitialized_copy_n, it can have using std::uninitialized_copy_n; inside the __gnu_cxx namespace. It can even conditionalize this on C++11 support, so that pre-C++11 code gets the custom implementation of those functions, and C++11 code gets the std implementation of those functions.
This way, code that attempts to use __gnu_cxx::uninitialized_copy_n, whether directly or through ADL, will continue to work, but there is no ambiguity between std::uninitialized_copy_n and __gnu_cxx::uninitialized_copy_n, because they are the very same function.

gcc - gdb - pretty print stl

I'm currently doing some research on the STL, especially for printing the STL content during debug. I know there are many different approaches.
or using a shared library to print the content of a container
What I'm currently looking for is, why g++ deletes functions, which are not used for example I have following code and use the compile setting g++ -g main.cpp -o main.o.
include <vector>
include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
std::vector<int> vec;
So when I debug this code I will see that I can't use print vec.front(). The message I receive is:
Cannot evaluate function -- may be inlined
Therefore I tried to use the setting -fkeep-inline-functions, but no changes.
When i use nm main.o | grep front I see that there is no line entry for the method .front(). Doing the same again but, with an extra vec.front() entry within my code I can use print vec.front(), and using nm main.o | grep front where I see the entry
0000000000401834 W _ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE5frontEv
Can someone explain me how I can keep all functions within my code without loosing them. I think, that dead functions do not get deleted as long as I don't set optimize settings or do following.
How to tell compiler to NOT optimize certain code away?
Why I need it: Current Python implementations use the internal STL implementation to print the content of a container, but it would be much more interesting to use functions which are defined by ISO/IEC 14882. I know it's possible to write a shared library, which can be compiled to your actual code before you debug it, to maintain that you have all STL functions, but who wants to compile an extra lib to its code, before debugging. It would also be interesting to know if there are some advantages and disadvantages of this two approaches (Shared Lib. and Python)?
What's exactly a dead function, isn't it a function which is available in my source code but isn't used?
There are two cases to consider:
int unused_function() { return 42; }
int main() { return 0; }
If you compile above program, the unused_function is dead -- never called. However, it would still be present in the final executable (even with optimization [1]).
Now consider this:
template <typename T> int unused_function(T*) { return 42; }
int main() { return 0; }
In this case, unused_function will not be present, even when you turn off all optimizations.
Why? Because the template is not a "real" function. It's a prototype, from which the compiler can create "real" functions (called "template instantiation") -- one for each type T. Since you've never used unused_function, the compiler didn't create any "real" instances of it.
You can request that the compiler explicitly instantiate all functions in a given class, with explicit instantiation request, like so:
#include <vector>
template class std::vector<int>;
int main() { return 0; }
Now, even though none of the vector functions are used, they are all instantiated into the final binary.
[1] If you are using the GNU ld (or gold), you could still get rid of unused_function in this case, by compiling with -ffunction-sections and linking with -Wl,--gc-sections.
Thanks for your answer. Just to repeat, template functions don't get initiated by the gcc, because they are prototypes. Only when the function is used or it gets explicitly initiated it will be available within my executable.
So what we have mentioned until yet is :
function definition int unusedFunc() { return 10; }
function prototype int protypeFunc(); (just to break it down)
What happens when you inline functions? I always thought, that the function will be inserted within my source code, but now I read, that compilers often decide what to do on their own. (Sounds strange, because their must be rule). It doesn't matter if you use the keyword inline, for example.
inline int inlineFunc() { return 10; }
A friend of mine also told me that he hasn't had access to addresses of functions, although he hasn't used inline. Are there any function types I forgot? He also told me that their should be differences within the object data format.
#edit - forgot:
nested functions
function pointers
overloaded functions

memcpy on gcc code sourcery for ARM

I have my code compiled using arm code sourcery (arm-none-eabi-gcc) ( I think Lite Edition).
I define a struct variable inside a function, and do a memcpy like
typedef struct {
char src[6];
char dst[6];
uint16_t a;
uint16_t b;
uint32_t c;
uint16_t d;
} Info_t;
Info_t Info;
memcpy(Info.src, src, sizeof(Info.src));
memcpy(Info.dst, dst, sizeof(Info.dst));
The first memcpy goes through, but the second one is causing a abort.
I heard that the gcc optimizes memcpy and is resulting in an non- aligned struct acess?
I tried aligning the struct variable to a word boundary etc. But it did not work.
Can anyone give more details on the memcpy of gcc and alignment issue.
The memcopy() issue in ARM is related with the use of optimized implementation by the compiler as far as I understand.
"In many cases, when compiling calls to memcpy(), the ARM C compiler will generate calls to specialized, optimised, library functions instead. Since RVCT 2.1, these specialized functions are part of the ABI for the ARM architecture (AEABI), and include:
This function is the same as ANSI C memcpy, except that the return value is void.
This function is the same as __aeabi_memcpy; but may assume the pointers are 4-byte aligned.
This function is the same as __aeabi_memcpy but may assume the pointers are 8-byte aligned."
Details can be found here : http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.faqs/ka3934.html

Where Is gcvt or gcvtf Defined in gcc Source Code?

I'm working on some old source code for an embedded system on an m68k target, and I'm seeing massive memory allocation requests sometimes when calling gcvtf to format a floating point number for display. I can probably work around this by writing my own substitute routine, but the nature of the error has me very curious, because it only occurs when the heap starts at or above a certain address, and it goes away if I hack the .ld linker script or remove any set of global variables (which are placed before the heap in my memory map) that add up to enough byte size so that the heap starts below the mysterious critical address.
So, I thought I'd look in the gcc source code for the compiler version I'm using (m68k-elf-gcc 3.3.2). I downloaded what appears to be the source for this version at http://gcc.petsads.us/releases/gcc-3.3.2/, but I can't find the definition for gcvt or gcvtf anywhere in there. When I search for it, grep only finds some documentation and .h references, but not the definition:
$ find | xargs grep gcvt
./gcc/doc/gcc.info: C library functions `ecvt', `fcvt' and `gcvt'. Given va
./gcc/doc/trouble.texi:library functions #code{ecvt}, #code{fcvt} and #code{gcvt
}. Given valid
./gcc/sys-protos.h:extern char * gcvt(double, int, char *);
So, where is this function actually defined in the source code? Or did I download the entirely wrong thing?
I don't want to change this project to use the most recent gcc, due to project stability and testing considerations, and like I said, I can work around this by writing my own formatting routine, but this behavior is very confusing to me, and it will grind my brain if I don't find out why it's acting so weird.
Wallyk is correct that this is defined in the C library rather than the compiler. However, the GNU C library is (nearly always) only used with Linux compilers and distributions. Your compiler, being a "bare-metal" compiler, almost certainly uses the Newlib C library instead.
The main website for Newlib is here: http://sourceware.org/newlib/, and this particular function is defined in the newlib/libc/stdlib/efgcvt.c file. The sources have been quite stable for a long time, so (unless this is a result of a bug) chances are pretty good that the current sources are not too different from what your compiler is using.
As with the GNU C source, I don't see anything in there that would obviously cause this weirdness that you're seeing, but it's all eventually a bunch of wrappers around the basic sprintf routines.
It is in the GNU C library as glibc/misc/efgcvt.c. To save you some trouble, the code for the function is:
char *
__APPEND (FUNC_PREFIX, gcvt) (value, ndigit, buf)
int ndigit;
char *buf;
sprintf (buf, "%.*" FLOAT_FMT_FLAG "g", MIN (ndigit, NDIGIT_MAX), value);
return buf;
The directions for obtain glibc are here.
