Mountain Lion : Apt-get command not found - macos

I am trying to install KDE Desktop using command : sudo apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop. However, I keep getting error 'apt-get' Command not found. I tried installing flink and checked if it works. But I still get the same error. Can anyone help me with this please ?
Many Thanks.

It looks like you're on a Mac. apt-get is a Debian command for Debians package manager.
If you want a Linux-like package manager on your Mac, you can try Homebrew.

Try using brew install. This seems to work for me to replace apt-get.


Cannot install Logentries Mac Agent on OS X Yosemite

I tried to install Logentries (Mac Agent) as instructed by the website itself. I followed the steps as instructed.
curl -O
I downloaded the script and ran sudo ./ But that didn't work so I tried sudo sh
When I do sudo le then I get same error message as marked in pic above.
I googled but didn't find the solution.
Thank you in advance.
Here is composer.json content
it's missing the formats directory.
sudo pip install formats
should resolve your issue here, then sudo sh
#user5384112 is correct, the error is being caused by a missing dependancy.
I have a PR to fix this for the Mac installer which should go live shortly.
You can install directly with by downloading with curl or download and install it. You should first look for missing dependencies before installing anything. You should have looked carefully in the documentation and error messages. The error clearly suggests you should have formats. for that do following
sudo pip install formats

apt-get not working in Cygwin

I'm something of a Cygwin newbie, so that might be the problem, but I'm trying to install a package using apt-get and it's telling me there's no such command. I installed it on Windows 7.
The best I got from searching other questions here and across the net was that you need to install something specific (or run the setup file to update) when initially installing, but it's not clear to me what I need to install or run or whatever.
How do I install or update my cygwin to be able to use apt-get or, alternatively, how would I install packages with the basic, default installation of Cygwin that I already have?
Thank you.
You can use this : apt-cyg
It works just like apt-get in terms of command line arguments, but you will be using apt-cyg instead.
Refer It did helped me.
To install apt-cyg package.
Cygwin's official installer is setup.exe. This is the "proper" way to install Cygwin packages. There's a project called cyg-apt but it's not officially part of Cygwin.

Mac: How to fix sudo command failure?

I am writing script to run SU commands programmatically to do various operations. But, All the commands created through my program is not working. Then, i tried those commands in Terminal (Mac os x) by typing it, but it gives the following result,
sudo: apt-get: command not found
Could someone please advise me, why is this error coming up, how can i make these working?
Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t.
install ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
e.g :
$ brew install wget
There's also MacPorts, and fink -- I also have homebrew, but also keep the others around for when I encounter things that one system has that the other doesn't.
apt-get is unique to the Debian based operating systems. If you want a package manager for OSX, may I suggest homebrew

How to Install Dfu-util

I've been trying to install dfu-util on my MAC OS X 10.7.5. I follow the instructions in this website:
Everything seems to be working properly but, when I run the command:
./configure --libdir=/opt/local/lib --includedir=/opt/local/include
This erro appears:
./configure: line 3770: syntax error near unexpected token `USB,'
./configure: line 3770: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(USB, libusb >= 0.1.4,,'
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you very much in advance.
You should install pkgconfig (then re-run before ./configure)
did you run this before attempting to install?
sudo port install libusb libusb-compat git-core
do you have gcc/xcode installed?
If anyone is looking to install DFU-UTIL in 2015 using Brew on OSX, you'll find that the site has been down since November of 2014. Here's the work-around...
Since Brew is looking for the 0.7 release and the fellows have put up a mirror on sourceforge, you can download "dfu-util-0.7.tar.gz" from and place it into your /Library/Caches/Homebrew directory. Then, executing the command "brew install dfu-util" will work as expected!

Installing meld on OS X

After I got MacPorts installed and did a 'sudo port -v selfupdate', I try to install meld.
The installation just starts to Fetching all kinds of stuff
this goes on and on.
Is that normal?
You may want to install it via HomeBrew (already mentioned before):
brew install homebrew/gui/meld
Though you may face stability issues (as I did). So I'd rather recommend to use "Meld for OSX":
Go to
Download DMG file you prefer (e.g. "Download latest DMG"
Install it to your Applications folder
We are basically done, but it is not accessible via command line.
Write a small wrapper to run from Terminal:
echo -e '#!/bin/sh
open -W -a Meld --args $params' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/meld
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/meld
Try (you must use absolute paths though):
meld /home/a.txt /home/b.txt
Or just run Meld from menu.
meld is now available in homebrew. The formula can be found here.
See this answer by cmedeiros on SuperUser for more information on installing and getting it to work. This is much easier than using MacPorts.
Current command with updated formula to install meld with homebrew is:
brew install caskroom/cask/meld
Yes, it is normal to pull in dependencies but it shouldn't take too long. For comparison, installing Meld with Homebrew took about 15 minutes for me.
For reference, my installation of Meld on OS X Mavericks:
Install Xcode from the app store
Install XQuartz from package (Meld will complain if you don't have it)
command line: 'brew install meld'
If you are prompted to install the Xcode command line tools at some point, do so.
Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, the is very normal with MacPorts, and is the reason that people many have switched to homebrew
However, I found this post because homebrew doesn't include Meld. Sigh.
Consider downloading macOS meld version dmg
Brew now works brew install --cask meld.
UPDATE Jul-23-2020
Just do :
brew install homebrew/gui/meld
using the updated brew link: brew install caskroom/cask/meld
even after this its not working when I install backup and restore tool by google. I guess its messing up with the python version.
