How to pass variable in bash for php command - bash

On bash funcion I need pass varible por a external command (php)
panel=$(php -r '$ini_array = parse_ini_file("/root/.name/name.ini");echo $ini_array['panel'];')
Work properly.
But I need pass path on variable and key of array also.
Try several form but all fails. '', "", ...
php -r '$ini_array = parse_ini_file(`$sPath`);echo $ini_array["$sKey"];'
It's possible?

Pass the variable through the environment, and retrieve it from the environment on the PHP side.
sPath=$sPath sKey=$sKey \
php -r '$ini_array = parse_ini_file($_ENV["sPath"]);echo $ini_array[$_ENV["sKey"]];'
The initial sPath=$sPath and sKey=$sKey are not necessary if you have used export to put your shell variables in the environment already.


Bash - Gitlab CI not converting variable to a string

I am using GitLab to deploy a project and have some environmental variables setup in the GitLab console which I use in my GitLab deployment script below:
- export S3_BUCKET="$(eval \$S3_BUCKET_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME^^})"
- aws s3 rm s3://$S3_BUCKET --recursive
My environmental variables are declared like so:
Key: s3_bucket_development
Key: s3_bucket_production
The plan is that it grabs the bucket URL from the environmental variables depending on which branch is trying to deploy (CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME).
The problem is that the S3_BUCKET variable does not seem to get set properly and I get the following error:
> export S3_BUCKET=$(eval \$S3_BUCKET_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME^^})
> /scripts-30283952-2040310190/step_script: line 150: No such file or directory
It looks like it picks up the environmental variable value fine but does not set it properly - any ideas why?
It seems like you are trying to get the value of the variables S3_BUCKET_DEVELOPMENT and S3_BUCKET_PRODUCTION based on the value of CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME, you can do this by using parameter indirection:
$ a=b
$ b=c
$echo "${!a}" # c
and in your case, you would need a temporary variable as well, something like this might work:
- s3_bucket_variable=S3_BUCKET_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME^^}
- s3_bucket=${!s3_bucket_variable}
- aws s3 rm "s3://$s3_bucket" --recursive
You are basically telling bash to execute command, named, which obviously doesn't exist.
Since you want to assign output of command when using VAR=$(command) you should probably use echo
export S3_BUCKET=$(eval echo \$S3_BUCKET_${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME^^})
Simple test:
VAR=HELL; OUTPUT="$(eval echo "\$S${VAR^^}")"; echo $OUTPUT
It dynamically creates SHELL variable, and then successfully prints it

How to use ENV variables in Artisan Commands in Laravel 5.8?

I am creating my own artisan command and I want to use ENV variables, but when I use $_ENV['VariableName'] I get and error.
local.ERROR: Undefined index: VariableName
The same code works perfectly in a controller and error as this one is not being generated.
I am creating my commands with php artisan make:command CommandName
How can I start using ENV variables there? Thank you! I want to use the variables in a private function which is inside:
class CommandName extends Command but outside the public function handle()
Since the .env file is not pushed to the repository, the best approach is to use config files instead. So in the config directory, create your custom file for example: custom.php with the following content:
return [
'variable' => env('VARIABLE_NAME', 'DEFAULT_VALUE')
and in your .env you should put:
Then to use it you use config('custom.variable');
You can use the Laravel Helper to access environment variables with something like this:
you can also specify a default value if the environment variable is not set
env('VariableName', 'myName')
Laravel Docs 5.8 Helpers

Airflow parameter passing

I have a simple job that I'd like to move under an Airflow process, if possible. As it stands, I have a string of bash scripts that access a server and download the latest version of a file and then perform a variety of downstream manipulations to that file.
exec ./ somefileurl
What I'd like to know is: how can I pass in the URL to this file every time I need to run this process?
It seems that if I try to run the bash script as a bash command like so:
download = BashOperator(
# params={'URL': 'somefileurl'},
I have no way of passing in the one parameter that the bash script requires. Otherwise, if I try to send the bash script in as a bash command like so:
download = BashOperator(
bash_command='./ {{ URL }}',
params={'URL': 'somefileurl'},
I receive an execution error as the program tries to execute the script in the context of a temporary directory. This breaks the script as it requires access to some credentials files that sit in the same directory and I'd like to keep the relative file locations intact...
Update: What worked for me
download = BashOperator(
bash_command='cd {{ params.dir }} && ./ {{ params.url }}',
params={'url': 'somefileurl',
'dir': 'somedir'},
I did not implement any parameter passing yet, though.
Here is an example of passing a parameter to your BashOperator:
templated_command = """
cd /working_directory {{ dag_run.conf['URL'] }}
download = BashOperator(
For a discussion about this see passing parameters to externally trigged dag. Airflow has two example DAG's that demonstrate this: example_trigger_controller_dag and example_trigger_target_dag. Also, see the Airflow api reference on macros.

Escape variable in Jenkins shell execution

We use Jenkins to run some Wordpress CLI stuff for us, and I would like to pass in some PHP to the Wordpress CLI. For example:
cd wordpress && wp core config --skip-check --dbhost=dbhost --dbname=dbname --dbuser=user --dbpass=pass --extra-php <<PHP
define('HOST', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
Jenkins interprets the $_SERVER and I'm left with ['HTTP_HOST']. How can I escape $_SERVER?
I've tried doing define('HOST', \$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);, but that still gets interpreted as a variable.
Figured it out... Wrap the first section of defining HEREDOC in double quotes.
cd wordpress && wp core config --skip-check --dbhost=dbhost --dbname=dbname --dbuser=user --dbpass=pass --extra-php <<"PHP"
define('HOST', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
It no longer interprets $_SERVER.

Doctrine 2 CLI commands from within PHP

Hey all. I am writing a program that will transform some data in our database, and then call Doctrine to build YAML files from said Mysql Database structure. I have Doctrine working from within PHP. However I can't figure out how to call the CLI commands from within PHP. Following is the Doctrine 2 CLI command that does what I need.
php ./doctrine orm:convert-mapping --filter="users" --from-database yml ./test
This command works from the Linux command line, but how to I do this same thing via Doctrine objects? I don't want to just use the PHP exec statement to send a command to the shell. I wish to use the Doctrine object model.
Apparently this is not a very common programming method. However, I have used Doctrine from PHP by calling it via the PHP EXEC command. I know you said that you would not like to do it this way. However, it actually works quite well. Below is an example of such a solution.
$cmd_string = "php ./doctrine orm:generate-entities --generate-annotations=1 --regenerate-entities=1 $this->entity_file_dir";
$result = array();
exec($cmd_string, &$result);
Hope this helps,
I stumbled upon this question when trying to execute a command directly from a PHP script, without using the CLI.
Particularly, I was needing to call orm:ensure-production-settings.
Each Doctrine command has its own class:
I solved it the following way:
$entityManager = ...; // Get the entity manager somehow in your application
// Creates the helper set
$helperSet = \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\ConsoleRunner::createHelperSet($entityManager);
// Initializes the desired command and sets the helper set
// In your case it should be ConvertMappingCommand instead
$command = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command\EnsureProductionSettingsCommand();
// Initializes the input
// Alternatives:
$input = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput(); // Input coming from the CLI arguments
// Initializes the output
// Alternatives:
$output = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(); // Prints the output in the console
// Runs the command
$command->run($input, $output);
I'm new to Doctrine so I'm not exactly sure how this works, but it does. Any comment is appreciated.
