a basic keystroke map - windows

I downloaded AutoHotKey today and read the tutorial. What I want to do is have an F2 key do a shift-ctrl-S in one application. I cannot figure out how to do that by reading the tutorial. How can I do it?

Firstly, install autohotkey on your system.
Once installed, create a text file and save it as .ahk (rather than .txt).
Within the file, at the end, type the following code:
F2::Send +^s
Save the file then double click it to run the program.
This will change F2 to your shift-control-s in ALL applications.
To make it application-specific, when running, right click on the icon in the taskbar and choose "Windows Spy". Click into the application you want to use the F2 shortcut in and make a note of the line just below >>>>>>>>>>( Window Title & Class )<<<<<<<<<<<
Now, change your script to this:
#IfWinActive INSERTWindowsSpyWindowTitleHERE
F2::Send +^s
Obviously making sure to change INSERTWindowsSpyWindowTitleHERE to what you got from windows spy.
Save and run your script. Autohotkey will now only make F2 do that shortcut when the window (found via Windows spy) is active. (The last #IfWinActive is used to "reset" checking for that window in code below where this is typed - useful if you're going to type more autohotkey code in the future)


How can I run and close an exe file with a mouse key?

I have an exe file and I want to run it and close it by pressing a mouse button or a keyboard button. For eg. say it is a music.exe and I want to open it while I am gaming/doing spread sheet by pressing the key 'm' or mouse button.
I have access to a logitech macro supported mouse. Also a no macro generic microsoft mouse. I am thinking about some kind of macro , or tasker or some script that can do this easily. ( not that I dont want to directly click the exe file or close the exe file by clicking x on the window)
Any suggestion would be helpful ;)
I did it with AutoHotKey software. If anyone is interested , here is the code
XButton2:: if WinExist("WindowName") WinClose ; else Run *runas "%directory%\Music.exe" return
This code will run and close the Music app with admin previlages. ( Change "Run *runas" to "run" if you want it to run normally)

ahk send alternative in bash script

I want to achieve in a bash script, that when I press any key (e.g. F5) and then type any word (e.g. "hello world"), regardless of whether I positioned in the terminal, or text-editor or browser...
While I was using Windows, then I used Autohotkey for that.
How could I achieve that with bash script in Linux?
While as #Socowi mentioned, you will likely not be able to do this with bash alone, you can use AutoHotkey Linux alternatives like AutoKey for this.
For your specific question, see this guide for setting up and configuring AutoKey on Linux.
More specifically, scroll down to the section labeled "Inserting repetitive text using a hotkey" for how to configure a text-typing hotkey:
Inserting repetitive text using a hotkey
Abbreviations is only one way of inserting text using AutoKey. If you
prefer, you can also insert text using a keyboard shortcut, which
doesn't require typing an abbreviation.
To insert some text that you need to type frequently using a keyboard
shortcut, click the Set button next to Hotkey, then click Press to Set
in the newly opened window, and press the key combination you want to
use for this phrase:
Make sure you use a hotkey that's not already in use or else it may
not work / it will interfere with the already set hotkey. To try this
out, set it to something like Ctrl + F1 (which shouldn't be set by the
system at least).
Remember to click the Save button in the AutoKey toolbar after setting
the phrase hotkey, or else the changes won't have any effect. Now try
it out: focus a text editor, some text field in a web form, etc., and
press the hotkey you've set in AutoKey - the Testing AutoKey text
expansion on Linux phrase should be automatically inserted as soon as
you press the keyboard shortcut.

Produce typing lag on purpose

I have to use USB barcode scanner in application running on remote desktop. This scanner is being recognised by Windows as keyboard. When I try to scan barcode however, every 3th or 4th character is being changed to another one. When I type numbers by hand, they are being correctly written. The question is: is there any way to programmatically produce "lag" on keyboard globally? I would like to create for example a half second gap between keyboard input events and a result on the screen. Some time ago I worked with Windows hooks, and I was able to change keyboard input globally, but I remember I had problems with delaying it. Is there any other way?
you can make an autohotkey script to listen to a keyboard input, wait and then press the same keyboard button.
once you have intalled AHK(autohotkey) , you can do a AHK script whit the intructions that are in the ahk documentation.
Right-Click on your desktop.
Find "New" in the menu.
Click "AutoHotkey Script" inside the "New" menu.
Give the script a new name. Note: It must end with a .ahk extension. Ex. MyScript.ahk
Find the newly created file on your desktop and Right-Click it.
Click "Edit Script".
A window should have popped up, probably Notepad. If so, SUCCESS!
sleep, 500 ;
Send, i
(you can change the "i" for other keyboard keys).
a function would reduce the amount of code that you use, but i don't know how to do it in a AHK script

How can i add a Right Click option/options on any specific directory of window

I am creating a directory synch application in java programming application. Now i want to add share option when user right click with in a specific directory, and want to open an dynamic url on clicking that new option. Can anyone help me to find any good solution. Can anyone provide me Registry Script For this task.
An msdn resource on Extending Shortcut Menus will be good for you.
Anyway, I'd like to introduce my own "minimal" example. This opens a gnuplot's wgnuplot terminal at the right-clicked directory after choosing "Open gnuplot here" shortcut.
You can add keys into HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell. I added HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\gnuplot with string (name: (Default)) Open gnuplot here, provided an icon string with the program's icon path, a LegacyEnable empty string and a command key that windows have to execute when clicking. You can reach the right clicked directory name with %V (You can find out more special variables on this Q&A thread at SU). Here's the code that creates the structure:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Open gnuplot here"
#="\"C:\\Users\\Cron\\Documents\\egyetem\\gnuplot\\bin\\pgnuplot.exe\" -e \"cd '%V'\" -persist"

Assign VBS Script to a Keyboard Shortcut

I have a very basic VBS script that I plan on using frequently on my Windows 7 machine. Is there any way I can bind it to a keyboard shortcut so I don't have to navigate to it through Explorer obnoxiously.
I realize this question does not directly pertain to programming, or even scripting for that matter, but I could not find a straight answer online or through my own experimentation. I'm sure that there is a simple solution somewhere...
Thank you for taking the time to read, and hopefully respond to my inquiry.
Evin Ugur.
Windows does have built-in support for shell shortcut keys, where a keypress is used to invoke an *.lnk file that launches your VBScript (using either cscript or wscript).
Create a shortcut file, have it invoke your VBScript file directly or run cscript or wscript with the appropriate arguments, then save it and open its Properties sheet and set a keystroke in the "Shortcut key" field (I suggest something like Ctrl+Alt+K).
Like so:
Then, whenever you press Ctrl+Alt+K, regardless of the active application, your script will be invoked.
A more heavy-duty alternative is AutoHotKey: http://www.autohotkey.com/
Just as an FYI.
I tried this and I was not able to register the hotkey when I had the Icon in a costume folder. Even if I added the hotkey, it failed to work.
Once I moved the icon to the "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs", the hotkey started to work.
