Rho Mobile: Parse and create a model using JSON - ruby

I am able to parse a JSON using the following code
$httpresult = #params['body']
$jsonresult = Rho::JSON.parse($httpresult)
But I don't know how to create a model from $jsonresult.

First, using app_info you can print the result coming from the server to check if the response is valid JSON string.
Second, i think you must decode the url in order to parse it by using:

Once you've the data in json_result, you can put them in a pre-existing Model.
Supposing that you've already created a model with the name "Product", you can use transactions to speed up the process.
At the beginning of your module you've to require the model name:
require_source 'Product'
Then you can do this callback:
def get_callback
if #params['status'] == "ok"
json_result = Rho::JSON.parse(#params['body'])
db = ::Rho::RHO.get_src_db('Product')
json_result.each do |item|
Product.create({:Brand => item["B rand"], :Name => item["Name"], :SKU => d["SKU"]})
rescue Exception => e
trace_msg = e.backtrace.join("\n")
puts 'Application initialize failed: ' + e.inspect + ";Trace: #{trace_msg}"
WebView.navigate Rho::RhoConfig.start_path
WebView.navigate url_for :action => :show_error


Chef delay attribute assignment via data bag

So i have a bit of a pickle.
I have an encrypted data bag to store LDAP passwords. In my node run list, one of my recipes installs the secret key onto my client machine.
In my problematic cookbook, i have a helper (in /libraries) that pulls data from AD (using LDAP). Problem is, i can't find a way to delay the assignment of my node attribute after initial compile phase.
Take this line of code as example :
node.override['yp_chefserver']['osAdminUser'] = node['yp_chefserver']['osAdminUser'] + get_sam("#{data_bag_item('yp_chefserver', 'ldap', IO.read('/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver'))['ldap_password']}")
Im trying to override an attribute by adding an array returned by my helper function "get_sam" which returns an array, but it needs to run AFTER the compile phase since the file "/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver" doesnt exist before the convergence of my runlist.
So my question : Is there a way to assign node attributes via data_bag_items during the execution phase?
Some things i've tried :
ruby_block 'attribution' do
only_if { File.exist?('/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver')}
block do
node.override['yp_chefserver']['osAdminUser'] = node['yp_chefserver']['osAdminUser'] + get_sam("#{data_bag_item('yp_chefserver', 'ldap', IO.read('/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver'))['ldap_password']}")
Chef::Log.warn("content of osAdminUser : #{node['yp_chefserver']['osAdminUser']}")
This doesn't work because the custom resource ruby_block doesn't have the method "data_bag_item". I've tried using lazy attributes in my "chef_server" custom resource, but same problem.
I also tried having the attribution done directly in my helper module, but since the helper module compiles before the exec phase, the file doesn't exist when it assigns the variable.
Here is the helper function in question should anyone wonder, it pulls the SamAccountName from LDAP to assign admin users to my chef server. :
module YpChefserver
module LDAP
require 'net-ldap'
def get_ldap(ldap_password)
if #ldap.nil?
#ldap = Net::LDAP.new :host => "ADSERVER",
:port => 389,
:auth => {
:method => :simple,
:username => "CN=USERNAME,OU=East Service Accounts,OU=System Accounts,DC=ad,DC=ypg,DC=com",
:password => "#{ldap_password}"
def get_ldap_users(ldap_password)
filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq("cn", "DevOps")
treebase = "dc=ad, dc=ypg, dc=com"
get_ldap(ldap_password).search(:base => treebase, :filter => filter) do |entry|
#puts "DN: #{entry.dn}"
entry.each do |attribute, values|
return values if attribute == :member
def get_sam(ldap_password)
samacc = Array.new
get_ldap_users(ldap_password).entries.each{ |elem|
y = elem.to_s.split(/[,=]/)
filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq("cn", y[1])
treebase = "OU=Support Users and Groups,OU=CGI Support,DC=ad,DC=ypg,DC=com"
get_ldap(ldap_password).search(:base => treebase, :filter => filter, :attributes => "SamAccountName") do |entry|
samacc << entry.samaccountname
return samacc
Turns out you can actually call it inside a ruby block, just by using the actual Chef call instead of the resource name, as follow :
ruby_block 'attributes' do
only_if {File.exist?('/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver')}
block do
dtbg = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load('yp_chefserver','ldap',"IO.read('/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver')")
Leaving this here for those who might need it
Here is final function using the code mentionned above to pull accounts from AD, using encrypted data bags to provide the password and to then pass those results to my node attributes, all during the execution phase :
ruby_block 'attributes' do
extend YpChefserver::LDAP
only_if {File.exist?('/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver')}
block do
# Chef::Config[:encrypted_data_bag_secret] = '/etc/chef/secret/yp_chefserver'
dtbg = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load('yp_chefserver','ldap')
node.override['yp_chefserver']['ldap_pw'] = dtbg['ldap_password']
userarray = Array.new
get_sam("#{node['yp_chefserver']['ldap_pw']}").each { |i| userarray.push(i[0]) }
node.override['yp_chefserver']['authorized_users'] = userarray
node.override['yp_chefserver']['local_admin_pw'] = dtbg['local_admin_pw']

What causes the error "undefined local variable or method `csv' for main:Object"?

I am trying to write a rake task for importing a CSV file into multiple models. The code compiles without error, but I get this error message when I attempt to run it:
rake aborted! NameError: undefined local variable or method csv' for
block in '
Here is the script:
desc "Imports the CSV file "
task :import_partial => :environment do
require 'csv'
csv.foreach('public/partial.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
# create records in independent tables
# create the Company object
this_company_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[county_name])
if !(Company.exists?(company_name: this_company_name))
Companies.create(row.to_hash.slice(*%w[company_name operator_num]))
thecompany = Company.find(this_company_name)
company_id = thecompany.id
# create the County object
this_county_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[county])
if !(County.exists?(county_name: this_county_name))
Counties.create(county_name: this_county_name)
thecounty = County.find(this_county_name)
county_id = thecounty.id
# create the GasType object
this_gastype_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[gas_type])
if !(GasType.exists?(gastype_name: this_gastype_name))
GasType.create(gastype_name: this_gastype_name)
thegastype = GasType.find(this_gastype_name)
gastype_id = thegastype.id
# create the Field object
this_field_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[field])
if !(Field.exists?(field_name: this_field_name))
Field.create(field_name: this_field_name, field_code: field_code)
thefield = Field.find(this_field_name)
field_id = thefield.id
# create the Formations object
this_formation_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[formation])
if !(Formation.exists?(formation_name: this_formation_name))
Counties.create(formation: this_formation_name, formation_code: formation_code)
theformation = Formation.find(this_formation_name)
formation_id = theformation.id
# debugging:
puts "company_id:", company_id
puts "county_id:", county_id
puts "gastype_id:", gastype_id
puts "field_id:", field_id
puts "formation_id:", formation_id
# create records in dependent tables:
# Use the record id's from above independent table create records containing foreign keys:
#Facilities.create(row.to_hash.slice(*%w[dir_e_w dir_n_s dist_e_w dist_n_s facility_name facility_num ground_elev lat long meridian qtrqtr range sec twp utm_x utm_y])
#Wells.create(row.to_hash.slice(*%w[api_county_code api_seq_num first_prod_date form_status_date formation_status sidetrack_num spud_date status_date td_date test_date wbmeasdepth wbtvd well_bore_status well_name])
My environment is: ruby 2.1.2p95, Rails 4.1.1
This is quite unclear, and have not found an example of similar error with an answer I understand yet....any help much appreciated!
I believe the error is in this line
csv.foreach('public/partial.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
It should be
CSV.foreach('public/partial.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
I believe the class name is uppercase - CSV.foreach, not csv.foreach.

Ruby DataMapper::ImmutableError

get '/watch/:id' do |id|
#results = Twitchtvst.all( :fields => [:Twitchtv ],
:conditions => { :user_id => "#{id}" }
#p #results.inspect
#results.each do |result|
puts result.id
erb :mystream
I get this error message immutable resource cannot be lazy loaded. How do I fix this?
The Error message is:
DataMapper::ImmutableError at /watch/1
Immutable resource cannot be lazy loaded
According to the official documentation:
Note that if you don't include the primary key in the selected columns, you will not be able to modify the returned resources because DataMapper cannot know how to persist them. DataMapper will raise DataMapper::ImmutableError if you're trying to do so nevertheless.
I know that you are not modifying anything here but I think that the same rule applies for lazy loading. So I will suggest to try it like that:
#results = Twitchtvst.all( :fields => [:Twitchtv, :id],
:conditions => { :user_id => "#{id}" }
) ode here
Note the id as an additional field.

Datamapper into String

I want to be able to see the string like the TwitchTV name I have in my database. Here is my current code
get '/watch/:id' do |id|
erb :mystream
#result = Twitchtvst.all( :fields => [:Twitchtv ],
:conditions => { :user_id => "#{id}" }
puts #result
result in terminal;
#< Twitchtvst:0x007fb48b4d5a98 >
How do I get that into a string (TwitchTV answer in database)
Here is the real code sample. Sorry!
get '/livestream' do
erb :livestream
#users_streams = Twitchtvst.all
puts #users_streams
If I add .to_s at users_stream it does not work
By adding .to_csv, not exactly a string, but it should show the content:
get '/livestream' do
erb :livestream
#users_streams = Twitchtvst.all
#users_streams.each do |us|
p us.to_csv
You're getting a Collection of Twitchtvst objects, so you need to convert each to a String:
puts Twitchtvst.all.map(&:to_s).join

better ruby - possible to not repeat parts of a function?

I have a little sinatra api that I'm trying to beautify. Most of my routes are simple db operations but a few involve calling an external service before doing db operations. In all cases most of the code is the same except for how I respond to the service response. Is there any slick functional programming approach?
Here's an example of one of these routes:
get '/update_x' do
xid = params[:x]
xName = getNameFromId(xid)
if xName
# Make request to proxy service
rid = generateRandomHexNumber(16) # generate requestId
params['m'] = 'set'
params['rid'] = rid
json = "{}"
response = #resource["/"+"?rid=#{rid}&id=#{xid}&json=#{json}"].get
status = response.code
body = response.body
parsed_json = JSON(body)
if parsed_json['response'] and parsed_json['response']['success'] and parsed_json['response']['success']=='false'
msg = {:success => "false", :response => "unknown error"}
if parsed_json['response']['response']
msg = {:success => "false", :response => parsed_json['response']['response']}
content_type :json
#### Here is stuff specific to this api call
params['ss_status'] = status
content_type :json
#### End specific to api call
rescue Exception=>e
params['ss_status'] = status
params['exception'] = e
content_type :json
msg = {:success => "false", :response => "Not found"}
content_type :json
In general if you have a general pattern with some arbitrary code that changes every time then the simplest thing would be accepting a block with those customizations.
def make_api_request(some, params)
# do what you need to do
yield(variables, that, your_custom_code, needs)
# do some more, maybe cleanup
get '/some_route' do
make_api_request do |variables, that, your_custom_code, needs|
# do custom stuff here
