How to keep session in multipage angular application? - session

I am having single page application with user authentication and there is no problem sharing session information there.
However I have part of site where are static pages where I would like just to include session information (logged in user, or login form). How I can share session information between two apps?

I would recommend creating a service that wraps localStorage or other apis to store persistent data. Here is an example using a localStorage implementation.
This implementation is synchronous but if I would use websql like or even server db then I would refactor it to use promises to return the storage object.
var demo = angular.module('demo', [ 'appStorage' ]);
demo.controller('AppStorageController', [ '$scope', 'appStorage',
function($scope, appStorage) {
appStorage('MyAppStorage', 'myAppStorage', $scope);
} ]);
<div ng-controller="AppStorageController">
<p>Local Storage: {{myAppStorage}}</p>
Username: <input type="text" ng-model="myAppStorage.username"></input>
Remember me: <input type="checkbox"
angular.module('appStorage', []).factory('appStorage',
[ '$window', function($window) {
var appStorages = {};
var api = undefined;
if ($window.localStorage) {
api = {
set : function(name, value) {
$window.localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(value));
get : function(name) {
var str = $window.localStorage.getItem(name);
var val = {};
try {
val = str ? JSON.parse(str) : {};
catch (e) {
console.log('Parse error for localStorage ' + name);
return val;
clear : function() {
// possibly support other
if (!api) {
throw new Error('Could not find suitable storage');
return function(appName, property, scope) {
if (appName === undefined) {
throw new Error('appName is required');
var appStorage = appStorages[appName];
var update = function() {
api.set(appName, appStorage);
var clear = function() {
if (!appStorage) {
appStorage = api.get(appName);
appStorages[appName] = appStorage;
var bind = function(property, scope) {
scope[property] = appStorage;
scope.$watch(property, function() {
}, true);
if (property !== undefined && scope !== undefined) {
bind(property, scope);
return {
get : function(name) {
return appStorage[name];
set : function(name, value) {
appStorage[name] = value;
clear : clear
} ]);


Showing data after hard refresh

im working with vue & laravel.i have a edit profile page with some forms in it(name,email,...)
the default value of this form not showing for the first time, but if user refresh the page everything will be work!!!
<input type="text" v-model="name">
<input type="email" v-model="email">
export default {
data () {
return {
mounted : function(){
methods: {
getVueItems: function(){
axios.get('./api/auth/me').then(response => {
var vm = this; =; =;
getAuthUser () {
this.user = this.$store.getters.currentUser
updateAuthUser () {
this.submiting = true,
axios.put('./api/auth/update', {,,
.then(response => {
// this.submiting = false;
// success();
.catch(error => {
this.submiting = false;
whats is the problem?
As you are using arrow function this keyword is already accessible inside the function.
And for this you should first check in console if you are getting proper response value from api in console.
Hence change your function as below and check once.
async getVueItems() {
await axios.get('./api/auth/me').then(response => {
console.log(response); =; =;

FIXED: SailsJs + Google Blogger is timing out

So I've been tinkering with SailsJs and really like it so far, but I am trying to pull from posts from a blog I own into a view. This is a bit of a problem because the connection times out when trying to get the index view, and there is no feedback from the console via the console.log entries.
Blogger Service
// BloggerService.js - in api/services
var g = require('googleapis');
var apiKey = 'OUche33eekym0nKEY-uME';
exports.getBlogPosts = function(options, cb) {'blogger', 'v3').execute(function(err, client) {
if(err) {
cb = null;
return console.log(err);
} else {
var opts = { 'blogId':, 'maxResults': options.limit, 'fields': 'items(title,content,url)' };
cb = client.blogger.posts.list(opts);
exports.getBlogPost = function(options, cb) {'blogger', 'v3').execute(function(err, client) {
if(err) {
cb = null;
return console.log(err);
} else {
var opts = { 'blogId':, 'postId': options.postId };
cb = client.blogger.posts.get(opts);
Calling the service in the controller. Frustrating because the bottom of the documentation has a very cavalier way of saying where/how the service is called.
* BlogController.js
* #description ::
* #docs ::!documentation/controllers
module.exports = {
index: function(req, res){
BloggerService.getBlogPosts({'id':'86753098675309','limit':6},function(err, blogPosts){
return console.log(err);
} else {
res = blogPosts;
Index view
<% _.each(Model.items, function (blogPost) { %>
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading"><%= blogPost.title %></div>
<div class="panel-body"><%= blogPost.content %><input type="hidden" value="<%= %>"></div>
<% }) %>
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for the time you spent looking at this.
Many thanks to Scott, who got me closer to the end results. This is what I have thus far, but just need to clear up an authentication issue with discover/apiKeys.
exports.getBlogPosts = function(options, cb) {'blogger', 'v3').execute(function(err, client) {
if(err) {
} else {
var opts = { 'blogId':, 'maxResults': options.limit, 'fetchBodies': false, 'fields': 'items(title,url)' }
exports.getBlogPost = function(options, cb) {'blogger', 'v3').execute(function(err, client) {
if(err) {
} else {
var opts = { 'blogId':, 'postId': options.postId };
It looks like you might be new to Node.js, so you might want to read up on asynchronous programming with Node and the req and res objects used by Express. The two problems I see with your code right off the bat are:
That you're assigning a value to your callback in BloggerService.js, rather than actually calling the callback: cb = client.blogger.posts.list(opts) should be (based on a quick scan of the Google API docs) client.blogger.posts.list(opts).execute(cb), and in case of an error cb = null should be cb(err).
You're assigning a value to the response object, instead of sending a response: res = blogPosts should be res.json(blogPosts).
As far as where / when you call your service, the docs aren't intending to be cavalier. The services are globalized so that they can be called from anywhere within any controller; it's up to you as the developer to decide where you need your service calls to be!

Uploading files to tastypie with Backbone?

Checked some other questions and I think my tastypie resource should look something like this:
class MultipartResource(object):
def deserialize(self, request, data, format=None):
if not format:
format = request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json')
if format == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
return request.POST
if format.startswith('multipart'):
data = request.POST.copy()
return data
return super(MultipartResource, self).deserialize(request, data, format)
class ImageResource(MultipartResource, ModelResource):
image = fields.FileField(attribute="image")
Please tell me if that's wrong.
What I don't get, assuming the above is correct, is what to pass to the resource. Here is a file input:
<input id="file" type="file" />
If I have a backbone model img what do I set image to?
img.set("image", $("#file").val()); // tastypie doesn't store file, it stores a string
img.set("image", $("#file").files[0]); // get "{"error_message": "'dict' object has no attribute '_committed'" ...
What do I set my backbone "image" attribute to so that I can upload a file to tastypie via ajax?
You may override sync method to serialize with FormData api to be able to submit files as model's attributes.
Please note that it will work only in modern browsers. It worked with Backbone 0.9.2, I advise to check the default Backbone.sync and adopt the idea accordingly.
function getValue (object, prop, args) {
if (!(object && object[prop])) return null;
return _.isFunction(object[prop]) ?
object[prop].apply(object, args) :
var MultipartModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
sync: function (method, model, options) {
var data
, methodMap = {
'create': 'POST',
'update': 'PUT',
'delete': 'DELETE',
'read': 'GET'
, params = {
type: methodMap[method],
dataType: 'json',
url: getValue(model, 'url') || this.urlError()
if (method == 'create' || method == 'update') {
if (!!window.FormData) {
data = new FormData();
$.each(model.toJSON(), function (name, value) {
if ($.isArray(value)) {
if (value.length > 0) {
$.each(value, function(index, item_value) {
data.append(name, item_value);
} else {
data.append(name, value)
params.contentType = false;
params.processData = false;
} else {
data = model.toJSON();
params.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
params.processData = true;
} = data;
return $.ajax(_.extend(params, options));
urlError: function() {
throw new Error('A "url" property or function must be specified');
This is excerpt from upload view, I use <input type="file" name="file" multiple> for file uploads so user can select many files. I then listen to the change event and use collection.create to upload each file.
var MultipartCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: MultipartModel});
var UploadView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"change input[name=file]": "changeEvent"
changeEvent: function (e) {
// Empty file input value: =;
uploadFiles: function (files) {
_.each(files, this.uploadFile, this);
return this;
uploadFile: function (file) {
this.collection.create({file: file});
return this;

knockout validation using breeze utility?

Has anyone written a utility that will convert Breeze metadata (captured from entity framework data attributes) into knockout validation extensions (using knockout.validation)?
I have made an function that reads the metadata from an entity and adds validation rules.
app.domain.indicador = (function () {
"use strict";
var constructor = function () {...}
var initializer = function indicadorInitializer(entity) {
var entityType = entity.entityType;
if (entityType) {
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.dataProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.dataProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.foreignKeyProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.foreignKeyProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
//Bussines rule
propertyObject.extend({ notEqual: 0 });
return {
constructor: constructor,
initializer: initializer
I use the function as initializer:
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Indicador", domain.indicador.constructor, domain.indicador.initializer);
It's just a start but for the time is useful for me.
I changed the way I add validation. I share it here in case it is useful to someone:
Helper object:
app.validatorHelper = (function (breeze) {
var foreignKeyInvalidValue = 0;
function addDataTypeRules(dataType, property) {
switch (dataType) {
case breeze.DataType.DateTime:
//TODO: implement my function to validate dates. This validator is too permissive
property.extend({ date: true });
case breeze.DataType.Int64:
case breeze.DataType.Int32:
case breeze.DataType.Int16:
//it's needed to accept negative numbers because of the autogenerated keys
property.extend({ signedDigit: true });
case breeze.DataType.Decimal:
case breeze.DataType.Double:
case breeze.DataType.Single:
property.extend({ number: true });
function addValidationRules(entity) {
var entityType = entity.entityType;
if (entityType) {
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.dataProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.dataProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
addDataTypeRules(property.dataType, propertyObject);
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.foreignKeyProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.foreignKeyProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
addDataTypeRules(property.dataType, propertyObject);
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
//Bussiness Rule: 0 is not allowed for required foreign keys
propertyObject.extend({ notEqual: foreignKeyInvalidValue });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
return {
addValidationRules: addValidationRules
The custom validator:
(function (ko) {
ko.validation.rules['signedDigit'] = {
validator: function (value, validate) {
if (!validate) return true;
return ko.validation.utils.isEmptyVal(value) || (validate && /^-?\d+$/.test(value));
message: 'Please enter a digit'
Using the helper at the initializer:
app.domain.valorIndicador = (function (vHelper) {
"use strict";
var constructor = function () {
var initializer = function indicadorInitializer(entity) {
return {
constructor: constructor,
initializer: initializer
And setting the initializer:
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("ValorIndicador", domain.valorIndicador.constructor, domain.valorIndicador.initializer);
A simple way to bind validation errors from breezejs using knockout.
We can subscribe to validationErrorsChanged event from the entityAspect:
function subscribeValidation() {
return self.entity().entityAspect.validationErrorsChanged.subscribe(function (validationChangeArgs) {
validationChangeArgs.added.forEach(function (item) { addError(item); });
validationChangeArgs.removed.forEach(function (item) { self.validationErrors.remove(item); });
this.hasError = function (propertyName) {
var array = self.validationErrors();
var match = array.filter(function (item) {
return item.propertyName == propertyName;
if (match.length > 0) {
return true;
} else return false;
function addError(item) {
self.validationErrors.remove(function (i) {
return i.propertyName == item.propertyName;
Finally we can bind to the messages on the UI (I'm using Twitter boostrap css classes)
<div class="control-group" data-bind="css: { 'error': hasError('Nome') }">
<label class="control-label">Nome</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" class="input-xxlarge" data-bind="value: model().Nome">
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="text: getErrorMessage('Nome')"></span>
See the full gist here
I've searched this before as I started using breeze with knockout and then I had the exact same question about how to validate stuff, and how to show validation inline.
Considering that breeze already has validation built in, I decided to write a custom Knockout Binding to show the validation result every time the observable value changes and it was quite easy afterall:
Here's the custom binding:
ko.bindingHandlers.breezeValidate = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, context) {
var isOk = context.entityAspect.validateProperty(valueAccessor());
var errors = context.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(valueAccessor());
var message = "";
if (errors.length > 0)
message = errors[0].errorMessage;
//update the control when the view model changes
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, context) {
this.init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, context)
And the usage is like this:
<span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
<span data-bind="breezeValidate: 'Name'"></span>
This works because of this line:
var isOk = context.entityAspect.validateProperty(valueAccessor());
When breeze is requested to validate the property it ends up calling the observable and it gets registered by knockout, so every time it is changed, this binding will be invoked again and the error message will be updated accordingly.
I'm just showing the first validation message, but of course you can iterate thru all of them and even add a different styling to the element.
Hope this helps!!
Not sure why people would want to use ko.validation - it just replicates the processing breeze's client side is doing anyway. And given the breeze developers hints that validation will get even more power soon, why bother.
So I started with Thiago Oliveira's great work. But I wanted to have the bare minimum of markup. By assuming the use of bootstrap classes & defaulting the validation property name from the previous element I could simplify most markup additions to:
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: null"></span>
My ko.bindingHandler:
//Highlight field in red & show first validation message
//Outputs first validation message for 'propertyName' or if null: previous controls value binding
//Needs ancestor with 'control-group' class to set class 'error' for Bootstrap error display
//<td class="control-group">
// <input class="input-block-level text-right" data-bind="value: id" />
// <span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: null"></span>
//Does not and cannot validate keys that already exist in cache. knockout write calls breeze which throws uncaught error
ko.bindingHandlers.breezeValidation = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
// This will be called when the binding is first applied to an element
// Set up any initial state, event handlers, etc. here
var $msgElement = $(element);
var entity = viewModel;
var propName = valueAccessor();
if (propName === null) {
// $element.prev().data("bind") = "value: itemType"
var prevBinds = $msgElement.prev().data("bind");
if (!prevBinds) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find prev elements binding value.");
var bindPhrases = prevBinds.split(/,/);
for (var i = 0, j = bindPhrases.length; i < j; i++) {
var bindPhrase = bindPhrases[i];
if (utility.stringStartsWith(bindPhrase, 'value: ')) {
propName = bindPhrase.substr(7);
if (!propName) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find this or prev elements binding value.");
//var $groupElement = $msgElement.parent();
var $groupElement = $msgElement.closest(".control-group");
if (!$groupElement.hasClass("control-group")) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find parent with 'control-group' class.");
onValidationChange(); //fire immediately (especially for added)
//... and anytime validationErrors are changed fire onValidationChnange
element.onchange = function () {
//Should never have updates pushed from validation msgElement
$msgElement.text("readonly error");
function onValidationChange() {
var errors = entity.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(propName);
var message = "";
if (errors.length > 0) {
message = errors[0].errorMessage;
if (message) {
else {
//Not interested in changes to valueAccessor - it is only the fieldName.
//update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
Example view simple implicit property usage:
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="editStatusNote">Status note:</label>
<div class="controls">
<input id="editStatusNote" type="text" data-bind="value: statusNote" />
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: null"></span>
Example view explicit property usage:
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="editAmount">Amount:</label>
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on">$</span>
<input id="editAmount" class="input-small" type="text" data-bind="value: amount" />
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: 'amount'"></span>
I updated breezeValidation to Bootstrap 3 and improved with multipath property support.
ko.bindingHandlers.breezeValidation = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
// This will be called when the binding is first applied to an element
// Set up any initial state, event handlers, etc. here
var $msgElement = $(element);
var entity = viewModel;
var propName = valueAccessor();
if (propName === null) {
// $element.prev().data("bind") = "value: itemType"
var prevBinds = $msgElement.prev().data("bind");
if (!prevBinds) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find prev elements binding value.");
var bindPhrases = prevBinds.split(/,/);
for (var i = 0, j = bindPhrases.length; i < j; i++) {
var bindPhrase = bindPhrases[i];
if (bindPhrase.substr(0, 7) == 'value: ') {
propName = bindPhrase.substr(7);
entity = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(entity);
var propPath = propName.replace(/[()]/g, "").split('.'), i = 0;
var tempProp = entity[propPath[i]], links = propPath.length;
while (ko.utils.unwrapObservable(tempProp) && i < links) {
entity = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(tempProp);
tempProp = entity[propName = propPath[i]];
if (!propName) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find this or prev elements binding value.");
//var $groupElement = $msgElement.parent();
var $groupElement = $msgElement.closest(".form-group");
if (!$groupElement.hasClass("form-group")) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find parent with 'form-group' class.");
onValidationChange(); //fire immediately (especially for added)
//... and anytime validationErrors are changed fire onValidationChnange
element.onchange = function () {
//Should never have updates pushed from validation msgElement
$msgElement.text("readonly error");
function onValidationChange() {
var errors = entity.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(propName);
var message = "";
if (errors.length > 0) {
message = errors[0].errorMessage;
if (message) {
else {
//Not interested in changes to valueAccessor - it is only the fieldName.
//update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
Knockout validator can use breeze validation as a whole:
function addKoValidationRules(entity) {
if (entity.koValidationRulesAdded) {
entity.entityType.dataProperties.forEach(function (property) {
validation: {
validator: function () {
// manual validation ensures subscription to observables which current field depends on
// entity is added to context for retrieving other properties in custom validators
entity.entityAspect.validateProperty(, { entity: entity });
var errors = entity.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(;
if (!errors.length) {
return true;
this.message = errors[0].errorMessage;
return false;
message: ''
entity.koValidationRulesAdded = true;

Firefox, Mozilla validator error

I am getting this one error when I use the Mozilla validator:
This is the JS file:
const STATE_START = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START;
const STATE_STOP = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP;
// Version changes:
// It used to get the lists from a PHP file, but that was putting too much of a strain on the servers
// now it uses xml files.
// Randomizes the servers to load balance
// Mozilla editor suggested no synchronous file gets, so changed it to asynchronous
// Added one more server to help with the updates (
// Edited some redirect code that some idiots were spreading FUD about.
var xmlDoc = null;
var quickFilter_100_count_redirect_url='';
var countXmlUrl = 0;
//var xmlUrl = '';
var xmlUrl = new Array(4);
xmlUrl[0] = '';
xmlUrl[1] = '';
xmlUrl[2] = '';
xmlUrl[3] = '';
xmlUrl.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})
var realXmlUrl = xmlUrl[countXmlUrl];
var notificationUrl = '';
var root_node = null;
var second_node = null;
var timervar = null;
var mafiaafireFilterUrl = '';
//Calling the interface for preferences
var prefManager = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
var quickfilter_mafiaafire =
// get the domain name from the current url
var urlbar = window.content.location.href;
domain_name_parts = urlbar.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1].split('.');
if(domain_name_parts.length >= 3){
domain_name_parts[0] = '';
var dn = domain_name_parts.join('.');
if(dn.indexOf('.') == 0)
return dn.substr(1);
return dn;
// send ajax request to server for loading the xml
request_xml:function ()
http_request = false;
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (http_request.overrideMimeType) {
if (!http_request)
return false;
http_request.onreadystatechange = this.response_xml;'GET', realXmlUrl, true);
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
// receive the ajax response
response_xml:function ()
if (http_request.readyState == 4)
if(http_request.status == 404 && countXmlUrl<=3)
realXmlUrl = xmlUrl[countXmlUrl];
if (http_request.status == 200)
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
var urlBar = window.content.location.href;
//check if url bar is blank or empty
if (urlBar == 'about:blank' || urlBar == '' || urlBar.indexOf('http')<0)
return false;
//1. get domain
processing_domain = this.get_domain_name();
//Couldn't fetch the XML config, so returning gracefully
if(xmlDoc == null)
return false;
root_node = '';
// Parsing the xml
root_node = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('filter');
second_node = '';
second_node = root_node[i];
if(second_node.getElementsByTagName('realdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == processing_domain)
mafiaafireFilterUrl = '';
mafiaafireFilterUrl = second_node.getElementsByTagName('filterdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
timervar = setTimeout("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl()",1500);
//window.content.location.href = second_node.getElementsByTagName('filterdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
//timervar = setInterval("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl(quickfilter_mafiaafire.filterUrl)",1000);
// This function is called for showing the notification
// Firefox default notification interface
var notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
notificationBox.appendNotification('You are being redirected', "", "chrome://quickfilter/content/filter.png", notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, [{
accessKey: '',
label: ' click here for details',
callback: function() {
// Showing the notification Bar
window.content.location.href = notificationUrl;
var qucikFilterRedirectCount = '';
//Read the value from preferrences
qucikFilterRedirectCount = prefManager.getCharPref("extensions.quickfilter_redirect_count");
if(qucikFilterRedirectCount % 15 == 0)
// Disable for now, can comment this entire section but this is the easier fix incase we decide to enable it later
//window.content.location.href = quickFilter_100_count_redirect_url+"?d="+mafiaafireFilterUrl;
window.content.location.href = mafiaafireFilterUrl;
window.content.location.href = mafiaafireFilterUrl;
qucikFilterRedirectCount = parseInt(qucikFilterRedirectCount)+1;
var quickfilter_urlBarListener = {
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
//Called when the location of the window being watched changes
onLocationChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aURI)
// This fires when the location bar changes; that is load event is confirmed
// or when the user switches tabs. If you use myListener for more than one tab/window,
// use aProgress.DOMWindow to obtain the tab/window which triggered the change.
//Notification indicating the state has changed for one of the requests associated with aWebProgress.
onStateChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus)
if(aFlag & STATE_START)
// This fires when the load event is initiated
if(aFlag & STATE_STOP)
// This fires when the load finishes
//Notification that the progress has changed for one of the requests associated with aWebProgress
onProgressChange: function() {},
//Notification that the status of a request has changed. The status message is intended to be displayed to the user.
onStatusChange: function() {},
//Notification called for security progress
onSecurityChange: function() {},
onLinkIconAvailable: function() {}
var quickfilter_extension = {
init: function()
//Initiating the progressListerner
gBrowser.addProgressListener(quickfilter_urlBarListener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT);
//Load the block list xml form server
uninit: function()
// Remove the progressListerner
// window.addEventListener("load", function () { TheGreatTest1.onFirefoxLoad(); }, false);
// this function is Called on window Onload event
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", function(e) {
}, false);
Can you tell me how to squash that error please?
It looks like the offending line is setTimeout("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl()",1500);
The setTimeout function can take a string (which then essentially gets eval'd) or a function (which gets called). Using a string is not recommended, for all the same reasons that using eval is not recommended. See
In this case, the simplest fix would be to change it to setTimeout(function() { quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl(); },1500);
