Creating a power-point file reader ( pptx ) [closed] - powerpoint

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for an open-source pptx reader (preferred in C# ) to modify it and put it into a 3D engine ( customer request ), or at least a tutorial on the basics. I already searched on google but can't find any useful resources.
I know it's possible to create a new reader by reading the pptx files documentation ( ECMA ), but this seems to be a huge project anyway and I would prefer if I'm able to build this component on some existing code.

Your options
The best option to use really depends on the modifications you need to do. If you want to be able to heavily manipulate the PowerPoint presentation, draw new shapes, rotate shapes, add charts, add slides or master slides etc. you may find an abstraction layer like the Aspose.Slides library (proprietary) very useful.
If you do not want to pay for the library, the OpenXML formats are available to you in .NET. They allow you to manipulate every aspect of the PPTX document without the need for Interop/COM as they parse the XML inside the PPTX.
From personal experience, having used both, Aspose is a far easier solution but one that provides some overhead and of course has a cost. The OpenXML route is light to use, but requires some learning curve.
Last but not least, you can take a look at NetOffice which achieves something similar to Aspose, it is a little lighter and has reduced functionality. It also covers other formats and does not require Office installs on the machine.
To sum your options:
Aspose.Slides ($$)
OpenXML (curve, but flexibility)
NetOffice (limited functionality)
My advice
If you need to do some simple modifications (e.g. extract a slide, change a bit of text somewhere, replace an image) I would go with OpenXML.
If you want to draw slides in a bespoke manner, I would go with Aspose. I have used Aspose in a 50.000 LoC application to build hundreds of thousands of PowerPoint decks (up to a 100 slides at times) using WCF. Aspose has been drawing each slide and generating all the shapes. It takes about 4-5 seconds for a deck to be generated. The loading of Aspose and small issues with Aspose can be irritating (one can process a slide in around 200ms). Also Aspose presentations are not serializable, which is annoying if you want to cache the results in some form.
If you want to read the PPTX and somehow convert it to images, Aspose.Slides is a good candidate because it allows you to convert a PPTX slide to SVG which you can subsequently process. Note that there are some PPTX2SVG engines out there (XSLT) but the ones I know are written in Java (Apache).
The libraries I mentioned are all libraries for the .NET/C# environment. None of these libraries and techniques require office/interop/com installs.

Honestly, it is not an easy task. I tried to do this for a Presentation Designer and it there are not many solutions in the wild.
I used Office Open XML SDk 2.5. which is significantly better than crunching the XML by hand, but no picknick either.
If you have some money, you coukd use:
I don't know how good it is.
I know this is not good news, but Powerpoint recieves significantly less attention than Excel, so the resources a scarce.

You don't say if the application is going to have internet access, but assuming it is, you might think about using a public REST API to do the conversion of the PPTX into whatever format you need. There may be more, but here are a some that provide this functionality:
Aspose for Cloud Powerpoint API
Some have free tier where you can do a certain amount of conversions per day without paying a usage fee. Aspose for Cloud has a .Net SDK, but with a REST API the language of the client shouldn't really matter.

As has been pointed out, there is no clean and simple solution for this. In my opinion you are limited to 2 choices:
Use Microsoft's own / VSTO. Also info here. This is likely to give you a lot of headaches, but may be the only thing that gives you access to the PowerPoint features you require.
Use Open XML. This has already been covered. In likelihood this will be easier to use, but may not provide access to the features you require.
Beyond that I'm afraid you'll have to create something a lot more 'manual'.


How to design a software workflow chart? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been working for a while now but because of my earlier habits i never worked systematically.
I have never created a workflow chart for my software as how the software will work and instead of that i started working directly which in turn leads to many problems later.
Below is a small situation i currently need help with:-
NOTE:I have already created a software which does the following and i don't need any code for it, i just want to know how a workflow chart is created for such a situation.
1) Party List : This is where i would like to store all of the information of my customer.
2) Sales : Here i will sell my products to the customer.
There are 2 cases here, whenever the customer arrives we have an option to
either save it in the party list and select it from the list in the sales form
or type it manually and then save it
Now comes the checking part:-
If an entry was saved in Sales when the checkbox was ticked and the user selected a party, lets say "Akhmed" has been saved AND the user tries to delete the record of "Akhmed" from the Party List form then the software shouldn't allow it to do so as the entry of "Akhmed" already exist in Sales.
Can anyone show me how a workflow chart is created for such a situation?
Here is a sample workflow i have made after reading some articles, please point out any improvements that can be made to it or is it completely wrong or anything.
First of all, great question. I wish all software engineers thought first before jumping to writing a code. Especially when it's about anything more serious than a couple of lines for fun.
I think your software flow can be expressed as Activity diagram. An example of activity diagram is expressed on this picture:
Basically, activity diagram is a combination of steps and transitions (arrows) connecting them. Step can be just something that happens in the flow, or it can be a logical operator (decision) which branches the flow execution into different directions.
If you need to also emphasize who needs to execute the step, besides just showing what the steps are, you can add swimlanes (horizontal or vertical columns showing the actor names) to the activity diagram. That's where it turns into a Flow Chart diagram. e.g. on this image you can see horizontal swimplanes explaining who does the step execution
Note that terminology can differ from person to person, but these are the names for these 2 kinds of diagrams I have mostly heard and used myself.
There are other kinds of diagrams too, but I think your specific case will be covered with the ones mentioned above. Although... use case diagram can be something you may be interested in, but that does not depict steps. That only will mention actors and what kind of actions they can do with your system. e.g.
You didn't ask for tools, but I usually prefer to use tools that are rigor (rather than loose like Visio), so I would recommend to use WhiteStarUML. It's free and does a great job. But as I said, it's strictly UML-based, so will require some familiarity with UML.
Finally, about your attached picture:
What you showed looks like an activity diagram with some illegal components on it (illegal from UML specification standpoint). Is it good or bad? - depends. If it's supposed to be a rigor UML diagram then it's bad. If it's just a sketch of an idea - not bad.
Your diagram mentions database sign (called "DB") and arrows connecting to it. That's illegal on an activity diagram UML. Instead, you can have a step which says "Data gets saved to Database", and remove the "DB". Also, you have a single step which says both "Party" and "Sales" on it - that's not a legal UML. I think you tried to express that there are 2 flows. In that case, just have 2 different activity diagrams instead of one.
Your question is quite broad but I'll give it a shot.
I think you want to reconsider your approach. I would suggest reading up on UML sequence diagrams. They are a kind of diagram that provides a way to represent how requests are made within code. UML, in general, can also be used to make class diagrams and other useful flow-like charts for representing code. Many tools, such as visual-paradigm, allow you to build UML diagrams (ex. class diagrams)that can be converted directly into code. This can be useful when getting you started on the program. There is a learning curve with using these tools as different kinds of arrows mean different things, but they can be very powerful. they can also be used to take existing code and convert it to a diagram, which is great when trying to explain how your program works.
here are some other links that might be useful:
lucidchart has an example of a pop-up window diagram like the one you described. just allows for you to make the diagrams, not convert them to code, but it is an easy to use tool and integrates with google drive and git hub.
stackoverflow has some info on UML too.
If you are looking for a "professional workflow diagram" UML if a fine way to go, there are many ways they can be laid out and they can be quite professional, I learned about them in school and have used them at work to help plan out the flow of data through our system. There are many more UML tools out there, it might be worth looking into a tutorial to find what's best for you.
You seem to be on the right track, I have never added a database to my flow-charts but it is up to you on how detailed you want to get. You seem to be using the correct symbols!
Here is an awesome, free website that I use. it was created for making flow charts and other things.
I personally would remove the UI at the beginning of your chart. Try to stay away from the overly technical examples when starting out with flow-charts, hit up YouTube or Google images for some simple, but correct examples.
Good luck friend!

software for organizing text

I suspect that the question may not belong here as it's about software and not about programing. However, this is my computers community, and I trust you guys to refer me elsewhere if you think it's not appropriate to answer it here.
I'm writing a lot. Text. For myself. Diaries, ideas, insights, observations. It always comes in the form of passages, passage at a time.
Until now I used to write in word documents, organizing them by rough categories divided to different documents, and by chronological order.
I figure out that this is way sub optimal. I can have more, and I do need more.
I'm looking for a software that will allow me to:
1 - tag passages
2 - store date and time automatically (created and edited)
3 - powerful full text search
4 - besides the above, I'd like it to have as much word processing capabilities as possible
Recommendations for a software that have this?
Now, I don't need this to be online. I'm doing this for myself, and don't want it to be published anywhere. I figure out however that many web platforms may have much of what I need, so I don't automatically reject the possibility to use one for my offline needs.
Thanks guys
You could install wordpress or any other suitable blogging software locally and have your own private blog - let's you write passages as short as you like, you can tag it, categorize it, search it. Keeps track of when it was created and edited. And you can probably add a fair amount of word processing capabilities to it via plugins. And you could put it online when you wanted to.
It's a bit install overhead required (probably XAMP) though.

The future of Naked Objects pattern (and UI auto-generation) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I ask about the pattern, not framework. This is kind of follow-up to a question on UI auto-generation.
Do you believe in the concept of UI auto-generation from metadata?
What kind of problems can be approached this way?
The question arose when I've created a small library to support my student projects, which generates interactive CLI in runtime based on object's metadata. And I think CLI it generates is quite decent.
On the other extreme is the Naked Objects Framework, which is rather universal, but UI it generates is horrible, IMO.
It's clear, every problem is specific and needs specific UI, but maybe there are several classes of problems where auto-generation is acceptable?
Yes, I believe the concept of metadata-based auto-generated applications is very sound - mainly because it drastically reduces development time and improves code quality by reducing the massive redundancy you have in most applications where each domain data field is represented in the database, in the model, in the UI, and often also several times in various mapping layers.
I think the future is auto-generated apps that can be modified wherever necessary. Currently, this is AFAIK not really possible; for example, Rails only allows you to fully customize the UI when you use static scaffolding, which basically means code generation, i.e. many further changes in the domain model are then not automatically represented in the UI because the duplication has happened when the code was generated.
I believe the first framework that manages to combine complete auto-generation with complete modifiability afterwards will become the de-facto development standard to a previously unknown degree. Though most likely we'll get there in small steps so that there will not be such a single dominating framework.
Take a look at JMatter, which is a rather better-looking implementation of Naked Objects.
There is also Chris Muller's work on MAUI, and Lukas Renggli's work on Magritte (both Squeak /Smalltalk)
We have lots of generated UI in the configuration part of our apps. All those lists that are around forever and changed once in a blue moon by a system administrator.
I find that most applications with a database back-end tend to have a bad design from an OO and NO perspective, as already shown in the NO book by Pawson and Matthews.
Re: qn #1 ... Do you believe in the concept of UI auto-generation from metadata? ... I'm definitely going to answer 'yes' to your first question, being one of the committers to the Naked Objects (Java) framework and writing a book on DDD + NO.
The question mentions metadata. I think this is key to NO being able to succeed. In the latest version (which will be going beta in Feb) the metamodel has been opened up so that it is very extensible, either so you can write your domain model following your own programming conventions/annotations, or, potentially so that more sophisticated viewers can look for their own metadata to provide more sophisticated views. (For example, consider that if an object implemented a Location interface then it is displayed in a google maps).
Regarding qn #2 ... what kind of problems can be approached this way ... we've always said that NO is more suitable for "sovereign applications" (transactional, operational systems ones used internally within an organization) to "transient applications" (like an airport kiosk, say). An NO GUI does require that the user is familiar with the domain, otherwise they won't know what they are looking at.
What's missing still is sophisticated viewers, of course. You are right about the NO GUI, it is definitely low fidelity (though the .NET version is a big improvement, see recent article). On the Java side there is a sister project called that has a lot of promise though... it provides a basic web GUI for free but lets you hand-craft web pages as necessary and incrementally. I'm also working on an Eclipse RCP GUI that'll work similarly.
The other thing to add to this though is that the NO approach has value (I believe) even if you choose to write a custom GUI and/or presentation layer. That is, you can use it as a design tool for building a very solid pojo domain layer, and then skin it as you will. Trouble is that NO was never originally sold in those terms, so most will see the NO pattern as an all-or-nothing affair.
One way to look at this is to consider the difference between the user interface you get from something like Toad or MySQL Browser, where the user interface is directly constructed from the tables and their associated meta data, and the user interface that a skilled designer would develop for the actual application. IF there not too disimilar then it should be fairly low hanging fruit for an auto-generation framework.
As you say there are classes of problems which will work quite well with this kind of auto generation and some which wouldn't. To my mind the key things are how well the implementation model (or portion thereof) which you are exposing in the user interface maps to the conceptual model of the user. Secondly how well can the behavior of the application can be expressed through a limited set of user interface components (assuming this is a general purpose UI generation framework).
This article "Universal Model of a User Interface" may be of interest .
I think the idea of automatically generated UIs has a lot of potential especially for your average form-and-table layout database user interface. However, even there a human needs to be in the loop, having the ability to override the output without it being overwritten with the next regeneration.
I suspect automatically generated UIs would be more successful today if interaction designers were more involved in developing the generation algorithms. My impression is that historically the creators of these systems don’t know what kinds of UI-related metadata to include or how to use it. Specifying labels, value ranges, formats, and orders for fields is a start, but more high level information is needed. Sufficient modeling of the tasks and user roles in particular tends to be lacking, along with some basic style-guide-level principles for UI.
Oracle’s Designer 2000, for example, was on the right track in including not only the entities and relations in the model, but also the tasks in the form of a functional hierarchy. Then they blew it by misapplying this metadata (e.g., assuming that depth is always preferred to breadth) and including fundamental flaws when generating the UI (e.g., only one primary window can be opened at a time). The result was IUs that were not even consistent with Oracle’s own Applications User Interface Standards.
Getting a basic UI up quickly that lets the customer try out the system and create test data must be of value. Naked Objects frameworks can help for the “boot strapping” even if you have to have replace it with “hand crafted” UI before you ship.
In most system I have worked on, there have been lots of simple housekeeping tables. All these tables need a UI to edit and view them etc. There is also great value in these simple editors being consistent. Here a naked Objects framework could save a lot of time, even if the main “day to day” UI is “hand crafted”
I have seen a couple of failed projects (cases where I was brought in as a rather expensive consultant to help architect the replacement) which used the "naked objects" approach (not the framework, AFAIK) - all with simply atrocious UIs, and worked replacing a lot of the UI on one project which, in its original incarnation, had a similar approach (the entire application was a tree of objects accessed through context menus and property sheets - this was NetBeans 2.0 circa 1998 - IDE as a giant hierarchical JavaBean).
The bottom line is, your users don't care about your architecture, they care about getting what they need to do done in the most comprehensible-to-mere-mortals set of interactions you can come up with. If that happens to align with your architecture, you are having a lucky day - but it really is serendipity. Trying to force users to care (or even know) about your architecture is a recipe for software nobody wants to use.
Code generally needs to be designed around two not-always-compatible goals:
Maintainability - people who didn't write the code can understand the code
Stability and performance - i.e. the activities the code asks the computer to physically do are both possible, and can be completed within a reasonable time frame
The abstractions and code structures that it makes sense to create to meet those two goals very, very rarely map exactly to user interface elements of any sort. Sometimes you can get away with it - barely - if your audience is technical. But even there, you are likely to please more users with at least a "presentation layer" adapter layer on top of the architecture that makes sense for programmers and machines.

Any good tool or library for recursive convert ANY files to tiff / images? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We have to convert EVERYTHING to images for archiving purpose. DOC, HTML, email, ZIP, PDF, TXT and any document you can read/view on computer. In addition, it must recursive convent on all embed attachment and files in zip.
I know ImgMaker only. Is it the best or I can have something better?
My boss ask me to search that are there any alternative other then ImgMaker.
Any open source or profit suggestion are welcome.
There is a whole industry built around this type of function and numerous service providers that charge a fee per document to do this type of conversion. You are better off buying than building it on your own.
The idea of converting Everything is fundamentally a fool's errand as you would need a single program that could render every file type ever created (in essence recreating every piece of software that ever wrote a data file AND recreating every version of each). Also, not every file format has a format that has a direct rendered form. For example, what do you do with a database file, a DLL,an XML file, a WAV file?
If you are looking for something that does a reasonable job for a large number of formats, there are two main players with OEM toolkits, but both are extremely expensive and neither supports the Java platform directly. I use the former if you have any additional questions.
Stellent (now Oracle) OutsideIn:
Autonomy KeyView:
Another possible option is an image print driver like Black Ice, but it has several issues including the need for a copy of every software application on the machine the code is running on, and an operator to dismiss all the inevitable dialogs that will come up when you open the files in the native application. Also, for things like Excel spreadsheets, you usually need some manual tweaking of the spreadsheet to make the printout look right (else you get 900 pages added to your tiff with that one extra column that wouldn't fit)
I don't know if this will help, because it sounds like you want something totally automated, but there are many pseudo-printer drivers that can create TIFF images as output. For example:
Uh? How do you expect to convert a zip archive to an image? What should the pixels show? Should it be lossless, so you can convert back? If it's for archiving, I would guess that is a requirement, but it sounds weird.
What's going to happen to the tiff images afterwards? Assuming you want to manage them in some way, it seems to me you'd be better off looking for some complete documentation management product that can take these doc types as input and manage/archive the (presumably) large number of images that you'll have.
Otherwise you would seem to be re-inventing the wheel.
If you want open-source, something like Alfresco
Note the server based transformation feature below
Alfresco offers one integrated
repository to manage all formats of
content across image management,
document management, web content
management and email repositories. The
repository is a modern platform with:
One Repository for any Digital Asset
The industry’s most scalable, standards-based, JSR-170 content repository
Standards support for JSR-170, Web Services and REST
High-Availability, Fault Tolerance and Scalability – Auto failover and clustering
Secure Distributed Capture over Web Services, HTTP and HTTPS
Reuse of Alfresco Business Policy Rules
Server-based transformation between many formats including TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, MS-Office, PDF and FLASH
Metadata Extraction and Management
Automatic Classification Framework
find to do the recursion in combination with convert from imagemagick tookit would get you pretty far. I guess to support all what you want, you'll need to write a script that calls the right program.
The question as asked cannot be answered sensibly. One obvious solution is to simply rename each file by attaching .tiff. E.g. you could get ringtone.mp3.tiff. Insane as it is, there are not many better ways to convert an .mp3 to a .tiff.
Note that this is not an IT problem. The business is assuming everything is an image, and music is the trivial example of something that isn't.
( To clarify - this was assuming an automated setting, e.g. to archive incoming email for legal reasons. If that's required, you MUST archive incoming MP3's too. If you've got humans in the loop, this question would not belong on a programming forum. )

How to write a spec that is productive? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've seen different program managers write specs in different format. Almost every one has had his/her own style of writing a spec.
On one hand are those wordy documents which given to a programmer are likely to cause him/her missing a few things. I personally dread the word documents spec...I think its because of my reading style...I am always speed reading things which I think will cause me to miss out on key points.
On the other hand, I have seen this innovative specs written in Excel by one of our clients. The way he used to write the spec was kind of create a mock application in Excel and use some VBA to mock it. He would do things like on button click where should the form go or what action should it perform (in comments).
On data form, he would display a form in cells and on each data entry cell he would comment on what valid values are, what validation should it perform etc.
I think that using this technique, it was less likely to miss out on things that needed to be done. Also, it was much easier to unit test it for the developer. The tester too had a better understanding of the system as it 'performed' before actually being written.
Visio is another tool to do screen design but I still think Excel has a better edge over it considering its VBA support and its functions.
Do you think this should become a more popular way of writing spec? I know it involves a bit of extra work on part of project manager(or whoever is writing the spec) but the payoff is huge...I myself could see a lot of productivity gain from using it. And if there are any better formats of specs that would actually help programmer.
Joel on Software is particularly good at these and has some good articles about the subject...
A specific case: the write-up and the spec.
Two approaches have worked well for me.
One is the "working prototype" which you sort of described in your question. In my experience, the company contracted a user interface expert to create fully functional HTML mocks. The data on the page was static, but it allowed for developers and management to see and play with a "functional" version of the site. All that was left to do was replace the static data on the pages with dynamic content - this prototype was our spec for the initial version of our product. The designer even included detailed explanation of some subtle behavior in popup dialogs that would appear when hovering over mock links. It worked well for our team.
On a subsequent project, we didn't have the luxury of the UI expert, but we used similar approach. We used a wiki to mock a version of the site. We created links between the functional aspects of the system and documented each piece of functionality in detail. Each piece of functionality could, in turn, link to detailed design and architecture decisions. We also used to wiki to hold our to list feature list for each release (which became our release notes). These documents linked back to the detailed feature page. The wiki became a living document - describing our releases and evolution of our system in great detail. It was an invaluable resource.
I prefer the wiki to the working prototype because it's more easily extensible - growing and becoming more valuable as your system evolves.
I think you may have a look about Test-Driven Requirements, which is a technique to make executable specifications.
There are some great tools like FIT, Fitnesse, GreenPepper or Concordion for that purpose.
One of the Microsoft Press books has excellent examples of various documents, including an SRS (which I think is what you are talking about). It might be one of the requirements books by Weigert (I think that's his name, I'm blanking on it right now). I've seen US government organizations use that as a template, and from my three work experiences with the government, they like to make their own whereever they can, so if they are reusing it, it must be good.
Also - a spec should contain NO CODE, in my opinion. It should focus on what the system must do, should do, and can not do using text and diagrams.
