How to run the blackberry application in Titanium appcelerator in blackberry simulator - titanium-mobile

I am new to Titanium appcelerator.I instll the Titanium studio and blackberry sdk in the Titanium.And I download the Blackberry simulator.I create the new project in Titanium studio with deployment target as BlackBerry.It is created successfully.
But my question is:
How to establish the connection between the BlackBerry simulator and new project?

When you go through this post in developer.appcelerator, first portions are describing all the steps to setup development environment and create a project. Look at following sub-heads of post,
(A) Running the Simulator
(B) Installing To Device
Hope it helped you


Xamarin Forms iOS application always runs on simulator even if I choose a device

I ported my Xamarin Forms project from windows to Mac and I am trying to run it on a connected device which is added in the provisioning profile (provisioning profile and identity is setup accordingly in IOS Bundle Signing settings).
Whenever I try to run the App using Debug|iPhone > my Iphone:
It starts simulator runs on that instead of the device :
After stopping the build if I go back to Bundle Signing settings its changed back to simulator automatically:
I am using following setup:
Visual Studio 2017 Community on Mac 7.2 preview build 540.
XCode 8.3.3
Can anyone please help me with proper configuration to run the app on IPhone?
Many Thanks in advance :)
After hours of messing around I finally found the problem and solution.
In solution settings, iOS project (Debug-iPhone) configuration was mapped to (Debug|Simulator).
Simply changed it to Debug|iPhone and Its working fine now.

Loading/Building and Running existing Phonegap code in Xcode?

We've created a small project in phonegap on the PC in a www folder. I have moved the files on to the Mac but I can't figure out how to load it into xcode to edit the HTML further and to build/run it in the emulator or on my device.
I've never used xcode before and don't really understand how projects fit and work. I've tried to follow the Adobe Phonegap instructions I can't work out how to open an existing www phongap folder and there's no 'new cordova project' in xocde when creating a project as it shows in the adobe instructions, despite installing node.js, cordova and phonegap as instructed in various instructions I've tried?
I have phongap installed and can create a helloworld app in the phonegap Gui but again, can't figure out how to load it into xcode to build/run? I'm obviously not understanding the how xcode fits in with phonegap etc. and once this falls in to place I'm sure I'll be cooking on gas. Any help would be appreciated :) Thanks :)
cordova platform add ios
and then
cordova build ios
Then you will find the Xcode project folder in your YourApp/platforms/ios/YourApp.xcodeproj within your project. Just import it with XCode.
But Cordova will automatically build your app and emulate it by just using:
cordova run ios

Creating NativeScript app with Teleriks AppBuilder

I am writing hello world on nativeScript at AppBuilder platform. I created new project from template. It works perfetct with companion app (Run->Build->NativeScript) but i can't:
1) run it on iOS or android emulator
2) build app package (Run->Build->App Package)
Thanks much
From the browser you can't run on native emulators, but you can deploy to the NativeScript companion app for Android/iOS, and you can also build app packages for Android/iOS.
To build iOS app packages you need to register for the iOS developer program and register your provisioning profiles and certificates with AppBuilder before you can create app packages. If you have any other questions related to this let me know.

How to launch iOS emulator from Xamarin Studio

Just beginning to use Xamarin Studio.
Purchased the indie addition
Uploaded all the certs and provisionning profiles
Compiled the entire solution
Now I would like to run the iOS part of the solution in iOS emulator. The problem is - I'm unable to find where in Xamarin Studio is the link or menu option to launch an iOS emulator. I also have the latest Xcode installed on the same Mac machine. So, how do I go about running the compiled iOS project in an emulator?
As it turns out, all I had to do was to switch the Project configuration from Debug to Debug iPhone Simulator: Project ->Active Configuration -> Debug iPhone Simulator.

appcelerator titanium - no 'new titanium mobile project' menu option after fresh install

I have just installed the very latest stable titanium for windows 8 (x64), android sdk etc etc. All have installed ok and titanium studio's checks show android as being installed correctly.
The problem is that under the 'file / new' menu, I don't have the "titanium mobile project" as an option. Watching and reading various online resources about getting started with Titanium for mobile, I see that this is what I need to click on.
Can anyone assist in checking any plugins I should verify I have installed within the ide or anything else that may appear to be relevant ?
To confirm; I get 3 project types currently. These are
Titanium Project...
Titanium Module Project...
Thanks for any assistance
Titanium project is the new titanium mobile project according to another forum since the titanium desktop option is no longer included.
