Check if field exists in Input during validation using Laravel - validation

I want to make sure that certain fields are posted as part of the form but I don;t mind if some are empty values.
The 'required' validation rule won't work as I am happy to accept empty strings. I have tried the below, but as the 'address2' field is never sent, the validator doesn't process it.
Any ideas?
$rules = array(
'address2' => 'attribute_exists'
class CustomValidator extends Illuminate\Validation\Validator {
public function validateAttributeExists($attribute, $value, $parameters)
return isset($this->data[$attribute]);

You can use Input::has('address2') to check if something is posted by address2 input name. See the example:
if(Input::has('address2')) {
// Do something!

In Laravel 5,
// do stuff

You should make custom validator like this.
use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
class CustomValidator extends Illuminate\Validation\Validator {
public function __construct(TranslatorInterface $translator, $data, $rules, $messages = array())
parent::__construct($translator, $data, $rules, $messages);
$this->implicitRules[] = 'AttributeExists';
public function validateAttributeExists($attribute, $value, $parameters)
return isset($this->data[$attribute]);
This will make AttributeExists work without to use require. For more explain about this. When you want to create new validator rule. If you don't set it in $implicitRules, that method will not work out if you don't use require rule before it. You can find more info in laravel source code.

When you submit a form each and every field is posted, matter of fact is if you leave some filed empty then that field value is null or empty. Just check the POST parameters once, to do so open the firebug console in firefox and submit the form, then check the post parameters. As you want to accept empty string what is the use of any rule?
else You can do this
//do here whatever you want
//do something else
$addr2='';//empty string

Actually, Laravel has a method to validate if an attribute exists even if not filled.
$rules = [
'something' => 'present'
All the validation rules are stored in Validator class (/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Validation/Validator.php), you can check for the implementation of each rule, even no documented rules.


Making Laravel 9 validation rule that is unique on 2 columns

I am trying to update a row in the pages table.
The slug must be unique in the pages table on the slug and app_id field combined.
i.e. there can be multiple slugs entitled 'this-is-my-slug' but they must have unique app_id.
Therefore I have found that formula for the unique rule is:
I have an update method and getValidationRules method.
public function update($resource,$id,$request){
When I test for just a unique slug the following works:
public function getValidationRules($id,$app_id){
return [
'title'=> 'required',
'slug'=> 'required|unique:pages,slug,'.$id
However, when I try and add the app_id into the validation rules it returns server error.
public function getValidationRules($id,$app_id){
return [
'title'=> 'required',
'slug'=> 'required|unique:pages,slug,'.$id.',app_id,'.$app_id
I have also tried to use the Rule facade, but that also returns server error. Infact I can't even get that working for just the ignore id!
public function getValidationRules($id,$app_id){
return [
'title'=> 'required',
'slug'=> [Rule::unique('pages','slug')->where('app_id',$app_id)->ignore($id)]
Any help is much appreciated :)
Thanks for the respsonses. It turned out a couple of things were wrong.
Firstly if you want to use the Rule facade for the validation rules, make sure you've included it:
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
The other method for defining the validation rule seems to be limited to the following pattern:
The blog post that I read that showed you could add additional columns was for laravel 7, so i guess that is no longer the case for laravel 9.
Thanks for your responses and help in the chat!
I recommend you to add your own custom rule.
First run artisan make:rule SlugWithUniqueAppIdRule
This will create new file/class inside App\Rules called SlugWIthUniqueAppRule.php.
Next inside, lets add your custom rule and message when error occured.
public function passes($attribute, $value)
// I assume you use model Page for table pages
$app_id = request()->id;
$pageExists = Page::query()
->where('slug', $slug)
->where('app_id', $app_id)
return !$pageExists;
public function message()
return 'The slug must have unique app id.';
Than you can use it inside your validation.
return [
'title'=> 'required|string',
'slug' => new SlugWithUniqueAppIdRule(),
You can try it again and adjust this custom rule according to your needs.
I recommend to move your form request into separate class.
Run artisan make:request UpdateSlugAppRequest
And check this newly made file in App\Http\Requests.
This request class by default will consists of 2 public methods : authorize() and rules().
Change authorize to return true, or otherwise this route can not be accessed.
Move your rules array from controller into rules().
public function rules()
return [
'title'=> 'required|string',
'slug' => new SlugWithUniqueAppIdRule(),
To use it inside your controller:
public function update(UpdateSlugAppRequest $request, $resource, $id){
// this will return validated inputs in array format
$validated = $request->validated();
// process , move to a ServiceClass
This will make your controller a lot slimmer.

What is the correct order of form validation and retrieving input values?

I wonder if I should do form validation before retrieving input values or vice versa.
I usually do validation first as I see no benefit in trying to access input values that might not be valid. However, a coworker looked at my code recently and found it strange. Is there any correct order for these steps?
public function createGroups(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'courses' => 'required_without:sections',
'sections' => 'required_without:courses',
'group_set_name' => 'required',
'group_number' => 'required|integer|min:1'
$courses = $request->input('courses');
$sections = $request->input('sections');
$group_set_name = $request->input('group_set_name');
$group_number = $request->input('group_number');
Positioning the validation for your controller logic at the beginning of a method is probably the way to go here, as you have required parameters defined. If you receive data that does not fully satisfy the requirements, you produce a validation error back to the user. This follows the productive "Fail Fast" line of thinking:
It's also important that you're not using any data that hasn't passed your stringent requirements from validation. Data that fails validation should no longer be trusted. Unless there's some other reason you need to be, say, logging any incoming data from the frontend, the order here looks good to me.
I totally agree with #1000Nettles response, to elaborate a little bit more on his/her answer (who should be the accepted one): There isn't any need to continue with your business logic when the data doens't comply with your specifications. Let's say you expected a string of a N characters long, because you defined your database with that limitation (in order to optimize the db desing), will you try to persist it even when it'll throw an exception? Not really.
Besides, Laravel has a particular way to extract validation classes: Form Request. This are injected in controllers. When a call reach the controller it means that already passed the validation, if not, an 422error be returned.
Create a custom request and keep the mess out of your controller, it doesn't even hit your controller function if validation failed and can just grab the data in your controller if validation passed.
php artisan make:request GroupRequest
In app/Http/Requests/GroupRequest.php:
public function authorize()
// return true;
return request()->user()-isAdmin; // <-- example, but true if anyone can use this form
public function rules()
return [
'courses' => ['required_without:sections'],
'sections' => ['required_without:courses'],
'group_set_name' => ['required'],
'group_number' => ['required', 'integer', 'min:1'],
The best part is you can even manipulate the data in here (GroupRequest.php) after it has been validated:
public function validated()
$validated = $this->getValidatorInstance()->validate();
// EXAMPLE: hash password here then just use new hashed password in controller
$validated['password'] = Hash::make($validated['password']);
return $validated;
In your controller:
public function createUser(UserRequest $request) // <- in your case 'GroupRequest'
$validated = $request->validated(); // <-- already passed validation
$new_user = User::create($validated); // <-- password already hashed in $validated
return view('')->with(compact('user'));
In your case, if you use my GroupRequest block above, you can return to view in 1 line of code:
public function createGroups(GroupRequest $request)
return view('')->with($request->validated()); // <-- already an array
In you blade view file, you can then use your variables like {{ $group_set_name }} and {{ $group_number }}

Laravel unique request update

Ive read some things about this on laracasts and Stackoverflow.
I have an update function with validation:
public function update(Customer $customer, StoreCustomer $request)
And the validation rules:
public function rules()
return [
'code' => 'required|unique:customers,code',
Now I tried to add a 3rd argument after the unique, so if it would exist it would continue. I tried it like this:
public function rules(Customer $customer)
return [
'code' => 'required|unique:customers,code,'.$customer->code,
but that doesn't seem to do anything. It seems to work if you do the validation in my controller itself, but this looks way cleaner. Any solutions?
If you want to ignore the current customer, you need to change the $customer->code to $customer->id, assuming your primary key is id.
unqiue validation documentation
Ignoring current customer:
'code' => 'required|unique:customers,code,'.$customer->id,
Your Form Request is a Request. It gets filled with the data from the current Request. You can pull the customer from your route as it is bound as a parameter currently. $this->route('customer')
public function rules()
return [
'code' => 'required|unique:customers,code,'. $this->route('customer')->code,
// perhaps this should be ignoring by id though?
'code' => 'required|unique:customers,code,'. $this->route('customer')->id,
Using method injection here could only give you a binding, if one was registered with the container for that exact class, or a new instance of that class, the case here. There is no link between that class name and the concept that there might be a route parameter that currently contains a Model that happens to be of that class.
It seems that the right way to do this was
'code' => 'required|unique:customers,code,'.$this->route('customer')->code.',code',
Since the $customer parameter isnt available in rules() you needed to get the customer another way.
I think the best way do this with Rule:unique
return [
'code' => ['required', Rule::unique('customers', 'code')->whereNot('code', $customer->code)]

Laravel custom validation: only validate input if input given

So I followed this tutorial to learn how to upload images with Laravel using Vue: Image upload and validation using Laravel and VueJs
Everything works fine, but I want to make the image upload optional. Now the custom validation fails for the AppServiceProvider. if it does not have any input then i get this error
trying to access an attribute inside an array that does not exist. Undefined offset: 1
I could avoid the error by asking
if (request('image'))
In the controller and applying the validation for the other fields only if no image is given. However, this gets incredibly messy.
So I am looking for a way to get the custom validation rule working if there is no input. Or is that the wrong way?
Here is the custom validation rule:
public function boot()
Validator::extend('image64', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$type = explode('/', explode(':', substr($value, 0, strpos($value, ';')))[1])[1];
if (in_array($type, $parameters)) {
return true;
return false;
Validator::replacer('image64', function($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters) {
return str_replace(':values',join(",",$parameters),$message);
In some situations, you may wish to run validation checks against a field only if that field is present in the input array. To quickly accomplish this, add the sometimes rule to your rule list:
$v = Validator::make($data, [
'email' => 'sometimes|required|email',
In the example above, the email field will only be validated if it is present in the $data array.
Reference: Conditionally Adding Rules
Laravel provides a validation called 'nullable' in case other validation rules should not be run if the given value is null: A Note On Optional Fields

create a custom validation in laravel where input value must be greater than the existing value in the database

I have a Printer model which has a page_count field..
the user will be able to input the current page_count...
the new page_count must be greater than the existing data in the database... How can I do that?
I had the same issue solved like this, though someone already gave the solution in the comments section.
* #param array $data
* validates and Stores the application data
public function sendMoney(Request $request)
//get the value to be validated against
$balance = Auth::user()->balance;
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'send_to_address' => 'required',
'amount_to_send' => 'required|max:'.$balance.'|min:0.01|numeric',
//some logic goes here
Depending on your use case you could modify...
Happy Coding
Assuming you have Printer model which contains the page_count column.
You can define a custom validation rule in your AppServiceProvider's boot() method.
public function boot()
//your other code
Validator::extend('page_count', function($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$page_count = Printer::find(1)->first()->value('page_count'); //replace this with your method of getting page count.
//If it depends on any extra parameter you can pass it as a parameter in the validation rule and extract it here using $parameter variable.
return $value >= $page_count;
//your other code
Then, you can use it in your validation rule like below
'page_count' => 'required|page_count'
Reference: Laravel Custom Validation
