What's the different between url-pattern - spring

I am learning Spring MVC .
To configure servlet mapping in web.xml.
Who can tell what's difference between them
Maybe more...
It is really necessary for me to know ,so that a new servlet will not be Intercept by other ones.

This is exact url pattern, this servlet will be invoked only if the url is like someThing.com/login
This is directory url pattern. So /someString or /someOtherString or /some/someOther will invoke the same login servlet.
This is extension url pattern. Anything that is suffixed as .do will map to this. e.g. /someUrl.do or /some/someOther.do will invoke the login servlet.

this looks rather strange,you have this
and thats all you need, the rest of the mapping are supercilious. But calling your spring servlet login is a bit weird. Normally you would call it spring-servlet or similar, everything is then mapped to that servlet, and specific request mappings are handled by different controllers - you can use RequestMappign annoation on controller methods.


***Unable to Connect servlet methods in wicket through objectstream.***

I want to connect servlet using urlconnection in wicket-spring integration, but when i try to hit the url its redirecting to webapplication page, So can anyone tell me how to connect servlet methods by using filters or any other way, so that i can directly hit dopost or doget methods.
The question is not very clear, so I'll try to guess. I suppose that you have a Wicket filter that intercepts and handles all the requests. Also you have some servlet, and you want requests to that servlet to not be intercepted by Wicket filter.
If this is what you want, here is what you can do to achieve this.
Let's say you have Wicket filter mapped to / and the servlet mapped to /my-service. Then you could tell Wicket filter to ignore requests to /my-service url:
<param-value>... some application class name ...</param-value>
If you want several paths to be ignored, you can separate them with commas like this:
With this configuration, Wicket will ignore any requests under /my-service (that is, /my-service, /my-service/blabla and so on) and any request under /my-other-service.

Dispatcher Servlet Mapping - Spring Framework

I am new to Spring Framework and I was wondering why every time we create a new Spring project and we set the dispatcher mapping as / instead of the default *.htm.
we are specifying the servlet class DispatcherServlet that acts as the front controller in Spring Web MVC. All the incoming request for the .html file will be forwarded to the DispatcherServlet.
2.<url-pattern>/</url-pattern> :
A mapping that contains the pattern <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> matches a request if no other pattern matches. This is the default mapping. The servlet mapped to this pattern is called the default servlet.The default mapping is often directed to the first page of an application.

Spring MVC DispatcherServlet mapping / vs /*

I know there are duplicated questions but i'm still confused. My understanding is that when using /* , every request will go through this servlet (It means all .jsp, .html,etc will end up in this ). / will make this servlet the default servlet ( if there are exact URL installed..., return ) But it seem to me that when using / every request all still go through The DispatcherServlet no matter what. I can't open any .jsp file directly. Can someone explain to me more about this?
As per the Servlet specification, mapping for "/" means default servlet meaning if there is no explicit servlet matching the request, then this default servlet would be serving the request. For e.g., there is a servlet named "default" defined in Tomcat server common configuration web.xml which is inherited by all applications. This servlet serves the static contents like css,images etc which are typically not mapped in applications web.xml. Similarly there is a special Servlet which handles requests for jsp files ( all request ending with *.jsp as naturally these will be needed to be compiled to Servlets which would then process the request). So if you override the default servlet to be any other servlet in the application web.xml, then all requests not handled by any other servlet goes to this servlet and if this Servlet is not capable to serving request, it will not work.
If you declare Spring dispatcher servlet as the default Servlet, then you will not be able to serve static contents from container provided Servlet. Instead there is a special handler provided which can load static resources from configurable path pattern from directory / classpath. You need to use <mvc:resources/> tag for this feature. However if you still want to use container provided Servlet for serving resource you would need to use
<mvc:default-servlet-handler/> in the spring configuration. You can read more about this approach and its prons/cons here - section 15.12.4

Servlet mapping issue with SpringMVC

i'm developing a J2EE App using Spring (mvc, security, etc...) and i have a problem with the mappings. I would like to redirect people who type "..../myapp" to a welcome jsp, specifically to "/myapp/welcome.html"
Previously my servlet-mapping had this config:
But i changed it, in order to catch the "/myapp" request. The newone that i wrote is the following:
It works as expected but when i try to access to a page which needs an css, this error appears:
"No mapping found for HTTP request with URI"
I think that if My url-pattern is /*, the servlet is catching something that doesn't belong to it although i don't know how to do it. Does anybody know a good way to do this?
Thank you
See this: Pretty URL Mapping with Spring 3.0
Basically, change your servlet-mapping from /* to / and then you can worry about performing the redirect.
For the redirect, you should be able to do something like this (assuming use of the mvc namespace in XML config):
<mvc:view-controller path="/myapp" view-name="redirect:/myapp/welcome.html"/>

Spring: How to redirect non-dispatcher requests to dispatcher?

I have standard servlet-mapping for Dispatcher Servlet - /app/*. I have controller that handle /notify requests. I need to expose this controller as servlet on http://[SERVER]/notify. How to simple redirect all requests from http://[SERVER]/notify to http://[SERVER]/app/notify (but without other tools, like urlrewrite) ? I know i can write simple servlet instead of, and set servlet-mapping in web.xml, but want to have controller, not servlet ;)
<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>
public class PaymentNotificationController {
void notify() { ... }
You can put another Dispatcher Servlet in
<servlet-name>Notification Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>
and configure it with the same XML file as your main dispatcher servlet.
Don't discount urlrewrite - it only takes nanoseconds to execute, and years have gone into making it as fast as possible.
If you do throw up another Spring MVC servlet, you'll wind up with a second application context, which may not be desirable. DispatcherServlet is a front controller, of which there is supposed to be one - so yes - you can put as many as you want in, but they're almost like little mini-apps inside your WAR.
