Algorithm to use for reaching points from landing pod - algorithm

I have a quadcopter with some sensors and I want to measure values in set of points on the map (2d problem).
Every measurement takes 30 seconds and I assume copter has constant speed of 60km/h.
It can fly constantly 20 minutes and then it needs to land to charge for an hour.
I would like to write an algorithm, that automatically computes flight paths and minimizes time to take all the samples.
I can represent the points as a full graph (I assume I am flying so high, that there are no obstacles). Then time to reach the point is cost on the edge, but I have also cost of visiting the vertex and limited "fuel". It is some generalization of TSP or VRP, but I am not sure which one.
There are also problems with gas stations, but they usually find path between two points.
Can you name an algorithm that could solve this or come up with something similar. It is NP hard, but there could be some nice approximate solutions.

The problem isn't easy to solve because there is also the fuel constraints and you need to find groups of pods. You can use a combination of a brute force algorithm and a heuristic. For example a quad tree or a spatial index (hilbert curve) can reduce the dimensions and the search space. It looks similar to the capacitated vehicle routing problem.


Manhattan distance generalization

For a research I'm working on I'm trying to find a satisfying heuristic that is based on Manhattan distance which can work with any problem and domain as an input. Which is also known as domain-independent heuristic.
For now, I know how to apply Manhattan distance on a grid based problems.
Can someone give a tip how to generalize it to work on every domain and problem and not just grid based problems?
The generalization of Manhattan distance is simple. It is a metric which defines the distance between two multi-dimensional points as the sum of the distances along each dimension:
md(A, B) = dist(a1, b1) + dist(a2, b2) + . . .
The distances along each dimension are assumed to be simple to calculate. For numbers, the distance is the absolute value of the difference between the values.
This can be extended to other domains as well. For instance, the distance between two strings could be taken as the Levenshtein distance -- and that would prove to be an interesting metric in conjunction with other dimensions.
The manhattan distance heuristic is an attempt to measure the minimum number of steps required to find a path to the goal state. The closer you get to the actual number of steps, the fewer nodes have to be expanded during search, where at the extreme with a perfect heuristic, you only expand nodes that are guaranteed to be on the goal path.
For a more academic approach to generalizing this idea, you want to search around for domain independent heuristics; there was a lot of research done on this in the late 1990s early 2000s although even today, a small amount of domain knowledge can usually get you much better results. That being said, there are some good places to start:
delete relaxation: the expand function probably contains some restrictions, remove one or more of those restrictions and you'll end up with a much easier problem, one that can probably be solved in real time and you'll and use the value generated by that relaxed problem as the heuristic value. e.g. in the sliding tile puzzle, delete the constraint that a piece cannot move on top of other pieces and you end up with the manhattan distance, relax that a piece can only move to adjacent squares and you end up with the hamming distance heuristic.
abstraction: mapping every state in the real search to a smaller abstract state space that you can fully evaluate. Pattern databases are a very popular tool in this area.
critical paths: when you know you must pass through specific states (in either the real state space or an abstract state space) you can perform multiple searches between only the critical points to cut down greatly the number of nodes you would have to search in the full state space
landmarks: very accurate heuristics at the cost of typically high computation time. landmarks are specific locations in which you precompute the distance to every possible other state from (typically 5-25 landmarks are used depending on graph size) and then you compute the lower bound possible distance using those precomputed values when evaluating each node.
There are a few other classes of domain independent heuristics, but these are the most popular and widely used in classical planning applications.

Trouble finding shortest path across a 2D mesh surface

I asked this question three days ago and I got burned by contributors because I didn't include enough information. I am sorry about that.
I have a 2D matrix and each array position relates to the depth of water in a channel, I was hoping to apply Dijkstra's or a similar "least cost path" algorithm to find out the least amount of concrete needed to build a bridge across the water.
It took some time to format the data into a clean version so I've learned some rudimentary Matlab skills doing that. I have removed most of the land so that now the shoreline is standardised to a certain value, my plan is to use a loop to move through each "pixel" on the "west" shore and run a least cost algorithm against it to the closest "east" shore and move through the entire mesh ultimately finding the least cost one.
This is my problem, fitting the data to any of the algorithms. Unfortunately I get overwhelmed by options and different formats because the other examples are for other use cases.
My other consideration is that when the shortest cost path is calculated that it will be a jagged line which would not be suitable for a bridge so I need to constrain the bend radius in the path if at all possible and I don't know how to go about doing that.
A picture of the channel:
Any advice in an approach method would be great, I just need to know if someone knows a method that should work, then I will spend the time learning how to fit the data.
You can apply Dijkstra to your problem in this way:
the two "dry" regions you want to connect correspond to matrix entries with value 0; the other cells have a positive value designating the depth (or the cost of filling this place with concrete)
your edges are the connections of neighbouring cells in your matrix. (It can be a 4- or 8-neighbourhood.) The weight of the edge is the arithmetic mean of the values of the connected cells.
then you apply the Dijkstra algorithm with a starting point in one "dry" region and an end point in the other "dry" region.
The cheapest path will connect two cells of value 0 and its weight will correspond to sum of costs of cells visited. (One half of each cell weight is coming from the edge going to the cell, the other half from the edge leaving the cell.)
This way you will get a possibly rather crooked path leading over the water, which may be a helpful hint for where to build a cheap bridge.
You can speed up the calculation by using the A*-algorithm. Therefore one needs a lower bound of the remaining costs for reaching the other side for each cell. Such a lower bound can be calculated by examining the "concentric rings" around a point as long as rings do not contain a 0-cell of the other side. The sum of the minimal cell values for each ring is then a lower bound of the remaining costs.
An alternative approach, which emphasizes the constraint that you require a non-jagged shape for your bridge, would be to use Monte-Carlo, simulated annealing or a genetic algorithm, where the initial "bridge" consisted a simple spline curve between two randomly chosen end points (one on each side of the chasm), plus a small number or randomly chosen intermediate points in the chasm. You would end up with a physically 'realistic' bridge and a reasonably optimized cost of concrete.

What is the difference between maximal flow and maximum flow?

What is the difference between maximal flow and maximum flow. I am reading these terms while working on Ford Fulkerson algorithms and they are quite confusing. I tried on internet, but couldn't get a reasonable answer. I believe maximum flow is quite clear as it means maximum amount of flow that can be transferred from source to sink in a network, but what exactly is maximal flow.
Please answer in layman terms if possible.
Short answer:
Think about the top of the mountains,
each of them is a maximal solution,
there is not place nearby that is higher than them,
but only the top of the Everest mountain has the maximum height and
is therefore the maximum solution.
Longer answer:
Let me explain it in geometric terms:
think about a plane (e.g. a large peace of paper).
Each point on the plane is a possible solution for the problem.
The height of each point is the quality of the solution corresponding to that point.
In optimization we want to find the optimal solution, i.e. the highest point on the plane.
One idea to find the optimal solution is to start from a possible solution in the plane and
improve it little by little:
each time we move from a point to one near it which is higher.
This is called a local search algorithm.
This process stops when we reach a point which is higher than all points near it.
Such a point is called a local optimum.
The corresponding solution is called maximal as we cannot increase the quality of the solution by moving to any solution near it.
However, a maximal solution doesn't need to be the optimal solution,
it is optimal in comparison to its neighbors.
There are common conditions which if satisfied
we will not have local optimals on the plane which are not globally optimals.
In such situations we can use local search algorithms to find the optimal solution.
One such condition is if the plane of solutions is convex,
intuitively for every two points we have all points on the line connection them
also in the solution space and
the quality of each of them can be determined from
the relative distance of the point to the two endpoints and
the quality of the two endpoints.
Optimization over convex spaces is studied in convex optimization.
Now, lets go back to the max flow problem.
Fix a graph as input.
Think of each flow that satisfies the capacity and preservation of flow
requirements as a point.
We call these valid flows.
We want to find a maximum flow.
Two points are near each other if we can obtain one by increasing or decreasing
the flow through a path from the source to the sink.
We can start by the flow where the flow on all edges are zero
(this is a valid flow).
At each step we find a path from the source to the sink in the updated remaining capacity graph (the weight of each edge is the amount of its capacity that is not being used)
somehow (e.g. using BFS) and increase the flow by adding this.
This gives us a local search algorithm.
The problem is that the space of solutions is not convex and
we may end up with a flow
that we cannot increase any more but it is not a maximum flow.
What can we do?
One idea is to change the space of solutions to a convex one.
For intuition think about a star on a plane.
The points inside the star do not make a convex space
but we can turn it into a convex space by including more points in our solution space
and turning it into a pentagon.
This is essentially what we do by consider the existing flow on
the original edges of the graph
as new edges (called residual edges)
where flow over them corresponds to decreasing the existing flow on the original edges.
This makes the space convex and our local search algorithm does not get stuck on solutions
which are locally optimal but not globally optimal.

3D Pathfinding AI algorithm recommendation and analysis

I am trying to solve the following problem:
I have a 2D tiled game which consists in airplanes flying in the airspace, trying to land in the nearest airport (there can be 'n' goals). The idea is making the planes search for the best path by themselves, avoiding colisions.
So I was going to try the A* algorithm, but then I found this other restriction: The planes can change their altitude if they need to. So I had the idea to implement the same philosophy of A*, but in 3D (of expanding nodes to the possible moves, letting the plane move also up, down, down-north, up-east, etc., making an abstract 3D to handle a relative altitude, and thus letting the algorithm find the best path with 3D moves).
About the heuristics, I discarded the manhattan dinstance because I wanted the algorithm to be more efficient (because you know a good heuristic makes a more efficient search, manhattan overstimates the cost, and I am using diagonal moves), so I decided to implement the diagonal distance (which combines aspects from both manhattan and euclidean), recommended to 8-adjacencies (expanding nodes also in diagonal moves). But I have a lot more adjacencies, so I was trying to adapt the diagonal distance formulas to 16-adjacencies (excluding the up and down diagonals like up-northeast, down-sowthwest, and so on), so the manhattan estimate for every 'diagonal move' (except those I mention) has the same cost value (1 diagonal move = 2 ortogonal moves, not 3 as it'd be in the "up and down diagonals" I have excluded), and with that the formulas for this heuristic were generalized like this:
Let node A be the start, and B the goal, and their respective locations be (xa,ya,za) and (xb,yb,zb)
numberOfDiagonalSteps = min{|xa-xb|,|ya-yb|,|za-zb|}
manhattanDistance = |xa-xb| + |ya-yb| + |za-zb|
numberOfStraightSteps = manhattanDistance - 2*numberOfDiagonalSteps
And assuming diagonal steps cost sqrt(3) (you know, Pythagoras, having ortogonal costing 1):
The heuristic is: h(n) = numberOfStraightSteps + sqrt(3)*numberOfDiagonalSteps
Well... one of my questions is that, as planes are moving ("obstacle nodes"), the algorithm has to be refreshing, re-executing, so, what do you recommend me to do best?
I mean... is it better to try it like that, or better try to implement the D*-Lite?
And my other question is about time complexity. It is clear that the worst case for these algorithms is exponential, but it can be really improved from a good heuristic. But I don't find how the algorithm in my problem can be precisely analyzed. What time complexity can I give to that algorithm, or what do you suggest me to do in my case?
Thank you for your attention.
I would use simple map filling see:'s_algorithm
but the map will have more layers (flight altitudes). There can be just few of them (to limit time/memory wasting) for example 8 layers should be enough for up to 128 airplanes.
Of course it depends on 2D map area size and also after filling the map just take the shortest path from it. In filling the map consider any plane as obstacle (with some border around for safety). In this algorithm you can very simply add fuel consumption criteria or any other.
Also airfield selection can be very simple by this (first wants first gets the closest one). You have to have map for each airplane in time of decision (or refiling the same one for each plane separately). Do not need to be the whole map ... just the area between destination and plane
If you have to obey air traffic regulations then you need to apply flight plans + ad hoc scheduling instead. That is not an easy task (took me almost half a year to code it) and also the air traffic control is a bit complex especially the waiting ques in air and field sharing on the ground. All must by dynamically changeable (weather,waits,technical/political or security issues,...) but I strongly doubt this is the case so simple map filling above should do :)

Optimal algorithm for path-finding in a matrix that does not fit entirely into memory

I'm facing a hard problem:
Imagine I have a map of an entire country, represented by a huge matrix of Cells. Each cell represents a 1 square meter of territory. Each Cell is represented as a double value between 0 and 1 that represents the cost of traversing the cell.
The map obviously is not fittable in memory.
I am trying to wrap my mind arround a way to calculate the optimal path for a robot, from a start point to a end position. The first idea I had was to make a TCP-like moving window, with a minimap of the real map arround the moving robot, and executing the A* algorithm inside there, but I'm facing some problems with maps with huge walls, bad pathfinding, etc...
I am searching the literature about A*-like algorithms and I could not visualize an approximation of what would be a good solution for this problem.
I'm wondering if someone has faced a similar problem or can help with a idea of a possible solution!
Thanks in advance :)
Since I do not know exact data, here's some information that could be useful:
A partial path of a shortest path is itself a shortest path. I.e. you might split up your matrix into submatrices and find (all) shortest paths in there. Note that you do not have to store all results: You e.g. can save memory by not saving a complete path but just the information: Path goes from A to B. The intermediate nodes might be computed later again or stored in a file for later. You might even be able to precompute some shortest paths for certain areas.
Another approach is that you might be able to compress your matrix in some way. I.e. if you have large areas consisting only of one and the same number, it might be good to store just that number and the dimensions of that area.
Another approach (in connection to precompute some shortest paths) is to generate different levels of detail of your map. Considering a map of the USA, this might look the following: The coarsest level of detail contains just the cities New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Houston und Phoenix. The finer the levels get, the more cities they contain, but - on the other hand - the smaller area of your whole map is shown by them.
Does your problem have any special structure, e.g., does the triangle inequality hold/can you guarantee that the shortest path doesn't jog back and forth? Do you want to perform the query many times? (If so you can do pre-processing that will amortize over multiple queries.) Do you need the exact minimum solution, or will something within an epsilon factor be OK?
One thought was that you can coarsen the matrix - form 100 meter by 100 meter squares, and determine the shortest path distances through the 100 \times 100 squares. Now this will fit in memory (about 1 Gigabyte), you can run Dijkstra, and then expand each step through the 100 \times 100 square.
Also, have you tried running a forward-backward version of Dijkstra's algorithm? I.e., expand from the source and search forthe sink at the same time, and stop when there's an intersection.
Incidentally, why do you need such a fine level of granularity?
Here are some ideas that may work
You can model your path as a piecewise linear curve. If you have 31 line segments then your curve is fully described by 60 numbers. Each of the possible curves have a cost, so the cost is a function on the following form
cost(x1, x2, x3 ..... x60)
Now your problem is to find the global optimum of a function of 60 variables. You can use standard methods to do this. One idea is to use genetic algorithms. Another idea is to use a monte carlo method such as parallel tempering
Whenever you have a promising path then you can use it as a starting point to find a local minimum of the cost function. Maybe you can use some interpolation to make your cost function is differentiable. Then you can use Newtons method (or rather BFGS) to find local mimima of the cost function.
Your problem is somewhat similar to the problem of finding reaction paths in chemical systems. Maybe you can find some inspiration in the book "Energy Landscapes" by Davis Wales.
But I also have some questions:
Is it necessary for you to find the optimal path, or are you just looking for an path that is OK?
How much computer power and time do you have at hand?
Can the robot make sharp turns, or do you need extra physics modelling to improve the cost function?
