Code Review Workflow + Feature Branching in TFS - visual-studio

We are starting to work with feature branches and we want to set up a check-in policy that only allows check-ins to the baseline when they have an associated code review.
The new code review workflow in 2012 is quite nice, since you can easily interact with the developer and other reviewers, and comment lines of code directly. Nevertheless it seems like MS didn't think the use case fully because we easily run into the following problem:
The developer works on the feature branch checking-in/shelving and forward-integrating regularly.
When she wants to integrate the feature, she merges back into the baseline and requests a review on these pending changes.
The reviewer makes several comments and now she has to change some code. Where does she do this?
Option 1: Go back to the branch, edit the code and check-in the changes in the branch. Undo the pending changes of the first merge. Merge and request a review again. Repeat until there are no more comments. Check-in the merge.
This is not so nice because all the review comments are in the pending changes of the merge, and she has to work on the branch where she doesn't see the comments directly.
Option 2: Make the edits directly on the pending changes of the merge. Request a review again. Repeat until there are no more comments. Check-in the merge.
If she wants to continue working on the branch, she would have to make a forward integration because the changes from the review are not there.
Either way, the second review is always very annoying, because you have no way of only seeing the changes between the first and the second review, since you are always diff-ing with the baseline.
Am I missing something here? Is there another option that allows reviewing the changes from a review?
Does anyone have a better way of feature branching and code reviewing?
New: Using VS and TFS2013, still no improvements :(

You're not missing anything. This is an unfortunate problem associated with the way Code Reviews were implemented, they can only be linked to one changeset, not to a range of changes.
If your team is used to a high frequency of checkins on their feature branches, then having every individual changeset reviewed using the tool may be a lot of overhead. But that would be my recommendation.
There is a trick, it's not ideal, but it may help. You can check out (on your feature branch) all files that were changed since the last checkin. Then request a review. It will create a shelveset with your changes and associate that to the review. That way you don't have to perform the merge prior to requesting the review. Just make sure you merge the latest version from main into your feature branch before pulling this trick. There are 2 major drawbacks to this:
While all changed files will be linked to the review, the changes since last review won't be highlighted automatically. The reviewer would have to manually do a "Compare to version" and pick the compare target.
There is a limit of 4000 (from the top of my head) files that can be associated to a review, so that may pose a limit to which files you can review as a group (I hope you're not changing 4000+ files between integrations into main).


VS2013 TFS branching and merging

I am using VS2013 TFS, my scenario is
1'st version of code checked in TFS and released. (Local Path is
C:\Development\DEV )
2'nd version coding started and not completed.
Now client is asking issue fix on top of first version ? how to do that ?
The same issue fix should be included in 2nd version also. how to do?
Assuming you have no branches yet, it goes something like this:
Get History on your main (v2) branch and work out the changeset or date/time at which you originally built v1.
Right click your main branch (v2) and create a new branch (for v1). Choose "from a changeset" or "from a date/time" and enter the information from the first step to identify where (or rather when) the branch should be taken from. Commit this branch. You mow have two separate independent branches, with the v1 branch using the historical code you had for the v1 release, and your main branch still containing v2.
Now you can fix the issue, in either branch. You will need to use the Source Control explorer to map both the branches into separate folders your PC so that you can work on them. (If your source code is not relocatable then you will have to switch between the branches by remapping them to the same location. This can be confusing but not too difficult if you do things carefully and make sure you get a clean copy of a branch before you start working on it. The pain of this is a good way of learning to make your code relocatable the next time :-)
Now you need to replicate the fix in the other branch. If the branches are quite different you may find it easier to just write the fix a second time in the other branch, or you can right-click on the fixed branch and Merge into the second branch. TFS will do as much as it can for you but you will then need to resolve any merge conflicts to apply the changes you made for your fix to the second branch without breaking anything. (This can be quite tricky, so take care, and if you are unsure remember that you can undo your changes and re-start the merge at any time)
Once you have finished the fix and tested your merged code locally, diff it once more against the previous/workspace version to be sure that you can's see anything you might have screwed up in the merge, and then check it in.
Finally, if your release needs to be built by your build server, then you will need to point your build system at the v1 branch to get it to build the (fixed) v1 version for a new release (for a once-off build you just have to redirect your source control mappings for the v1 branch so that the build server gets from v1 instead of v2 when it 'Gets' the source code from source control, and when you are finished, remap the source back to the v2 branch)
As long as you think through each step and take care, it's fairly straight forward. But if you have never done it before, I suggest you work through each of the steps above and do some searches to learn more about how to branch, how to map source control folders, and how to merge.
Branching and merging is a complex topic and there are many patterns that you could follow. Without knowing more about your requirements it's impossible to give you good advice. You need to consider things like: How many clients consume the code. Is this for a shrink wrap application with multiple versions available concurrently or a production system where there is only 1 version "live" at one time. You'll also need to take in to account how you test your code (environments etc) and what kind of build process and deployment process you have.
The best advice I can give you without more information is to read the ALM Rangers guidance on TFS version control. Then come back with more specific questions. Also, keep it simple, don't over think it or you'll get in to a mess.

How to relate change set with a user story or task using TFS 2013 and visual studio 2013

Hi trying to implement TFS for my team (18 members).
I made two branches
1) Main branch
2) Dev branch
We are using Agile.
So there is a sprint every week. And on every Thursday i merge changes from Dev to main Branch.
Each developer works on different user story. if he completes a task and check in all changes (5 files). change set (e.g 62) is generated. But tester reported a bug while unit testing. Developer fix the error and check in 1 file. it generated a new change set (e.g 63).
Problem is when i am merging user story's change to main branch i am confused with which change set to move. (62,63....)
what i do is compare whole project. which is headache some times.
Can some one suggest better way. Or i am missing something? any blog that can help
If you have a single DEV branch, that implies that you should be merging the whole branch and all changes to MAIN (not cherry-picking, which is what you seem to be describing).
If you want the flexibility to merge only changesets relating to certain stories/bugs, then you should adopt a different branching pattern such as branch by feature.
You need to change the way that you build and deliver software in order to deliver more successfully.
What you are describing with picking changesets will consistently and continuously reduce the quality of your product.
If you implement a good definition of done and get your guys working in a team rather than independently you should have working software at the end of each sprint. Just before the Sprint review (just in time) you should merge everything from dev to main maybe using a changset as a watermark. If you have stories in your sprint that go towards features that are not ready yet then you should hide them behind feature flags and ship.
If this sounds to hard, or something that "will not work here", or you think "or product is more complicated than that", then you are likely suffering from significant technical debt and you need to pay that back untill you give your Product Owner the choice to release everything at the end of every sprint.

What is the best way to manage switching programming tasks locally in Visual Studio?

My scenario is pretty straight-forward. I am working on a long assignment locally on my computer, working off of a code branch from TFS. Along comes the boss, and I need to push through a bug fix. Is there any clean way to change contexts? This long assignment has updated a lot of files, and I want to make sure I implement the bugfix from a clean slate.
If I were using Git, I know what to do: create a new branch from main, fix bug, check in, change back to previous branch, but TFS doesn't really work that way. Any ideas?
If you don't want to commit the changes you 're working on yet, your first step is to shelve them - that's pretty straightforward.The next step is to decide where you 'll be implementing your urgent request. This depends on
How you have set up your branching scheme in source control (see here for a great resource ), &
The line where the error was reported
'Boss'-bugs tend to be reported from Release-Lines, taking this as a given you would have to:
Identify the latest changeset that corresponds to the version your problem was reported
Track this changeset to a version in the branch you can work on (I suppose you can't make changes directly on your release line, right)
Make a branch & implement the change. Your build-environment should ensure that all tests & checks ensure that your issue is fixed & that no others have emerged.
Your next challenge is how you 'll propagate these changes to a new Release - This greatly depends on how you ship software to the customer (Hotfixes? Patches? Service Packs?), as well as the severity of the issue.After you 've settled everything back to normal, unshelve & continue working on your long-term task.

TF203015 The Item $/path/file has an incompatible pending change. While trying to unshelve

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Pro against Team Server 2010 and I had my project opened (apparently) as a solution from the repo, but I should've opened it as "web site". I found this out during compile, so I went to shelve my new changes and deleted the project from my local disk, then opened the project again from source (this time as web site) and now I can't unshelve my files.
Is there any way to work around this? Did I blow something up? Do I need to do maintenance at the server?
I found this question on SO #2332685 but I don't know what cache files he's talking about (I'm on XP :\ )
EDIT: Found this link after posting the question, sorry for the delay in researching, still didn't fix my problem
Of course I can't find an error code for TF203015 anywhere, so no resolution either (hence my inclusion of the number in the title, yeah?)
I should probably mention that these files were never checked in in the first place. Does that matter? Can you shelve an unchecked item? Is that what I did wrong?
WHAP - FOUND IT!!! Use "Undo" on the items that don't exist because they show up in pending changes as checkins.
I had deleted the files in trying to reload the workspace, even though I had shelved the changes. Then VS2010 thought those files were still pending to save. I didn't need that, so I had to figure out to "undo" the changes in Pending Changes.
Then I could unshelve.
It thought I had two ops (unshelve, commit-for-add) going simultaneously, and I thought I had only one op (unshelve).
This is a slight aside to the OP's question
You can get a TF203015 when you try and batch merge a multiple changesets from one branch to the other without due care.
Consider a situation where you have a MAIN trunk and a DEV branch. You branched DEV from MAIN and have diligently worked away at a feature in DEV; checking work back into DEV as you progressed. Now fast forward a week or two. You are now feature complete and want to merge back into MAIN.
This is where one of our devs hit this error.
He had been working on one solution for weeks, and checking changesets back into DEV periodically, so wanted to merge a non contiguous series of changesets back into MAIN.
So he picks the merge option, selects the first changeset; merges without issue, then immediately went to merge the next changeset; and bang TF203015, and its very unhelpful test in the output window; incompatible pending changes.
After a little fiddling around we now realize what is going on here; the first merge created a pending change in MAIN for the developers solution. The next merge attempt was also changes to the same solution, which would require TFS to "queue up" a second set of pending changes to the same files. It cant do this.
So in this scenario TF203015 means; "The destination branch already has pending changes on some files that are changed in this changeset. Please resolve and commit the destination branch changes before performing this merge operation"
The solution; after each merge operation our developer tests the workspace for MAIN and commits the pending change caused by the merge, then goes back to DEV and repeats.
Actually sensible and simple, but masked by a very obtuse error message.
You can use the Team Foundation Server Power Tools March 2011 ( that includes the command tfpt unshelve.
Once the Power Tools are installed, open a Visual Studio command prompt, change to the directory that contains the project of interest, and execute the tfpt unshelve command. It will unshelve and display the merge dialog so you can resolve the conflicts.
I credit this blog post with helping me find this solution:
I had what appeared to be the same issue but I had created a branch after shelving my changes and I wanted to unshelve those changes to the new branch.
TFS cannot unshelve to a different path than the path upon which the shelf was created.
Solution: I unshelved back to the original branch then I used beyond compare to merge the changes from my original branch to the new branch and checked in.
It could also be that after you create a folder in say a "Test" and you want to merge from dev to test, that you do not have that newly created folder structure checked into TFS - You will /can also get this error message.
Thus this message error CAN occur without anything to do with SHELVESETS as well for others coming from google and finding this page.
This might be the same as jcolebrand's answer, but I'm afraid I found the phrasing there a bit abstruse. Sincere apologies if I'm just repeating.
In my scenario the incompatible pending change message was presented because I was trying to roll back multiple changesets, and the same file was affected by more than one of those changeset.
In my case I did not want to commit until all the changes had been rolled back. I believe if I had been able to commit after rolling back each changeset, the error would not have happened.
The method which worked for me was as follows:
I opted to roll back one changeset at a time. I found using the command line was actually a more informative way of doing this because it lists all the conflicts, whereas I think the VS UI rollback just lists the first.
While rolling back a changeset, if there was an incompatible pending change, I had to undo my workspace's pending changes for the affected files.
When all the changesets had been rolled back, I had to manually revert the files which had experienced incompatible pending change. Mostly this could be achieved simply by getting a specific version of the file (the "last-known-good" version before all the bad checkins started). But for some files where there had been both desired changes and undesired changes, I got the "last-known-good" and manually applied the good changes to it.
This link resolved my issue:
The reason was pending change in the same work space create an incompatible change. So undo the pending changes and try unshelve. This should resolve the issue.
If you have two branches MAIN(target) and DEV(source), now you want merge DEV into MAIN, then all files you want merge from your source, must not be older then the similar files in your target branch.
For example: you have an changed file test.cs in your DEV branch, changed at 14.03.2016. In your MAIN branch you have test.cs changed at 15.03.2016. So the target is newer then the source file and you have TF203015.
Solution: navigate in TFS Explorer to the conflict-file and merge it explicit. TFS will open the conflict manager and you can merge the conflicts by hand. Following you can merge the selected changeset.
Remarks: If you have more conflicts, you must navigate to each conflict-file and merge it explicit, so TFS opens the the conflict Manager and you can merge it by hand.

Shelving vs Workspaces in TFS

Currently I am working on a project that uses TFS as source control. I am in the middle of implementing a piece of functionality, but am blocked by work that needs to be done by outside resources. Since the functionality is not fully complete, I can't check in the changes without breaking the build. So instead of waiting a couple days while the blocking work is finished, I want to work on some defects.
To do this work in isolation from my other changes, I am working the defects in a second workspace I just created.
After using a second workspace to isolate my changes, a coworker asked me why I didn't just shelve my changes. After doing some reading on shelving, it looks like this is preferred solution to situations like mine. My question is what situations, if any, would you create multiple workspaces and what situations should you use shelving? There are some posts about shelving, but I don't see very much on the subject of workspaces.
By the way, I got the idea for creating a second workspace here.
A new branch would probably be the best way to go. But, to answer your question, one of the key differences between shelving and just using a differnet workspace is that when you shelve, you push your code back to TFS, so it is backed up. Whatever is in your workspace is just what you have on your machine -- if you lose it, it's gone.
We use branching a lot in my shop, and as a result, I haven't seen many uses for shelving.
However, I have found one case where it has been very useful to me:
I often bounce between 2 different development machines (one at the office, one at home, connected via VPN). If I am working on something, and I want to transfer it from home to work, or vice-versa, I often use shelving. I can shelve it from one machine and un-shelve it from the other. I do this when I am in the middle of a change, and checking in would break the build or otherwise interrupt other developers.
You are talking about two completely different concepts here. When you shelve code, you are saving it to TFS, but not checking it in to any particular branch. Creating a different workspace just sets up a new local folder on your development machines and saves the files in your branch there. When you do a check-in, you still could have conflicts.
Why not create a new branch of your code. You can work on that branch and check in without stepping on anyone else's changes, because you are checking in to your own branch of the code. Then, when you have completed your changes, and others have completed their's on the main branch, you can merge your changes into the main branch.
Shelving is the ideal option. Shelving allows you to make changes en masse in TFS outside the regular build, and retrieve them later by name. Multiple workspaces is not a solution for what you're doing. Multiple workspaces are good if you're maintaining different versions of a product and need to work on them, e.g. let's say you have a 4.0 and a 5.0 product and need to apply a security fix to both versions. Shelving is great when you want to make changes but not commit them immediately.
