Can I have a conditional breakpoint in visual studio?
For example, I want the run to break in case a boolean value is changed to true.
Can I do it? If so, how?
You have to set breakpont and right click on it. From context menu choose "Condition..." and type your variable name there. And select "Is true". In condition field you can write an expression like in if statement.
Due to the fact, that i´m completly new to UiPath, I need some minor help implementing an if condition.
My Problem:
Im using the Bot to search for several Post sendings in the Browser on the DHL-Homepage. The Bot works fine, but due to changes on the Homepage, minor changes have to be done.
The tasks are: Open Browser, clicking a field, type something in the field, click the button for search. In some cases, after clicking the search button, the system wants to know the shipping date. Now I need to implement an if-condition. If the field for Shipping date appears, then type the date and click the search button again. Else go ahead with the next step. The If and Else sequences are implemented already, but i cant figure out how to implement the necessary condition [VB-Ausdruck eingeben].
You can see the If-Else Condition below.
Hope the problem is clear and someone can help me.
Thanks a lot!
Found a solution.
I´ve added an 'Element Exists' before the If-Activity. Declared an Variabletype 'boolean', and wrote in the If Condition 'booleanOutput=True' -> If the field, which is indetified by the Element Exists- activity, the Then part will start, otherwise the empty Else part starts.
I want to set an item value with a dynamic action located on a button.
After displaying a dialog page in the "DialogClose"-Action I do a "SetValue" and "SubmitPage" in the True-branch of the action.
Problem is: the item is set but not submitted. Reloading displays the original value.
Have tried the solution showed here, but it didn't solve it for me: Apex 5 : Dynamic action set page item value
Next I was suspecting that the problem is that the region is being set to "read only" on page load. But I tried with the region not being set to read only - problem stayed the same.
Update: double checked on the "read only"-region: it does make a difference. Unsetting "read only" made id work. Seems I was a bit confused while testing ...
Here's how the dynamic action looks like:
The set-value part looks like this:
And here's the submit action:
Any ideas? Thanks!
My first guess is that your item P11_GUT_LIZ has a "Source" attribute with setting "used" at "Always, replacing any existing value in session state"
If this is not the case, I suggest you add an "After submit" process for debugging in the processing tab, showing you the value after page submit:
raise_application_error (-20001,'The value of P11_GUT_LIZ is: '||: P11_GUT_LIZ);
As written in the update to the question, problem was that the region was read-only. So the idea of setting a value and submitting it was probably flawed from the beginning. But the region has to stay read-only.
So my solution to circumvent this was to set that value inside of an automomous transaction by calling a pl/sql procedure.
Thanks for all the valueable input!
I am learning QF-test and want to do a simple if statement. If I make a change on this one page it enabled an "Apply" button that I want to click if it becomes enabled.
When I check if the button is enabled this is what appears
Check boolean: enabled (true) [buttonApply=>($client)]
So I want to say something like
if 'buttonApply.enabled'=="true"
Mouse Click [buttonApply=>($client)]
but that doesn't seem to work
Well I emailed QF-test support and got this answer
Set the variable in the field 'Variable for Result'. Let's say 'CompPresence'
When you run the script , the variable 'CompPresence' will be filled with the value 'true' if the button "Apply" is enabled.
You can use the If loop like If '$(CompPresence)'==”true”
I have been using the following code to check whether a dialog is already open
If Window(window_name).Dialog(dialog_name).Exist = False
Then '' //here qtp waits..
Window(window_name).WinMenu("Menu").Select menu_name
End If
This code is to avoid reopening the same dialog during each run of the code. But the qtp run waits about 10 - 15 seconds & then goes to next step. in what way we can avoid this?
If the dialog is not open, then the menu will be clicked to open the dialog.
The Exist property accepts a value of how long to wait for the object to exist.
If Window(window_name).Dialog(dialog_name).Exist(60) = False
The method mentioned is good. You can also try this method.
If (Window(window_name).Dialog(dialog_name)
This returns true if the object exists if not it returns false.
Xcode what is the key to tab into the next auto suggested parameter block?
e.g. when typing a method the params are suggested automatically you press TAB to accept
but how to you move to the next param ?
If you're talking about the likes of an 'if' statement, then the key combination is control and slash
control + /
That will jump to the next pre-defined parameter for the method