boost::io_service run() never returns sometimes - boost

I have the following code to read data from a RS232 port. For some (from beginning) runs, returns immediately and m_handler() is called which is expected. but sometimes (a fresh run from beginning), goes into a inside forever loop(stacked inside forever) even for the first time called inside the while loop. And this happens randomly. What's is/are the potential problem(s) at here?
#define BUF_SIZE 512
char data[BUF_SIZE];
void my_handler(const boost::system::error_code& err, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
printf("%d\n", bytes_transferred);
if (!err){
void test_serial_port( int argc, char* argv[] )
// hard coded parameters
const char *PORT = "COM1";
serial_port_base::baud_rate BAUD(9600);
serial_port_base::character_size CSIZE( 8 );
serial_port_base::flow_control FLOW( serial_port_base::flow_control::software );
serial_port_base::parity PARITY( serial_port_base::parity::none );
serial_port_base::stop_bits STOP( serial_port_base::stop_bits::one );
io_service io;
serial_port port( io, PORT );
// go through and set all the options as we need them
// all of them are listed, but the default values work for most cases
port.set_option( BAUD );
port.set_option( CSIZE );
port.set_option( FLOW );
port.set_option( PARITY );
port.set_option( STOP );
while( !kbhit() )
boost::asio::buffer(data, BUF_SIZE),
boost::bind(&my_handler, boost::asio::placeholders::error,
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred )


How to use IcmpSendEcho2() with APC callbacks in main thread?

First, the documentation for IcmpSendEcho2() contradicts itself:
It says:
The IcmpSendEcho2 function is called synchronously if the ApcRoutine or Event parameters are NULL
Then it says:
The IcmpSendEcho2 function is called asynchronously when either the ApcRoutine or Event parameters are specified
I presume the first one should be "if the ApcRoutine AND Event paramters are NULL"?
Also, it says under the return value:
When called asynchronously, the IcmpSendEcho2 function returns ERROR_IO_PENDING to indicate the operation is in progress
But I don't see that, I see it return 0 and GetLastError() returns ERROR_IO_PENDING. So, can both cases exist, or is the documentation completely wrong?
Now on to the next issue. I wanted to use IcmpSendEcho2() asynchronously using the ACP callback without events. This way, I didn't have to worry about resources should the number of hosts to process be extremely large. However, it doesn't work because no callback occurs. I found this in the documentation under the AcpRoutine parameter:
The routine that is called when the calling thread is in an alertable thread and an ICMPv4 reply arrives.
So I believe my problem is the main thread is not in an alterable state. Since I don't have an event to wait on, and I don't want to wait beyond the time it takes to complete everything, how do I put the main thread in an alterable state without having to guess using something like SleepEx()? Also, if I did use something like SleepEx(10,TRUE), would all the callbacks occur, or do you have to sit in a loop?
My callback context structure includes a shared global OutstandingCount type variable so I'd know when all requests were completed.
Also the ReplyBuffer is in the context structure. Another little nugget hidden in the documentation regarding the ReplyBuffer when using it asynchronously is:
The application must parse the data pointed to by ReplyBuffer parameter using the IcmpParseReplies function
So, the main question here: How are you supposed to properly use the IcmpSendEcho2() function with a AcpRoutine and no Event in a main thread?
-- Update --
Not sure if I should ask an entirely new question but now a problem where it doesn't call the ApcRoutine for every IcmpSendEcho2Ex() sent. The following code works for my normal network adapters (which are but hangs for a network because the outstandingcount never gets to zero.
The adapter it hangs on is:
VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
DHCP Enable: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration IPv4Address:
Subnet Mask:
Also wonder how long it would take on networks like 10. with a subnet of
Here's the code that starts with the IPV4Scan() built as x64 on Win10 x64:
#include <winternl.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <IcmpAPI.h>
// types
typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *LPFN_IcmpCreateFile)();
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPFN_IcmpCloseHandle)(HANDLE);
typedef DWORD (WINAPI *LPFN_IcmpParseReplies)(LPVOID, DWORD);
BYTE PingSignature[]={ 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' };
typedef struct _sPingContext
ULONG *OutstandingCount; // shared number of pings outstanding
CMutex *Mutex; // mutex for ipsfound
CNumericBuffer<uint32_t> *IPsFound; // list of ips found (MSBF format)
LPFN_IcmpParseReplies fnIcmpParseReplies; // function pointer
BYTE ReplyBuffer[sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + sizeof(PingSignature) + sizeof(IO_STATUS_BLOCK) + 8]; // reply buffer (see API docs)
_sPingContext(ULONG *outstandingcount, CMutex *mutex, CNumericBuffer<uint32_t> *ipsfound, LPFN_IcmpParseReplies fnicmpparsereplies)
memset(ReplyBuffer, 0, sizeof(ReplyBuffer));
} sPingContext, *psPingContext;
// Purpose: Callback for async ping
// Input: ioresult - [i] io result of async operation
// pingccontext - [i] context passed on ping
// replysize - [i] reply size of ReplyBuffer
// Output: na
// Notes:
VOID PingCallbackCommon(DWORD ioresult, sPingContext* pingcontext, DWORD replysize)
// parse response buffer
if (pingcontext) {
if (ioresult==IP_SUCCESS) {
if (pingcontext->fnIcmpParseReplies(pingcontext->ReplyBuffer, replysize)) {
// point to reply buffer
PICMP_ECHO_REPLY pechoreply=reinterpret_cast<PICMP_ECHO_REPLY>(pingcontext->ReplyBuffer);
if (pechoreply->Status==IP_SUCCESS) {
// check response
if (pechoreply->DataSize==sizeof(PingSignature)) {
if (memcmp(pechoreply->Data, PingSignature, pechoreply->DataSize)==0) {
// successful ping
// reduce count
// clean up
delete pingcontext;
// Purpose: Callback for async ping
// Input: apccontext - [i] context passed on ping
// Output: na
// Notes:
VOID PingCallbackOld(PVOID apcontext)
sPingContext *pingcontext=reinterpret_cast<sPingContext*>(apcontext);
PingCallbackCommon(IP_SUCCESS, pingcontext, sizeof(pingcontext->ReplyBuffer));
// Purpose: Callback for async ping
// Input: apccontext - [i] context passed on ping
// iostatusblock - [i] status of request
// Output: na
// Notes:
VOID PingCallback(PVOID apcontext, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK iostatusblock, ULONG reserved)
PingCallbackCommon(iostatusblock->Status, reinterpret_cast<sPingContext*>(apcontext), iostatusblock->Information);
// Purpose: build list of network hosts using IPv4 Ping
// Input: subnet - [i] subnet being scanned (LSB format)
// hoststart - [i] host starting number for scan
// hostend - [i] host ending number for scan
// ips - [io] numeric buffer to update with found addresses
// Output: na
// Notes:
void IPV4Ping(IPAddr sourceip, uint32_t subnet, uint32_t hoststart, uint32_t hostend, CNumericBuffer<uint32_t> &ips)
// skip 127. network
if ((sourceip & 0xFF)==127)
bool oldlib=false;
LPFN_IcmpSendEcho2Ex fnIcmpSendEcho2Ex=NULL;
LPFN_IcmpCreateFile fnIcmpCreateFile=NULL;
LPFN_IcmpCloseHandle fnIcmpCloseHandle=NULL;
LPFN_IcmpParseReplies fnIcmpParseReplies=NULL;
// first thing is first - check which set of functions to use
HMODULE hlib=LoadLibrary(_T("iphlpapi.dll"));
if (hlib) {
// load functions
fnIcmpCreateFile=(LPFN_IcmpCreateFile) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpCreateFile");
fnIcmpSendEcho2Ex=(LPFN_IcmpSendEcho2Ex) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpSendEcho2Ex");
fnIcmpCloseHandle=(LPFN_IcmpCloseHandle) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpCloseHandle");
fnIcmpParseReplies=(LPFN_IcmpParseReplies) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpParseReplies");
// check if have everything
if (!hlib || fnIcmpCreateFile==NULL || fnIcmpSendEcho2Ex==NULL || fnIcmpCloseHandle==NULL || fnIcmpParseReplies==NULL) {
// no, try old version
// clean up
if (hlib) {
// load old lib
// check if loaded
if (hlib) {
// load functions
fnIcmpCreateFile=(LPFN_IcmpCreateFile) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpCreateFile");
fnIcmpSendEcho2Ex=(LPFN_IcmpSendEcho2Ex) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpSendEcho2Ex");
fnIcmpCloseHandle=(LPFN_IcmpCloseHandle) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpCloseHandle");
fnIcmpParseReplies=(LPFN_IcmpParseReplies) GetProcAddress(hlib, "IcmpParseReplies");
// check if have everything
if (hlib) {
if (fnIcmpCreateFile!=NULL && fnIcmpSendEcho2Ex!=NULL && fnIcmpCloseHandle!=NULL && fnIcmpParseReplies!=NULL) {
// open icmp
HANDLE hicmp=fnIcmpCreateFile();
// variables for callback handling
ULONG outstandingcount=0;
CMutex mutex;
// process pings
for (uint32_t host=hoststart; host<=hostend; host++) {
// build full ip
IPAddr ip=subnet | host;
// create context
sPingContext *pcontext;
if ((pcontext=new sPingContext(&outstandingcount, &mutex, &ips, fnIcmpParseReplies))!=NULL) {
// count request
// now issue ping
DWORD result=fnIcmpSendEcho2Ex(hicmp,
oldlib ? (PIO_APC_ROUTINE) PingCallbackOld : PingCallback,
// check if failed
if (result==0) {
// check if because pending
if (GetLastError()!=ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// no - use callback to clean up
CDebugPrint::DebugPrint(_T("IcmpSendEcho Error %u\n"), GetLastError());
else {
// fire off pending APC callbacks ready
SleepEx(0, TRUE);
else {
// completed sync - use callback to clean up
// wait for completion
while (outstandingcount) {
// handle callbacks
SleepEx(10, TRUE);
// clean up
// clean up
// Purpose: build list of network hosts by way of IP scan for V4
// Input: ipadapteraddress - [i] adapter ip address to build for
// Output: na
// Notes: ip addresses are MSBF
void IPV4Scan(IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS *ipadapteraddress)
// build the subnet mask to use
if (ipadapteraddress->OnLinkPrefixLength<=32 && ipadapteraddress->OnLinkPrefixLength!=0) {
in_addr ia=reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in*>(ipadapteraddress->Address.lpSockaddr)->sin_addr;
// valid mask length - build mask
uint32_t rangemask=((1U<<(32-ipadapteraddress->OnLinkPrefixLength))-1);
uint32_t mask=~rangemask;
uint32_t subnet=GETMSBFDWORD(&ia.s_addr) & mask;
CDebugPrint::DebugPrint(_T("Subnet %u.%u.%u.%u/%u\n"), (subnet>>24) & 0xFF, (subnet>>16) & 0xFF, (subnet>>8) & 0xFF, (subnet>>0) & 0xFF, ipadapteraddress->OnLinkPrefixLength);
CDebugPrint::DebugPrint(_T("Scanning %u hosts\n"), (UINT32_MAX & rangemask)-1);
CNumericBuffer<uint32_t> ipsfound;
IPV4Ping(ia.s_addr, subnet, 1, (UINT32_MAX & rangemask)-1, ipsfound);
for (UINT i=0; i<(UINT)ipsfound.GetCount(); i++) {
uint32_t ip=ipsfound[i];
CDebugPrint::DebugPrint(_T("Ping found %u.%u.%u.%u\n"), ip & 0xFF, (ip>>8) & 0xFF, (ip>>16) & 0xFF, (ip>>24) & 0xFF);
else CDebugPrint::DebugPrint(_T("Invalid subnet length %u\n"), ipadapteraddress->OnLinkPrefixLength);
I presume the first one should be "if the ApcRoutine AND Event
paramters are NULL"?
yes, you correct.
But I don't see that, I see it return 0 and GetLastError() returns
ERROR_IO_PENDING. So, can both cases exist, or is the documentation
completely wrong?
documentation completely wrong. by fact IcmpSendEcho2[Ex] return BOOL and error code via SetLastError ( more exactly by RtlNtStatusToDosError)
so on asynchronous call it return FALSE (0) and GetLastError() will be ERROR_IO_PENDING if all ok - this mean apc callback will be called, or another error if fail - apc callback will be not called (better call it by self in this case, for common error handling)
how do I put the main thread in an alterable state
this already depend from what your thread doing. in some case possible write event loop with MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx function - at once wait on windows events and be alertable. also possible wait on some objects too. if you can not rewrite self message loop with MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx - you can do call from worked thread, or periodically call SleepEx(0, TRUE) or undocumented NtTestAlert. without know what your main thread doing - hard say exactly what is better.
demo code can look like:
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <IPExport.h>
#include <icmpapi.h>
class EchoRequestContext
HANDLE _hFile = 0;
PVOID _ReplyBuffer = 0;
LONG _dwRefCount = 1;
ULONG _dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
static void WINAPI sOnApc(PVOID This, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK piosb, ULONG )
void OnApc(ULONG dwError, ULONG ReplySize)
OnReply(dwError, (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY)_ReplyBuffer, ReplySize);
if (_ReplyBuffer) delete [] _ReplyBuffer;
void OnReply(ULONG dwError, PICMP_ECHO_REPLY ReplyBuffer, ULONG ReplySize)
if (dwError)
DbgPrint("dwError=%u\n", dwError);
return ;
if (IcmpParseReplies(ReplyBuffer, ReplySize))
if (_hFile) IcmpCloseHandle(_hFile);
PostThreadMessageW(_dwThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
void AddRef()
void Release()
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&_dwRefCount))
delete this;
ULONG Create()
HANDLE hFile = IcmpCreateFile();
return GetLastError();
_hFile = hFile;
return NOERROR;
void SendEcho(
IPAddr DestinationAddress,
const void* RequestData,
WORD RequestSize,
ULONG ReplySize,
ULONG Timeout,
UCHAR Flags,
if (PVOID ReplyBuffer = new UCHAR[ReplySize])
_ReplyBuffer = ReplyBuffer;
IP_OPTION_INFORMATION opt = { Ttl, 0, Flags };
ULONG dwError = IcmpSendEcho2Ex(_hFile, 0, sOnApc, this,
0, DestinationAddress,
const_cast<void*>(RequestData), RequestSize,
&opt, ReplyBuffer, ReplySize, Timeout) ? NOERROR : GetLastError();
switch (dwError)
OnApc(dwError, 0 );
return ;
#define IP(a, b, c, d) ((ULONG)(a + (b << 8) + (c << 16) + (d << 24)))
void EchoTest()
if (EchoRequestContext* p = new EchoRequestContext)
if (p->Create() == NOERROR)
p->SendEcho(IP(8,8,8,8), "1234567890ABCDEF", 16, 0x100, 4000, IP_FLAG_DF, 255);
MSG msg;
switch (MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(0, 0, INFINITE,
while (PeekMessageW(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
goto __exit;
goto __loop;

Winapi: Could not register Signal handlers

Here is my code:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
BOOL CtrlHandler( DWORD fdwCtrlType )
printf("I'm In...\n");
switch( fdwCtrlType )
// Handle the CTRL-C signal.
printf( "Ctrl-C event\n\n" );
Beep( 750, 300 );
return( TRUE );
// CTRL-CLOSE: confirm that the user wants to exit.
Beep( 600, 200 );
printf( "Ctrl-Close event\n\n" );
return( TRUE );
// Pass other signals to the next handler.
Beep( 900, 200 );
printf( "Ctrl-Break event\n\n" );
return FALSE;
Beep( 1000, 200 );
printf( "Ctrl-Logoff event\n\n" );
return FALSE;
Beep( 750, 500 );
printf( "Ctrl-Shutdown event\n\n" );
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
int main( void )
if( SetConsoleCtrlHandler( (PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlHandler, TRUE ) )
printf( "\nThe Control Handler is installed.\n" );
printf( "\n -- Now try pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break, or" );
printf( "\n try logging off or closing the console...\n" );
printf( "\n(...waiting in a loop for events...)\n\n" );
while( 1 ){ }
printf( "\nERROR: Could not set control handler");
return 1;
return 0;
As you Can see I'm using example provided in msdn website, but my problem is that, when I launch application The Control Handler is installed.
-- Now try pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break, or
try logging off or closing the console...
(...waiting in a loop for events...) gets printed but when I hit CTR+C nothing happens(nothing gets printed) and process terminates. I've added fflush function in several places to make sure thats it's not printing problem. Thanks.

Storing std::promise objects in a std::pair

I'm working on a couple of C++11 work queue classes. The first class, command_queue is a multi producer single consumer work queue. Multiple threads can post commands, and a single thread calls "wait()" and "pop_back()" in a loop to process those commands.
The second class, Actor uses command_queue and actually provides a consumer thread... besides that, the idea is that post() will return a future so that clients can either block until the command is processed, or continue running (actor also adds the idea of a result type). To implement this, I'm attempting to store std::promise's in a std::pair in the work queue. I believe I am fairly close, but i'm having a problem in the _entry_point function below... specifically, when I'm trying to get the std::pair out of the command queue I'm getting a "use of deleted function" compiler error... I'll put the actual error i'm getting from the compiler below the code (you should be able to save this to a text file and compile it yourself, it's stand alone c++11 code).
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <future>
#include <list>
#include <stdio.h>
template<class T>
class command_queue
command_queue() = default;
command_queue( const command_queue& ) = delete;
virtual ~command_queue() noexcept = default;
command_queue& operator = ( const command_queue& ) = delete;
void start()
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> g( _queueLock );
_started = true;
bool started()
return _started;
void stop()
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> g( _queueLock );
_started = false;
void post_front( const T& cmd )
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> g( _queueLock );
_queue.push_front( cmd );
void post_front( T&& cmd )
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> g( _queueLock );
_queue.push_front( cmd );
void wait()
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> g( _queueLock );
_queueCond.wait( g, [this](){return !this->_queue.empty() ? true : !this->_started;});
T pop_back()
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> g( _queueLock );
auto val = _queue.back();
return val;
std::recursive_mutex _queueLock;
std::condition_variable_any _queueCond;
std::list<T> _queue;
bool _started = false;
template<class T, class U>
class actor
actor() :
_started( false ),
actor( const actor& ) = delete;
virtual ~actor() noexcept
if( _started )
actor& operator = ( const actor& ) = delete;
void start()
_started = true;
_thread = std::thread( &actor<T,U>::_entry_point, this );
void stop()
_started = false;
std::future<U> post( const T& cmd )
std::promise<U> p;
std::future<U> waiter = p.get_future();
_queue.post_front( std::pair<T,std::promise<U>>(cmd, std::move(p)) );
return waiter;
virtual U process( const T& cmd ) = 0;
void _entry_point()
while( _started )
if( !_started )
std::pair<T,std::promise<U>> item = _queue.pop_back();
item.second.set_value( process( item.first ) );
bool _started;
std::thread _thread;
command_queue<std::pair<T,std::promise<U>>> _queue;
class int_printer : public actor<int,bool>
virtual bool process( const int& cmd ) override
return true;
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// std::promise<bool> p;
// list<std::pair<int,std::promise<bool>>> promises;
// promises.push_back( make_pair<int,std::promise<bool>>(10,std::move(p)) );
int_printer a;
future<bool> result = 10 );
[developer#0800275b874e projects]$ g++ -std=c++11 pf.cpp -opf -lpthread
pf.cpp: In instantiation of ‘T command_queue<T>::pop_back() [with T = std::pair<int, std::promise<bool> >]’:
pf.cpp:133:65: required from ‘void actor<T, U>::_entry_point() [with T = int; U = bool]’
pf.cpp:99:9: required from ‘void actor<T, U>::start() [with T = int; U = bool]’
pf.cpp:163:13: required from here
pf.cpp:60:32: error: use of deleted function ‘constexpr std::pair<_T1, _T2>::pair(const std::pair<_T1, _T2>&) [with _T1 = int; _T2 = std::promise<bool>]’
In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/utility:72:0,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/tuple:38,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/mutex:39,
from pf.cpp:2:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/bits/stl_pair.h:119:17: note: ‘constexpr std::pair<_T1, _T2>::pair(const std::pair<_T1, _T2>&) [with _T1 = int; _T2 = std::promise<bool>]’ is implicitly deleted because the default definition would be ill-formed:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/bits/stl_pair.h:119:17: error: use of deleted function ‘std::promise<_Res>::promise(const std::promise<_Res>&) [with _Res = bool]’
In file included from pf.cpp:4:0:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/future:963:7: error: declared here
In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/list:64:0,
from pf.cpp:5:
Promises aren't copyable (which makes sense - they represent a unique state). You need to use std::move in several places to transfer the unique ownership of the promise along.
Specifically, your home-brew queue class needs to permit moving, e.g.
auto val = std::move(_queue.back());
return val;
You protect writes to command_queue::_started with _queueLock, but not the read in command_queue::started(); this is a data race if some thread can call started while another thread is performing a modification (e.g., stop()).
Several small observations:
It doesn't make your program incorrect, but it's better to notify a condition variable outside the mutex. If you notify with the mutex held, another core may waste a microsecond or two scheduling a waiting thread to run only to immediately block on the mutex.
Your post_front(T&&) is copying the passed item into the queue due to missing a std::move:
_queue.push_front( cmd );
must be
_queue.push_front( std::move( cmd ) );
if you want it to actually be moved into the queue.
The predicate for the condition variable wait could be simplified from
[this](){return !this->_queue.empty() ? true : !this->_started;}
[this]{return !_queue.empty() || !_started;}
None of the command_queue member functions call other command_queue functions, so you could use a plain std::mutex instead of std::recursive_mutex and std::condition_variable instead of std::condition_variable_any.
You could use std::lock_guard<std::mutex> instead of std::unique_lock<std::mutex> to lock the mutex in every member function except wait. It's ever-so-slightly lighter weight.
You have the traditional pop exception-safety issue: If the selected move/copy constructor for T fails with an exception when returning from pop_back after modifying the queue, that element is lost. The way you've written the function makes this occurrence extremely unlikely, since
auto val = _queue.back();
return val;
(or after Kerrek's fix)
auto val = std::move(_queue.back());
return val;
should qualify for copy elision with a decent compiler, constructing the returned object in-place before the pop_back happens. Just be aware that if future changes impede copy elision you'll introduce the exception safety problem. You can avoid the issue altogether by passing a T& or optional<T>& as a parameter and move assigning the result to that parameter.
actor::_started is unnecessary since it's effectively a proxy for actor::_queue::_started.

Error with VAO on Nexus 4 device only

I've got a strange error on my nexus 4 with OpenGL ES2 when I use vertex array objects.
Here is some informations:
Everything work when I don't use VAO
Everything work on others device and on an Ipad 2 with and without VAO
glGetError() didn't return error
Due to the error some glitch appear in the game (some elements take another apparence)
My VBO are dynamics (I update them with glBufferData)
Here is the error:
Adreno-ES20(16818): : validate_vertex_attrib_state: No vertex attrib is enabled in a draw call!
And here is my code:
void Renderer::setVertexBuffer( Uint32 stream, const Base* vertexBuffer, std::size_t stride, Uint32 startVertex, Uint32 endVertex )
static const bool VAOSupported = this->isExtensionPresent(VertexArrayObject);
if( VAOSupported )
if( vertexBuffer->vao.isReady() == false )
// Bind VAO.
glBindVertexArrayOES( vertexBuffer->vao.getId() );
// Bind filled VBO.
glCheck( glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer->getId() ) );
// Set attributs with vertex format.
this->applyVertexFormat( startVertex, endVertex );
// Unbind buffer and VAO.
glBindVertexArrayOES( vertexBuffer->vao.getId() );
glCheck( glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer->getId() ) );
this->applyVertexFormat( startVertex, endVertex );
void Renderer::setIndexBuffer( const Buffer* indexBuffer, std::size_t stride )
glCheck( glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer->getId() ) );
this->usedIndexBufferStride = stride;
void Renderer::applyVertexFormat( Uint32 startVertex, Uint32 endVertex )
const Uint32 stride = this->vertexFormat->getStride();
for( Uint32 i = 0; i < this->vertexFormat->getAttributCount(); i++ )
const VertexElement& element = this->vertexFormat->getAttribut(i);
glCheck( glEnableVertexAttribArray( element.usage ) );
glCheck( glVertexAttribPointer( element.usage,
BUFFER_OFFSET(element.offset + startVertex * stride ) ) );
And here is how I use it :
renderer->setFormat(geometry->getFormat()); // Only save a pointer to the format to use in apply method.
renderer->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, geometry->indiceCount);
Are you sure usage is an appropriate name for the field that defines which attribute array to associate the pointer with? Buffer objects already have a property called usage (e.g. GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW). location might make more sense.
You have a much more serious issue in your code, however:
element.type cannot be both the type of your data and the number of components. glVertexAttribPointer (...) only accepts 1, 2, 3 or 4 components, an enumerant like GL_FLOAT has a value much larger than 4.
Assuming glCheck( ... ) correctly wraps glGetError (...), this situation should be indicating GL_INVALID_VALUE.
This leads me to believe that your loop in void Renderer::applyVertexFormat( Uint32 startVertex, Uint32 endVertex ) is never triggered.

Use of TerminateExecution in V8

I'm experimenting with V8 at the moment. I want to be able to run some (possibly long-running) javascript in one thread and then be able to terminate the execution "gracefully" at will from another thread.
I've written this simple snippet to test the concept of Lockers and the usage of TerminateExecution:
void breaker( Isolate* isolate, int tid ) {
getchar(); //wait for keyboard input on stdin
std::cout << "Breaking V8 execution" << std::endl;
v8::Locker locker( isolate ); //lock the isolate
v8::V8::TerminateExecution( tid ); //and terminate it
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
if( argc != 2 ) {
std::cout << "No script name given" << std::endl;
return 1;
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::New(); //create a new isolate
Isolate::Scope isolateScope( isolate ); //enter it
v8::Locker locker( isolate ); //lock the isolate
v8::Locker::StartPreemption( 100 ); //and start preemption
v8::HandleScope handle_scope( isolate ); //open a new handle scope
/*** inject a console object into the global context ***/
v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> globalTemplate = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();
Handle<Context> context = Context::New( NULL, globalTemplate );
v8::Context::Scope context_scope( context );
Console* console = new Console;
Handle<Object> jsConsole = wrap_console( isolate, console );
expose_property( jsConsole, String::New( "log" ), InvocationCallback( Console::consoleLog ) );
context->Global()->Set( String::New( "console" ), jsConsole, v8::ReadOnly );
//read a javascript file supplied via console
std::string contents = read_file( argv[1] );
v8::Handle<v8::String> js = v8::String::New( contents.c_str() );
v8::TryCatch try_catch;
v8::Handle<v8::Script> script = v8::Script::Compile( js );
if( script.IsEmpty() ) {
report_exception( try_catch );
//start the breaker thread
std::thread th( breaker, isolate, v8::V8::GetCurrentThreadId() );
log_info( "running script" );
log_info( "Script execution finished" );
However, I always get a segfault on the terminateExecution() call. What am I doing wrong here?
thanks for any help
The v8::V8::GetCurrentThreadId() and v8::V8::TerminateExecution(int) methods have been removed from the V8 API. I recommend that you don't use them. The preemption feature is probably also not long for this world.
Instead, simply call v8::V8::TerminateExecution(v8::Isolate*). And don't lock the isolate in your breaker thread, as doing so will block until your runner thread releases the isolate, which it won't do until script execution is finished.
