Intellij IDEA on mac: how to disable pinch gesture for zooming - macos

I use IntelliJ IDEA for scala development on my macbook air. However, there is one very irritating feature: OS-X pinch two fingers to zoom changes the font size. I would like to disable this because it always happens unintentionally. Does anyone knows how to disable it?
Edit: See comments for the solution.

In addition to the answer by #CrazyCoder above, in order to access this Registry property on Mac OSX (tested on Mavericks):
at source code area, use the shortcut Cmd+Opt+Shift+/
select the 2nd option Registry
then you can find the attribute actionSystem.mouseGesturesEnabled, unclick the value column

Try to disable Preferences | Editor | Change font size (Zoom) with Command+Mouse Wheel.
EDIT: it doesn't have effect on the trackpad pinch to zoom, but there is a hack to disable trackpad gestures via the IDE Registry:
actionSystem.mouseGesturesEnabled = false


Is Pinch Zoom(zooming like we do on image) available in Firefox Developer Edition for macOS? If yes, how to enable it?

I have tried the solution given on this link
This seems to just increase the zoom percentage as can be done by Cmd + +. But what I wanted was the way Chrome and Safari do it, to zoom into a particular part of the page(the part where the pointer is) and then you can scroll also in those particular settings. Like zooming in as if the webpage was an image.
Is this feature available in Firefox?
Open a new tab in Firefox and type in about:config to go to its configuration window. This will probably take you to a window that warns you about the risks of incorrectly modifying settings. Simply click "I accept the risk!" to continue. Then search for the setting called apz.allow_zooming and set it equal to true.
Pinch zooming is used by default starting in Firefox 83, released on November 17, 2020, both on Windows and Mac. (release notes) As before, whether pinch zooming is enabled is controlled by the apz.allow_zooming setting in about:config, so you can disable it if you like.

Set PyCharm to scroll slower using mouse wheel

I am trying to figure out how to set the screen to scroll slower for my mouse wheel, because it basically does a full page down and I can't maintain my bearings in the code.
Is this possible to change, or am I stuck with the current setting?
Is this possible to change, or am I stuck with the current setting?
I just tried this with several settings on Windows and the OS configurations for the mouse take complete precedence over the IDE. PyCharm only has one configuration to smooth the mouse scrolling speed but the impact is negligeable in relation to the underlying OS settings.
Trying the combinations for "Smooth scrolling" together with "Caret behavior" also has no noticeable impact. Besides this the only other IDE mouse setting is zoom with mouse but that also doesn't impact the editor scrooling speed.
So if the above doesn't work the only alternative left is adjusting the OS mouse settings to fit the IDE.
The mouse scrolling configurations are at File > Settings > Editor > General > Scrolling as shown in the screenshot.

Xcode SDK & Trackpad gestures: animations setup

Q The question is, is there a way to disable the animations happening with the trackpad-gestures at the currently public-available Xcode 4.3.2 running MacOS 10.7.3 ?
Description I'm very concerned with the new Lion animations while going forward/back with a trackpad gestures. With a keyboard shortcuts the page changes instantly and with a gesture it takes about a second or two spraying around my concentration on the things that need to be found in the code.
Tried What i tried is to read the defaults in the Terminal looking for any animation/duration keys - without success.
Notes Looks like mr. Cook criticizes the things Apple is doing itself while preparing the combined mobile/stationary look&feel. If there's any startup project that collects all the user's customizing, i'll be glad to know. So far i tried the itweax application, it doesn't have yet the expected features however.
Safari stuff is not as much about the content importance, so i would not mind to leave the Safari animations, but changing it on the system level for all the apps is also good.
PS I believe that is about the “software tools commonly used by programmers” mentioned at “What kind of questions can I ask here?” SO FAQ section.
Don't know about disabling animations but if you want to trigger app keyboard commands through gestures, I found BetterTouchTool helpful with some of the major Lion annoyances. Ex. I was able to configure FireFox to do Home/End on a 3-finger swipe up/down.
No, there is no way to disable the animation.
You can, however, disable the page swiping functionality:
System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures > Deselect "Swipe between pages"
Unfortunately, there is no setting to disable or change the speed of the animation.

How to adjust the brightness of the screen on notebook displays

I have a slide bar to adjust the brightness of the screen on notebook displays in my application, but I found those articles from internet are adjusting the Gamma value, the behavior is not really like pressing the special key in keyboard. Is there a way to do it? Thanks in advance.
Here is some links what I found.
Very unikely that there is a way to do it with software - it's probably controlled by the laptops BIOS, which windows will not have hooks into.
If your app is for Linux you could see how the Screen Brightness applet works by looking at the code.

How to make QtWebEngine obey macOS auto-scrollbar setting

QtWebEngine (tried 5.9.2, 5.9.3, 5.9.10) does not obey macOS scrollbar setting to auto-show scrollbars. The scroll-indicator is always visible. We're seeing it in a C++ Qt app, but happen elsewhere, such as in the Qt sample quicknanobrowser. Non-Qt Chromium based apps such as Electron (and Chrome itself) behave correctly.
Anybody found a way to work around this with Qt-supplied binaries?
Quicknanobrowser example:
And in our product where it's particular ugly:
I opened a Qt issue:
More detail on expected behavior: macOS system preference Show scroll bars is set to Automatically based on mouse or trackpad: a scrollable control should hide the scrollbar until you begin scrolling with trackpad or a mouse with scrolling capability. Then it will show a scroll-indicator, and if you mouse over that it turns into a scrollbar.
