BASH - Refer to parameters using variable - bash

I was trying to make a small script that calculates a binary number to decimal. It works like this:
-Gets '1' or '0' digits as SEPARATE parameters. e.g. "./bin2dec 1 0 0 0 1 1 1".
-For each parameter digit: if it is '1', multiplies it with the corresponding power of 2 (in the above case, the most left '1' will be 64), then adds it in a 'sum' variable.
Here's the code (it is wrong in the noted point):
p=$((2**($#-1))) #Finds the power of two for the first parameter.
sum=0 #The sum variable, to be used for adding the powers of two in it.
for (( i=1; i<=$#; i++ )) #Counts all the way from 1, to the total number of parameters.
if [ $i -eq 1 ] # *THIS IS THE WRONG POINT* If parameter content equals '1'...
sum=$(($sum+$p)) #...add the current power of two in 'sum'.
p=$(($p/2)) #Divides the power with 2, so to be used on the next parameter.
echo $sum #When finished show the 'sum' content, which is supposed to be the decimal equivalent.
My question is in the noted point (line #10, including blank lines). There, I’m trying to check if EACH parameter's content equals 1. How can I do this using a variable?
For example, $1 is the first parameter, $2 is the 2nd and so on. I want it to be like $i, where 'i' is the variable that is increased by one each time so that it matches the next parameter.
Among other things, I tried this: '$(echo "$"$i)' but didn't work.
I know my question is complicated and I tried hard to make it as clear as I could.
Any help?

How about this?
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
res=$(($res * 2 + $1))
echo $res
$ ./bin2dec 1 0 0 1
shift is a command that moves every parameter passed to the script to the left, decreasing it's value by 1, so that the value of $2 is now at $1 after a shift. You can actually a number with shift as well, to indicate how far to shift the variables, so shift is like shift 1, and shift 2 would give $1 the value that used to be at $3.

How about this one?
while(($#)); do
echo "$sum"
or this one (that goes in the other direction):
while(($#)); do
echo "$sum"
Note that there are no error checkings.
Please consider fedorqui's comment: use echo $((2# binary number )) to convert from binary to decimal.
Also note that this will overflow easily if you give too many arguments.
If you want something that doesn't overflow, consider using dc:
dc <<< "2i101010p"
(setting input radix to 2 with 2i and putting 101010 on the stack and printing it).
Or if you like bc better:
bc <<< "ibase=2;101010"
Note that these need the binary number to be entered as one argument, and not as you wanted with all digits separated. If you really need all digits to be separated, you could also use these funny methods:
Pure Bash.
echo $((2#$(printf '%s' "$#")))
With dc.
dc <<< "2i$(printf '%s' "$#")p"
With bc.
bc <<< "ibase=2;$(printf '%s' "$#")"
Abusing IFS, with dc.
( IFS=; echo "2i$*p" ) | dc
Abusing IFS, with bc.
( IFS=; echo "ibase=2;$*" ) | bc
So we still haven't answered your question (the one in your comment of the OP): And to find out if and how can we refer to a parameter using a variable. It's done in Bash with indirect expansion. You can read about it in the Shell Parameter Expansion section of the Bash reference manual. The best thing is to show you in a terminal:
$ a="hello"
$ b=a
$ echo "$b"
$ echo "${!b}"
neat, eh? It's similar with positional parameters:
$ set param1 param2 param3
$ echo "$1, $2, $3"
param1, param2, param3
$ i=2
$ echo "$i"
$ echo "${!i}"
Hope this helps!

To reference variables indirectly by name, use ${!name}:
echo "${!i} is now equivalent to $2"

Try this one also:
#!/bin/bash -
( IFS=''; echo $((2#$*)) )


bash getting numbers from a file and make the average of them

Write a script that expects a file as its first argument. Some lines of the
file will consist of integers 0 - 1000.
The script should select the lines matching the previous criteria and print out their average to stdout (average of n integers is their sum divided by n).
And the file given looks like this:
77 88 99 0000
need 11 gallons of water
roses are red
Example output:
Explanation: (22 + 11 + 0) / 3 = 11
I have tried already with this code:
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
if [[ $line =~ ^[a-zA-Z\ ]+$ ]]
echo ${sum}
done < "$1"
echo ${value}
the print of this code is always 0/0 and some errors like:
./test1: line 9: 0=0+13: command not found
./test1: line 10: 0=0+1: command not found
Any ideas?
Part of the issue with your script is answered here.. Your variable assignments are incorrect. You only use the $ to refer to a variable that has already been assigned. The assignment process drops the dollar sign.
The other issue you're having is that your arithmetic is not being expressed within an arithmetic expression.
Note that you can use use arithmetic expansion to handle your variables:
if [[ $line =~ ^[a-zA-Z\ ]+$ ]]; then
(( sum += ${#line} ))
(( ind++ ))
printf '%s\n' "$sum"
and later ...
value="$(( sum / ind ))"
printf '%s\n' "$value"
Beware that bash can only deal with integer math, floats are truncated. For more advanced math, consider using bc or dc (which are not built in to bash, they are separate tools that may need to be installed on your system) or another language like awk or perl which can do the same thing with better performance and more precise math.
That said, you can "fake" a couple of decimal places with a few extra lines of code and string manipulation, if you really need to:
$ sum=100; ind=7
$ printf -v x '%d' "$((${sum}00/${ind}))"
$ printf '%d.%d\n' "${x%??}" "${x:$((${#x}-2))}"
The first printf has division which multiplies the dividend by 100 (by adding two zeroes after it). The resultant quotient is then split with the second printf to insert the decimal point. This is a hack. Use tools that support real math.

Adding a list of space separated numbers

Currently stuck in a situation where I ask the user to input a line of numbers with a space in between, then have the program display those numbers with a delay, then add them. I have everything down, but can't seem to figure out a line of code to coherently calculate the sum of their input, as most of my attempts end up with an error, or have the final number multiplied by the 2nd one (not even sure how?). Any help is appreciated.
echo Enter a line of numbers to be added.
sleep 1
if [ "$NUM" ]; then
echo "$NUM"
I've tried echo expr $NUM + $NUM to little success, but this is really all I can some up with.
Start with
NUMBERS="4 3 2 6 5 1"
Your script can be changed into
for NUM in ${NUMBERS}
sleep 1
(( sum += NUM ))
echo "Digit ${counter}: Sum=$sum"
echo Sum=$sum
Another way is using bc, usefull for input like 1.6 2.3
sed 's/ /+/g' <<< "${NUMBERS}" | bc
Set two variables n and m, store their sum in $x, print it:
n=5 m=7 x=$((n + m)) ; echo $x
The above syntax is POSIX compatible, (i.e. works in dash, ksh, bash, etc.); from man dash:
Arithmetic Expansion
Arithmetic expansion provides a mechanism for evaluating an arithmetic
expression and substituting its value. The format for arithmetic expan‐
sion is as follows:
The expression is treated as if it were in double-quotes, except that a
double-quote inside the expression is not treated specially. The shell
expands all tokens in the expression for parameter expansion, command
substitution, and quote removal.
Next, the shell treats this as an arithmetic expression and substitutes
the value of the expression.
Two one-liners that do most of the job in the OP:
while read x ; do echo $(( $(echo $x | tr ' ' '+') )) ; done
while read x ; do echo $(( ${x// /+} )) ; done
bash with calc, (allows summing real, rational & complex numbers, as well as sub-operations):
while read x ; do calc -- ${x// /+} ; done
Example input line, followed by output:
-8!^(1/3) 2^63 -1

Summing row in bash [duplicate]

I am trying to read a file line by line and find the average of the numbers in each line. I am getting the error: expr: non-numeric argument
I have narrowed the problem down to sum=expr $sum + $i, but I'm not sure why the code doesn't work.
while read -a rows
for i in "${rows[#]}"
sum=`expr $sum + $i`
total=`expr $total + 1`
average=`expr $sum / $total`
done < $fileName
The file looks like this (the numbers are separated by tabs):
1 1 1 1 1
9 3 4 5 5
6 7 8 9 7
3 6 8 9 1
3 4 2 1 4
6 4 4 7 7
With some minor corrections, your code runs well:
while read -a rows
for i in "${rows[#]}"
sum=`expr $sum + $i`
total=`expr $total + 1`
average=`expr $sum / $total`
echo $average
done <filename
With the sample input file, the output produced is:
Note that the answers are what they are because expr only does integer arithmetic.
Using sed to preprocess for expr
The above code could be rewritten as:
$ while read row; do expr '(' $(sed 's/ */ + /g' <<<"$row") ')' / $(wc -w<<<$row); done < filename
Using bash's builtin arithmetic capability
expr is archaic. In modern bash:
while read -a rows
for i in "${rows[#]}"
((sum += $i))
echo $((sum/total))
done <filename
Using awk for floating point math
Because awk does floating point math, it can provide more accurate results:
$ awk '{s=0; for (i=1;i<=NF;i++)s+=$i; print s/NF;}' filename
Some variations on the same trick of using the IFS variable.
while read line; do
set -- $line
echo $(( ( $(IFS=+; echo "$*") ) / $# ))
done < rows
while read -a line; do
echo $(( ( $(IFS=+; echo "${line[*]}") ) / ${#line[*]} ))
done < rows
while read -a line; do
echo $(( ( ${line[*]} ) / ${#line[*]} ))
done < rows
Others have already pointed out that expr is integer-only, and recommended writing your script in awk instead of shell.
Your system may have a number of tools on it that support arbitrary-precision math, or floats. Two common calculators in shell are bc which follows standard "order of operations", and dc which uses "reverse polish notation".
Either one of these can easily be fed your data such that per-line averages can be produced. For example, using bc:
while read line; do
set - ${line}
for n in $*; do
average=$(printf 'scale=4\n(%s) / %d\n' $string $c | bc)
printf "%s // avg=%s\n" "$line" "$average"
Of course, the only bc-specific part of this is the format for the notation and the bc itself in the third last line. The same basic thing using dc might look like like this:
while read line; do
set - ${line}
for n in $*; do
string+=" $1 + "
average=$(dc -e "4k $string $c / p")
printf "%s // %s\n" "$line" "$average"
Note that my shell supports appending to strings with +=. If yours does not, you can adjust this as you see fit.
In both of these examples, we're printing our output to four decimal places -- with scale=4 in bc, or 4k in dc. We are processing standard input, so if you named these scripts "calc", you might run them with command lines like:
$ ./calc < inputfile.txt
The set command at the beginning of the loop turns the $line variable into positional parameters, like $1, $2, etc. We then process each positional parameter in the for loop, appending everything to a string which will later get fed to the calculator.
Also, you can fake it.
That is, while bash doesn't support floating point numbers, it DOES support multiplication and string manipulation. The following uses NO external tools, yet appears to present decimal averages of your input.
declare -i total
while read line; do
set - ${line}
for n in $*; do
# Move the decimal point over prior to our division...
average=$(($total * 1000 / $c))
# Re-insert the decimal point via string manipulation
average="${average:0:$((${#average} - 3))}.${average:$((${#average} - 3))}"
printf "%s // %0.3f\n" "$line" "$average"
The important bits here are:
* declare which tells bash to add to $total with += rather than appending it as if it were a string,
* the two average= assignments, the first of which multiplies $total by 1000, and the second of which splits the result at the thousands column, and
* printf whose format enforces three decimal places of precision in its output.
Of course, input still needs to be integers.
YMMV. I'm not saying this is how you should solve this, just that it's an option. :)
This is a pretty old post, but came up at the top my Google search, so thought I'd share what I came up with:
while read line; do
# Convert each line to an array
ARR=( $line )
# Append each value in the array with a '+' and calculate the sum
# (this causes the last value to have a trailing '+', so it is added to '0')
ARR_SUM=$( echo "${ARR[#]/%/+} 0" | bc -l)
# Divide the sum by the total number of elements in the array
echo "$(( ${ARR_SUM} / ${#ARR[#]} ))"
done < "$filename"

Reverse Triangle using shell

OK so Ive been at this for a couple days,im new to this whole bash UNIX system thing i just got into it but I am trying to write a script where the user inputs an integer and the script will take that integer and print out a triangle using the integer that was inputted as a base and decreasing until it reaches zero. An example would be:
reverse_triangle.bash 4
so this is what I have so far but when I run it nothing happens I have no idea what is wrong
for (( i=$input; i>=$count;i-- ))
for (( j=1; j>=i; j++ ))
echo -n "*"
exit 0
when I try to run it nothing happens it just goes to the next line. help would be greatly appreciated :)
As I said in a comment, your test is wrong: you need
for (( j=1; j<=i; j++ ))
instead of
for (( j=1; j>=i; j++ ))
Otherwise, this loop is only executed when i=1, and it becomes an infinite loop.
Now if you want another way to solve that, in a much better way:
[[ $1 = +([[:digit:]]) ]] || { printf >&2 'Argument must be a number\n'; exit 1; }
for ((;number>=1;--number)); do
printf -v spn '%*s' "$number"
printf '%s\n' "${spn// /*}"
Why is it better? first off, we check that the argument is really a number. Without this, your code is subject to arbitrary code injection. Also, we make sure that the number is understood in radix 10 with 10#$1. Otherwise, an argument like 09 would raise an error.
We don't really need an extra variable for the loop, the provided argument is good enough. Now the trick: to print n times a pattern, a cool method is to store n spaces in a variable with printf: %*s will expand to n spaces, where n is the corresponding argument found by printf.
For example:
printf '%s%*s%s\n' hello 42 world
would print:
hello world
(with 42 spaces).
Editor's note: %*s will NOT generally expand to n spaces, as evidenced by above output, which contains 37 spaces.
Instead, the argument that * is mapped to,42, is the field width for the sfield, which maps to the following argument,world, causing string world to be left-space-padded to a length of 42; since world has a character count of 5, 37 spaces are used for padding.
To make the example work as intended, use printf '%s%*s%s\n' hello 42 '' world - note the empty string argument following 42, which ensures that the entire field is made up of padding, i.e., spaces (you'd get the same effect if no arguments followed 42).
With printf's -v option, we can store any string formatted by printf into a variable; here we're storing $number spaces in spn. Finally, we replace all spaces by the character *, using the expansion ${spn// /*}.
Yet another possibility:
[[ $1 = +([[:digit:]]) ]] || { printf >&2 'Argument must be a number\n'; exit 1; }
printf -v s '%*s' $((10#1))
s=${s// /*}
while [[ $s ]]; do
printf '%s\n' "$s"
This time we construct the variable s that contains a bunch of * (number given by user), using the previous technique. Then we have a while loop that loops while s is non empty. At each iteration we print the content of s and we remove a character with the expansion ${s%?} that removes the last character of s.
Building on gniourf_gniourf's helpful answer:
The following is simpler and performs significantly better:
count=$1 # (... number-validation code omitted for brevity)
# Create the 1st line, composed of $count '*' chars, and store in var. $line.
printf -v line '%.s*' $(seq $count)
# Count from $count down to 1.
while (( count-- )); do
# Print a *substring* of the 1st line based on the current value of $count.
printf "%.${count}s\n" "$line"
printf -v line '*%.s' $(seq $count) is a trick that prints * $count times, thanks to %.s* resulting in * for each argument supplied, irrespective of the arguments' values (thanks to %.s, which effectively ignores its argument). $(seq $count) expands to $count arguments, resulting in a string composed of $count * chars. overall, which - thanks to -v line, is stored in variable $line.
printf "%.${count}s\n" "$line" prints a substring from the beginning of $line that is $count chars. long.

How to iterate over positional parameters in a Bash script?

Where am I going wrong?
I have some files as follows:
I pass tau, xhpl, fft, mpi_tile_io and PMB_MPI as positional parameters to script as follows:
./ tau xhpl mpi_tile_io fft PMB_MPI
I want grep to search inside a loop, first searching tau, xhpl and so on..
point=$1 #initially points to first parameter
while [$i -le 4]
grep "$str" ${filename}${point}.txt
point=$i #increment count to point to next positional parameter
Set up your for loop like this. With this syntax, the loop iterates over the positional parameters, assigning each one to 'point' in turn.
for point; do
grep "$str" ${filename}${point}.txt
There is more than one way to do this and, while I would use shift, here's another for variety. It uses Bash's indirection feature:
for ((i=1; i<=$#; i++))
grep "$str" ${filename}${!i}.txt
One advantage to this method is that you could start and stop your loop anywhere. Assuming you've validated the range, you could do something like:
for ((i=2; i<=$# - 1; i++))
Also, if you want the last param: ${!#}
See here, you need shift to step through positional parameters.
Try something like this:
# Iterating through the provided arguments
for ARG in $*; do
if [ -f filename_$ARG.txt]; then
grep "$str" filename_$ARG.txt
args=$#;args=${args// /,}
grep "foo" $(eval echo file{$args})
