How to implement HMVC in Laravel 4 - laravel

Does laravel 4 have built in support for hmvc or are there bundles for this functionality? What is the best way to use HMVC in laravel 4.

This tutorial shows you how to implement modules in laravel 4

Here is one more hmvc option,
If you come from codeigniter, you may like this,
Also is worth mentioning, depending on your needs, a view composer may achieve what you want.

It was implemented with laravel 4 in HMVC. You can clone at:


codeigniter 4 enable users to define their own routes

I've started with Codeigniter 4 today. I have an app that I've built with Codeigniter 3 and now I want to upgrade it to CI4. The first thing is to upgrade routes. I have a simple but GREAT solution by enabling users to define their own routes with a simple page, like this:
And it was super easy, just needed to load and update Routes.php file - arrays of routes.
Now, as I am looking at app/config/Routes.php in CI4 I see it is not a simple array but there is much more to it. So, my question is what would be the simplest way to enable users to define their own routes with a webpage?

Does soft deletes works on lumen framework? Limitations of Lumen?

I just wanted to know soft deletes on laravel is also works with lumen framework?
what are the limitations of lumen framework compared to laravel?
we are going to start a project with micro-services concept and considering about lumen framework.
Yes, SoftDeletes are supported in Lumen.
The limitations are:
Configuration is different (not everything is out the box)
The routing is very basic
Missing useful artisan commands and helpers
some additional Laravel packages won't work
missing sub-domain routing, no optional parameters in routes
So basically you are using a stripped down version of Laravel and you are missing flexibility.

Codeigniter HMVC tutorials

I am looking for online tutorials or books that cover in-depth Codeigniter HMVC. Most of the online tutorials I have found only cover the very installation of HMVC. And I can not find any books at all on Codeigniter HMVC. All help greatly appreciated.
The best tutorial is this one
The tutorial it is made on codeigniter 2 and hmvc 2 vesions
But still the same setup to give you a idea.
The HMVC from here only made now for codeigniter 3
They have not reloaded codeigniter 2 versions on.
The only difference really is that you need to make sure you have the first letter of your class and file names as Uppercase.
I don't want to be negative but, Codeigniter does not come with HMVC "out of the box" so there aren't any official documentation or books that covers the subject, however, there are some extensions that allow CI to use HMVC architecture, each extension has its own documentation, some are better documented than others.
some codeigniter HMVC extensions:
this one needs some hacks for CI2.x (I didn't try it with CI3 yet)
this one is all in one (CI + HMVC extension)

HMVC 3 Is out and working codeigniter 3

I know this is not a Question but a note:
I thought this would be use full for codeigniter hmvc users. Just found out that Wiredesignz HMVC has now released HMVC 3 version working
Works with codeigniter 3
Works fine but make sure when use controllers and librarys that files are capitalized. example Welcome.php

Using Laravel 4 package on Laravel 3

I would like to use FbF/Laravel-Blog package which is for Laravel 4 on my site that is made on Laravel 3. Updating the site from Laravel 3 to Laravel 4 is not an option. The site installed manually not by using composer.
I tried to install the package manually and the first issue was with routes which I believe are using some Laravel 4 specific format.
I would just like to know if its realistic idea to use Laravel 4 package on top of Laravel 3 and how much porting work could be expected?
Laravel 3 bundles and Laravel 4 composer packages are entirely different animals.
You need to dig deep into the Laravel 4 package and rewrite it to the Laravel 3 specification. Needs considerable effort as you need to make sure you understand developing packages for both technologies.
