Piping to a command in Ash Shell - bash

I wrote a bash script to send an email using telnet. I'm installing it on a TS-7260 running busyBox (which has an ash shell).
Something is different between Bash and Ash and I can't figure out why the following won't work. It's got to be something with the way I'm piping the echos to telnet. Here's the script:
# Snag all the error messages from a given date, open a telnet connection to an outgoing mail server, stick the logs in an email, and send it.
# Tue Jul 2 14:06:12 EDT 2013
# Tue Jul 9 17:12:29 EDT 2013
# Grepping the whole error file for WARNING and the piping it to a grep for the date took about four minutes to complete on the gateway. This will only get longer and the file will only get bigger as time goes by.
# Using tail to get the last 5000 lines, I get about three days of errors (2000 of them are from one day, though)
# Getting 5000 lines, then searching them by WARNING and then DATE took 15 seconds on the gateway.
warningLogs=$(tail -5000 /mnt/sd/blah.txt | grep WARNING | grep "$yesterdayDate")
sleep 30
sleep 5
echo "ehlo blah.com"
sleep 5
echo "auth plain blah"
sleep 5
echo "mail from: blah#blah.com"
sleep 5
echo "rcpt to: me#blah.com"
sleep 5
echo "data"
sleep 5
echo "Hi!"
sleep 1
echo "Here are all the warnings and faults from yesterday:"
sleep 1
echo "$yesterdayDate"
sleep 1
echo "NOTE: All times are UTC."
sleep 1
echo ""
sleep 1
echo "$warningLogs"
sleep 10
echo ""
sleep 1
echo "Good luck,"
sleep 1
echo "The Robot"
sleep 5
echo "."
sleep 20
echo "quit"
sleep 5
} | telnet blah.com port
I've tried using normal parentheses too before the pipe. I've read the man page for ash and am still doing something stupid. I suspect it's some kind of child process business going on.
This works fine from bash, btw.
Thanks in advance!
Note -- I simplified the script to be just:
echo "quit" | telnet blah.com port
It does exactly what you'd expect in bash, but I see nothing happen in ash.
Replacing the echo with "sleep 10" shows sleep running as a process, but not telnet.

After some more experimentation, the problem was not with the shell at all, but with the implementation of Telnet on Busybox. On my version of BusyBox (1.00rc2), piping anything to Telnet didn't work.
echo blah | telnet -yrDumb
Should have at least made telnet complain about usage. It didn't.
I grabbed the most recent version of inetutils (1.9.1) and compiled its telnet for the TS-7260. It works like a dream (read: it works) now, and is consistent with the behavior I see using telnet and bash on my normal linux box.
Thanks for the help!


How to adjust this bash script to run telnet commands successfully while being in SSH?

I am attempting to write a bash script that will do the following work flow:
Telnet into networked device via IP address on port 9100 telnet x.x.x.x 9100
Run SGD command ! U1 getvar \"internal_wired.ip.timeout.value\".
Expect output value of "10".
Here is the bash script I've written so far:
for i in ${IP}
echo " "
echo "Welcome! This script will check the timeout value of this networked device."
echo "The expected output should be `"10`". Let's get started!!"
echo " "
sleep 4
echo "5....."
sleep 1
echo "4...."
sleep 1
echo "3..."
sleep 1
echo "2.."
sleep 1
echo "1."
sleep 1
echo " "
telnet ${i} 9100 << END_SSH
sleep 5
getvar \"internal_wired.ip.timeout.value\"
sleep 5
When I run this script via bash mycode.sh, I get the following output in Terminal.app:
$ bash mycode.sh
Welcome! This script will check the timeout value of this networked device.
The expected output should be "10". Let's get started!!
Trying x.x.x.x...
Connected to x.x.x.x.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
[user#server ~]$
x.x.x.x is an IP placeholder just to add.
In theory, after the Escape character is '^]'. line, the script should have ran the ! U1 getvar "internal_wired.ip.timeout.value\" command.
Also, we should have had an expected output of "10".
When I first wrote this script, I initially did not have the END_SSH command in it. A colleague introduced that to me and said to wrap the telnet commands in the END_SSH because of how Terminal technically jumps out of SSH when you are in telnet. I've tried utilizing END_SSH, but am not successful.
How do I get the telnet command to run successfully and get the expected output value?
You misunderstand what "END_SSH" is. It's not a "command" - it's what's called "Here-document" in bash.
Essentially the text between the <<END_SSH and the END_SSH is a "here-document" that is piped into stdin of telnet ${i} 9100. So, the sleep 5 commands are never actually executed and the input reaches EOF before the connection is even established.
I don't know what exactly you are trying to accomplish, but I would guess that the following will work better. Oh, and what's with that weird IP=(x.x.x.x) declaration? Is that supposed to be an array?
declare -a IP=(
for i in "${IP[#]}"; do
echo " "
echo "Welcome! This script will check the timeout value of this networked device."
echo "The expected output should be \"10\". Let's get started!!"
sleep 4
for j in {5..1}; do
echo $j
sleep 1
{ sleep 5; echo -n $'! U1 getvar "internal_wired.ip_timeout.value"\n'; sleep 5; } | telnet ${i} 9100
so here is what I suggest to use for the telnet part. Connect is a function being called later in a while loop, which will run over IPs ready from a file.
sleep 10 # depending upon your network and device response, better to keep this first sleep value a little high
echo "command 1"
sleep 2
echo "command 2"
sleep 2
) | telnet $1 9100 | tee -a ${1}.log
while read -r IP
Connect $IP
done < filewithIPs

I want to open a netcat connection and keep sending some text forever

echo " The NC send commands on port 2612"
while :
echo "hello " | nc -q -1 <some IP> 2612
I want open a netcat session forever, and that is been achived by -q -1.
How can I send "hello" on the same channed in every 20 second.
my earlier script was as following, but that opens nc connection every time.
What I really want is to open connection once and send "echo hello" evey 20 sec.
while :
echo "hello " | nc 2612
sleep 20
while echo "hello"; do
sleep 20
done | nc -q 2612
Note that we moved the echo into the condition of the loop, so that we stop trying to run it if nc exits (causing the echos to fail).
If you want to be able to retain state (for instance, a counter) from inside the loop and access it after the pipeline exited, then things need to change a bit further:
# ^^^^- process substitutions aren't part of POSIX sh
while echo "hello"; do
(( ++count ))
sleep 20
done > >(nc -q 2612)
echo "Ran $count loops before exiting" >&2
There, the redirection is done as a process substitution, and the loop takes place inside the same shell instance that continues after it exits. See BashFAQ #24 for more details on this problem and solution.

Start background process from shellscript then bring back to foreground later

I'm trying to make a shell script that does the following:
Start program x
While x is running execute some commands, for example:
echo "blabla" >> ~/blabla.txt
After the execution of those commands program x should be running in the foreground, so that it can take user input.
So far I have:
~/x &
echo "blabla" >> ~/blabla.txt
However, I don't know how to move x back to the foreground. This is all called from a shell script so I don't know the job number of x to move to the foreground.
Note: everything has to be automated, no user interaction with the shell script should be needed.
Any suggestions are welcome :)
Although absolutely don't understand why someone may need such script, and I'm sure than exists more elegant and more better/correct solution - but ok - the next demostrating how:
The script what going to background (named as bgg)
for i in $(seq 10)
echo "bg: $i"
sleep 1
read -p 'BGG enter something:' -r data
echo "$0 got: $data"
the main script (main.sh)
set -m #this is important
echo "Sending script bgg to background - will cycle 10 secs"
./bgg & 2>/dev/null
echo "Some commands"
read -r -p 'main.sh - enter something:' fgdata
echo "Main.sh got: ==$fgdata=="
jnum=$(jobs -l | grep " $! " | sed 's/\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/')
echo "Backgroung job number: $jnum"
echo "Now sleeping 3 sec"
sleep 3
echo "Bringing $jnum to foreground - wait until the BG job will read"
fg $jnum
run the ./main.sh - and the result will be something like
Sending bgg to background - will cycle 10 secs
Some commands
Mon Mar 3 00:04:57 CET 2014
main.sh - enter something:bg: 1
bg: 2
bg: 3
bg: 4
bg: 5
qqbg: 6
Main.sh got: ==qqqqqqq==
Backgroung job number: 1
Now sleeping 3 sec
bg: 7
bg: 8
bg: 9
Bringing 1 to foreground - wait until the BG job will read
bg: 10
BGG enter something:wwwwwww
./bgg got: wwwwwww
You can use fg to bring the last background process to foreground

Bash script: `exit 0` fails to exit

So I have this Bash script:
PID=`ps -u ...`
if [ "$PID" = "" ]; then
echo $(date) Server off: not backing up
echo "say Server backup in 10 seconds..." >> fifo
sleep 10
STARTTIME="$(date +%s)"
echo nosave >> fifo
echo savenow >> fifo
tail -n 3 -f server.log | while read line
if echo $line | grep -q 'save complete'; then
echo $(date) Backing up...
OF="./backups/backup $(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S).tar.gz"
tar -czhf "$OF" data
echo autosave >> fifo
echo "$(date) Backup complete, resuming..."
echo "done"
exit 0
echo "done2"
TIMEDIFF="$(($(date +%s)-STARTTIME))"
if ((TIMEDIFF > 70)); then
echo "Save took too long, canceling backup."
exit 1
Basically, the server takes input from a fifo and outputs to server.log. The fifo is used to send stop/start commands to the server for autosaves. At the end, once it receives the message from the server that the server has completed a save, it tar's the data directory and starts saves again.
It's at the exit 0 line that I'm having trouble. Everything executes fine, but I get this output:
srv:scripts $ ./backup.sh
Sun Nov 24 22:42:09 EST 2013 Backing up...
Sun Nov 24 22:42:10 EST 2013 Backup complete, resuming...
But it hangs there. Notice how "done" echoes but "done2" fails. Something is causing it to hang on exit 0.
ADDENDUM: Just to avoid confusion for people looking at this in the future, it hangs at the exit line and never returns to the command prompt. Not sure if I was clear enough in my original description.
Any thoughts? This is the entire script, there's nothing else going on and I'm calling it direct from bash.
Here's a smaller, self contained example that exhibits the same behavior:
echo foo > file
tail -f file | while read; do exit; done
The problem is that since each part of the pipeline runs in a subshell, exit only exits the while read loop, not the entire script.
It will then hang until tail finds a new line, tries to write it, and discovers that the pipe is broken.
To fix it, you can replace
tail -n 3 -f server.log | while read line
while read line
done < <(tail -n 3 -f server.log)
By redirecting from a process substitution instead, the flow doesn't have to wait for tail to finish like it would in a pipeline, and it won't run in a subshell so that exit will actually exits the entire script.
But it hangs there. Notice how "done" echoes but "done2" fails.
done2 won't be printed at all since exit 0 has already ended your script with return code 0.
I don't know the details of bash subshells inside loops, but normally the appropriate way to exit a loop is to use the "break" command. In some cases that's not enough (you really need to exit the program), but refactoring that program may be the easiest (safest, most portable) way to solve that. It may also improve readability, because people don't expect programs to exit in the middle of a loop.

How do I limit the running time of a BASH script

I have a long running BASH script that I am running under CYGWIN on Windows.
I would like to limit the script to run for 30 seconds, and automatically terminate if it exceeds this limit. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do this to any command.
For example:
sh-3.2$ limittime -t 30 'myscript.sh'
sh-3.2$ limittime -t 30 'grep func *.c'
Under cygwin the ulimit command doesn't seem to work.
I am open to any ideas.
See the http://www.pixelbeat.org/scripts/timeout script the functionality of which has been integrated into newer coreutils:
# Execute a command with a timeout
# License: LGPLv2
# Author:
# http://www.pixelbeat.org/
# Notes:
# Note there is a timeout command packaged with coreutils since v7.0
# If the timeout occurs the exit status is 124.
# There is an asynchronous (and buggy) equivalent of this
# script packaged with bash (under /usr/share/doc/ in my distro),
# which I only noticed after writing this.
# I noticed later again that there is a C equivalent of this packaged
# with satan by Wietse Venema, and copied to forensics by Dan Farmer.
# Changes:
# V1.0, Nov 3 2006, Initial release
# V1.1, Nov 20 2007, Brad Greenlee <brad#footle.org>
# Make more portable by using the 'CHLD'
# signal spec rather than 17.
# V1.3, Oct 29 2009, Ján Sáreník <jasan#x31.com>
# Even though this runs under dash,ksh etc.
# it doesn't actually timeout. So enforce bash for now.
# Also change exit on timeout from 128 to 124
# to match coreutils.
# V2.0, Oct 30 2009, Ján Sáreník <jasan#x31.com>
# Rewritten to cover compatibility with other
# Bourne shell implementations (pdksh, dash)
if [ "$#" -lt "2" ]; then
echo "Usage: `basename $0` timeout_in_seconds command" >&2
echo "Example: `basename $0` 2 sleep 3 || echo timeout" >&2
exit 1
trap - ALRM #reset handler to default
kill -ALRM $a 2>/dev/null #stop timer subshell if running
kill $! 2>/dev/null && #kill last job
exit 124 #exit with 124 if it was running
trap "cleanup" ALRM
sleep $1& wait
kill -ALRM $$
watchit $1& a=$! #start the timeout
shift #first param was timeout for sleep
trap "cleanup" ALRM INT #cleanup after timeout
"$#"& wait $!; RET=$? #start the job wait for it and save its return value
kill -ALRM $a #send ALRM signal to watchit
wait $a #wait for watchit to finish cleanup
exit $RET #return the value
The following script shows how to do this using background tasks. The first section kills a 60-second process after the 10-second limit. The second attempts to kill a process that's already exited. Keep in mind that, if you set your timeout really high, the process IDs may roll over and you'll kill the wrong process but this is more of a theoretical issue - the timeout would have to be very large and you would have to be starting a lot of processes.
sleep 60 &
sleep 10
kill -9 $pid
sleep 3 &
sleep 10
kill -9 $pid
Here's the output on my Cygwin box:
$ ./limit10
./limit10: line 9: 4492 Killed sleep 60
./limit10: line 11: kill: (4560) - No such process
If you want to only wait until the process has finished, you need to enter a loop and check. This is slightly less accurate since sleep 1 and the other commands will actually take more than one second (but not much more). Use this script to replace the second section above (the "echo $proc" and "date" commands are for debugging, I wouldn't expect to have them in the final solution).
sleep 3 &
((lim = 10))
while [[ $lim -gt 0 ]] ; do
sleep 1
proc=$(ps -ef | awk -v pid=$pid '$2==pid{print}{}')
echo $proc
((lim = lim - 1))
if [[ -z "$proc" ]] ; then
((lim = -9))
if [[ $lim -gt -9 ]] ; then
kill -9 $pid
It basically loops, checking if the process is still running every second. If not, it exits the loop with a special value to not try and kill the child. Otherwise it times out and does kill the child.
Here's the output for a sleep 3:
Mon Feb 9 11:10:37 WADT 2009
pax 4268 2476 con 11:10:37 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4268 2476 con 11:10:37 /usr/bin/sleep
Mon Feb 9 11:10:41 WADT 2009
Mon Feb 9 11:10:41 WADT 2009
and a sleep 60:
Mon Feb 9 11:11:51 WADT 2009
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
pax 4176 2600 con 11:11:51 /usr/bin/sleep
Mon Feb 9 11:12:03 WADT 2009
Mon Feb 9 11:12:03 WADT 2009
./limit10: line 20: 4176 Killed sleep 60
Check out this link. The idea is just that you would run myscript.sh as a subprocess of your script and record its PID, then kill it if it runs too long.
Below are all the options for "timeout" under coreutils:
$ timeout --help
or: timeout [OPTION]
Start COMMAND, and kill it if still running after DURATION.
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
exit with the same status as COMMAND, even when the
command times out
when not running timeout directly from a shell prompt,
allow COMMAND to read from the TTY and get TTY signals;
in this mode, children of COMMAND will not be timed out
-k, --kill-after=DURATION
also send a KILL signal if COMMAND is still running
this long after the initial signal was sent
-s, --signal=SIGNAL
specify the signal to be sent on timeout;
SIGNAL may be a name like 'HUP' or a number;
see 'kill -l' for a list of signals
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
DURATION is a floating point number with an optional suffix:
's' for seconds (the default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days.
If the command times out, and --preserve-status is not set, then exit with
status 124. Otherwise, exit with the status of COMMAND. If no signal
is specified, send the TERM signal upon timeout. The TERM signal kills
any process that does not block or catch that signal. It may be necessary
to use the KILL (9) signal, since this signal cannot be caught, in which
case the exit status is 128+9 rather than 124.
GNU coreutils online help: <http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/>
Full documentation at: <http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/timeout>
or available locally via: info '(coreutils) timeout invocation'
You could run the command as a background job (i.e. with "&"), use the bash variable for "pid of last command run," sleep for the requisite amount of time, then run kill with that pid.
