cocoa sheet is not modal - cocoa

I can't figure out why the sheet is not modal and the focus is still on the main window.
- (IBAction) showSheet:(NSWindow*)window
// User has asked to see the dialog. Display it.
if (!_clientsDialog)
[NSBundle loadNibNamed: #"clientsDialog" owner: self];
[NSApp beginSheet:self.clientsDialog
modalForWindow: [[NSApp delegate]window]
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: NULL
contextInfo: NULL];

The following method works for me:
Header File:
- (IBAction)showSheet:(id)sender;
Method file:
- (void)showSheet:(id)sender {
if (! _clientsDialog)
[NSBundle loadNibNamed: #"clientsDialog" owner: self];
[NSApp beginSheet: _clientsDialog
modalForWindow: [[NSApp delegate] window]
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: NULL
contextInfo: NULL];
IMPORTANT: You need to have a Title Bar on your window. Otherwise Controls won't work.


Issue in displaying window as modal

I am trying to display a NSWindowController class as modal sheet in a view in mac application.
the problem is that the default modal comes from up to down sliding.
SettingWindowController *obj=[[SettingWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"SettingWindowController"];
[NSApp beginSheet:obj.window
modalForWindow:[self.view window]
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: #selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)
contextInfo: nil];
when I execute above code it simply opens second window controller outside the view.
How can I get the default behaviour which is the view comes from up to down by sliding.
obj=[[SettingWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"SettingWindowController"];
[NSApp beginSheet:obj.window
modalForWindow:[self.view window]
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: #selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)
contextInfo: nil];
- (void)didEndSheet:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
[obj.window orderOut:self];
[NSApp endSheet:obj.window];
-(IBAction)showModel:(id)sender {
obj=[[SettingWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"SettingWindowController"]; obj.delegate=self; [NSApp beginSheet:obj.window modalForWindow:[self.view window]
modalDelegate: self didEndSelector: #selector(didEndSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:)
contextInfo: nil]; }
- (void)didEndSheet:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
[obj.window orderOut:self];
[NSApp endSheet:obj.window];

cocoa sheet on document-based app

I got a dialog instead of sheet.It worked when the app was not document-based.
Now it doesn't work.
- (IBAction) showSheet:(NSWindow*)window
// User has asked to see the dialog. Display it.
NSLog(#"%#", self.contragentsSheet);
if (!_contragentsSheet)
[NSBundle loadNibNamed: #"contragentsSheet" owner: self];
[NSApp beginSheet:self.contragentsSheet
modalForWindow: [[NSApp delegate]window]
//modalForWindow: window
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: NULL
contextInfo: NULL];
//[contragentSearch becomeFirstResponder];
//NSLog ( #"Sheet is launched");
NSLog(#"%#", [[NSApp delegate]window]);
Don't use [[NSApp delegate] window] you need to explicitly tell the method which window you want to display the sheet on. Document based Apps can have many windows and a sheet is attached to one.

Cocoa: Displaying an error after NSApp beginSheet results the main window hiding

I have broken this down into a very small project. Using the following code in the application delegate:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
TestingWindowController * testingWindowController = [[TestingWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName: #"TestingWindowController"];
// Begin our sheet
[NSApp beginSheet: testingWindowController.window
modalForWindow: self.window
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: #selector(windowDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:)
contextInfo: NULL];
- (void)windowDidEnd:(id)alert returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(id) contextInfo
// If the user did not accept, then we really don't care what else they did!
if (returnCode != NSOKButton) return;
// We have had an error. Display it.
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] presentError: nil
modalForWindow: self.window
delegate: nil
didPresentSelector: nil
contextInfo: NULL];
And the following action tied to button on the windows nib. (Note that the nib's window is also set to not be visible on launch).
- (IBAction) onClose: (id) sender
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] endSheet: self.window
returnCode: NSOKButton];
[self.window orderOut: nil];
} // End of onClose
What ends up happening is, once I the onClose runs, all of the windows disappear and I am left with nothing but the error dialog (the main window has disappeared).
Is there something wrong with my code? Why does my main window go away?
NOTE: I know that I am not passing an error to the presentError method. I purposely left this null as I only had a short time to write the sample code. Passing an actual error results in the same behaviour.
Sample project is available here.
Looks like you are still using the old api, try the new one
(deselect Always visible at launch for the UserLoginWindowController window)
- (IBAction)userButtonPressed:(id)sender {
UserLoginWindowController * wc = [UserLoginWindowController new];
// we keep a reference, so the WC doesn't deallocate
self.modalWindowController = wc;
[[self window] beginSheet:[wc window] completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
self.modalWindowController = nil;
in the UserLoginWindowController
- (IBAction)cancelButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[[[self window] sheetParent] endSheet:[self window] returnCode:NSModalResponseCancel];
You are using 2 methods to open your window, beginSheet:....., and runModalForWindow:. You only need one of those. If you want a sheet attached to your window, use the first method, if you want a stand alone window, use the second. Likewise, in your onClose method, you should use endSheet:returnCode: if you're closing a sheet (the argument for that method should be testingWindowController.window not self.window) , and stopModalWithCode: if you're closing a modal window, you shouldn't have both.

Accessing Button in NIB that is in my framework

I am trying to create a simple framework with a nib that has a button on it which can be customized (selector wise and title wise.) for this, i did the following:
I added a property:
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSButton*accessoryButton;
and connected it to my outlet:
#synthesize accessoryButton = littleButton;
I then shared the instance as such:
+ (TestWindow *)sharedPanel
return sharedPanel ? sharedPanel : [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
- (id)init
if (sharedPanel) {
[self dealloc];
} else {
sharedPanel = [super init];
return sharedPanel;
and load the nib:
if( !somewindow )
[NSBundle loadNibNamed: #"window" owner:nil];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[somewindow center];
[somewindow setLevel:NSModalPanelWindowLevel];
[somewindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
When I however want to change the title for example from my sample project, it never works.
[TestWindow sharedPanel] setTitle:#"hi"]; //doesnt work
Here's my setTitle: method:
-(void)setTitle:(NSString *)buttonTitle
[[self accessoryButton] setTitle:buttonTitle];
[[self accessoryButton] display];
I don't get an error but nothing happens either. What am I missing?
Is the button nil at runtime? Are you sure your button's outlet is connected?
Does your init function get called when the NIB is loaded?

makeKeyAndOrderFront only does the latter

I am trying to open one window from another using makeKeyAndOrderFront. The new window appears, but does not receive focus.
The code for the main window is:
#import "SecondWindowController.h"
#implementation FirstWindowController
if (!secondWindowController)
secondWindowController = [[SecondWindowController alloc] init];
[[secondWindowController window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
SecondWindowController is a NSWindowController, as follows:
#implementation SecondWindowController
if (![super initWithWindowNibName:#"SecondWindow"])
return nil;
return self;
I've also tried putting [secondWindowController showWindow:self] before the makeKeyAndOrderFront but it doesn't make a difference.
Did you make sure the window outlet for SecondWindowController is hooked up to the window in your NIB? The window could be displayed just by loading the NIB, even if the outlet is not hooked up.
Are you using a borderless window? If so you need to override canBecomeKeyWindow and return YES
Try this:
if (!secondWindowController)
secondWindowController = [[SecondWindowController alloc] init];
NSApplication *thisApp = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[thisApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[[secondWindowController window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
