Check for part of a folder name in applescript - applescript

I have an applescript that checks for one of several external HDs I connect to my computer and makes an index of their contents. All the HDs follow the naming scheme HK_12345 where the first two letters are always the same but the numbers are different for each drive. I want the script to only check for drives with the 'HK' designation regardless of the ending numbers. I have this but it is not working. Any advice?
set folderContains to "HK_"
tell application "Finder"
set triggerFolder to folder whose name contains folderContains
end tell
tell application "Finder"
if folder triggerFolder exists then
-- some other code
end if
end tell

You should check for disks not folders:
set diskContains to "HK_"
tell application "Finder"
set selectedDisks to disks whose name contains diskContains
-- some other code
end tell


AppleScript change Outlook signature

I wrote an application for my colleagues so that they can easily set their Outlook signature. Here is the code:
property includeInRandom : false
property sigName : "${}"
property sigContent : "${signature.content}"
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set newOutlookSignature to make new signature with properties ¬
{name:sigName, content:sigContent, include in random:includeInRandom}
end tell
end try
The problem is that if a colleague changes his signature in the application and sets it in Outlook again there are two signatures with the same name. Is it possible to check if the current signature already exists and if it exists it should be edited/updated?
I don't have Microsoft Outlook, so I can't test my suggestions out, but I imagine you could get every signature whose name is sigName, then decide if you want to just delete them all and make a new one, or keep one, edit it, and delete the rest. I'm obviously working on the assumption there could be anywhere between 0 and N signatures sharing one name that have accumulated over time. From this standpoint, I'd say that deleting them all and making new one would be easiest coding wise, provided Outlook lets you delete a list of signatures the way, say, Finder lets you delete a list of files in a single command:
tell application "Microsoft Outlook" to delete every signature whose name is sigName
If it doesn't, you would have to construct a repeat loop and delete them one by one:
tell application "Microsoft Outlook" to repeat with S in ¬
(every signature whose name is sigName)
set S to the contents of S # (dereferencing)
delete S
end repeat
If you decide you want to keep one and edit it, then:
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set S to every signature whose name is sigName
if (count S) is 0 then
# make new signature
set [R] to S
delete the rest of S
set the content of R to the sigContent
end if
end tell
If delete the rest of S doesn't work, a repeat loop again will let you delete items 2 onwards individually, and keep just the first item to edit.
I'm sorry I can't test this for you, but it's at least an indication of how to go about trying to do it.

Having trouble with remote folder actions with AppleScript

So I have an Applescript to help with naming photo's appropriately for data entry to assign it to a Unique ID. Since we're using Mac's this is done in AppleScript. This works great but it's only for one machine. What is now needed is to work on multiple machines. What I want to do is put the photos on our server and have the client machines do the action on the folder from there.
The problem I am currently having is that the script does not authenticate the user and does not run the script even though the info is correct. Am I doing this correctly?
tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://user:password#server.local"
set renameFiles to the selection
set inventoryFiles to every file in folder (((path to documents folder) as text) & "Inventory Photos")
set currentIndex to the count of inventoryFiles
repeat with i from 1 to the count of renameFiles
set currentFile to (item i of renameFiles)
set new_name to ((10000 + currentIndex + i) as text) & ".jpg"
set name of currentFile to "a" & new_name
end repeat
end tell
Thank you for any help

How to get filename without extension from Omnigraffle?

I'm trying to get the filename without the extension of the current document file in Omnigraffle Professional 5.
tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
set _document to front document
set _path to path of _document
-- Get filename without extension
tell application "Finder"
set {_filename, _extension, _ishidden} to the
{displayed_name, name_extension, extension_hidden} of the _path
end tell
end tell
This gives me the following error: error "Can’t get displayed_name of \"/Users/ca/Downloads/Feb 8.graffle\"." number -1728 from displayed_name of "/Users/ca/Downloads/Feb 8.graffle".
I found some related questions and pages, but I'm a bit lost and really can't understand why it does not work.
Applescript: Get filenames in folder without extension
Applescript Help...Just the File Name
Thanks for your help!
You'd need to change it to the following:
tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
set _document to front document
set _path to path of _document
-- Get filename without extension
tell application "Finder"
set {_filename, _extension, _ishidden} to the ¬
{displayed name, name extension, extension hidden} ¬
of ((the _path as POSIX file) as alias)
end tell
if (_extension ≠ missing value) then
set baseName to text 1 thru -((length of _extension) + 2) of _filename
end if
end tell
"path of front document" returns the POSIX path of a file, which is just a plain string. To be able to get information on an item the Finder will want an alias reference to the file in question. When you pass a plain string it gets an error because a plain string won't have those properties. To get an alias, you need to coerce the plain path first to a POSIX file and then coerce the POSIX file to an alias.
Unless you have defined these variables elsewhere, you need to remove the underscores in {displayed_name, name_extension, extension_hidden}. When you look at the "compiled" code with those underscores left in, it looks like in the following image:
So, the AppleScript is interpreting displayed_name to be a variable, not a property. Now, that's fine if you've defined those variables elsewhere, such as at the top of your script in properties. But if not, you need to remove the underscores, as the property names of Finder items don't have underscores in them. When you remove the underscores, the coloring appears correct (properties are purple with the variables being green).
Note that that still won't give you the filename without an extension. To get that, you'd need to do something like I did in the added line using text n thru m
if (_extension ≠ missing value) then
set baseName to text 1 thru -((length of _extension) + 2) of _filename
end if
First, you need to use the correct labels for the properties of whatever application you are targeting - these can be found in the application scripting dictionary. The next problem is that the Finder doesn't know anything about POSIX paths, which is apparently what OmniGraffle is returning for the document path, so you need to coerce the path into something that the Finder does know about, such as an alias.
tell application "Finder"
set {_filename, _extension, _ishidden} to the {displayed name, name extension, extension hidden} of (_path as POSIX file as alias)
end tell

Get unrecognized file extension in applescript

I was wondering how to return just the file extension from a string. I've tried the 'set variable to name extension of...' detailed in this question, but that only seems to work for recognized extensions. The idea is to sort files with the extension '.meta' into their own collection.
What I have now looks like
tell application "Finder'
set everyName to name of every item in entire contents of this_folder
end tell
set metaFiles to {}
repeat with n from 1 to count of everyName
set currentName to item n of everyName
set currentExt to last word of currentName --this assignment fails
if currentExt is "meta" then
set end of metaFiles to currentExt
end if
end repeat
I'm brand new to applescript so I appreciate any and all help/direction. Thanks!
Edit: Hacky Solution
I solved this by using the split function described here to break up the filename after every period. I grabbed the last string, made sure it wasn't the same as the first string in case there were no period characters, and then stored the corresponding filename.
The name includes the file extension, whether the Finder recognizes it or not. So just sort on the name like this...
tell application "Finder"
set metaFiles to (every item in entire contents of this_folder whose name ends with "meta") as alias list
end tell
If you aren't getting a name extension, make sure there actually is one and that you aren't looking at the end of the name. If you are going to be moving files around, you will also need to get the path, and not just the name. I don't think that making a list of your extensions is what you are going for, either - several different characters are used for word boundaries, but a period isn't one of them.
Why not just ask Finder for your file items?
tell application "Finder"
set metaFiles to (every item in entire contents of this_folder whose name extension is "meta") as alias list
end tell

programmatically updating iTunes track location

I would like to modify the filesystem path for tracks on itunes programmatically, so that I can apply a string transformation to some of the tracks locations (which are now stored in a different places on the filesystem).
I've tried using AppleScript to update the location property of the relevant tracks but I get an end-of-file error when calling "set mytrack's location to ..."
I've seen various other hacks online that involve exporting the entire track db, modifying it in XML, and then reimporting it - but that seems to lose too much metadata (such as playlists).
It would really help to see more of your code. Of particular interest is the value you are using and how it is derived. It would also be useful to see the exact error message you get (you should be able to copy the text out of the AppleScript error dialog sheet if you are running the program from Script Editor/AppleScript Editor).
The dictionary entry for the file track class shows its location property being a writable alias value. The problem you are probably running into is that you are not using an alias for the value.
The following code shows how one might change a track's location using an interactive prompt from choose file (which returns an alias):
set m to path to music folder
tell application "iTunes"
set trk to first item of selection
set l to location of trk
if class of l is alias then
set m to l
end if
set {d, a, n} to {database ID, artist, name} of trk
choose file with prompt "Choose the file to use for " & d & ": " & a & "—" & n default location m
set location of trk to result
end tell
The choose file method is not what you want though, since you are doing some kind of automated, string based pathname translation.
When working with pathnames in AppleScript, there are two kinds that you might use: POSIX and HFS. POSIX pathnames have slash delimited components (and allow colons inside any component). HFS pathnames have have colon delimited components (and allow slashes inside any component), and they usually start with a volume name component.
To convert a POSIX pathname stored in a variable str to an AppleScript alias, use the following expression:
POSIX file str as alias
To convert an HFS pathname stored in a variable str to an AppleScript alias, use the following expression:
alias str
For example:
tell application "iTunes"
set trk to first item of selection
set l to location of trk
set newPath to my computeNewPath(POSIX path of l)
set location of trk to POSIX file newPath as alias
end tell
to computeNewPath(pp)
-- presumably something interesting happens here
return pp
end computeNewPath
How to move media files (that are not "organized" by iTunes) to a different location while keeping the iTunes library database (iTunes Library.itl) intact:
Move files to new location (e.g., mv ~/MyMusic /Volumes/Huge/)
Create symlink in old location pointing to new location
(ln -s /Volumes/Huge/MyMusic ~/MyMusic)
Start iTunes (if not already running)
Select all tracks that were moved.
Run this AppleScript:
-- Mark missing tracks (and update database with real path of existing
-- tracks) in iTunes
-- Instructions:
-- * symlink new file location to old location (old location points to
-- new location, file exists)
-- * select tracks to scan/update
-- * run the script
-- * missing tracks are marked with (!) and all other track paths have
-- been updated to the real path (symlinks eliminated) in iTunes
tell application "iTunes"
set fx to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
set Sel to the selection
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in Sel
set trk to item i of Sel
set loc to (get location of trk as text)
end repeat
set fixed indexing to fx
end tell
All tracks should now point to the correct location, and the symlink(s) can be removed. This can be verified by selecting Get Info on a track that was moved and verify that the path points to the new location.
If you didn't get the symlink correct iTunes will display (!) beside each missing track. To fix the issue, simply create a symlink in the old location pointing to the new location and run the script again. Hint: the Get Info dialog can be used to determine the old location of a missing track.
This worked on iTunes 11.0.5
Adding to the previous answer by millerdev I updated the script to work with MacOS Catalina and the new Music app. Just create a $HOME/Library/Music/Scripts directory and place it there.
tell application "Music"
set fx to fixed indexing
set fixed indexing to true
set Sel to the selection
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in Sel
set trk to item i of Sel
set l to location of trk
set location of trk to l
end repeat
set fixed indexing to fx
end tell
