Using Intellij to import existing git project - maven

I'm currently using svn, and I'm using git-svn to checkout the project. I then tried to import the project into Intellij, and it kinda worked, but all the .iml files were red in color (don't know why, no errors as far as I could see).
I then tried what was suggested in this post -
Import an existing Git repository into IntelliJ IDEA
ie, opening the directory as a project and configuring the git root, same problem again.
When I try compiling the project I get manifest errors that just says - -manifest while reading manifest file(invalid header field)
My project is a multi-module maven project. Any ideas would be helpful cuz I'm stumped!

With IntelliJ, you should see those same red files in the Local Changes view:
Except this time, those red files are clearly listed under the "Unversioned file" section, which shows this is not a compilation error, but a VCS code color convention.


Problems with Maven default folder

I'm Mohave Mac User.
I installed Maven and created project in Eclipse. Name of the project is "Mavenjava".
When I try to clean, compile, test command from Eclipse it doesn't work because it looking for a POM file in /User/Max/, not from /User/Max/Mavenjava
When I copy my POM file into /User/Max/ - "clean" command works but I can't do "compile" and "test" commands in terminal, because I see mistake like "skip non existing resourceDirectory".
It is still looking this files here /Users/Max/src/main/resources, but not in /User/Max/Mavenjava/src/main/resoursces/
How I could change default folders for Maven?
I spent 3 hours and don't know how to solve this problem.

How to save a module from one computer and import into into another computer in IntelliJ with Maven

I have a Maven module in IntelliJ which works fine from one computer. I have saved the ".iml" file together with the project in Git. When I check it out on another computer,
"New Project"
then "File" -> "New Module from Existing Sources" -> Select the ".iml" file, the structure is all there, but no Maven dependencies are resolved.
How do I get IntelliJ to download and import the Maven dependencies?
Things I have tried:
"Re-build Project"
Right-click the module and "Re-build module"
"File" -> "Invalidate Caches / Restart" (both invalidate and restart)
"Re-import All Maven Projects", this simply deleted the two Maven modules from the project. I then had to re-create the modules as above, once they were there again I had the same problem.
On the comand-line "mvn" is able to import the project and resolve all dependencies just fine.
Additional information:
The ".iml" file, when I look at it in a text editor, does not have any absolute paths in it.
Here is a picture of the module settings window:
If your goal is to just import the project on another PC, don't rely on the iml files. Some even consider it bad practice to commit IDE specific files in maven projects, as not everyone on a project might use the same version or even a different IDE. If you take a look at popular .gitignore files (e.g. this one), you'll most often find that any IDE specific files get excluded.
Consider importing the projects pom.xml:
Import Project -> from external model -> Maven
JetBrains recommends to NOT include the iml file with Maven or Gradle projects, see here

The code change is not reflecting in the Jar

I've applied a git patch on my local repository to get some changes from my fellow-developer. The patch was successfully applied, and I see the changes to the java files.
I did a 'mvn clean install' on the project, it did build successfully but the changes is not visible to another java class which depends on the new changes(this jar).
When I extracted the jar and decompiled the class file I found the changes are not part of the compiled class. Could not understand this behaviour.
in simple words .. the java files has got the new changes but the generated JAR does not have the changes.
Need some advice if someone has faced this issue.
Thankyou... Found the issue, the local git repo had an issue, there were hidden files in the same repo that was causing this issue, I deleted my local repo and re-cloned it, its working now.

Is there anyway to specify project-specific coding style that will get loaded in IntelliJ from a pom.xml?

If I have a Maven project, and someone is going to load the project by opening the pom.xml file in IntelliJ, is there anything I can put in the file or elsewhere in the project that will load project-specific coding styles into the IDE?
Not by importing from a pom only. What you can do is add some IntelliJ files to the source code management tool. Idea saves its project specific code styles into /.idea/codeStyleSettings.xml - it may just picks it up after you imported the project via maven/pom.xml. I think it does not hurt to add a few other files too. Here is my .gitignore for intellij 13.1.5:
# intellij settings files:
Everything else is under version control. (some developers dont like that - I know - just wanted to mention it)

How would you avoid "Xcode, Subversion Error: 155007 (Path is not a working copy directory)"?

I am not able to see the commit option after I make changes to my working copy, but I ensured that my settings for svn were correct.
What exactly is the problem with this error message?
Xcode is showing:
Your path is not a working copy
What should I do to resolve this?
The blog post "Xcode, Subversion Error: 155007 (Path is not a working copy directory)" and its comment are pretty much the reference on this kind of error.
Simple Workaround:
Delete your local copy (cd myxcodeproject; rm -rf .)
Delete the “build” folder from the server
svn co https://svnserver/path/trunk/project .
Now you should see .svn folders in every directory of your local project (you don’t see them if you use the “Export” function of the SCM panel from Xcode).
At this point, you should be able to edit and commit your changes directly from Xcode.
Now you need to initialize correctly the project.
The following sections illustrate that part:
How to do it right (general principle)
To place the project under Xcode, you need to first import it.
The SCM->commit entire project… gives error 155007 if you don’t first do this:
Under the SCM menu in Xcode select Repositories, then click the IMPORT icon at the top of that dialog that appears.
Select the project from the list and then click the import button.
Of course you need to first configure at least one repository before doing the steps above.
Right Initialization steps (detailed process)
Create the project in XCODE.
Setup subversion in XCODE and select the subversion repository for this project.
Use Xcode SCM > Repository and click on the IMPORT icon. This will move the local copy to the subversion repository.
Now delete your local copy (or move it to another location just in case).
Finally CHECKOUT the project from subversion (this will create the subversion .svn folders, …).
Reselect the subversion repository for this project.
Commit the entire project.
