Programmatically Add Existing File to Dropzone - dropzone.js

I'm trying to add an existing image to my dropzone programmatically, using the dropzone.js FAQ as a guide:
// Add the existing image if it's there.
// headerDropzone is my dropzone (debug shows it as existing and initialized at this point.
var on_load_header = $( '[name="on_load_header_image"]' ).val();
var on_load_header_path = $( '[name="on_load_header_image_path"]' ).val();
if ( on_load_header ) {
// Hardcoded size value is just for testing, see my second question below.
var on_load_header_data = { name: on_load_header, size: 12345 };
// Call the default addedfile event handler headerDropzone, on_load_header_data );
// And optionally show the thumbnail of the file:
headerDropzone.options. headerDropzone, on_load_header_data, on_load_header_path);
My first problem is that this is just not working. The addedfile event doesn't fire (or at least the addedfile handler in headerDropzone never fires), same goes for thumbnail.
My second problem/question is: do I have to provide the file size? I could get it server side, but I'd rather not do it if I don't actually need to.

If you need to add multiple existing files into Dropzone, declare your existing files as array and then add it into Dropzone programmatically inside a loop like so...
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
var myDropzone = new Dropzone("#myDropzone", {
url: "/file/post",
maxFileSize: 50,
acceptedFiles: ".pdf",
addRemoveLinks: true,
//more dropzone options here
//Add existing files into dropzone
var existingFiles = [
{ name: "Filename 1.pdf", size: 12345678 },
{ name: "Filename 2.pdf", size: 12345678 },
{ name: "Filename 3.pdf", size: 12345678 },
{ name: "Filename 4.pdf", size: 12345678 },
{ name: "Filename 5.pdf", size: 12345678 }
for (i = 0; i < existingFiles.length; i++) {
myDropzone.emit("addedfile", existingFiles[i]);
//myDropzone.emit("thumbnail", existingFiles[i], "/image/url");
myDropzone.emit("complete", existingFiles[i]);

The Dropzone FAQ leaves out important settings required to properly preload a dropzone with (an) existing file(s).
My init method for my dropzone:
Dropzone.options.MyDropZoneID = {
init: function () {
var mockFile = { name: fileName, size: fileSize, type: fileMimeType, serverID: 0, accepted: true }; // use actual id server uses to identify the file (e.g. DB unique identifier)
this.emit("addedfile", mockFile);
this.createThumbnailFromUrl(mockFile, fileUrl);
this.emit("success", mockFile);
this.emit("complete", mockFile);
I don't know if the above is a perfect implementation, but it is working correctly with the maxFiles setting. Which is very important if you don't want buggy behavior (like the default message displaying when it shouldn't or extra files getting uploaded). You definitely need to set the accepted property to true and add the file to the files property. The only thing that I think is not required is emitting the success. I haven't played around with that enough though to know for sure.
Note: I used the following NuGet package:
Created by: Matias Meno
Id: dropzone
Version: 4.2.0

See if the functions headerDropzone.options.addedfile and headerDropzone.options.thumbnail are actually defined. It should work the way you did it, but without further info it's difficult to tell what's wrong.
About the filesize: No, it's not necessary to actually provide the accurate filesize. It's just that Dropzone automatically displays the filesize. If you don't care if some false filesize is displayed then you can just provide some random number or 0. Otherwise you might want to hide the filesize with CSS, or with JS after you add it. (The element in question has the class dz-size.
The JavaScript version of it would look something like this:
var fileSizeElement = on_load_header_data.previewElement.querySelector(".dz-size");

This is now answered in official FAQ
Dropzone.options.myDropzone = {
init: function() {
let myDropzone = this;
// If you only have access to the original image sizes on your server,
// and want to resize them in the browser:
let mockFile = { name: "Filename 2", size: 12345 };
myDropzone.displayExistingFile(mockFile, "");
// If the thumbnail is already in the right size on your server:
let mockFile = { name: "Filename", size: 12345 };
let callback = null; // Optional callback when it's done
let crossOrigin = null; // Added to the `img` tag for crossOrigin handling
let resizeThumbnail = false; // Tells Dropzone whether it should resize the image first
myDropzone.displayExistingFile(mockFile, " /id/959/120/120.jpg", callback, crossOrigin, resizeThumbnail);
myDropzone.files.push(mockFile); // line missing in official docs
// If you use the maxFiles option, make sure you adjust it to the
// correct amount:
let fileCountOnServer = 2; // The number of files already uploaded
myDropzone.options.maxFiles = myDropzone.options.maxFiles - fileCountOnServer;

Originally I was doing something along these lines to programmatically upload a pre-existing file to Dropzone:
headerDropzone.emit("addedfile", imageFile);
headerDropzone.emit("thumbnail", imageFile, imageUrl);
However, referencing this Dropzone Github Issue I found an easier way to directly upload:
Unfortunately there are no references to this uploadFiles method in the Dropzone Documentation, so I figured I'd share some knowledge with all you Dropzone users.
Hope this helps someone

I had the same problem and found Dropzone's handleFiles(files) method.
So if you have inputTypeFileRef, you can
// inputTypeFiles.files is an object of type FileList
var fileArray = Object.values(inputTypeFiles.files || {});
That will also trigger all the Dropzone's events and pass file(s) data that it normally would by dragging a file on it - progress, file size, etc.
Hope it helped.

The latest Dropzone is lack of examples and the documentation is not clear or incomplete. You can use the following to add existing images to Dropzone.
for (var i = 0; i < imagesList.length; i++) {
let name = imagesList[i];
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
.then(res => res.blob())
.then(blob => {
let file = new File([blob], name, blob);
imagesList is a list of images which you want to add to Dropzone.
However, I am still facing a problem: Images are not being added or shown in the order/sequence as in imagesList. They appear rather random. Is there a way to make the images shown in the order/sequence as in imagesList?

Many of these answers are pretty dated, this is working for me in the latest Dropzone JS at the time of writing (take note of the included comments):
init: function() {
var dzObj = this;
// In my template I looped through existing files from the database and created:
// <div class="existing-image" data-url="/path/to/file.jpg"></div>
$('.existing-image').each(function() {
// I didn't have this data - works fine without
var mockFile = { name: '', size: '', dataURL: $(this).data('url') };
// Call the default addedfile event handler
dzObj.emit("addedfile", mockFile);
// The Dropzone JS FAQ incorrectly references "file" here instead of mockFile".
// The other parameters are outdated, dataURL goes in the object above,
// and you need to pass through other parameters.
// It DOES NOT WORK without the thumbnail event being triggered.
dzObj.createThumbnailFromUrl(mockFile, dzObj.options.thumbnailWidth, dzObj.options.thumbnailHeight, dzObj.options.thumbnailMethod, true, function (dataUrl) {
dzObj.emit("thumbnail", mockFile, dataUrl);
// Make sure that there is no progress bar, etc...
dzObj.emit("complete", mockFile);
dzObj.options.maxFiles = dzObj.options.maxFiles - 1;

#tjbp's response worked well for me, with the following changes:
I could not delete the programatically added file and then add another. I fixed this by removing this line, which was setting "maxFiles" to 0.
// If you use the maxFiles option, make sure you adjust it to the
// correct amount:
var existingFileCount = 1; // The number of files already uploaded
myDropzone.options.maxFiles = myDropzone.options.maxFiles - existingFileCount;
To make sure the "Delete" button was visible, I had to add the following line:
if (mockFile.previewElement) {

Nothing here worked for me with version 5.7.0 but this did:
var myDropzone = new Dropzone(document.body, {
url: "<?= site_url('site/upload') ?>",
acceptedFiles: "<?= $uploadFieldAcceptValue ?>",
maxFilesize: 15,
maxFiles: 5,
autoQueue: false,
thumbnailWidth: 80,
thumbnailHeight: 80,
init: function(){
var that = this;
that.on("addedfile", function(file) {
// remove the start button
var startButton = file.previewElement.querySelector(".start");
<?php if(is_array($userUploads) && count($userUploads) > 0) { ?>
<?php foreach($userUploads as $userUpload) { ?>
<?php $file = $userUpload['file']; ?>
var mockFile = {
name: '<?= basename($file) ?>',
size: <?= filesize($file) ?>
var fileUrl = '<?= base_url() . str_replace('\\', '/', preg_replace('~^'. preg_quote(FCPATH) .'~', '', $file)) ?>';
var callback = null;
var crossOrigin = null;
var resizeThumbnail = true;
that.displayExistingFile(mockFile, fileUrl, callback, crossOrigin, resizeThumbnail);
that.emit("success", mockFile);
that.emit('complete', mockFile);
<?php } ?>
that.options.maxFiles = that.options.maxFiles - <?= count($userUploads) ?>;
<?php } ?>

On Dropzone 5.7.0 there is a "displayExistingFile" function. I called it on init section, works fine.
* Called when dropzone initialized
* You can add event listeners here
init: function init() {
var mockFile = { name: "Filename 1.pdf", size: 12345678 };
this.displayExistingFile(mockFile, "../../assets/site/wp-content/uploads/cropped-ic_credifisco-1-192x192.png");


Nativescript imagepicker .getImage() is not a function error

I have been trying to implement the answer to this question but keep getting the error "selected.getImage is not a function".
I have tried multiple different code examples at this point and I'm stumped. It seems like this is a type error, but I'm not sure where I can correct this.
I am looking to select a single image and return the path to that image in order to upload to the server. I don't need to display it on the device, though that is an option I suppose. Seems easy enough, but apparently I'm missing something.
I'm using v. 6.0.1 or the imagepicker plugin. I'd quote the code, but at this point I am using the exact example provided by Shiva Prasad in the above question.
Adding code per Max Vollmer:
var context = imagepickerModule.create({
mode: "single" // allow choosing single image
.then(function () {
return context.present();
.then(function (selection) {
console.log("Selection done:");
setTimeout(() => {
selection.forEach(function (selected) {
selected.getImage().then((source) => {
console.log(selected.fileUri); // this is the uri you need
}, 1000);
}).catch(function (e) {
I was facing the exact same error yesterday.
I use the fromAsset function directly on the "selected" because apparently with the new version of this plugin, "selected" is an Asset. So you got an imageSource and you can use the "saveToFile" function that will copy the Asset into a new location (get this location using fileSystemModule from TNS). Use the path of this new location for your UI, and the image will appear. You can also create a file object from this location fileSystemModule.File.fromPath(path);, I use for upload.
.then(function () {
return context.present();
.then(function (selection) {
selection.forEach(function (selected) {
let file;
if (selected._android) {
file = fileSystemModule.File.fromPath(selected._android);
imageSourceModule.fromAsset(selected).then((imageSource) => {
const folder = fileSystemModule.knownFolders.documents().path;
const fileName = "Photo.png";
const path = fileSystemModule.path.join(folder, fileName);
const saved = imageSource.saveToFile(path, "png");
if (saved) {
console.log("Image saved successfully!");
file = fileSystemModule.File.fromPath(path);
console.log("Error! - image couldnt save.");
}).catch(function (e) {
// process error
The uncommented snippet (//viewModel.uploadFile(file);), viewModel reference (will be different on your app) and the function: uploadFile for example is where you would pass the file to upload it or set it to the image.src etc
Make sure to declare imageSourceModule at the top.
const imageSourceModule = require("tns-core-modules/image-source");

Displaying uploaded files from server in dropzone js

I am using the dropzone js plugin to upload files to a php server. It is working great. I am facilitating the user to update the uploaded files. So once the user clicks on update button, the dropzone appears, and I am able to display the uploaded files in it through a JQuery-AJAX call. But my problem is that though the files are displayed in the thumbnail format, the number of files in the dropzone counts to zero. I feel that the accept function is not being triggered.But if a new file is added to the displaying list the file count is 1 though there are files already existing in it.
I am using the following code to display the files in dropzone:
var mockFile = { name: "Filename", size: 12345 };, mockFile);, mockFile, "/image/url");
Can anyone help me solve this?
I think you need to push the mockFile in the dropZone manually like this
myDropzone.emit("addedfile", mockFile);
myDropzone.emit("complete", mockFile);
It's work for me... if you need more code just ask!
Mock file is not uploaded as explained here
If you want to submit the form use myDropzone.uploadFiles([]); in init()
$('input[type="submit"]').on("click", function (e) {
var form = $(this).closest('#dropzone-form');
if (form.valid() == true) { //trigger ASP.NET MVC validation
if (myDropzone.getQueuedFiles().length > 0) {
} else {
example for U!
jQuery(function($) {
url : "pic_upload.jsp?id=<%=request.getParameter("id")%>",
addRemoveLinks : true,
dictRemoveLinks : "x",
dictCancelUpload : "x",
maxFiles : 5,
maxFilesize : 5,
acceptedFiles: "image/*",
init : function() {
this.on("success", function(file) {
this.on("removedfile", function(file) {
alert("File " + + "removed");
url:'pic_delete.jsp?id=' ,
for(PlaceImg img:list){%>
//add already store files on server
var mockFile = { name: "<%=img.getId()%>", size: <%=img.getFilesize()%> };
// Call the default addedfile event handler
this.emit("addedfile", mockFile);
// And optionally show the thumbnail of the file:
this.emit("thumbnail", mockFile, "<%=img.getImgUrl()%>");

FineUploader uploads the same file multiple times at the same time

Say I want to upload several files at once, which is something I can do when setting the multiple option to true:
var myUploader = new qq.FineUploader({
element: $('#test')[0],
multiple: true,
request: { endpoint: 'path/to/master/server/php/' },
autoUpload: false,
Now, let's say I have a button that will allow me to select the files I want to upload. If I click said button and select, say, test.txt file, test.txt will be added to the list of files that will be uploaded. So far so good. Now, my problem is that, if I click the button again, and select test.txt file again, it will be added to the list even though it's already in the list.
Is there any way to prevent FineUploader from letting me do this?
Thanks in advance
I'd be careful declaring a file a duplicate simply based on the name. You should also take size into account, at least. Although, this is not possible in IE9 and older since we can't determine file size client-side in those browsers. Just for the purposes of simplicity, let's use the file name exclusively...
One way is to maintain an array of file names submitted to the uploader. You can add to this list in your an onSubmitted handler. The, you can contribute an onValidate handler that will reject the file if it already exists in the array. Your code would look something like this:
var filenames = [];
var myUploader = new qq.FineUploader({
element: $('#test')[0],
multiple: true,
request: { endpoint: 'path/to/master/server/php/' },
autoUpload: false,
callbacks: {
onSubmitted: function(id, name) {
onValidate: function(fileData) {
return qq.indexOf(filenames, < 0;
Also, just for kicks, why not just use Fine Uploader's jQuery plug-in, since you seems to already be using jQuery in your project? The above example is rewritten using the jQuery plug-in below:
var filenames = [];
multiple: true,
request: { endpoint: 'path/to/master/server/php/' },
autoUpload: false
.on("submitted", function(event, id, name) {
.on("validate", function(event, fileData) {
return $.inArray(, filenames) < 0;

"sessionstore-state-read" observer not working

Im currently making a firefox extension that will let you choose what tabs you want to reopen after startup, instead of opening everything (it opens about:sessionrestore page). My JS code looks like this:
Edit: code updated with working version
component {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} components/myextension.js
contract;1 {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
category profile-after-change MyExtension;1
const CI = Components.interfaces, CC = Components.classes, CR = Components.results;
// class declaration
function MyExtension () {}
MyExtension.prototype = {
classDescription: "My Firefox Extension",
classID: Components.ID("{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}"),
contractID: ";1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([CI.nsIObserver]),
// add to category manager
_xpcom_categories: [{
category: "profile-after-change"
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
var obs = CC[";1"].getService(CI.nsIObserverService);
switch (aTopic)
case "profile-after-change":
obs.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-state-read", false);
case "sessionstore-state-read":
let newData = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{
url: "about:sessionrestore",
formdata: { "#sessionData": }
}] }] }] }; = JSON.stringify(newData);
throw Components.Exception("Unknown topic: " + aTopic);
if (XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory)
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([EmbarrassedObserver]);
var NSGetModule = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetModule([EmbarrassedObserver]);
It works fine with sessionstore-state-write (commented lines), but i want to do it with the sessionstore-state-read event, cuz i dont want to edit what it writes to the disk. The problem is, when i change to the read event, my observer stops working. My guess is i register the observer too late (after the session is read), so i tried to register it as soon as possible (when the extension is first loaded, insted of window load event), but it still wont work. Any idea how to get it working?
You need to write your extension as an XPCOM component that listens to the profile-after-change notification (the first notification that extensions are allowed to listen to). Then your component will be able to listen to the sessionstore-state-read notification.

Ajax Upload using valums ajax upload plugin inside a form

i just came across this ajax upload plugin and i wish to use it inside a form as shown in the demo page example 3. For some reason i am not able to make it work. I am not sure what parameters come into the function. For example here is my sample code.
var upload = new AjaxUpload('property_i',
action: 'submitproperty.php',
autoSubmit: false,
onSubmit : function(file , extension){
return false;
var upload_data = upload.setData({
Now the ID used in the AjaxUpload function should be ID of the or of the Entire form. Also how do i use setData method. Any suggestions or links will be very helpful. Thanks
I got it to work with the following code:
new AjaxUpload('#uploader_button', {
action: 'filename.ashx',
autoSubmit: true,
onSubmit: function(file, ext) {
// --- stuff here
// --- add postdata parameters
this.setData({ id: 1, title: docTitle.val() });
onComplete: function(file, response) {
// --- stuff here too
it doesn't utilize the var but instead adds the custom data params in the onSubmit block. The only other difference is that I haven't wrapped the parameter key in quotes as it seems to serialize correctly. And I'm not using autoSubmit: false , but instead it's true...
The only way I could get this to work with autoSubmit: false is to add this outside any function:
var uploader;
var uploadFile;
then in the AjaxUpload(...
onChange: function(file, response){
uploader = this;
uploadFile = file;
then in the function to do the upload:
uploader.setData({session: session});
Hope this helps
I'm using uploadify and very useful.
