http works fine in mobile browser, but https totally lags in mobile browser - https

Im doing a web based mobile application. uses tomcat as well. when i edit the tomcat to use https for my front end application basically all the jsp and servlets, it totally lags in mobile browser suchs as android. In iphone safari, it is worse, server connection error.
f.y.i, http works fine and fast.
Does anyone has any experience in this? does the certificate plays a part in the lagging?

Try to use online tools to make sure nothing is wrong with your certificate. example DigiCert.
Also check in your browser if there is a problem with the certificate (Chrome makes easy to check this, click on the secure icon at the left of the URL).
If all I said above is file I think the problem is from your HTTP server configuration.
Are you using port 443 and did you change default values?


Proxyman seems to be blocking instagram generally

Proxyman (amazing app BTW) seems to be blocking Instagram login and feed refresh from iOS. Is there a work around for this?
Other domains are proxying just fine. If I turn of the proxy mapping on iOS Instagram works as expected.
You're unable to capture HTTPS traffic from Instagram/Facebook/... because they are using SSL Pinning. It prevents MitM apps to intercept unless you have their pinned certificate or jailbreak devices.

NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI on Firefox only on localhost

I'm trying to switch to Firefox for development but I'm stuck at this error and I have no idea what it could be.
The problem is specifically with our Login endpoint, which sets HttpOnly cookies on successful login. In development this works on both Safari and Chrome, but trying to login on Firefox returns a NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI error.
In development, web is running at http://localhost:3000, the API is on https://localhost:5001.
I assume Firefox is blocking the login because the api and the web are technically on different origins, but I don't understand why it would be doing that for localhost.
Is there a way to disable this error entirely?

Chrome cant POST to https, but GET using a self signed SSL-cert?

We have a site in a S3 bucket configured to serve static HTML. The HTML app is an AngularJS app. The AngularJS app requests its data with ajax through HTTPS with a self signed certificate to our backend API. All the GET requests work fine, but when we POST,PUT or DELETE in chrome the ajax requests get canceled.
All types of requests works in Firefox.
Our solution has been to disable HTTPS but that does not seem like a long term solution. Bought certificates is not an option for us.
We have noticed that the requests works in some versions of chrome. Is this something normal in chrome? Is there any way to avoid this?
Thanks for any kind of answer that might help us!
Yes Tyler! You are right! Chromes very much dislikes certificates that is not signed by a trusted authority.

SSL seems to be not installed properly

I have a certificate for a domain So, every request in my application (MVC 3) is being redirected to the But the problem is, I can see the padlock icon in the Firefox browser
but one second later it disappears and I see that there is no certificate ?
I have no clue what's going on, can somebody enlighten me ? The application is being hosted on Windows Server 2008 R2.
The "...which is run by (unknown)" message is just a message telling you that the certificate only verifies the web site name, not the owner. The message is not very clear and has been reported as a bug to Mozilla.
The "Your connection to this site is only partially encrypted" message means that you're fetching at least some HTTP data as a part of your HTTPS page (check your font/image/media links on the page) and the data fetched via HTTP is not secure. A secure page should only link to HTTPS content, or someone listening to the connection may be able to the insecure communication and figure out what is done over the secure link. For example, if your cookies are not set as secure, they'll be sent over clear text too when fetching data from your site.
All in all, the SSL cert seems to be installed ok, but your page needs some updates to only link to secure content.

Ajax https request issue

When I am calling a REST service through AJAX, its working fine. I am calling it with the URL staring with HTTP e.g.: Its works really great.
But when I am calling a same URL but with HTTPs e.g.:,
I am not getting any response from server.
Its not working for GET or POST both.
Its not working in Mac firefox, actually I am developing an application for iPhone using phonegap framework.
Its also not working in iPhone simulator's mobile safari.
Can anyone here know what problem is this? And how to solve this?
The requesting domain must match the requested domain down to the protocol, according to the Same Origin Policy
It could probably be because of same origin policy. read
