Replace with uppercase characters with gsub - ruby

I have nubmers of simple strings 'som', 'man', 'pal', etc
How do i make vowel character upcase!, having vowel regex or array to have output like 'sOm', 'pAl', 'mAn' ?

"som".gsub(/[aeiou]/, &:upcase)
# => "sOm"
"som".tr("aeiou", "AEIOU")
# => "sOm"


Ruby regex to extract match_group value?

I have two questions about regex.
The match string is:
When extracting the user_email value, my regexp is:
and the match group value is:
What do I use to omit the first (space) char and the last " quote?
When extracting the token, my regex is:
and the match group value is:
What do I use to delete that last trailing comma ,?
Your regex would be,
Use \K switch to discard the previously matched characters. And use not character class to match any character not of " zero or more times.
Your regex would be,
[^,]* it would match any character not of , zero or more times.
If your string has embedded double-quotes:
str[/^"(.+),/, 1] # => "FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA"
str[/^"(.+?),/, 1] # => "FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA"
str[/^"([^,]+),/, 1] # => "FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA"
str = '"FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA,"'
str # => "\"FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA,\""
str[/(user_email=.+)"/, 1] # => ""
str[/(user_email=[^"]+)"/, 1] # => ""
str[/user_email=([^"]+)"/, 1] # => ""
match = str.match(/(?<user_email>user_email=(?<addr>.+))"/)
match # => #<MatchData "\"" user_email:"" addr:"">
match['user_email'] # => ""
match['addr'] # => ""
If it doesn't:
str = 'FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA,'
str # => "FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA,"
str[/^(.+),/, 1] # => "FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA"
str[/^(.+?),/, 1] # => "FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA"
str[/^([^,]+),/, 1] # => "FuR6UcUiduzPyenxCSzZbDXTge3f3t9ufA"
str[/(user_email=.+)/, 1] # => ""
str[/(user_email=(.+))/, 2] # => ""
str[/user_email=(.+)/, 1] # => ""
Or, having more regex fun:
match = str.match(/(?<user_email>user_email=(?<addr>.+))/)
match # => #<MatchData "" user_email:"" addr:"">
match['user_email'] # => ""
match['addr'] # => ""
Regular expressions are a very rich language, and you can write something in many ways usually. The problem then becomes maintaining the pattern as the program "matures". I recommend starting simply, and expanding the pattern as the needs dictate. Don't start complex hoping to find a working solution, because that usually doesn't work; Getting a complex pattern to work immediately often fails.

How can I upcase first occurrence of an alphabet in alphanumeric string?

Is there any easy way to convert strings like 3500goat to 3500Goat and goat350rat to Goat350rat?
I am trying to convert the first occurrence of alphabet in an alphanumeric string to uppercase. I was trying the code below using the method sub, but no luck.
stringtomigrate = 3500goat
stringtomigrate.sub!(/\D{0,1}/) do |w|
This should work:
string.sub(/[a-zA-Z]/) { |s| s.upcase }
or a shorthand:
string.sub(/[a-zA-Z]/, &:upcase)
'3500goat'.sub(/[a-zA-Z]/, &:upcase)
# => "3500Goat"
'goat350rat'.sub(/[a-zA-Z]/, &:upcase)
# => "Goat350rat"
Try this
1.9.3-p545 :060 > require 'active_support/core_ext'
=> true
1.9.3-p545 :099 > "goat350rat to Goat350rat".sub(/[a-zA-Z]/){ |x| x.titleize}
=> "Goat350rat to Goat350rat"

Why does sub replace only one character with a regex?

I would like to strip all non-digit characters from a string.
/\D/ is a non-digit character ([^0-9]):
irb(main):010:0> s = "(123) 456-7890"
=> "(123) 456-7890"
irb(main):011:0> s.sub( /\D*/, '' )
=> "123) 456-7890"
Do as below using String#tr or String#gsub:
s.gsub(/[[:punct:]]|[[:space:]]/ ,'')
# => "1234567890"'^0-9','') # even more faster
# => "1234567890"
sub replaces once. gsub replaces all.
Use gsub instead:
s.gsub( /\D/, '' )

Regex: match word breaks that are not "="

How does one match all \b that are not "="?
"igloo".match(...) # => `igloo`
"igloo=".match(...) # => `nil`
First, \b doesn't match '='; it matches on the boundary between '=' and something else. To match only when the other side of the boundary is not '=', use a negative lookahead:
rx = /igloo\b(?!=)/
"igloo".match(rx) => #<MatchData "igloo">
"igloo=".match(rx) => nil
That says "match a \b boundary, but only when not followed by '='".

Ruby multiple string replacement

str = "Hello☺ World☹"
Expected output is:
"Hello:) World:("
I can do this: str.gsub("☺", ":)").gsub("☹", ":(")
Is there any other way so that I can do this in a single function call?. Something like:
str.gsub(['s1', 's2'], ['r1', 'r2'])
Since Ruby 1.9.2, String#gsub accepts hash as a second parameter for replacement with matched keys. You can use a regular expression to match the substring that needs to be replaced and pass hash for values to be replaced.
Like this:
'hello'.gsub(/[eo]/, 'e' => 3, 'o' => '*') #=> "h3ll*"
'(0) 123-123.123'.gsub(/[()-,. ]/, '') #=> "0123123123"
In Ruby 1.8.7, you would achieve the same with a block:
dict = { 'e' => 3, 'o' => '*' }
'hello'.gsub /[eo]/ do |match|
end #=> "h3ll*"
Set up a mapping table:
map = {'☺' => ':)', '☹' => ':(' }
Then build a regex:
re = { |x| Regexp.escape(x) }.join('|'))
And finally, gsub:
s = str.gsub(re, map)
If you're stuck in 1.8 land, then:
s = str.gsub(re) { |m| map[m] }
You need the Regexp.escape in there in case anything you want to replace has a special meaning within a regex. Or, thanks to steenslag, you could use:
re = Regexp.union(map.keys)
and the quoting will be take care of for you.
You could do something like this:
replacements = [ ["☺", ":)"], ["☹", ":("] ]
replacements.each {|replacement| str.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
There may be a more efficient solution, but this at least makes the code a bit cleaner
Late to the party but if you wanted to replace certain chars with one, you could use a regex
string_to_replace.gsub(/_|,| /, '-')
In this example, gsub is replacing underscores(_), commas (,) or ( ) with a dash (-)
Another simple way, and yet easy to read is the following:
str = '12 ene 2013'
map = {'ene' => 'jan', 'abr'=>'apr', 'dic'=>'dec'}
map.each {|k,v| str.sub!(k,v)}
puts str # '12 jan 2013'
You can also use tr to replace multiple characters in a string at once,
Eg., replace "h" to "m" and "l" to "t"
"hello".tr("hl", "mt")
=> "metto"
looks simple, neat and faster (not much difference though) than gsub
puts Benchmark.measure {"hello".tr("hl", "mt") }
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000007)
puts Benchmark.measure{"hello".gsub(/[hl]/, 'h' => 'm', 'l' => 't') }
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000021)
Riffing on naren's answer above, I'd go with
tr = {'a' => '1', 'b' => '2', 'z' => '26'}
mystring.gsub(/[#{tr.keys}]/, tr)
'zebraazzeebra'.gsub(/[#{tr.keys}]/, tr) returns
