Understanding of WMI process killing script - vbscript

I found this script on your site. I am still very new to VB, I would like to see if someone could explain this script to me. I need to know where to enter the process and what this is doing.
Sub KillProc( myProcess )
'Authors: Denis St-Pierre and Rob van der Woude
'Purpose: Kills a process and waits until it is truly dead
Dim blnRunning, colProcesses, objProcess
blnRunning = False
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process", , 48 )
For Each objProcess in colProcesses
If LCase( myProcess ) = LCase( objProcess.Name ) Then
' Confirm that the process was actually running
blnRunning = True
' Get exact case for the actual process name
myProcess = objProcess.Name
' Kill all instances of the process
End If
If blnRunning Then
' Wait and make sure the process is terminated.
' Routine written by Denis St-Pierre.
Do Until Not blnRunning
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process Where Name = '" _
& myProcess & "'" )
WScript.Sleep 100 'Wait for 100 MilliSeconds
If colProcesses.Count = 0 Then 'If no more processes are running, exit loop
blnRunning = False
End If
' Display a message
WScript.Echo myProcess & " was terminated"
WScript.Echo "Process """ & myProcess & """ not found"
End If
End Sub


Can anyone help me close this program in VBScript?

MsgBox ("Do you want to start the autoclicker?", vbOkOnly, "Autoclicker")
MsgBox ("Do you want to stop the autoclicker?", vbOkOnly, "Autoclicker")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")
For Each objItem in colItems
'msgbox objItem.ProcessID & " " & objItem.CommandLine
If objItem.name = "Calculator.exe" then objItem.terminate
This kills calculator.exe. Change it to wscript.exe. You might want to check command line if you just want to kill fun.vbs.
The following routine kills all processes whose command lines contain a specified string. The 3 lines below the routine are for testing it. We pause the routine by showing a message box and when you dismiss the message box, we kill the script instance, so the second message box doesn't show up. When you use it, you want to replace the last 3 lines with
KillProcesses "Fun.vbs"
I'd be careful using this and specify as much of the command line as possible to make sure I absolutely, positively match only the processes I want to terminate. You can modify the Task Manager and add a column to show the command line for every running process. In the routine below, the search in command line is case-insensitive.
Option Explicit
Sub KillProcesses(strPartOfCommandLine)
Dim colProcesses
Dim objProcess
Dim lReturn
' Get list of running processes using WMI
Set colProcesses = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")
For Each objProcess in colProcesses
If (Instr(1, objProcess.Commandline, strPartOfCommandLine, vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then
lReturn = objProcess.Terminate(0)
End If
End Sub
Msgbox "Before being killed"
KillProcesses "KillProcesses.vbs"
Msgbox "After being killed"
I made before a script that ask you what vbscript did you want to kill and log the result into file.
So just, give a try :
Option Explicit
Dim Titre,Copyright,fso,ws,NomFichierLog,temp,PathNomFichierLog,OutPut,Count,strComputer
Copyright = "[© Hackoo © 2014 ]"
Titre = " Process "& DblQuote("Wscript.exe") &" running "
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = CreateObject( "Wscript.Shell" )
temp = ws.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")
PathNomFichierLog = temp & "\" & NomFichierLog
Set OutPut = fso.CreateTextFile(temp & "\" & NomFichierLog,1)
Count = 0
strComputer = "."
Call Find("wscript.exe")
Call Explorer(PathNomFichierLog)
Function Explorer(File)
Dim ws
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
ws.run "Explorer "& File & "\",1,True
end Function
Sub Find(MyProcess)
Dim colItems,objItem,Processus,Question
Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process " _
& "Where Name like '%"& MyProcess &"%' AND NOT commandline like '%" & wsh.scriptname & "%'",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
Count= Count + 1
Processus = Mid(objItem.CommandLine,InStr(objItem.CommandLine,""" """) + 2) 'Extraction of the commandline script path
Processus = Replace(Processus,chr(34),"")
Question = MsgBox ("Did you want to stop this script : "& DblQuote(Processus) &" ?" ,VBYesNO+VbQuestion,Titre+Copyright)
If Question = VbYes then
objItem.Terminate(0)'Kill this process
OutPut.WriteLine DblQuote(Processus)
Count= Count - 1 'decrement the counter -1
End if
OutPut.WriteLine String(100,"*")
OutPut.WriteLine count & Titre & " were stopped !"
End Sub
Function DblQuote(Str)
DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function

Replace only if at the beginning of the string

I am creating a script that opens specify a key in regedit, the problem is I need remoear abbreviations (since not that LastKey key does not support) and it can happen to interfere with the key in the correct location.
As it should be:
As it is currently:
Note: There is a key that has least one letter, so should work with it as well "HKU\" (HKEY_USERS)
My code:
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim sKey, bFound
Sub Main()
NameScript = "Jump to Key"
MsgScript1 = "Type the Registry path."
MsgScript2 = "Not found."
sKey = Inputbox(MsgScript1,NameScript,sKey)
If sKey = "" Then WScript.quit()
sKey = sKey & "\"
sKey = Replace(sKey, "\\", "\", 1, -1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKCR\", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\", 1, -1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKCU\", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\", 1, -1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKLM\", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\", 1, -1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKU\", "HKEY_USERS\", 1, -1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKCC\", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\", 1, -1, 1)
with CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
on error resume next ' turn off error trapping
sValue = .regread(sKey) ' read attempt
bFound = (err.number = 0) ' test for success
on error goto 0 ' restore error trapping
end with
if not bFound then
Msgbox MsgScript2,vbInformation,NameScript
Call Main
KillProc "Regedit.exe"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit\Lastkey",sKey,"REG_SZ"
WshShell.Run "Regedit.exe", 1,True
Call Main
End if
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Sub
On Error Resume Next
IF Err.Number Then
WScript.Quit 4711
End if
Sub KillProc( myProcess )
'Purpose: Kills a process and waits until it is truly dead
Dim blnRunning, colProcesses, objProcess
blnRunning = False
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process", , 48 )
For Each objProcess in colProcesses
If LCase( myProcess ) = LCase( objProcess.Name ) Then
' Confirm that the process was actually running
blnRunning = True
' Get exact case for the actual process name
myProcess = objProcess.Name
' Kill all instances of the process
End If
If blnRunning Then
' Wait and make sure the process is terminated.
' Routine written by Denis St-Pierre.
Do Until Not blnRunning
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process Where Name = '" _
& myProcess & "'" )
WScript.Sleep 100 'Wait for 100 MilliSeconds
If colProcesses.Count = 0 Then 'If no more processes are running, exit loop
blnRunning = False
End If
End If
End Sub
The issue is the fifth parameter of Replace. That tells the function how many instances of the text you're searching for should be replaced. -1 means ALL. So if the registry path contains "HKLM\" 5 times and you say Replace(path,"HKLM\", "blah", 1, -1, 1), that will replace ALL five instances of "HKLM\" in path with "blah".
So your fifth parameter should be the number of occurrences found that you want replaced. If you only want to replace the first one, it should be 1 - e.g. Replace(path, "HKLM\", "blah", 1, 1, 1).
Below is the final result of my script:
If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("elevated") = False Then
CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute "wscript.exe", """" & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ /elevated", "", "runas", 1
End If
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim BoxKey, sKey, bFound
Sub Main()
NameScript = "Jump to Key"
MsgScript1 = "Type the Registry path."
MsgScript2 = "Not found."
BoxKey = Inputbox(MsgScript1,NameScript,BoxKey)
If BoxKey = "" Then WScript.quit()
sKey = BoxKey & "\"
sKey = Replace(sKey, "\\", "\", 1, -1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKCR\", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\", 1, 1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKCU\", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\", 1, 1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKLM\", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\", 1, 1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKU\", "HKEY_USERS\", 1, 1, 1)
sKey = Replace(sKey, "HKCC\", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\", 1, 1, 1)
with CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
on error resume next ' turn off error trapping
sValue = .regread(sKey) ' read attempt
bFound = (err.number = 0) ' test for success
on error goto 0 ' restore error trapping
end with
if not bFound then
Msgbox MsgScript2,vbInformation,NameScript
Call Main
KillProc "Regedit.exe"
sKey = Left(sKey, (LEN(sKey) -1))
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit\Lastkey",sKey,"REG_SZ"
WshShell.Run "Regedit.exe", 1,True
Call Main
End if
Set WshShell = Nothing
End Sub
On Error Resume Next
IF Err.Number Then
WScript.Quit 4711
End if
Sub KillProc( myProcess )
'Purpose: Kills a process and waits until it is truly dead
Dim blnRunning, colProcesses, objProcess
blnRunning = False
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process", , 48 )
For Each objProcess in colProcesses
If LCase( myProcess ) = LCase( objProcess.Name ) Then
' Confirm that the process was actually running
blnRunning = True
' Get exact case for the actual process name
myProcess = objProcess.Name
' Kill all instances of the process
End If
If blnRunning Then
' Wait and make sure the process is terminated.
' Routine written by Denis St-Pierre.
Do Until Not blnRunning
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process Where Name = '" _
& myProcess & "'" )
WScript.Sleep 100 'Wait for 100 MilliSeconds
If colProcesses.Count = 0 Then 'If no more processes are running, exit loop
blnRunning = False
End If
End If
End Sub

Need to monitor a process

I am writing a vb script to monitor a process. The script monitors the status of a process and if the process is not running since 10 mins it should execute a command.Below is my script:
set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:")
foundProc = False
procName = "calc.exe"
Dim wshell
' Initialise the shell object to return the value to the monitor
Set wshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
if err.number <> 0 then
WScript.Echo "Error: could not create WScript.Shell (error " & err.number & ", " & err.Description & ")"
end if
for each Process in objWMIService.InstancesOf ("Win32_Process")
If StrComp(Process.Name,procName,vbTextCompare) = 0 then
foundProc = True
procID = Process.ProcessId
End If
#####code to check the proces status
If foundProc = True Then
If foundProc = True Then
WScript.Echo "Found Process (" & procID & ")"
WScript.Echo "Process not running since 10 mins"
End If
End If
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
Set objEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_ProcessTrace")
Set objReceivedEvent = objEvents.NextEvent
If objReceivedEvent.ProcessName = "svchost.exe" then msgbox objReceivedEvent.ProcessName
' msgbox objReceivedEvent.ProcessName
You also have Win32_ProcessTraceStart and Win32_ProcessTraceStop. Above code is both.
It is also pointless doing error checking on WScript.Shell. It's a system component - it should be available. Also if it's not your script won't run as wscript isn't available to run your script.

Find my own process ID in VBScript

I'm using the following code snippet to determine what process ID my vbscript is running as:
On Error Resume Next
Dim iMyPID : iMyPID = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2").Get("Win32_Process.Handle='" & CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("mshta.exe").ProcessID & "'").ParentProcessId
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call Handle_Error(Err.Description)
On Error Goto 0
On my Windows 7 (32-bit) machine this works about 90% of the time and iMyPID contains the process ID of the currently running script. However 10% of the time Handle_Error gets called with the error message "SWbemServicesEX: Not found".
Recently someone else running Windows 7 (64-bit) reported that Handle_Error always gets called with the error message "Out of memory". This seems an insane error message just to find out your own process ID!
Can anyone recommend a better way of doing this?
mshta terminates itself immediately. Maybe it's too late to achieve parent process id by using WMI service.
So, I'd use something like this to eliminate concurrent script processes.
Generate random things.
Determine an application which could be installed on each system, never terminates by itself (e.g. command prompt with /k parameter).
Start the application in hidden mode with generated random argument (WshShell.Run).
Wait a few milliseconds
Query the running processes by using command line argument value.
Get the ParentProcessId property.
Function CurrProcessId
Dim oShell, sCmd, oWMI, oChldPrcs, oCols, lOut
lOut = 0
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oWMI = GetObject(_
sCmd = "/K " & Left(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, 38)
oShell.Run "%comspec% " & sCmd, 0
WScript.Sleep 100 'For healthier skin, get some sleep
Set oChldPrcs = oWMI.ExecQuery(_
"Select * From Win32_Process Where CommandLine Like '%" & sCmd & "'",,32)
For Each oCols In oChldPrcs
lOut = oCols.ParentProcessId 'get parent
oCols.Terminate 'process terminated
Exit For
CurrProcessId = lOut
End Function
Dim ProcessId
ProcessId = CurrProcessId 'will remain valid indefinitely
WScript.Echo ProcessId
Here's an even better code snippet:
' ***********************************************************************************************************
' lng_MyProcessID finds and returns my own process ID. This is excruciatingly difficult in VBScript. The
' method used here forks "cmd /c pause" with .Exec, and then uses the returned .Exec object's .ProcessID
' attribute to feed into WMI to get that process's Win32_Process descriptor object, and then uses THAT
' WMI Win32_Process descriptor object's .ParentProcessId attribute, which will be OUR Process ID, and finally
' we terminate the waiting cmd process. Execing cmd is what causes the brief cmd window to flash at start up,
' and I can' figure out out how to hide that window.
' returns: My own Process ID as a long int; zero if we can't get it.
' ************************************************************************************************************
Function lng_MyProcessID ()
lng_MyProcessID = 0 ' Initially assume failure
If objWMIService Is Nothing Then Exit Function ' Should only happen if in Guest or other super-limited account
Set objChildProcess = objWshShell.Exec ( """%ComSpec%"" /C pause" ) ' Fork a child process that just waits until its killed
Set colPIDs= objWMIService.ExecQuery ( "Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessId=" & objChildProcess.ProcessID,, 0 )
For Each objPID In colPIDs ' There's exactly 1 item, but .ItemIndex(0) doesn't work in XP
lng_MyProcessID = objPID.ParentProcessId ' Return child's parent Process ID, which is MY process ID!
Call objChildProcess.Terminate() ' Terminate our temp child
End Function ' lng_MyProcessID
I like Kul-Tigin's idea (+1), and Asok Smith's idea (based on .Exec) deserve respect (+1), and it w'd been even better if .Exec run hidden process. So, to feed my curiosity, I also toyed with this and this's what I did.
ts1 = Timer : res1 = CurrProcessId : te1 = Timer - ts1
ts2 = Timer : res2 = ThisProcessId : te2 = Timer - ts2
WScript.Echo "CurrProcessId", res1, FormatNumber(te1, 6), _
vbCrLf & "ThisProcessId", res2, FormatNumber(te2, 6), _
vbCrLf & "CurrProcessId / ThisProcessId = " & te1 / te2
'> CurrProcessId 6946 0,437500
'> ThisProcessId 6946 0,015625
'> CurrProcessId / ThisProcessId = 28
Function ThisProcessId
ThisProcessId = 0
Dim sTFile, oPrc
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sTFile = .BuildPath(.GetSpecialFolder(2), "sleep.vbs")
With .OpenTextFile(sTFile, 2, True)
.Write "WScript.Sleep 1000"
End With
End With
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("WScript " & sTFile)
For Each oPrc In GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery(_
"Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessId=" & .ProcessID)
Exit For : Next
ThisProcessId = oPrc.ParentProcessId
End With
End Function
28 times faster(!), not bad :)
You may use Sleep from kernel32 instead of mshta.
MsgBox GetProcId()
Function GetProcId()
With GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2:Win32_Process.Handle='" & CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("rundll32 kernel32,Sleep").ProcessId & "'")
GetProcId = .ParentProcessId
End With
End Function
Code taken from here.
Also there is parent process name detection based on this approach.
Here is a better one, but in JScript (sorry, you translate it to VB ...)
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\cimv2");
var childProcess =
'"' + WshShell.Environment('PROCESS')('ComSpec') + '"'
" /C Echo \"Text lines\" && Set /p VarName="
var current_pid =
"Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessId=" + childProcess.ProcessID
current_pid = (new Enumerator(current_pid)).item().ParentProcessId;
if (current_pid)
childProcess.StdIn.WriteLine("value"); // child process should now exit
WScript.Echo("Current PID: " + current_pid);
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Get current PID from WMI failed.");
I just found this thread that partly solved my problem.
Thank you all.
"the code is unable to determine which process ID belongs to which script" : true, but as this is the first task that your script must achieve , you can keep the Pid that has the shortest lifetime.
Set com = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objSWbemServices = GetObject ("WinMgmts:Root\Cimv2")
Set colProcess = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Process")
dim toto, thisPid
toto=200 ' just a high value like 200sec
For Each objProcess In colProcess
If InStr (objProcess.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName) <> 0 Then
if toto > Ptime then
toto = Ptime
thisPid = objProcess.ProcessId
End If
End If
If thisPid="" then
WScript.Echo "unable to get the PID"
WScript.Echo "PID of this script : "&thisPid
End If
Except if you fired scripts quicker more than each one can retrieve their Pid, everything must be ok.
To retrieve the own process ID of a VB Script you can rely on the property CreationDate of the Process object.
At the moment a VB Script is started, the process that runs the script will have the latest CreationDate of all processes that runs the same script.
In fact, it will have the highest CreationDate of all running processes.
So, to get the PID, first thing to do is to search for the process with the highest CreationDate.
'Searching for processes
Dim strScriptName
Dim WMI, wql
Dim objProcess
'My process
Dim datHighest
Dim lngMyProcessId
'Which script to look for ?
strScriptName = "WScript.exe"
'strScriptName = "Notepad.exe"
datHighest = Cdbl(0)
Set WMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
wql = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = '" & strScriptName & "'"
For Each objProcess In WMI.ExecQuery(wql)
'The next If is not necessary, it only restricts the search to all processes on the current VB Script
'If Instr(objProcess.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName) <> 0 Then
If objProcess.CreationDate > datHighest Then
'Take the process with the highest CreationDate so far
' e.g. 20160406121130.510941+120 i.e. 2016-04-06 12h11m:30s and fraction
datHighest = objProcess.CreationDate
lngMyProcessId = objProcess.ProcessId
End If
'End If
'Show The result
WScript.Echo "My process Id = " & lngMyProcessId
Powershell can be used to retrieve the calling VBScript process ID. This approach utilizes the optional argument of the exit command which specifies the program's exit code. And, if the optional 3rd argument of the WShell.Run method is set to True, then it will return the exit code (which is the VBScript process ID) after powershell has closed.
Dim sCmd
Dim WShell
sCmd = _
"powershell -command exit " & _
"(gwmi Win32_Process -Filter " & _
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
MsgBox WShell.Run(sCmd, 0, True)
This is not my answer, I found this in some google groups discussion forum... See if it helps you.
Set objSWbemServices = GetObject ("WinMgmts:Root\Cimv2")
Set colProcess = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Process")
For Each objProcess In colProcess
If InStr (objProcess.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName) <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo objProcess.Name, objProcess.ProcessId, objProcess.CommandLine
End If
Original Discussion Thread in Google Groups forum
Get the current processID
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Const strComputer = "."
Dim objWMIService, colProcessList
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
query="SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = 'wscript.exe' "
Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query)
For Each objProcess in colProcessList
If (InStr (objProcess.commandLine,wscript.ScriptName) <> 0 )Then
processDetails="Current ProcessId : "& objProcess.ProcessId & " \n, And Process Name:" & objProcess.name &"\n CommandLine is :"& objProcess.CommandLine
message = msgbox(processDetails,16,"Details")
End If
I used this to get a scripts own process id.
Function GetPid()
GetPid=GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2").ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where CommandLine Like '%" &Wscript.ScriptName& "%'").ItemIndex(0).ProcessId
End Function
Wscript.Echo GetPid()

Killing processes in Vbscript

I am trying to kill all instances of a process called "AetherBS.exe" but the following VBscript is not working. I am not exactly sure where/why this is failing.
So how can I kill all process of "AetherBS.exe?"
CloseAPP "AetherBS.exe"
Function CloseAPP(Appname)
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
"SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", , 48)
For Each objItem In colItems
If InStr(1,Ucase(objItem.Name),Appname) >= 1 Then
End If
End Function
Here is the function to kill the process:
Sub KillProc( myProcess )
'Authors: Denis St-Pierre and Rob van der Woude
'Purpose: Kills a process and waits until it is truly dead
Dim blnRunning, colProcesses, objProcess
blnRunning = False
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process", , 48 )
For Each objProcess in colProcesses
If LCase( myProcess ) = LCase( objProcess.Name ) Then
' Confirm that the process was actually running
blnRunning = True
' Get exact case for the actual process name
myProcess = objProcess.Name
' Kill all instances of the process
End If
If blnRunning Then
' Wait and make sure the process is terminated.
' Routine written by Denis St-Pierre.
Do Until Not blnRunning
Set colProcesses = GetObject( _
"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}" _
).ExecQuery( "Select * From Win32_Process Where Name = '" _
& myProcess & "'" )
WScript.Sleep 100 'Wait for 100 MilliSeconds
If colProcesses.Count = 0 Then 'If no more processes are running, exit loop
blnRunning = False
End If
' Display a message
WScript.Echo myProcess & " was terminated"
WScript.Echo "Process """ & myProcess & """ not found"
End If
End Sub
KillProc "AetherBS.exe"
The problem is in the following line:
If InStr(1,Ucase(objItem.Name),Appname) >= 1 Then
Here you convert the Win32_Process.Name property value to uppercase, but don't convert the Appname to uppercase. By default, InStr performs a case-sensitive search, so if the input strings are the same but differ in case, you won't get a match.
To fix the problem, you can convert Appname to uppercase as well:
If InStr(1, UCase(objItem.Name), UCase(Appname)) >= 1 Then
or you can use the vbTextCompare parameter to ignore the letter case:
If InStr(1, objItem.Name, Appname, vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then
However, there's actually no need in this check at all as you can incorporate it directly in your query:
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
"SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='" & Appname & "'", , 48)
Try out below with batch script
wmic path win32_process Where "Caption Like '%%AetherBS.exe%%'" Call Terminate
from cmd line use
wmic path win32_process Where "Caption Like '%AetherBS.exe%'" Call Terminate
