DirectX 11 Overlay - matrix

I'm writing a DirectX 11 overlay for a game. Creating textures is quite simple and I have good knowledge of C/C++.
The problem I am having is in my test window I can print the texture but as soon as I change the camera angle the texture moves with it. That is what most people want.
What I want to know is how do I print something in 2D to always appear on screen whether the camera moves or not?

Basically, since you use dx11, you use shaders to render your elements.
So standard 3d objects generally follow this guideline:
-Use 3 transforms : world (position object), view (transform in camera space), projection (transform in screen space).
In you vertex shader you multiply all that lot to convert from 3d to 2d.
Since now what you want is to display your elements in 2d (non relative to camera), you can easily create a new shader that doesn't take view/projection into account, so you just don't use those matrices in your vertex shader. (you can still use world for 2d transformation).
That's pretty much the easiest way, if you need pixel precise 2d elements, you need to create a billboard transform/shader. Basically you have your render target resolution, and standard render space is -1 -> 1, so you modify scale/translation to convert between both of those spaces.
When you render you overlay, also ensure that you disable depth completely.
If you need sample let me know I'll make one up quickly, but it should be quite simple.


Raymarching on rasterized shape

I have been wondering how I can combine two methods of rendering in a way that the rasterized on-screen shape serves as a canvas for ray-march based rendering in fragment shader.
Take these beautiful examples: or
The visible part of them can be roughly represented as sphere. Now what I'd like to do is to put say two spheres into some place in the world and run the regular rasterization pass. The rasterization will yield which pixels are occupied by the models and for those pixels I'd like to actually run the shadertoy ray-marching algorithms to get the desired look (my two spheres look like shadertoy "spheres" in the examples above).
Is this something doable?
P.S. I know rasterization and matrix/spaces transformation quite well, but I have very vague understanding of how ray-marching works. Pardon my ignorance.
This is definitely possible.
The idea is to use the same camera for ray tracing and for rasterization.
You can get the camera's position from the camera matrix in the fragment shader and you can get the camera's direction by subtracting the fragments position from the camera's position and normalizing it.
This way the rays are only cast from the camera to the visible fragments.

Non rectangular camera matrix

My project combines a projection screen with a head tracking device, where the screen should act as a window through which I could see my virtual "world". Basically, this.
Initially, I thought this would be easy: Map the camera position to the head tracking, have it point towards my window in the virtual world, adjust camera parameters to fit its frustum to the window, and voilà!
Except it doesn't work because I'm viewing the window (both real and virtual) at an angle, so the regular perspective camera doesn't do the trick: If I understand correctly, that camera 'input' is always rectangular, but I need to 'fit' it in a trapezoïd instead.
I think I should be able to achieve that by making my own projection matrix, but I'm a bit lost on how to do that: I have played a bit with basic matrix transforms (translate, scale, rotate), but I have zero experience with more complex stuff (ie perspective).
My best guess for now is trying to deduce the projection matrix from known transformed points (the corners of my window => the corners of the screen) but I feel like it's going to be quite expensive to do that each frame, and that doesn't account for the perspective inside the "window".
thanks for any help!

Using three.js, how would you project a globe world to a map on the screen?

I am curious about the limits of three.js. The following question is asked mainly as a challenge, not because I actually need the specific knowledge/code right away.
Say you have a game/simulation world model around a sphere geometry representing a planet, like the worlds of the game Populous. The resolution of polygons and textures is sufficient to look smooth when the globe fills the view of an ordinary camera. There are animated macroscopic objects on the surface.
The challenge is to project everything from the model to a global map projection on the screen in real time. The choice of projection is yours, but it must be seamless/continuous, and it must be possible for the user to rotate it, placing any point on the planet surface in the center of the screen. (It is not an option to maintain an alternative model of the world only for visualization.)
There are no limits on the number of cameras etc. allowed, but the performance must be expected to be "realtime", say two-figured FPS or more.
I don't expect ayn proof in the form of a running application (although that would be cool), but some explanation as to how it could be done.
My own initial idea is to place a lot of cameras, in fact one for every pixel in the map projection, around the globe, within a Group object that is attached to some kind of orbit controls (with rotation only), but I expect the number of object culling operations to become a huge performance issue. I am sure there must exist more elegant (and faster) solutions. :-)
why not just use a spherical camera-model (think a 360° camera) and virtually put it in the center of the sphere? So this camera would (if it were physically possible) be wrapped all around the sphere, looking toward the center from all directions.
This camera could be implemented in shaders (instead of the regular projection-matrix) and would produce an equirectangular image of the planet-surface (or in fact any other projection you want, like spherical mercator-projection).
As far as I can tell the vertex-shader can implement any projection you want and it doesn't need to represent a camera that is physically possible. It just needs to produce consistent clip-space coordinates for all vertices. Fragment-Shaders for lighting would still need to operate on the original coordinates, normals etc. but that should be achievable. So the vertex-shader would just need compute (x,y,z) => (phi,theta,r) and go on with that.
Occlusion-culling would need to be disabled, but iirc three.js doesn't do that anyway.

how do I get a projection matrix I can use for a pointlight shadow map?

I'm currently working on a project that uses shadowtextures to render shadows.
It was pretty easy for spotlights, since only 1 texture in the direction of the spotlight is needed, but its a little more difficult since it needs either 6 textures in all directions or 1 texture that somehow renders all the obects around the pointlight.
And thats where my problem is. How can I generate a Projection matrix that somehow renders all the object in a 360 angle around the pointlight?
Basicly how do create a fisheye (or any other 360 degree camera) vertex shader?
How can I generate a Projection matrix that somehow renders all the object in a 360 angle around the pointlight?
You can't. A 4x4 projection matrix in homogenous space cannot represent any operation which would result in bending the edges of polygons. A straight line stays a straight line.
Basicly how do create a fisheye (or any other 360 degree camera) vertex shader?
You can't do that either, at least not in the general case. And this is not a limit of the projection matrix in use, but a general limit of the rasterizer. You could of course put the formula for fisheye distortion into the vertex shader. But the rasterizer will still rasterize each triangle with straight edges, you just distort the position of the corner points of each triangle. This means that it will only be correct for tiny triangles covering a single pixel. For larger triangles, you completely screw up the image. If you have stuff like T-joints, this even results in holes or overlaps in objects which actually should be perfectly closed.
It was pretty easy for spotlights, since only 1 texture in the direction of the spotlight is needed, but its a little more difficult since it needs either 6 textures in all directions or 1 texture that somehow renders all the obects around the pointlight.
The correct solution for this would be using a single cube map texture, with provides 6 faces. In a perfect cube, each face can then be rendered by a standard symmetric perspective projection with a field of view of 90 degrees both horizontally and vertically.
In modern OpenGL, you can use layered rendering. In that case, you attach each of the 6 faces of the cube map as a single layer to an FBO, and you can use the geometry shader to amplify your geomerty 6 times, and transform it according to the 6 different projection matrices, so that you still only need one render pass for the complete shadow map.
There are some other vendor-specific extensions which might be used to further optimize the cube map rendering, like Nvidia's NV_viewport_swizzle (available on Maxwell and newer GPUs), but I only mention this for completness.

Mapping corners to arbitrary positions using Direct2D

I'm using WIC and Direct2D (via SharpDX) to composite photos into video frames. For each frame I have the exact coordinates where each corner will be found. While the photos themselves are a standard aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3 or 16:9) the insertion points are not -- they may be rotated, scaled, and skewed.
Now I know in Direct2D I can apply matrix transformations to accomplish this... but I'm not exactly sure how. The examples I've seen are more about applying specific transformations (e.g. rotate 30 degrees) than trying to match an exact destination.
Given that I know the exact coordinates (A,B,C,D) above, is there an easy way to map the source image onto the target? Alternately how would I generate the matrix given the source and destination coordinates?
If Direct3D is an option, all you will need to do is to render the quadrilateral as two triangles (with the frog texture mapped onto it).
To make sure there are no artifacts, render the quad as an indexed mesh, like in the example here (note that it shares vertex 0 and vertex 2 across both triangles). Of course, you can replace the actual vertex coordinates with A, B, C and D.
To begin, you can check out these tutorials for SlimDX, an excellent set of .NET bindings to DirectX.
It is not really possible to achieve this with Direct2D. That could be possible with Direct2D1.1 (from Win8 Metro) with a custom vertex shader, but in the end, as ananthonline suggest, It will be much easier to do it with Direct3D11.
Also you can use triangle strip primitives that are easier to setup (you don't need to create an index buffer). For the coordinates, you can directly sends coordinates to a vertex shader without any transforms (the vertex shaders will copy input SV_POSITION directly to the pixel shader). You just have to map your coordinates into x [-1,1] and y[-1,1]. I suggest you to start with SharpDX MiniCubeTexture sample, change the matrix to perform an orthonormal projection (instead of the sample perspective).
