I'm making an application in C#(.net 4.0 & VS2010) which should allow a user to make a profile for use that has info like 'profile name, which options are check-marked, location to save files to' sort of stuff, SO the system has a list of select able profiles, where the user can make one active, edit,add, or remove a profile. I'm curious what the best way to store these profiles would be so that if the software is closed profiles are saved, and upon opening it all are available and can still be used. I think saving each profile to a .txt would be inefficient and not very secure. I've never dealt with saving data in a program w/o it being .txt so any suggestions or advise to which methods work best, or are easiest to understand would help!
I typically create XML files to store parameter fields that require saving.
It works well enough when you've not got sensitive material and you need to get parameters back without much heavy parsing.
I want to generate a bunch of custom tabs that are grouped together in several separate packages (manifest.json) files, but these custom tabs should only be available to people inside my organization. From what I have read it doesn't appear that this is really possible.
It looks like the only 2 solutions that exist for this is to either side-load the files into each Team, which is not something that I want to have users doing. Or publish it, so everybody in the world would see it, but then use authentication in the configuration tab to prevent anybody outside of my company from being able to save and add the tab.
I wanted to get confirmation that what I'm reading is correct and there is no way to limit who sees my different packages.
We don't have any way currently of administering tabs across multiple teams, short of adding or side-loading as you mention. We should have a better story in the next few months.
I am using MS Access 2010 on Windows 7, in a moderately locked down corporate environment. I have developed a report that calls several subreports, and one subform, which in turn has several embedded graphs. The various subentities pull data from multiple queries that build on other queries, some of which are parameterized. The two parameters (Year and Month values) are taken from a single form that includes buttons to preview and print the report. All data tables are local to the .accdb file; there is no server back end.
I developed the file locally, then copied it to a shared network folder and tested. Everything works as expected for me -- the report takes a few seconds to run, as the data work is admittedly a bit clunky, but it still displays in a timely fashion. I am in California, the shared folder is somewhere in the Midwest or South, and my coworker is in Texas. I asked coworker to open the file, enter values in the form, and run the report. He got a warning saying the file was read-only, but the form still ran, but the report locked up. Specifically, the report starts to run, the progress bar moves to about 1/3rd or 2/5ths across, then just stops. There is no error message given.
I had coworker force-close Access, deleted the lock file, gave coworker full permissions on the file, and had him try again. Same results, minus the read-only error. Entering values in the form and running the report directly, rather than using the buttons, gives the same result. I had him go through the other database objects, and all of the tables, base queries, subreports, and subform open "instantly", with the expected data and record counts. For some reason, though, bringing it all together just crashes Access every time.
Coworker was doing a screen share for the initial tests, so I know he was following directions correctly. We tried it without, in case the bandwidth was an issue, with no improvement.
I've tried searching variations on "ms access report locks/freezes/hangs" via Google and SO, and got a bunch of stuff about record-locking, which I think is not the issue here. If anyone can suggest better search terms, I'm game to try them.
The data used is confidential, so I'm reluctant to post code, but can work on sanitized versions if that's necessary for a solution.
Since the file is locked in Read-Only, any calculations that are done which in any way write data to a table are not going to work. I suggest you double check the security permissions the user has to the network folder. That includes both the NTFS security and the shared folder security.
He needs write permission to the entire network folder (not just the database file) because Access will try to create the laccdb file and write to it within the network folder. If he does not have write permissions on that folder access will not be able to edit the laccd file.
I have a bunch of files that I download at some point and then customize. I want to keep the originals, but also allow modifications, and I want to do this using hard links.
I figure I first download the batch of files into some sort of repository, then create hard links into my work location. I want to let the user delete his files (e.g. delete the hard link), which doesn't pose problems.
However I also want to let him write to them, in which case I want my original file to be left untouched in the repository, so I can revert later. How can I do this transparently, without actually locking the file and forcing him to delete it and recreate it?
Any ideas greatly appreciated, thanks.
In windows you have no such option as NTFS/FAT doesn't support snapshots. Hard links are just links anyway, both point to a single file and if link A is changed link B is changed also.
You can partially achive the same result with Windows File History however I don't know any way to set it up exaclty as you described.
I am working on a WinForm application, that allows working to work with "projects" (think about the application as Visual Studio, and projects as VS Solutions).
My question is - where should the application keep its logging files?
Some requirements include:
the application might not be running as an administrator (so saving in the %ProgramFiles% installation folder is not a good option)
The logs should be accessible to end-users (either for review, or for sending to the support team). (This means that hard to find folders, like %AppData%\Company\Application\Version\ProjectName... are not a good solution either)
The application might generate logs even when there are no open projects (so saving the logs in the project's folder is good only when there's a project, but not a final solution).
I was thinking of creating a "working folder" when the application is installed - something along the lines of C:\Application\, and then save the logs in a subfolder, like %WorkingFolder%\Logs\ProjectName
Thanks for the input.
Somewhere in the user's directory is actually the correct place to store them if they are specific to the current running user.
Some programs create folders at the top level of the User's directory, next to Documents and Desktop, others do it in Documents.
Creating it in C:\ might cause issues if the user doesn't have write access to the root directory. You can pretty much guarantee the user will have write access to the Home directory.
The other option is to look for an environment variable, and if its set use the value as the location, if not default to the User's home directory.
If the logs are user only you should store them at %AppData%\Company\Application Name.
If the logs are shared (any user can see any log) you should store them at:
%ProgramData%\Company\Application Name (for Vista+)
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Company\Application Name (for XP-)
As for user access, you can add a shortcut to the start menu to the appropriate location or have a link within the program.
Another option in Vista+ is the Public folder (%Public%) which has links throughout Explorer for easy access to.
Where should I write program data instead of Program Files is a good blog entry by Chris Jackson from Microsoft. While it isn't an "official stance" it holds some excellent information.
You can always ask the user to configure this. Set a default path, maybe the application directory. During installation or while setting up the application you may prompt the user to input the path they want to use for logs. That's fair, right. If they're advanced enough to use logs they're good enough to configure a path too.
What do you plan to do with the logs. Are they technical, of for financial/security audits?
The EventLog is a nice place for technical logs, because you can access it remotely (within the Domain) and it is cleaned up automatically.
The %AppData% is also a good place for technical logs, specially if you are unable to connect to the eventlog. You can find the log files, and you can direct the end-user to them, but they are not "in the face" of the end-user. You can include a "send log to the maker" button to receive them.
For logs that needs be accessed by end-users, the My Documents (or a subfolder) looks good.
You can just to add button / menu item to easy open folder with logs.
Best place fo logs are %AppData%\AppName or %temp%\AppName.
Never use %MyDocs% or %Program Files%.
I'd suggest adding that question to the installer so that the user that installs the software can decide where best to put the logs. Though C:\[AppName\ sounds like a reasonable default for your requirements.
Edit: Just thought off, it would probably be worth warning the user if the select a bad location (in Program Files or in the root of the system drive etc) and if they choose to create a new directory, automatically give that directory correct permissions during the installation.
I think %APPDATA%\YourCompanyName\YourAppName is the preferred location. To overcome your stated objection of this location being hard to find, you could pretty easily and quickly implement a simple support screen in your app to allow the end user the ability to access and email these logs without too much trouble, so that the user will not have to remember or manually navigate to the long path name to get to the logs.
I don't really like the idea of the user being able to set this location via the installer because of possible naming and permission issues.
If the app needs to maintain the log only for the users current logged in timespan, then you could keep it in c:/temp.
Most of my winapps, i leave it there, so automatically it gets deleted once the user logs off..
Ofcourse, this primarily depends on your requirement.
I'm developing a simple database app in visual studio (c# for Windows) using an access backend.
That's all fine until I try to open the database file from within access, when all the reocords get deleted.
Could anyone explain why this is please?
Did you add the database to your solution? Select it and check the Copy Local (aka Copy to Output Directory) setting in the Properties window. Make sure it isn't set to Copy Always,
We need more information. You say that when you open the database from within access, "all the records get deleted". The way the question is phrased implies that some process is running as part of opening the database, e.g., an autoexecute macro. Do you really know that is what is happening? Or are you really just saying that "when I open the database file from access, the records are not there". If the latter, then something is happening along the lines of what cletus suggests.
This is an old question and I don't know if the original poster is still around, but something that didn't occur to me at the time I originally read the question was that perhaps the C# app is using a transaction to insert the data and is not committing it. If that were the case, the data would be visible in the C# app and would not be there when you opened the file in Access. On the other hand, the data wouldn't be there in a new session of the C# app, either, so this might not be the issue.