Using Concurrency::concurrent_queue together with std::unique_ptr - visual-studio-2010

I want to use the Concurrency library of Visual Studio 2010 to pass actions between threads.
I have my class SimpleAction and pointers to it are stored in the Concurrency::concurrent_queue.
Using this definition, and 'consumption' logic it works:
typedef Concurrency::concurrent_queue<SimpleAction *> ActionQueue;
while (true)
SimpleAction *action = nullptr;
while (m_queue.try_pop(action))
delete action;
However, when I change this to an std::unique_ptr, like this:
typedef Concurrency::concurrent_queue<std::unique_ptr<SimpleAction>> ActionQueue;
while (true)
std::unique_ptr<SimpleAction> action;
while (m_queue.try_pop(action))
The compiler gives the following error message:
F:\DevStudio\Vs2010\VC\INCLUDE\concurrent_queue.h(366) : error C2248: 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty>::unique_ptr' : cannot access private member declared in class 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty>'
F:\DevStudio\Vs2010\VC\INCLUDE\memory(2347) : see declaration of 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty>::unique_ptr'
F:\DevStudio\Vs2010\VC\INCLUDE\concurrent_queue.h(365) : while compiling class template member function 'void Concurrency::concurrent_queue<_Ty>::_Copy_item(Concurrency::details::_Concurrent_queue_base_v4::_Page &,size_t,const void *)'
test.cpp(138) : see reference to class template instantiation 'Concurrency::concurrent_queue<_Ty>' being compiled
It seems the compiler does not like this construction in concurrent_queue:
/*override*/ virtual void _Copy_item( _Page& _Dst, size_t _Index, const void* _Src )
new( &_Get_ref(_Dst,_Index) ) _Ty(*static_cast<const _Ty*>(_Src));
Which seems logical (we don't want an std::unique_ptr to be copied (it must be moved instead).
Is this a known problem/limitation/feature of the Concurrency/PPL library of Visual Studio 2010?
Is this problem solved in Visual Studio 2012?
Or am I doing something wrong?


VS 2017 crashes when compiling template implementation

To make it short visual studio 2017 crashes when I am compiling this file:
#pragma once
/// #file
/// #brief Class mbe::HandleBase
#include <unordered_map>
//#include <cassert>
namespace mbe
template <class Derived>
class HandleBased abstract
typedef unsigned long long int HandleID;
// Maybe rename to GetHandleId()?
HandleID ThisHandleId();
return id;
// Maybe rename to FindHandledObject
static Derived * FindPtr(HandleID id)
auto it = HandleBased::GetMap().find(id);
if (it == HandleBased::GetMap().end())
return nullptr;
// Should always be save
//assert(dynamic_cast<Derived *>(it->second));
return static_cast<Derived *>(it->second);
static HandleID NextHandle()
// Every handle will get its own unique id
static HandleID next = 0;
return next++;
static std::unordered_map<HandleID, HandleBased *>& GetMap()
// Create the static map which will be used to keep track of the Derived handles and their ids
static std::unordered_map<HandleID, HandleBased *> map;
return map;
HandleID id; // The id of this handle object
#pragma region Template Implementation
template<class Derived>
HandleBased<Derived>::HandleBased() :
HandleBased::GetMap()[id] = this;
template<class Derived>
auto it = HandleBased::GetMap().find(id);
template<class Derived>
inline HandleID HandleBased<Derived>::ThisHandleId()
return id;
#pragma endregion
} // namespace mbe
It compiles fine when the ThisHandleId() function is defined directly below its definition. Is something wrong with my template implementation? I have noticed that the HandleID typedef does not show up in intellisense.
Sometimes VS crashes completely (goes grey and windows displays the message: "Visual Studio 2017 stopped working". Sometimes it just shows that ingame message: "C/C++ optimising compiler stopped working"
Furthermore, I get a ton of compile errors when defining the other functions beneath the HandleBase class or in an inline file. As I said, everything compiles just fine if all functions are implemented just beneath their definition. I have also experimented with removing inline which avoids the crash but gives me even more compile errors. Mosty complete non-sense such as:
2>c:\users\adrian\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\mars base engine ecs 5\mars base engine ecs\handlebase.h(75): warning C4346: "ThisHandleId": Abhängiger Name ist kein Typ
2>c:\users\adrian\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\mars base engine ecs 5\mars base engine ecs\handlebase.h(76): note: Präfix mit "typename" zum Angeben eines Typs
2>c:\users\adrian\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\mars base engine ecs 5\mars base engine ecs\handlebase.h(76): error C2988: Unerkannte Vorlagendeklaration/-definition
2>c:\users\adrian\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\mars base engine ecs 5\mars base engine ecs\handlebase.h(76): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ""
2>c:\users\adrian\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\mars base engine ecs 5\mars base engine ecs\handlebase.h(76): error C2143: Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt ";" vor "{"
2>c:\users\adrian\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\mars base engine ecs 5\mars base engine ecs\handlebase.h(76): error C2447: "{": Funktionsheader fehlt - Parameterliste im alten Stil?
Sorry for the German comments, but u can probably guess what some of them meen. There is stuff like 'depended name is not a type', 'syntax error ""' and 'missing an ; before {'
Also, I don't think removing the inline is a good idea in the first place.
In case you are wondering what the code is for, its described in the acceted answer of this stack overflow question: Using shared_ptr for unique ownership (kind of) - is this good practice?
Hope you can help me with this weird occurence....
HandleID is a scoped type. Hence, you will need to use HandleBased<Derived>::HandleID. Furthermore, since HandleID is a dependent type. Hence, you will need to use typename HandleBased<Derived>::HandleID.
template<class Derived>
inline typename HandleBased<Derived>::HandleID HandleBased<Derived>::ThisHandleId()
return id;
Alternatively, use trailing return type (Thanks are due to #Angew):
template <class Derived>
auto HandleBase<Derived>::ThisHandleId() -> HandleId
return id;
That works since trailing return types are within the scope of the class.

Error during template substitution reported by compiler

I'm seeing a build error which is correct, but something that I would expect to be ignored due to the Substitution Failure Is Not An Error rule:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\vector(895): error C3699: '&&': cannot use this indirection on type 'System::String ^'
RemoteWrapper.cpp(41): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<System::String ^,std::allocator<_Ty>>' being compiled
_Ty=System::String ^
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\vector(918): error C3699: '&&': cannot use this indirection on type 'System::String ^'
Here's the code which the error mentions:
std::string nativeString;
String^ clrString = clr_cast<String^>(nativeString);
Here are the clr_cast templates:
template<typename TReturn, typename TSource>
TReturn clr_cast(TSource value)
return (TReturn)value;
template<typename TReturn, typename TSource, typename = std::enable_if<!std::is_same<TReturn, TSource>>::value>
std::vector<TReturn> clr_cast(array<TSource>^ value)
[iterate and cast]
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> clr_cast(array<T>^ value)
template<typename TReturn, typename TSource, typename = std::enable_if<!std::is_same<TReturn, TSource>>::value>
array<TReturn>^ clr_cast(std::vector<TSource> value)
[iterate and cast]
template<typename T>
array<T>^ clr_cast(std::vector<T> value) // this is the problematic function
template<> std::string clr_cast(System::String^ value);
template<> System::String^ clr_cast(std::string value);
The compiler is trying to instantiate the function to which I added a comment and it's correct that it fails to do so. What I don't understand is that if I remove it then the compiler will select the correct function (the specialisation right at the end of the header) and continue happily onward.
It seems to me that the error I'm seeing is occurring during substitution, and that the compiler should therefore silently discard the std::vector<T> candidate and fall back on the specialisation. Why is this not happening?
This was happening because SFINAE only applies to the "immediate context", i.e. the template parameter itself.
The error can be turned into a substitution failure by moving the problematic instantiation into the template parameters, like this:
template<typename T, typename = T&&>
array<T>^ clr_cast(std::vector<T> value)
The code now compiles successfully, and the appropriate clr_cast overload is selected.

VS2012 complains when using +[]{} sorcery

I want automatic deduction of the arguments of a templated function which accepts a function, while using lambdas. This Example shows some of my options:
template <class T>
void foo(void (*func)(T)) {
T val;
// do something with val and func...
int main() {
auto pfunc0 = [] (int) { /*...*/ };
void (*pfunc1)(int) = [] (int) { /*...*/ };
auto* pfunc2 = +[] (int) { /*...*/ };
foo(pfunc0); // not ok
foo<int>(pfunc0); // ok, but redundant
foo(pfunc1); // ok, but redundant
foo(pfunc2); // ok
pfunc2 uses a trick I learned here: Obtaining function pointer to lambda?. So actually I should be happy with the pfunc2 case as it is concise and non repeating code, unfortunately the Visual C++ 2012 IDE complains it was erroneous code even though it compiles just fine.
Are there any workarounds or recommendations for this problem?
IDE error messages:
In the "auto* pfunc2" line: The IDE underlines 'auto' and says
Error: cannot deduce 'auto' type
also it underlines '[' where it complains
Error: more than one conversion function from "lambda[]void (int)->void" to a build-in type applies:
function "lambda[]void (int)->void::operator void (*)(int)() const"
function "lambda[]void (int)->void::operator void (*)(int)() const"
function "lambda[]void (int)->void::operator void (*)(int)() const"
This is related to this bug (closed as "by design"). VC++ supports several calling conventions on x86 and lambdas with empty capture lists provide conversions to them all. That's why there's ambiguity.
Unfortunately, there's no workaround listed that you haven't already tried.
By the way, this bug is listed as fixed in Visual C++ 2015 Update 2

ABI-compatible shared_ptr implementation

I am working on a COM-style complier cross-compatible plugin framework relying on compatible virtual table implementations for ABI compatibility.
I define interfaces containing only pure virtual member functions and an overridden delete operator to channel destruction to the place of implementation.
This works well with extern "C" factory functions instantiating the plugin implementation of the interface and returning an interface-type pointer.
However, I was wondering if smart pointers wouldn't be a more modern way to manage the lifetime of the plugin object. I think I have actually managed to
create a standard-layout shared_ptr/weak_ptr that uses a reference count object defined and implemented the same way as the plugin interfaces.
It looks something like this:
class IRefCount
virtual void incRef() = 0;
virtual void decRef() = 0;
virtual bool incRefIfNZ() = 0;
virtual void incWRef() = 0;
virtual void decWRef() = 0;
virtual long uses() const = 0;
~ref_count_base() = default; //prohibit automatic storage
template <typename Ty>
class shared_ptr
Ty* ptr_;
IRefCount* ref_count_;
//member functions as defined by C++11 spec
Three questions:
Before the smart pointer the factory function looked like this:
extern "C" IPlugin* factory() { try { return new Plugin(); } catch (...) { return nullptr; } }
Now, it looks like this:
extern "C" shared_ptr<IPlugin> factory() { try { return shared_ptr<IPlugin>(new Plugin()); } catch (...) { return nullptr; } }
VS2013 is giving me warning C4190: 'factory' has C-linkage specified, but returns UDT 'shared_ptr' which is incompatible with C. According to MSDN this is OK, provided that both caller and callee are C++.
Are there any other potential issues with returning standard-layout objects from "C" linkage functions?
Calling conventions. Should I be specifying __stdcall for all pure-virtual interface functions and factory functions?
I am using <atomic> for the reference count. I am writing platform-independent code and I have not yet tried compiling for ARM. According to armcc does not implement std::atomic. Any better compilers/stl out there?

Parameter pack expansion fails

Consider the following simplified C++ code:
template <typename ... TEventArgs>
struct Event
// ...
template <typename T>
struct Parameter
using Type = T;
// ...
template <typename ... Parameters>
struct Command
Event<typename Parameters::Type...> Invoked;
int main()
Command<Parameter<int>, Parameter<float>> c;
The Visual Studio C++ compiler (November 2013 CTP, Visual Studio 2013 Update 1) produces the following error:
source.cpp(17): error C3546: '...' : there are no parameter packs available to expand
Mingw 4.8.1. on the other hand compiles the code without any problems. Apparently, the Visual Studio compiler has a bug that prevents it from expanding the parameter pack when the expression involves accessing a type of the variadic parameters. Other expansions work, though. For instance, Event<std::vector<Parameters>...> Invoked; compiles successfully or you could even successfully access static members to call a variadic function like this in Command's constructor: SomeVariadicFunc(Parameters::SomeStaticFunc()...);.
So, the questions are:
1) Which compiler is wrong: Visual Studio or mingw? Although I don't see anything that would prevent the typename Parameters::Type parameter pack expansion from working, I'm not 100% sure it's valid C++.
2) Is there a work around? Basically, I would have to perform a projection from a "sequence" of Parameters to a "sequence" of Parameters::Type. Is that possible? I tried to construct that list using a recursive struct but I could only come up with something like myStruct<type1, mystruct<type2, mystruct<type3, ...>>>, which is not what I need.
Thank you for your help.
Yakk was able to come up with a workaround for the problem in the comments above. The final version that compiles perfectly with both Visual Studio an mingw is the following:
template <typename ... TEventArgs>
struct Event
// ...
template <typename T>
struct Parameter
using Type = T;
// ...
template <typename ... Parameters>
struct Command
// Workaround for the Visual Studio bug
template<typename T> struct ExpandArgs
typedef typename T::Type Type;
Event<typename ExpandArgs<Parameters>::Type...> Invoked;
int main()
Command<Parameter<int>, Parameter<float>> c;
